MTL - My Cultivation Prowess Peaks after I Buried the Great Emperor’s Corpse-Chapter 264 Black eat black!

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[Collect the corpse for the emperor, and my cultivation base will skyrocket for ten thousand years! 】【】


"When I was outside, my tomb eyes clearly sensed that there is a rare treasure in Wu Qiong's tomb, why can't I find it?"

"Wu Qiong, this old bastard, where did he hide his body?"

Chen Changqing, who found nothing, looked extremely gloomy.

at this time!

He searched the entire sarcophagus, but he didn't find even a hair...

This result made him extremely disappointed!

"Master, did you find it?"

"I can hardly bear it anymore..."

not far away.

Chen Jiuheng's anxious voice came.


Chen Changqing clenched his fists, and finally the anger in his heart turned into a sigh of unwillingness.

"Uncle Jiu, I didn't find anything!"

"Although I feel that Wu Qiong's body is hidden in this tomb, I can't find it anyway..."

"In that case, shall we leave first?"

"It can only be like this~"

Chen Changqing sighed helplessly.

Say it!

Without any hesitation or hesitation, he immediately got out of the sarcophagus, and then he was about to leave the tomb with Chen Jiuheng and other children of the Chen family.


Although his idea is good, Lin Wudao is not going to let him go like this.

"Want to go?"

"Ask me before you talk~"


Accompanied by a cold smile, Lin Wudao quietly came to the town's copper coffin, and before Chen Changqing and the others could react, he snatched the copper coffin away.

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"Who dares to **** the copper coffin in my town!"

"Not good~"

Everything happens in an instant.

Seeing this sudden scene, whether it was Chen Changqing or Chen Jiuheng who was desperately fighting against the corpse demon, their complexions changed drastically.

In his eyes, there was strong resentment and panic!

To know.

The reason why Chen Jiuheng was able to resist the attack of corpse demons in the Extreme God Realm with his cultivation in the early stage of the Profound God Realm was because of the suppression of the earth-suppressing copper coffin, which made his movements slow.

Without the suppression of the town's copper coffin, the corpse demon would return to the terrifying state of the God Realm.

By the time!

With his cultivation in the Divine Profound Realm, it is impossible for him to resist...


The moment the town's copper coffin disappeared, the corpse demon that had been suppressed instantly returned to its peak state, and Chen Jiuheng was suffocated by the extremely terrifying aura.


"Which dog is hurting me!"

Chen Jiuheng cursed loudly.

"I curse you to die!"

at this time.

His heart was filled with boundless anger and hatred, but more panic and fear...

"Master, let's go!"

Chen Jiuheng exhausted all his strength and roared wildly.


Needless to say, Chen Changqing had already thought of a countermeasure the moment he saw the town's copper coffin being robbed.

"Mother-child teleportation array!"


With a wave of his hand, suddenly, an ancient small teleportation array instantly appeared in the tomb, shining brightly.

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[Collect the corpse for the emperor, and my cultivation base will skyrocket for ten thousand years! 】【】

In just an instant, a mysterious space channel was condensed in the void...

"Uncle Jiu, let's go!"

Chen Changqing roared.

Say it.

He immediately used the fastest speed to leave the tomb with the help of the magical power of the teleportation array.


Lin Wudao, who knows everything, has already been waiting for him.

"Divine Law: Frozen Miles!"


The moment Chen Changqing sacrificed the mother-child teleportation array, Lin Wudao cast the ice magic method without hesitation.


The power of the monstrous ice gathered from the void, directly freezing the teleportation array...


Immediately afterwards, under Chen Changqing's incomparably resentful and desperate eyes, a mysterious big hand suddenly fell from the void, and directly blasted the channel built by the teleportation array.


Seeing that the teleportation array was destroyed, Chen Changqing couldn't restrain the resentment in his heart anymore, and immediately roared hoarsely.

His face was extremely ferocious!

Lin Wudao's palm directly ruined their last hope of escape...

"Who is it? Who is it!"

"If you have the ability to stand up and hide in the dark to engage in these despicable methods, what kind of hero is he?"

"Heavenly bastard, I curse you to die!"

"Beast! Beast!!"

"Now, we're done..."

The teleportation array was destroyed, and the eyes of the members of the Chen family suddenly showed strong despair.


At this time, a scream suddenly sounded in the tomb, and everyone followed the reputation, only to see Chen Jiuheng was brutally attacked by the corpse demon.

The entire left arm was torn off abruptly...

See this scene!

Everyone panicked and feared to the extreme!

"Pure land of the heavens!"

Seeing that Chen Jiuheng was driven to a desperate situation by the corpse demon, Lin Wudao directly used the great emperor's method: the pure land of the heavens.


A mysterious force surged forth, forcibly suppressing the corpse demon's cultivation base and suppressing a great realm.

From the original early stage of the Divine Realm, it has fallen to the early stage of the Divine Profound Realm...


An ancient black cauldron manifested from the void, wrapped in mighty extreme power, and fell **** the corpse demon.

Impressively, the Great Wilderness Cauldron!


Under the blessing of powerful divine power, the corpse demon's head was directly blasted by the Great Desolation Cauldron.


Seeing this scene suddenly, Chen Jiuheng, who was on the brink of desperation, immediately widened his eyes and froze in place.


Not only him, but also Chen Changqing who was not far away, and many members of the Chen clan all showed expressions of disbelief...

They didn't understand, since Lin Wudao had cut off their hope of escape, why would he rescue them now?

Just now!

If Lin Wudao hadn't sacrificed the Great Desolate Cauldron to blow up the corpse demon's head, I'm afraid all of them would have died without a place to bury them now.

"Fortunately, this corpse demon has no intelligence, and is only attacking with its own killing consciousness. Otherwise, if I were a real strong man in the God Realm, I would definitely not be able to kill it even if I had the Great Desolation Cauldron."

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[Collect the corpse for the emperor, and my cultivation base will skyrocket for ten thousand years! 】【】

in the dark.

Lin Wudao whispered secretly.

Corpse demons only have the instinct to kill, but have no intelligence or consciousness.

Therefore, Lin Wudao was able to succeed with one blow!

If it were a real creature, he would never succeed...


After killing the corpse demon, Lin Wudao waved his sleeve, and the corpse demon's corpse disappeared instantly on the ground.


He just cast his cold eyes on Chen Changqing and the others.


A phantom of a mold lake manifested in front of everyone out of thin Weird and mysterious!

"Hand over all the treasures on your body."

The cold voice sounded slowly.


Black eat black?

Hearing this, Chen Changqing and the others clenched their fists, with strong resentment in their eyes.

Hunting wild geese all the year round, finally being pecked by wild geese!

For a long time, relying on the prestige of the family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang, they have traveled all over the world, covering the entire Twelve Regions of the Wilderness, and everyone has to give some face.

I don't know!

Today, in this mountain realm, he was actually robbed!

For a moment, Chen Changqing and the others felt extremely humiliated...

"Why do you want to use such a despicable means? Could it be that you just want the treasures on us?"

Chen Changqing asked.

To this!

Lin Wudao snorted.

"I'll count to three, if I don't hand over all the treasures on my body, then I have no choice but to do it myself."

"It's just that you will all die in that case!"

"I'm just asking for money, just like your family of tomb robbers in southern Xinjiang, I don't want to kill anyone..."

The flat voice continued to sound.


Everyone's expressions changed!

It turned out that the other party knew their identities...

Now that they know their identities, if they dare to blackmail them, they are either ruthless people who are not afraid of death, or they are the enemies of the Chen family.

Think here!

Chen Changqing and Chen Jiuheng looked at each other, and both sighed helplessly.

This time, they were planted!

At last.

In order to save their lives, they had to take out all the valuable treasures on their bodies...