MTL - My Dear, She is Always Unmotivated-Chapter 677 Pity

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Chapter 677 What a pity

  No matter how incompetent a person is, he knows that being a mother makes you strong.

 Her son is already like this, and she wants to protect him even more.

Concubine Qianshu knelt on the ground in the imperial study room of Taiji Palace.

 Qi Yixiu listened to her words impeccably.

 In Cirui Palace, Queen Mother Li put down her tea bowl and sighed deeply: "It's the Ai family that missed you."

"It's's just that I don't like him and don't want to..." Li Qiushui said.

Concubine Qianshu said yes again.

However, he did not interrupt, he just listened.

 She didn't get anything she wanted.

Qi Yixiu looked at her: "You are really stupid, and you don't even know it. But I won't touch you, no matter why. So, go back and be your Qian Shufei, and also ask my second son to be an honest man." Rich and idle man. I don't care about the past. In the future, you should also make some progress and know what you can do and what you can't do."

 So it’s not surprising that someone in the harem is attached to her.

"Yes, I had doubts about that incident back then. Wen Chongrong's slaves blew themselves up too quickly. Although I couldn't see it with my own eyes, I didn't feel it was right."

 At first, she wanted the position of legitimate wife, but later she wanted the second prince to be the crown prince. Also, from beginning to end, I also want the emperor’s favor.

"The Ai family... never figured out why Xiang'er suddenly went crazy. Later, the emperor paid close attention to the people in front of her, and the Ai family couldn't ask. It was just that the Ai family was the emperor's biological mother. Later, the family also asked. Half a word. Before Xiang'er did that, he must have been sure that as long as he pulled the sixth child down, there would be hope for the ninth child." Queen Mother Li shook her head.

But, faintly, there are also silver threads.

“You know what Empress Dowager Feng has done over the years, right?”

"On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, check carefully and don't alarm anyone." Qi Yixiu said.

Concubine Qianshu shook her head and said, "Yes."

"I later spent money and time to slowly inquire about the people who had gone out from Queen Mother Feng. Although there were few people, and although they were not the core ones, there was some information. It was one thing that my face was injured at that time, but later The poisonous scorpion of the imperial concubine is the same thing, they both have some shadow.”

“Feng Suxin, I think I have never treated you poorly.” Qi Yixiu said softly.

As she said these words, she sorted it out a lot in her mind. The more she sorted it out, the more suspicious the concubine became.

The concubine also has only one daughter. What does she want?

She thought a lot on the way here. There is no hope for the second prince now, but there was hope back then.

 Yes, it depends on how you say it.

 Empress Dowager Li looked at her deeply. This child was really blind: "You are right."

"From the palace to the mansion, you have been with me for more than twenty years, right?" Qi Yixiu asked again.

This woman, after living to this age, finally understands her life.

He and the concubine can’t have children, either? I really can’t figure it out.

"Until Empress Zhenchongyi poisoned the imperial concubine. I didn't dare to think that much, but the more I thought about Mei Xiuyi's last words, the more strange they became. No matter what others say, empress He is definitely not innocent."

But the emperor did so much to the Feng family, but he always asked her to sit high and high as the concubine Shu.

 Eighty-eight. Two hundred and three. Two hundred and ninety-six.

 The Second Princess also put down her teacup: "How should I respond to what your Majesty has to say? Your Majesty means well, but my fate is not good."

“Yes, I just don’t know if Qingya will be suspicious of her like this?” Li Qiushui asked.

 Finally finished speaking anxiously, she just lowered her head and did not dare to look at the emperor.

"Silly boy. How will you survive in the future if you don't have a son of your own? The more unhappy you are, the more likely you are to have one. When you have a child and the child grows up, why bother living your life by looking at other people's faces? Look at Queen Mother Feng , without a son, there are many things that cannot be controlled by oneself." Empress Dowager Li said.

“I just ask that no one holds me back,” Li Qiushui said.

"It's a pity. Now, it's good if you just want a stable life. In the future, the second prince will not be able to run away, no matter how noble he is, he won't be able to."

"Today, I understand what you are saying for your son. Don't worry, I still have to respect Empress Dowager Feng. After everyone has gone, there will be more honors after death, not less. The second child is my own son, but He is incompetent, and I cannot ask him to take on any big responsibilities. As for you."

"If you have arranged this matter well, that girl is also capable. Why not just ask her to take care of her. Remember her at all times. Feng Suxin's family knows that she has no ability. In the past, there was the Feng family, the Queen Mother Feng, and the second prince. Maybe with the carrot of being the prince, she dared to do something. But now, she has nothing and she can’t do anything anymore.”

"You are a good boy. The Ai family shouldn't have done it back then. Now, you have followed that evil obstacle, which is a mistake. But, with your means, why can't you give birth to a child?" Empress Dowager Li sighed.

Li Qiushui took another deep breath: "Yes."

It seems that what Mei Xiuyi said that day was somewhat true? Or is it all true?

 It cannot be said that the emperor was not good to her.

Concubine Qianshu stood up and said, "I leave you."

“No, where is the capable girl around her now?” Queen Mother Li shook her head.

Concubine Qian Shu's hair is still thick, and the hairpin on it is also bright.

Perhaps this was the smartest time in Feng's life.

"Hefei is really not to be underestimated. I can also think of some of Empress Dowager Feng's thoughts. She was unwilling to accept it, so she kept him. But the blood and affection are deep, and she knew that Concubine Qianshu was incompetent, so she stayed. Giving it to her would only lead to her own death. So, she left it to others."

"I missed you and gave birth to the second prince, and I missed your Feng family, so I kept a hand on you at all times. It's not that I didn't know what Empress Dowager Feng did. It's just that she was indeed kind to me and my mother in the past. Without her, maybe I won’t live to be an adult. But no matter how much kindness you show to the Feng family, it will be enough to repay the loss of several of my children’s lives, right?”

Qi Yixiu only became serious when she mentioned that the people left by Empress Dowager Feng might have been left to Concubine He.

Concubine Qianshu lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

"It's just the emperor... that's all, the Ai family is here. Just think of all this as the Ai family's intention. Anyway, the concubine is not innocent, and the emperor will not let her go if he finds out." Empress Dowager Li said.

“However, with so many people in the harem, she chose the concubine Su.” Li Qiushui bit her lip: “It can be seen that she realized early on that this one was not simple.”

Concubine Qianshu responded hurriedly: "I, my concubine, only obey the teachings." "Go back." Qi Yixiu said calmly.

 I was busy on the fourth day of the Lunar New Year. I was also shocked.

  She thought that she was better than others, at least... her name was remembered by the emperor.

 The emperor also lowered his head and looked at the woman below.

 Empress Dowager Li nodded, the regret in her eyes getting deeper and deeper.

How could Zhen Chongyi die early if he had such scheming methods as Li Qiushui?

 (End of this chapter)