MTL - My Cherry Will Explode in the Apocalypse-Chapter 108 Farmer and snake - under

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The person who came here is Zhanyun. He can't sleep. He came out to find a little lover to chat, but he didn't find someone. He heard the movement in the kitchen. He came over and looked at it. I saw such a scene!

However, he did not doubt that Su Ruizhe carried something with him. His anger was directed at the woman who was inexplicably entangled with Su Ruizhe. Didn’t he see that Xiaozhe had already leaned back on the whole body?

Seeing that the exhibition cloud appeared, Su Ruizhe couldn’t care about any gentleman who was not a gentleman. He just tore the woman who was wrapped around him. If the kitchen is too small, it is estimated that he can pull out all the time, but this will The way he stepped back three big steps was enough to make Xu Jiani feel embarrassed.

"What do you want to do?!" Zhanyun rushed to the middle of the two, and the tall figure directly blocked Su Ruizhe behind him.

"I... I..." Xu Jiani bit her lower lip and bowed her head and cried.

At this time, the people who rested in the back storage also heard the movement, and they continued to come out. When they saw Zhanyun and Su Ruizhe together with a naked woman, they all showed a shocked look.

Xu Jiani also knows shyness. She quickly picked up the pajamas on the ground and put them back on their backs. They hugged their knees and squatted on the ground. The tears flowed even more fierce. I don’t know if they thought they were both of them. What?

"This, this is... what's wrong?" Han Lei was the first time she saw the girl's nude, and her face rose red and asked.

"Come, let's talk about what happened." Zhanyun pulled Su Ruizhe out of his back and punctured his little finger.

Su Ruizhe’s face is also a bit embarrassing. He simply said something about it. In fact, he didn’t think too much. He just thought that this Xu Jiani might be too irritating to her after the end of the world. Some people are slightly She is a little better, she can't stand it anymore, and she doesn't know how to express her gratitude. It will be like that.

However, Song Chengshu did not look at it this way. He looked at Xu Jiani with a dignified look. He asked, "Miss Xu, do you really want to have a relationship with Xiaozhe in front of you?"

"I, I..." Xu Jiani's eyes flashed.

"What is the situation?" Is the exhibition cloud a keen person? Suddenly I found something wrong and frowned at Song Chengshu.

Song Chengshu sighed. "After I rescued them from the village, I gave each of them a detailed treatment. Then I found out that Miss Xu had swollen lymph nodes, some fever, and obvious swelling in her mouth. Pink spots, white throat in the throat..."

"Speak the key!" Zhanyun said impatiently.

"Her condition is consistent with the symptoms of acute hIV infection, which is AIDS."

"What?!" Everyone was shocked.

"Song Song!" Xu Jiani had a white face and looked at him with a pleading look.

"This incident... I told Miss Xu." Although Song Chengshu said that he is a benevolent person, but it is not a bad person, it is still close to the relatives, he is very clear that Xu Jiani knows that she has AIDS. In the case, he took the initiative to have a close contact with Su Ruizhe, which is what he represents, so he will never hide this for her.

Wen Yan, Su Ruizhe also revealed an incredible expression, he thought that Xu Jiani did this because she wanted to repay her, but did not expect her to have another purpose...

AIDS has been a terminally incurable disease before the end of the world. It is even more deadly after the end of the world.

Xu Jiani’s move is actually no different from murder.

Zhan Yun remembered that Xu Jiani’s move to kiss Su Ruizhe just felt cold, although he said that watching TV news said that kissing would not infect AIDS, but if Xu Jiani’s mouth bleeds?

"Hey! Why are you doing this?!" Zhanyun was shocked and angry and dragged Xu Jiani from the ground, and slammed it over.

Zhan Yun has grown to such a big size and has never beaten a woman. At this moment, he has been angered and can’t stand the anger of his heart. His lover has been given a calculation. If he can still bear it, he Not a man!

Unexpectedly, after Xu Jiani was beaten, it was a little crazy smile.

"Ha ha ha... why?" Xu Jiani smiled and smiled, and her face was distorted. "It’s all his fault! If it weren’t for him! I wouldn’t be like this now! If it weren’t for him, my dad would I won't die, I won't leave the South Base, it won't fall to the present level!"

"What did I do...?" Su Ruizhe was a bit stunned. He didn't know what he did.

Others are also frowning. They don’t believe that Su Ruizhe will harm anyone. Even Zhao Bing and Han Lei, who just joined the team, know that Su Ruizhe will definitely not be a weak woman. What is wrong with it.

"What have you done... You should ask what you didn't do! My father is not in good health, he has to work hard, he is sick and tired. I am hungry every day, but you follow this group of people." It’s so cool! You’ve been so good! Why don’t you help me?! Why pretend not to know me! Also left the base directly! I will become like this today, it’s your fault!”

Everyone can understand why this woman has fallen to the point of today. This kind of logic is very touching.

Everyone would not want to listen to this woman's nonsense anymore. Even Wu Jing, who had always had a good temper, couldn't help but make up a slap in the face and suddenly smacked Xu Jiani. She looked around and found that everyone looked at her indifferently, without any sympathy and compassion.

She suddenly realized what she wanted to remedy, but it was too late.

"Show brother, how is she handled?"

Zhan Yun looked cold and looked at Xu Jiani and said, "Let her go."

"Good." For the decision of Zhanyun, no one has any objections.

Zhanyun directly opened the side door and said to Xu Jiani, "Is it your own, or will I send you down?"

"You can't do this!" The cold wind from the face brought Xu Jiani a chill, and she suddenly looked pale, outside the ice and snow, and at night, she had no way to get out of the car!

"Why not?" Zhanyun mocked and said, "We are not your father. It is our duty to save you. It is not an obligation, and you have just proved that you are not worth saving."

"You are murder..."

"Oh." Zhan Yun really felt that this woman's brain was not normal, and she was not willing to talk nonsense with her. She took her arm directly and smashed her from the car, so she was thrown into the snow.

Xu Jiani fell in the snow and was shivering in the cold. She was really scared now. She struggled to get up and hugged the calf of Zhanyun. She even pleaded. "I am sorry, I am wrong, it is me for a while." Ghosts, please forgive me, sorry, sorry..."

However, I am sorry, and there is no way for Zhanyun to change his decision. He kicked her off without hesitation and went straight to the cab.

Xu Jiani climbed up again and stumbled into the side door of the cruiser and wanted to return to the car. However, Cheng Kai was directly in front of her and closed the side door.

"Oh ah... open the door! Open the door!" Xu Jiani screamed.

At this time, Zhanyun had already arrived at the cab, and Zheng Jiahe let go of the position and directly launched the cruiser.

The snow cruiser made a low roar in the dark, and then galloped away. Xu Jiani, who was thin and thin, fell into the snow.

There was a strange silence in the carriage. Although everyone thought that Xu Jiani was self-defeating, the bottom of her heart was still somewhat heavy.

When Song Chengshu saw it, he touched the head of Su Ruizhe. "Don't go to the heart. There are birds in the forest. You are good to her. She will not necessarily appreciate you. The so-called "Rising Mien" is the enemy. This is the truth."

Everyone took it for granted, and they also comforted Su Ruizhe a few words, and then returned to the storage room to rest.

Some people with a bit of a brain know that Xu Jiani’s affairs are not blamed on Su Ruizhe’s head. Su Ruizhe and this woman are just classmates. They still have no impression. They are not very familiar. Why should they help her?

Moreover, in the condition of the southern base, there is always a way to support one who is not a man with no arm and broken legs and no ability to act. Xu Jiani, a woman who is so arrogant, has chosen the road that should not be chosen. It is no wonder that it will fall to the end of today.

In particular, after she learned that she had AIDS, she was so sad that she wanted to succumb to Su Ruizhe, and that was simply to find death. Even if Zhan Yun just pulled the gun directly and smashed her, others would not stop it.

The car was fully opened for more than a dozen kilometers before it stopped again.

"You two go to the back and call Xiaozhe over." Zhanyun said to Cheng Jiao and Zheng Jiahe.

"Okay." Although the two did not figure out what happened, they all saw the gloomy face of Zhanyun, and immediately got off the bus and went to change Su Ruizhe in the past.

Su Ruizhe got his head on the car and just got on the passenger seat, he was pulled into a broad and strong embrace by a powerful big hand.

“Is it okay?” Zhanyun kissed his forehead and asked with concern. “You are too careless. The people behind the end of the world are sinister. Do you still don’t know? How can you let such a woman give it casually? Close-up? Do you dare to dare?"

"Don't dare..." Su Ruizhe flattened his mouth. In fact, he was also a little scared in his heart. After he was born again, some of them were too smooth and smooth, so that he relaxed his vigilance, and he was really ignorant.

"Don't think too much, be careful later."


"But I am jealous! What do you say?"

"I, I..." Su Ruizhe blushes and can't speak.

"Little fool!" Zhanyun looked at his blushing face ashamed, and his heart was funny, so he bowed his head and kissed his lips gently.

"Oh..." The outside is cold and the cab is full of sweet pink.

One night passed quickly and the car started on the road again.

Last night's movement was so big, the six girls in the lounge actually heard it. No one of them might be as malicious as Xu Jiani, but perhaps there are some thoughts. After all, they said when they rescued the car, they would not take them for too long. After meeting another team, they will be handed over to the team.

But the two days that they were rescued were the best days that these women had lived in the last days. They have seen the strong fighting power of this team, and the goodwill they showed, they are not willing to leave like this. .

It was only after last night that they all took the thought back to the bottom of their hearts, and they still had to know what they were.

In the next two days, the girls were very safe. After recovering a little physical strength, they thought about helping to clean and helping to cook, but they were all advised to go back.

They did not force them, although they said that they should let them rest in peace, but they still can't believe them.

Another day later, they met the Yucheng army in the south on the expressway. The Yucheng army took all the survivors who were willing to follow them to the southern base, so they went south this time and the team was mighty. There are more than 30 trucks, and there are several private cars, more than 1,500 people, including the Lu family.

As for the base of the Yucheng, they were left to the Wang family and the Hong family, and they just tossed it.

The Wang family did not have the support of Wang Xurong, the Lei dynasty. It gradually became weak. The Hong family was naturally no match for the Lujia and the base stationed. Therefore, when they decided to evacuate, they did not obstruct.

The handover was very smooth. Zhan Yun and the leaders of the Yucheng garrison chatted a few words and handed over the six girls to them.

Zhanyun continued to go on the road and rushed to the capital base.

There are no outsiders in the car, and everyone can finally stop obscuring. During the day, everyone will enter the space of Su Ruizhe in batches, harvest the grown rice and vegetables, and thresh all the rice, and then use the sacks to pretend to be the new rice.

It took a whole half-month for this road. They collected a total of two batches of food, plus vegetables and fruits, which were tens of thousands of kilograms. There are also cotton, there are also 6,000 kilograms. If you make cotton trousers, you should have tens of thousands of sets.

The capital base also has its own soilless cultivation center and warm shed, but the speed of planting is not as fast as that of Su Ruizhe. These materials can always make the capital base survive this difficult period.

Finally, on the morning of the 16th, they saw the signboard of the capital on the highway. Su Ruizhe transferred the materials already prepared in the space to the roof of the snow cruiser.

The roof of the snowmobile cruiser is designed with load capacity. It is equipped with a lifting device and a heavy steel plate. It can be loaded with heavy cargo. It can be placed in this batch of relief supplies, and then covered with a tarpaulin, even if it is alive.

The vehicles quickly entered the scope of the capital. They only encountered a few scattered zombies. On the road, occasionally, some zombies were seen. Someone should be cleaning up the zombies outside.

The same is true for the southern base. Every day, the city guards are sent to clean up the zombies around the base. Otherwise, once the zombies are gathered together, it is easy to form a zombie tide. When it is eliminated, it can be troublesome.

They followed the map and headed for the capital base. As they passed through a commercial street, they suddenly heard a scream of zombies and gunshots.

Then they saw several young people wearing bells and whistles flying fast in their direction. They had guns on their hands, and although they were running away, they ran while they were covering and cooperating with each other, constantly shooting at the zombies behind them.

This situation naturally can not be seen and died, the snow cruiser immediately rushed up the accelerator, and crushed the past from those zombies. The snow-cruising car was very heavy, not to mention the fact that it was loaded with so much material, almost directly pressing those zombies into patties.

"Thank you...Thank you..." Several young people were out of breath, knocking on the door and expressing their gratitude to them.

"You're welcome." Zhanyun looked at these people's eyes with a look, seems to be considering whether to invite them to the car.

"Hello, we are the 7132 troops of the capital base. Our car has turned over. Some of the team members have been injured. Do you have any injuries?" The young man headed by them gave them a standard military ceremony. Asked eagerly.

Before seeing the clouds, they saw that they were running away. The fighting behaviors that match each other have already shown that they may be trained. They saw the young man saluting and took the initiative to report the team's number, and confirmed their identity.

"Of course! You get on the bus first, we drove the car directly to the rest of your team!" Zhanyun put down the defense and invited them to the car.

A few people got on the bus, but they didn't look around, but they sat neatly. Zhanyun took the headed young man to the cab and followed his instructions to meet their injured teammates.

From the mouth of this young man, they learned that this young man is called Yang Fan, a sergeant. Because of the cold weather, the base survivors’ cold clothing is seriously lacking, so they will send teams to collect these materials. It is casually smashed in the store, so it will be dressed like a bells and whistles.

They also had bad luck. They encountered an evolutionary zombie and directly knocked over their cars. They struggled to kill the evolutionary zombies, but they were sitting in the front row. The comrades-in-arms were seriously injured. They could only find a store nearby, hid the two in the warehouse, and blocked them with a metal cabinet, then came out to find someone to rescue, or to find a new car.

As a result, the car and the rescue were not found, but they were chased by the zombies. Fortunately, they finally met the show cloud...

The author has something to say: Today is not long and thick? ! ! ! Hahahahaha~~~ Hurry up to me~~~ They finally got to the capital! ! ! !

[Small theater on the stranger] (The theater must take care of the body~)

Su Xiaozhe: I have forgotten this classmate again. Well, give her two sugars to mean something.

Xu Jiani: I said that this Su classmate crushed me! Otherwise, how can such a precious sugar be willing to give it to me, the last time is definitely wanting to swear!

Su Xiaozhe: This Xu classmate is so pitiful, give her bottle baby haha ​​comfort and comfort.

Xu Jiani: Wahaha! Also said that you don't remember me! Clearly, it is a deep root of love! Su classmates are so shy, but I have to take the initiative!

Su Xiaozhe: Xu, what are you doing? ! Indecent! Some people are hooligans! I want to call the police!

Exhibition Xiaoyun: Who is going to sneer at my wife! I let her not see the sun of tomorrow! Hey, my wife is too attractive, what should I do?