MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-Chapter 19 Fierce

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The human body's eyes are one of the most important organs. The nerves in the eyes are extremely dense. Once the eyes are injured, the combat effectiveness of the warrior is definitely greatly reduced, and even the combat effectiveness is completely lost.

The blood is hot and generally alkaline. Once it enters the eyes, it will corrode the nerves in the eyes, temporarily blind the other party, and even damage the eyes.

Yijiang Yisheng took the punch of that triple warrior who made the tripod, only to get closer to Jiang Ruhu more quickly, only to spray his face for this moment. He is a big bet. After all, the triple warrior power that has created the tripod has reached the strength of the three horses. His punch was not a speed increase when the key, which offset some of the strength. At this moment, Jiang Yi's back bones were broken. There are others in mid-air. If Jiang Ruhu didn't run up and still ran away, he would give up everything.

"good chance!"

Min Jiangyi spit out a trace of blood in his mouth, forcibly controlled his body shape in the mid-air, the single-fist power flowed, and Jiang Ruhu's head was smashed. Creating such a good opportunity, he didn't know it would be an idiot if he caught it.

"Phantom Fist!"

He gave a deep drink, and his fists turned into three fists, smashing into Jiang Ruhu's head, left shoulder, and lower abdomen.

Qi Jiang Ruhu's eyes were temporarily blind, and his eyes were still burning like a fiery fire. He heard the phantom fist heart sink completely. I still wanted to resist it. At this moment, I could only wave my arms at random and smashed in the upper part to protect my head.

In the eyes of Min Jiangyi, the black light flowed, and Jiang Ruhu's movements were all clearly visible. He easily determined the trajectory of his attack, and a fist of a black elementary force drove straight into Jiang Ruhu's left shoulder.


Qiujiang's swollen body flew backwards, hitting a small tree three or four feet away, and then it bounced back and rolled several times on the ground.


Min Jiangyi's body rolled down to the ground, but he immediately ejected from the ground like a cheetah and rushed towards the river like a tiger.

He is very clear that if he wants to go down the mountain safely today, only to win Jiang Ruhu to deter everyone, his black strength has already used three strands. Once he has completely consumed it, he can only sit back and wait.


The people around me also reacted, everyone rushed towards this side frantically, their eyes were fierce, and the boss was attacked. How dare they sit and ignore? If Jiang Ruhu knew afterwards, it would not be good to eat.

"Snake Whip Leg!"

Jiang Yi's legs are attached to Jiang Ruhu's body like a poisonous snake, and he is kicked continuously like a storm, and the place where he kicks is all of Jiang Ruhu's limbs. Although each leg does not run black power, it is also powerful, accompanied by There was a sound of bone cracking, and Jiang Ruhu's two hands and one leg were kicked off instantly, and the pain was rolling and miserable on the ground.

"Jiang Yi, how dare you!"

"Jiang Yi, how dare you break Brother Hu's hands and feet today? You are dead!"

"Ono Seeds, see tricks ..."

Everyone who chased after seeing Jiang Yi go down so fiercely, suddenly angry and angry, all speeding up, running with strength in his hands, attacking Jiang Yi from three sides.


Xu Jiangyi sneered, and did not retreat to avoid, grabbed Jiang Ruhu's left leg with his backhand, and swelled his bloated body and swept away.


"Back down ... don't hurt Brother Hu!"

"Ono, you, how dare you use Tiger Tiger as a weapon?"

When Jiang Yi saw Jiang Ruhu swept away, everyone was so pale and frightened that he immediately retracted the attack and hurriedly retreated. They were afraid that Jiang Yi had not been injured, and Jiang Ruhu had been smashed into flesh.

"Jiang Yi, you're done, you're dead! You kind of killed me, otherwise I vowed to tear you into pieces!"

Jiang Ruhu's eyes were blind, his hands and one leg were cut off. At this moment, the whole person flew up, and Jiang Yi swept up and scrambled like a wooden stick. His head was twice wiped from the ground, and he became furious. In the presence of so many brothers so embarrassed, how can he be the boss?


Jiang Jiangyi's expression was cold and his face remained unchanged. He heard Jiang Ruhu's words, and he slammed Jiang Ruhu in a circle with his hands, and then slammed it on the ground ...

"I don't want your brother Hu to die, immediately step back!"

Ignoring the screaming Jiang Ruhu, Jiang Yi's eyes locked on the crowd around him. There was blood at the corner of his mouth at the moment. With his indifferent expression, it looked like there was no prestige.

"Jiang Yi, let go of Brother Hu, spare you!"

"Yes! Jiang Yi released Brother Hu immediately, otherwise something will happen to Brother Hu, you will definitely die!"

"Jiang Yi quickly released Brother Hu, otherwise something serious will happen ..."

How can everyone retreat? Who dares to know Jiang Ruhu in the future? And everyone was a little scared to see Jiang Ruhu look terrible, and they all persuaded that they might be in trouble.


I answered everyone—Jiang Ruhu's body was lifted high again, and then he slammed heavily on the ground. Jiang Yi's mouth was full of laughter, and he seemed to be out, rudely, "Retreat?"

Everyone was hesitant, making progress difficult, Jiang Yi's hands moved again, Jiang Ruhu's body slid through a wonderful arc in the air, and fell heavily to the ground.




He kept questioning, every time he asked Jiang Ruhu's body and smashed it to the ground. After these rounds of mess, Jiang Ruhu's head burst into blood and his head was stunned. No, the mouth and nose have only breathed in but not out of breath ...

"Back, back! Back!"

Everyone was scared by Jiang Yi's fierceness, and he was afraid that Jiang Yi was going to death to death. That way Jiang Yi could not escape, and they would be severely punished by the family. One person started to retreat, and the others hurriedly followed, and all looked at Jiang Yi with a horrified expression in his heart, a thought appeared in his heart. Is this person Jiang Yi, the honest wasteman? Why is it so terrible?

"Hoo ..."

I waited for everyone to retreat, Jiang Yi was relieved, and today everyone was shocked and he was safe, otherwise he would not escape the end of being beaten by the crowd.

Looking at Jiang Ruhu who was slumped like a reptile, Jiang Yi flashed a hint of pleasure in Jiang Yi's being insulted by this group of people for so many years. Today he finally counted back some interest.

He groaned for a while, lowered Jiang Ruhu's legs, lifted his legs and stepped on Jiang Ruhu's fuzzy head. He leaned over and said in a low voice, "Jiang Ruhu, do you know what I am now? You know why I am Can you hit Feijiang like an eagle in one punch? Do you know why I dare to treat you this way? To tell you the truth, I just want to make things bigger and let the whole Jiang family know ... I Jiangyi is not a waste! You are a waste! "

After speaking, Jiang Yi once again raised his leg and stepped down on the remaining good leg of Jiang Ruhu, and then suddenly flew out of his body with a single leg, and his eyes swept across the crowd, Shen said, "Half Within the hour, give Jiang Ruhu treatment, otherwise he ... will surely die! All of you will give me the master, remember that after seeing me must detour, who dares to challenge the master again, Jiang Ruhu is your role model. "

After talking about Jiang Yi's body, he blasted off towards the west of the mountain. All the children of the Jiang family were taken by Jiang Yi's power. No one dared to intercept it. On the contrary, many people looked at Jiang Yi's back and showed fear.

"Why are you still doing this? You haven't carried me down to the mountain with Hu Hu to treat him. Hu Hu is dead, we are all going to die! Whoops, Jiang Yi, I'm going to smash your corpse ..."

The crowd also watched Jiang Yi leave, and an extremely angry roar sounded, but it was actually Jiang Ruying who had been broken by Jiang Yi in the beginning.

"Quick, fast! Carry the tiger brother!"

"Hurry up and report to the family punishment hall, report to the chief executive!"

"Yeah ... Report to the chief, report to the execution hall, and execute Jiang Yi ..."

Everyone hurriedly raised Jiang Ruhu and Jiang Ruying and walked down the mountain, all clamoring indignantly, waiting for Jiang Yi, a wicked and mad madman, to get rid of his hate.

"No ... can't ... can't tell my dad ... can't tell the family!"

After walking to the middle of the mountain, Jiang Ruhu finally took a sigh of relief. He said hardly: "Jiang Yi ... the strength has improved so fast ... can't ... wait for my brother to come back ... I want him to die ... all people remember to me Stay, what's happening today ... just say war with Ma ...

The voice of Min Jiang Ruhu came intermittently, and everyone was confused. Could this Jiang Ruhu hurt his head? I have been beaten like this, but also help Jiang Yi conceal it?

"Yes! That's right! Can't tell the family!"

Jiang Ruying soon woke up and shouted loudly, "Jiang Yi's strength has improved so much. If the family knows it, instead of blame him, they will pay attention to him! Maybe it will be given to the identity of the core child. When the time comes, we will He can only be bullied for a lifetime, and there is no way to report this revenge. Brother Hu is right, we all have to conceal it, and say that it is not the first time that it is a war with the children of the Ma family. wait for Longge to come back from Wu Dian, and let Longge take a shot ... to do Jiang Yi! "

"Long brother?"

Everyone froze and nodded secretly. This dragon brother is Jiang Ruhu's brother, Jiang Rulong. He ranks second among the younger generation in the family, and has reached the seventh level of the tripod. If he heard that Jiang Ruhu was beaten like this, he would furiously kill Jiang Yi.

Minjiang turned like an eagle's eyes, and quickly explained to everyone that he would confess to avoid being found a flaw after returning. The people whispered and hurried down the Xishan toward the Jiang Family Courtyard.

"Hoo ..."

He waited for everyone to disappear in the West Mountain, and then came out a weak figure in the middle of the mountain. He faintly heard Jiang Ruying's words, his face was relaxed.

The last words spoken by Jiang Ruhu's ears really worked!

Hao Jiangyi had never thought of making things big, so that everyone in the family would learn about his rapid development. He deliberately "reminded" Jiang Ruhu not to spread the matter.

He had an unknown exercise in his mind, and he practiced a perverted black power. He didn't want everyone to know such a strange thing. The most important thing is that the death of Elder Liu gave him a slight anxiety. For fear of family involvement and heavy punishment, an alchemist is crucial to a small family.

"Jiang Rulong? Huh! What I lack most now is time. If Jiang Rulong retreats for one or two months at the Wu Dian, then when it comes to the master, whoever wins and who loses may not be!"

Thinking that the black Yuanli can quickly break the runes on the seal and increase the speed of practice, Jiang Yi's eyes brightened, and he took a short break and quickly descended the mountain.