MTL - My Five Elements Lack You-Chapter 16 Rematch begins

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Although Shen Yipeng did not know what happened last night, but I don’t have to think about it. It must be that after Zhou Jiayu was drunk, what did he do to Lin Zhushui’s water to make Lin’s water so angry.

A thick character is even a minimum of two months to complete. Shen Yipeng wants to cry without tears. Zhou Jiayu has erased the cold sweat on his forehead... Fortunately, it is just a symbol.

When the breakfast was over, Shen Yiqian asked what Zhou Jiayu had done in the end, so that Mr. was so angry.

Zhou Jiayu pinched the book, faintly said: "very terrible thing."

Shen Yiqian: "..."

Zhou Jiayu said: "It’s more horrible than eating the fungus last time-"

Shen Yiqian took a nap and looked at his hand and barely squeezed his smile: "Mr. is really a good person."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Why does he think this is a bit familiar.

"Wait, Zhou Jiayu, the pendant on your neck, when did you hang it up?" The two men spoke, and Shen Yiwei noticed the fish-fishing pendant that was sent to Zhou Jiayu last night.

Zhou Jiayu hesitated a little, but he said: "I sent it last night."

Shen Yiqian: "..."

Zhou Jiayu was shocked: "What are you going to do when you are lying down?!"

Shen Yipeng glared at Zhou Jiayu’s arm and said: "Zhou Jiayu, what kind of soup do you have for the gentleman? - teach me quickly, I want to pour."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Your voice is so big that you are not afraid to be heard by the gentleman. It is not enough to believe that it is not thick enough!

Shen Yiqiu pinched the jade pendant on the neck of Zhou Jiayu. Sadly, he said that he had been with Lin for nearly ten years, but he had not received a gift from Mr.

Zhou Jiayu comforted his head and comforted him: "But Mr. gave you a lot of love and education!"

Shen Yi poor expression: "I don't want to love and educate, I want jade pendant."

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

After Shen Yiqian carefully observed the jadeite, he sighed: "This carving... If I didn't read it correctly, it should be done by the gentleman."

Zhou Jiayu feels that the pendant on his neck is heavy.

Shen Yipeng said: "So, did you accept the pendant, but it still provoked Mr. angry?"

Zhou Jiayu laughed and said: "I don't want to give back to Mr.." All excitedly gave him a kiss and was dismissed.

Shen Yipo grievously said: "Yeah, after all, you already have skin blind date, and I..."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." You don't want to enter the show so deeply.

Shen Yichang cried: "And I can't even give him a child..."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." He served.

In the end, Zhou Jiayu was too lazy to take a prisoner. He grabbed Fuben and slipped. Shen Yi’s acting was no longer seen, and he didn’t go back to the room. They both started to write in the room.

In the remaining ten days of waiting for the official results of the preliminary round, the two of them almost did not get out of the door, and they completed the work of setting up the water by the water. After practicing this period of time, Zhou Jiayu finally remembered the appearance of the character, and he could finish it in one stroke. Although it was still ugly after painting it...

The three hundred stones selected by the players during the competition were all untied. Sure enough, as Shen Yimin said, there are no more stones that are better than the 20 selected by the judges.

Zhou Jiayu was somewhat curious. He asked Shen Yi poor that the Feng Shui master was so powerful on the gambling stone that he could not make a fortune.

Shen Yipo said: "Everyone has a fixed number of fortune in their lifetime. If they use the means of Feng Shui to intervene, the result will inevitably be miserable in the latter half of life."

Zhou Jiayu said: "So..."

Shen Yiqian nodded: "Yes, whoever did not believe, whoever paid a painful price, and the feng shui master who can choose the gems must be rumored in Feng Shui, and will never make such a low-level mistake. Of course, except you."

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Shen Yipeng is indeed telling the truth. Zhou Jiayu can only say that it is a shallow introduction to Feng Shui. As a teacher, Sacrifice Eight only explained some of his most obvious knowledge and cases.

"There will be a rematch soon." Shen Yipeng said, "Are you ready?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "No..."

Shen Yipeng said: "If you are ready, it will be like it. If you don't have good grades, you don't have to come back."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Hey, I said no, Shen Yi poor, you really did not hear clearly, or deliberate.

The semi-finals, also known as the knockouts, will directly brush ten players down, followed by the semi-finals and finals.

Although the game contains the word Feng Shui, the actual content of the game includes a series of techniques such as numerology, identification and recognition.

The location of the rematch is also in Yunnan, the specific content is unknown.

In July, Yunnan is in the rainy season. Every day, the rain is continuous, and it seems that the mood of people is getting wet.

Zhou Jiayu’s nest was raining at the entrance of the hotel. Yangmian passed by and said, “What are you doing?”

Zhou Jiayu said: "I can't talk to you."

Yang Miandao: "Ah?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "Because I am a mushroom."

Yang Mian: "..."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Mushrooms can't talk." He wanted to make a joke. As a result, Yang Mian had not responded, and there was a cold and clear voice behind Lin Biao: "Who is a mushroom?"

Zhou Jiayu stood up and pointed to Yang Mian and said: "Yangmian said he is a mushroom!"

Yang Mian: "..."

Lin was waterless and cold: "It seems that you are very busy."

Zhou Jiayu succumbed: "...I have worked hard to draw the script, and my hands are painted black."

Lin Zhushui: "Do people also stupid?"

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Yang cotton laughed at the side.

Lin did not know when it appeared. He sat in a place not far from Zhou Jiayu. He still had a cup of tea in front of him. He pointed his finger at the table and raised his chin slightly against Zhou Jiayu: "Come here. ”

Zhou Jiayu ran to the fart and ran over: "Mr.!"

Lin Zhushui: "The time and address of the rematch have come out."

Zhou Jiayu heard the words of the rematch, and the whole person was paralyzed. He sat down on the opposite side of the forest, like a balloon that was deflated.

Lin Zhushui: "Time is the day after tomorrow, the address is a villa in the suburbs."

Zhou Jiayu said: "So, what would it compare?"

Lin Zhushui said: "Although I am a judge, but the content of the game can only be known on the same day... How, you are afraid?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "Haha, I am not afraid."

Lin raised his eyebrows by water: "Don't be afraid? What are you shaking without fear?"

Zhou Jiayu’s shameless lies: “Oh, I am a bit cold.”

Lin was silent for a moment, and I don’t know if it was shocked by Zhou Jiayu’s Zhangkou Hu.

Zhou Jiayu wiped his face: "Mr., I will definitely work hard."

Lin nodded by water: "You don't have to be too nervous about the game."

Zhou Jiayu’s heart was moving, and he was sighing that Lin Zhushui was very good to him. As a result, Lin’s next sentence came: “The first thing I don’t want, at least take a second.”

Zhou Jiayu: "..."

Lin was faintly said: "If the second one can't get it, what happens? You can ask a poor one."

Zhou Jiayu said that he did not want to ask at all.

Lin water temperature channel: "Good performance."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." For the first time, I heard that Lin Zhushui spoke in such a gentle tone, but he couldn’t feel a gentle scent at all. He always felt that Lin was watering his knife around his neck. Say this.

In this way, the heart contains the desire for life, and the time is up to the third day.

The day of the match.

The players took the number plate and then picked up the car to the venue. When Shen Yipeng and Zhou Jiayu bid farewell, let him pay attention to safety.

Zhou Jiayu did not hold back, said: "What if I didn't get the second place in the game?"

Shen Yipeng said: "Life has never died since ancient times... of course you will..."

Zhou Jiayu made a stop gesture and turned and left.

Shen Yipeng laughed behind him.

In the car prepared by the competition, there have been two other players, the appearance is very ordinary, and there is no meaning to talk with Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu sat in the back seat and watched the driver start the car.

The scenery outside the window is skipped backwards. From the urban area to the suburbs, the environment gradually becomes desolate. Twenty players, a total of eight cars, hovered along the winding mountain road. Two hours later, it stopped on a huge open space. Opposite the open space, it is a villa that looks extraordinarily simple.

Although the villa looks like a long time, it should be taken care of frequently. There are not too many weeds seen around, and the traces of the ivy are visible on the wall... I thought it was cleared.

The atmosphere of this villa is really like the horror movies that Zhou Jiayu once saw. He got out of the car, stood in the crowd, looked at the look of the villa, but he had already begun to speculate on what the rematch would be.

"Zhou Jiayu." The shoulder was photographed, Zhou Jiayu turned back and saw an acquaintance.

Xu Jinyu looked at him like a smile and smiled, and naturally moved his neck and said: "Look at your expression, you are not afraid?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "How are you afraid?"

Xu Jinwei whispered: "I tell you, the family of four living in this villa, all killed."

Zhou Jiayu looked at him: "Do you know so clearly?"

Xu Jinyi proudly said: "That is natural."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Is this a game zu0\'b-i?"

Xu Jinyu’s smile was stiff on his face.

The author has something to say: Lin Zhushui: If the game loses three pounds of bacteria, it has been effective.

Zhou Jiayu: ...

Lin by the water: Come on.

Zhou Jiayu:? ? ! ! !