MTL - My Funny Consort-Chapter 15 Thank you for your success

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Chapter 15

"Bold! You slave is simply bold, are you trying to trap the whole family injustice?"

Hong Ling's voice startled the steward of Qianjia: "This girl, don't you talk nonsense, when will I be injustice?"

Seeing the butler still trying to quibble, Hongling snorted suddenly: "I didn't hear anything wrong. You just asked my princess to meet your old lady?"

"My princess is an orthodox princess who has passed through the royal jade. What is the grade of your old lady? Would the old lady do such an indifferent thing?"

"You slaves can't speak. Wouldn't it be to trap the host's injustice or be kind to Qian Shangshu? If a slave like you is in our palace, you will surely be beaten to death.

Looking at Hong Ling for a while, Jiu Jiu was so refreshing. For Qianshang Shufu, the original owner returned only a few days before his marriage.

There is a lot of ignorance about Shang Shufu, but even these days, the old things of the housekeeper have not distressed her.

But the housekeeper was already dripping sweat beads on his forehead. The slaves from this palace were so arrogant.

After Hong Ling finished speaking, Xiao Ling, an organic spirit, quickly rushed in and told the situation outside the door.

The old lady listened, and threw a cup in anger. "What does that evil barrier mean? Want me, my wife, to kneel like her?"

Not to mention the old lady, even Qian Yuge and Mrs. Qian are a little uncomfortable, and Qian Shangshu also got the news.

He strode to the courtyard of Mrs. Thousands: "Mother, this time is different. The girl is indeed Princess Xiao now, even if it is a scene thing, go out."

"Furthermore, the girl just didn't show up just now. I'm afraid it has been controlled by the people of Xiaowang's Mansion. Let's go out."

"Otherwise, this King's Mansion would be held up. This King of Kings would have been a sacred family member, but now he has been wounded. If the Holy Father knew that we would neglect Xiao King's Mansion, we would be angry.

Although unwilling, but a few women knew that what Qian Shangshu said was true, a group of people stood up, walked toward the door, and went to the door to meet Princess Xiao.

Along the way, Qian Yuge didn't look good. Madam Qian looked in the eyes and couldn't help pulling Qian Yuge.

"Yuge, mother, no matter what you think, wait to see Qianjiu, but don't do it like before."

Qian Yuge snorted dissatisfied: "It's just picking up a piece of trash, but where can I be proud."

Mrs. Qian stared at Qian Yuge: "This is just a good word in front of us. If it is heard by other people, it will be a great disrespect to the royal family."

"What's more, you are going to be in that position in the future, and ninety-nine is just dust on the ground, so you don't need to know her in general."

Although Qian Yuge was full of displeasure, she still had to listen to her mother.

"I see. Mother, don't worry, big deal. I just ignore her."

Although that's what it said, Qian Yuge didn't think so. He wanted to let him meet the bitch!

Wait, she won't make her feel better! Thinking so, a group of people have come to the door, and nine hundred and nine are still sitting in the carriage at this time.

The people in Qianjia suddenly became a little unhappy, as if Hongling didn't see the Qian family's look, and slowly slid the car curtain.

"Prince, we're here, come down."

Jiu Jiu carefully looked at Hong Ling, and then looked at the person standing at the door waiting to meet them. The movements in his hands shrank suddenly, and they couldn't stand on the table.

Qian Yuge looked at the characters like Jiu Jiu in his eyes, and suddenly snorted at the corner of his mouth: "Sure enough, he still can't stand on the table, it looks like that girl is a terrible one."

After getting out of the carriage, he walked in front of Mrs. Qian, and looked at Qian Shangshu and others, and wanted to kneel. It was obviously frightened.

Just as soon as there was movement, I heard Hong Ling coughing, and then stood up holding Jiu Jiu Jiu.

"Prince, walk carefully, but don't lose your manners."

Qian Yuge was thinking just now, even if Qian Jiu Jiu became the princess, it wasn't about to kneel to them, the cheap girl was the cheap girl.

Even wearing a dragon robe is not like a prince, Qian Yuge snorted, and then he saluted together with Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian.

"I've seen the princess."

Qianjiujiu's mouth slightly bent: "Get up, talk in."

The party went in and came to the old lady's lobby. Qian Yuge glanced at Hong Ling: "This girl, we want to talk to my sister, can you?"

What this said is very simple. Naturally, let Hongling go out to slap, Hongling's brows frowned: "Prince, slaves are waiting for you outside, you must not forget your identity."

"Don't lose the face of the palace."

Qiangjiu shivered before answering: "I, I know."

Looking at the figure of Hong Ling going out, Qian Jiujiu looked up at the people in this room, and Mrs. Qian already sat on the main seat at this time.

The look did not get angry and waited for the 999 salute! And Qian Shangshu just stood aside, standing next to Qian Shangshu was her wife.

Today, Mrs. Qian is wearing a red dress and the standard of a lady in the house. If it is not a hint of irony in the corner of her mouth, it feels like a good master.

The side of Mrs. Qian is Qian Yuge, who is the first beauty in Kyoto. Today she only wore a smoke cloud butterfly group, and a jasper gold waved her head.

Wearing red jadeite bead earrings on the ears, skin like jade, Yin Tao's small mouth, and Liu Mei's eyebrows crooked, but his face was full of anger, but it was oppressed.

Bai was so blinded. Qian Jiu Jiu bowed her head, covering up her emotions, and then slowly spoke: "I have seen Mrs. Qian, Mrs. Qian, Qian Shangshu."

Since 1999, he is unwilling to hand over these people's grandmothers or something. And these people obviously do not take her as a loved one, so it is not necessary to arrive.

And it's natural to look at these people's faces, and it's disgusting.

Qian Shangshu hummed, but just glanced at Jiu Jiu. Just said something towards the old lady.

"My mother is here to entertain the princess and mother. There are still some official tasks to be dealt with, and she will retire first."

The old lady made a hum, and Qian Shangshu went out, leaving only the woman in the room. The old lady and the old lady looked at each other. Then she coughed twice and opened her mouth.

"Ninety-nine, how are you doing at the palace?"

One thousand ninety-nine looked up at Mrs. Qian, and then quickly lowered her head: "Wang Ye is fine."

When Qian Yuge heard this, he was very impolite to interject: "Of course, Wang is very good, but you are a cheap girl who can climb high, and it is a blessing that has been repaired in a few years."

After hearing Qian Yuge's words, Qian Jiu Jiu just said, "Thank you for your success."

"Shut up, who is your sister. It's your base girl, who is so big, and who is King Xiao, who is so tough."

"It's a miracle to scatter a lonely star like you, but you haven't been able to wash him to death."

Qian Yuge's heart was very upset, very upset, just because when she was at the door just now, this cheap girl dared to let them salute.

He snorted: "Baby girl, I ask you, your identity in the palace is exposed, why are you still alive?"

Qianjiu Jiu looked up and looked at Qian Yuge with a look of shock: "What does Miss Qian mean?"

Qian Yuge snorted again and again: "What do you mean, didn't you say that the King of Xiao was decisive in decisive killing? Knowing that you are a evil star, you haven't killed you yet, you are really fatal."

No one is speechless. This Qian Yuge is the first beauty. She believed it, but the first talented woman or something must be fake? People who look like this.

Caiming, how did it get out?

One thousand and nineteen could not help but groan in his heart. This man was sent to death. He finally took his life and went back to the door and was chased after him. Why are you not dead yet?

Is there anyone sadder than her? This Qian Yu song is really so that she didn't know what to say, she said quietly.

"I'm not dead. Is Miss Qian disappointed?"

Qian Yuge's face was taken for granted: "Of course, I was sent to you to die in the past. How can you come back alive?"

These words really prayed nine hundred and ninety-nine, and snorted, "You let me die, I'm not dead, I'm mad at you."

"Bold, what are you talking about?"

Qian Yuge was so annoyed by the words of Jiu Jiu Ji that she never thought about it. Qian Jiu Jiu dare to talk to her like this, did she not want to live?

Thinking of it, you have to wave your hand to hit 999, but 999 is a step back: "You are bold, is this how your thousands of families are raised? This princess is a good person."

"Don't you let her hit me like this? Is there such a thing? It never cursed me to death as soon as I came in, or is this what your thousand families meant?"

What else did Qian Yuge want to say, he heard Mrs. Qian sneer: "The queen princess is so big. This is a moment of strength. Will you come to my Qianfu?"

Qianjiu blinked for a moment: "What did Mrs. Qian say, you are still my mother in name! Oh, and grandmother! Have you forgotten?"

"It's your young lady who is returning to the door today! I don't know who this person who has been running into this princess all the time?"

Mrs. Qian froze, looking at the ninety-nine in front of her, completely different from the person just now. Mrs. Qian looked at the ninety-nine without speaking, but also noticed a guilty conscience flashed through the ninety-nine.

It seems that these words were spoken by some churches. Could it be that this is what Xiao Wangfu means?

I have to say that Mrs. Qian you think too much, and Qian Yuge is so annoyed that he stood up and pointed at Qiangjiu.

"You mean girl want to steal my identity?"