MTL - My Fury Will Burn The Heavens-Chapter 4 Jiang Xiaonu

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Xiao Xiaonu, full name is Jiang Xiaonu.

According to the elder, it was the abandoned baby that his mother bought when he was one year old, and served him as a maid. Although they are maids in name, Jiang Yi and Jiang Xiaonu grew up together, sympathized with their brothers and sisters, and they became even more dependent after the elder disappeared. If Jiang Xiaonu has not been cheering for him over the years, he doesn't know if he can persist!

The dragon has inverse scales.

Min Jiangyi also has inverse scales, that is ... Jiang Xiaonu!

After hearing the incident, Jiang Yi immediately became furious and rushed to the front yard with a look of horror. The fierce breath like a beast scared the girl who came to report.

Before Yi came over, Jiang Yi shouted, "What happened to the slave? Chunya, what do you think of my slave?"

The young girl who knew the letter, Jiang Yi knew, was the daughter of an old slave of the Jiang family who lived next to him. He usually approached the little slave and often went out to work together secretly.

Chunya stunned and quickly explained with a crying voice: "Master Jiang Yi, the slave was beaten in Fengyuelou. The manager said that the slave broke a famous painting and wanted the slave to lose money, otherwise he would be killed She, find someone to rescue her ... "


Min Jiangyi's eyes were cold. He knew that Fengyuelou was the largest green house in Dongcheng where the Jiang family was located. He also followed Xiaonu once and knew that when she went out to work, she helped them wash the sheets in the backyard of Fengyuelou in exchange for a small amount of money.

"Find someone?"

Min Jiangyi shook his head. After the elder disappeared, no one in the Jiang family saw him. Who would help him? Besides, such embarrassing things were known to the family. I was afraid that the slaves would not be killed by the people in Fengyuelou, but they would also be killed alive ...

"Spring bud, you go back first, remember, don't say this to anyone!"

Minjiang Yi's eyes showed a ruthless color, and he explained to Chunya that he hurried out. Time is tight, and he has no time to think about it. He can only go alone, and even if he is killed alive, he must rescue Jiang Xiaonu.

Hunchunya saw Jiang Yi rushing out like a gust of wind, and he was full of murderous spirits, and he hurriedly shouted in fear: "Master Jiang Yi, don't be impulsive, there are many powerful guards in Fengyue Tower ..."

But, just after she chased out, she saw that Jiang Yi's figure had disappeared dozens of feet before she disappeared into a curve.

Hunchunya rubbed his eyes and murmured in horror: "Well? How is Master Jiang Yi's speed so fast? Isn't he making Ding Jing heavy? Is this speed at least two or three?"

Uh ...

Jiang Yi's speed did increase by two or three times. In anxiety, he used a black element of force on his left leg. The speed was like a galloping electric shock. In just a dozen breathing times, he rushed out of the street from the family west gate. Fortunately, I did not meet the people of the Jiang family on the road, otherwise it would be doubtful ...


He ran for dozens of feet again, and the speed slowed down. The black elemental power was exhausted. He just wanted to mobilize a trace of black elemental power, and continued to speed up, but soon realized.

He just practiced for more than one hour. Black Yuanli only extracted five strands. Now he has consumed one strand. In case of conflict in Fengyuelou, what kind of bodyguard does he take?

"Little slave, you must hold on!"

只能 He could only run the blue Yuanli crazy, rushing towards Fengyuelou with his teeth, and almost ran into several people because he ran too fast along the way.

Fortunately, Fengyue Tower and the Jiang Family Courtyard are in Dongcheng. Jiang Yi only spent half a column of time to arrive on Dongyun Street where Fengyue Tower is located. His eyes locked on a magnificent loft, and his body ran again. go with.

"Master, go in and play! Our Fengyuelou girl is the one that hurts the most!"

"Yes, this uncle goes in quickly. Our firework girl has recently learned a new method of playing flute and playing with the moon. It's soothing ..."

Before the cymbals were approaching, the sound of the guests from the two turtles outside Fengyue Building was faintly heard. It was almost dusk, and Fengyue Building was opened.

Jiang Yi spent two hours checking in Xishan, went home and studied the black Yuanli for a few hours, and immersed himself in the magical ability of the black Yuanli, and forgot the time, otherwise he would have suspected that the slave had not come back so late. ...

I thought of this, and he was even more guilty. He didn't detour to the backyard at the moment. He rushed into the Fengyue Building like a gust of wind and was going to pass directly through the inner hall and into the backyard.

The two turtles outside did not pay attention to Jiang Yi when they were soliciting, so he rushed into the inner hall. A half-old **** and an old grandmother saw a guest come in, twisting a snake waist, and greeted with a smile: "Yo "What is this monkey so anxious for this little brother? My girl ..."

Min Jiangyi was in no mood to talk with this old woman, and he sniffed, forbearing the disgusting rouge gouache smell. When he glanced at the door to the backyard, he ran away.


The yamen was concealed, Jiang Yi smashed open with his shoulders, rushed into the backyard and looked away like a knife.

"Why don't you see the slave?"

The backyard is very spacious, and there are several mothers washing clothes in front of the tub, but there is no small slave. However, he saw that the old mothers' expressions were obviously wrong, and his face was a little dreaded, and his gaze was constantly sweeping into a room in the corner of the backyard.

"Don't fight, uncle, don't fight ... even if you kill the slave, I won't sign a physical contract ... Don't fight, I will find a way to lose money ..."


There was a faint cry and begging for help in the room in the corner of the backyard. Jiang Yi shuddered and suddenly shouted, "It's a slave!"


Min Jiangyi's body rushed into the room like the wind. When the door was closed, he kicked heavily. At this moment, his foot was infused with Yuanli. This foot was so powerful that the door was torn apart and fell suddenly.

Min Jiangyi flew in, his eyes swept away like a knife, and he was almost mad at a glance.

The room was small, and a strong man was punching and kicking against a thin little girl. The little girl curled up on the ground, her whole body was shaking, she kept crying and begging, but the strong man was still constantly Punch and kick.


Seeing such a miserable slave, Jiang Yi's mind exploded in general, and he couldn't care less about going violently. He flew towards the strong man, and Yuanli rushed furiously into the fist, and punched the strong man. He dropped his chest.


Jiang Yi broke into the door and naturally shocked the strong man in the room. The strong man was instinctively shocked, but when he saw Jiang Yi's fist coming out of the air, he sneered: "Dare you dare to come here if you die? ! "

I dare to make trouble in Fengyuelou, but he doesn't care who the young man hit first, and then he says that Zhu Dingjing's focus is on Zhu Dingjing's dual. In his opinion ... farts are not.

The 14-year-old little **** the ground also woke up and saw Jiang Yi rushing with anger, a small face completely frightened, and shouted desperately: "Master, you are not his opponent, leave me alone, hurry up!"


The yell of Xiaojiang Minjiang reminded Jiang Yi that he immediately mobilized a trace of black elemental force at the fastest speed, and poured into the fist, blending with the blue elementary force in the fist.



Wu Yuanli just merged, the two fists collided, Jiang Yi's body went back three or four steps, and it was all right!

But the other side did not expect him to fly out like a sack, crashed against the wall and rolled down, screaming holding an arm that was broken by a bone ...


Xiaojiang Minjiang blinked, looking at his master, his eyes were confused, is this his master? Why is his young master so powerful ...

"Little slave, go!"

Hao Jiangyi is not confused. Since this Fengyue Tower can become the largest green building in Dongcheng, will there be no support behind it? When he rushed in just now, but faintly saw several guards in the corner of the inner hall, if it was surrounded, it would be troublesome ...

屈 He bent down and rushed on the back of the little slave, rushing out of the house, ready to escape directly from the backyard. As long as they return to the Jiang family, the people in Fengyuelou will not dare to make trouble even if they are brave. How can they say that the Jiang family is one of the five big families in Tianyu City.


Jiang Yi rushed to the door with his slave on his back, and four figures shot out from the front door of the backyard. He immediately surrounded the house. A man in charge followed and screamed: "Huh! Dare to make trouble in the wind and rain floor, Ono, you want to die? You hit me! "

The mothers who washed the clothes ran all around in horror, looking at Jiang Yi's eyes were the same as those of the dead, and the slaves were also afraid of shaking.

"Three people make tripod, two people make one tripod tripod!"

Based on the speed of these guards, Jiang Yi probably judged the strength of the four people, and his heart was flustered. How can he deal with so many guards? In particular, there is another person who is the founder of the tripod.

Fortunately, the depressed life over the years has created his psychological endurance far from his peers. He forced himself to calm down, glanced coldly, locked his eyes on the matter, and gritted his teeth and yelled, "Wait! I have no intention of making trouble in Fengyuelou. If you do n’t beat my maid, I won't do it! Even if it happened to the city's main government , I'm not afraid! If you can let go, let me see if I will be afraid? "

He responded to Jiang Yi's words by four shots and several fists coming out of the air.

Jiang Yi's face was cold, and he could only slip his footsteps. He was very elegant and retreated into the room. He put the slave on the ground, and used a ray of black power to run to his fist again. Dingjing dual martial arts smashed.

"Phantom Fist!"

There was a small slave behind him. In order to prevent the guards from rushing in, Jiang Yi used the high-grade martial arts of the person who pressed the box. This is the only advanced martial art he learned at the Jiang family.

His fists turned into three afterimages in a flash, giving the impression that his fist was divided into three at this moment, each of which was extremely real, facing the left and right shoulders of the guard who rushed in, respectively. smashed his forehead.


As soon as the guard rushed in, he saw three boxing shadows. Naturally instinctual hands blocked the face door, but Jiang Yi's real boxing body smashed into his left shoulder.


There was no accident. The two guards who made the tripod hummed, and flew backwards, knocking out a guard behind him.

"Hmm! Carving insect tricks."

A cold humming sounded, the two guards flew out, but cleared the way. The three-level warrior who made the tripod turned into a residual image and rushed in. Raising his hand to Jiang Yi's chest was a palm!

The difference between the warriors of Zhuo Dingjing One and Two and Zhuo Dingjing is obvious!

护 The speed of this guard was so fast that Jiang Yi couldn't react at all, and his power was much stronger. Judging by the loud wind caused by this palm shot.

Although Jiang Yi reacted at the fastest speed, twisted his body and evaded, and at the same time set up a "stone tablet player" and pushed toward the opponent's palm, in an attempt to offset some strength. But what made him helpless was that the man's palm was only blocked for a moment, and Gula rotted his hands and patted him on the chest.

The three-strength combat power of Dingding Dingjing is totally not what he can currently fight ...


His body was shot and flew out, hitting the wall heavily, and even pushing the little slave to the ground.

Feeling that his hands were numb with shock, a tear-like pain came from his left chest, watching the other's palm turn into an afterimage again, Jiang Yi muttered bitterly in his heart: "It's over, I am afraid of today Neither he nor Xiaonu can get out of this Fengyue Tower ... "