MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 162 long lost siblings

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Luo Jing stood between the water and the sky, which was as beautiful as a dream, watching the floating blisters.

Lu Li urged: "Don't look, don't look, hurry up and find it."

"According to the information I have, the Book of Longevity is hidden behind this Water Heaven Gate. It must be in these bubbles."

"Didn't you just say that I don't have a sense of urgency? Now, hurry up and show some sense of urgency!"

The remnants of the Book of Longevity were in sight, and even Lu Li became nervous, urging Luo Jing repeatedly.

She walked to the floating blisters and kept searching.

While saying: "Don't move the things in this blister, we can't take anything away tonight. Don't make money and bring disaster, you kid."

Lu Lisheng was afraid that Luo Jing would see money and steal something along the way.

And although Luo Jing knew that the blisters contained some good things, he was not a man of greed, so he didn't have much interest in these things.

Luo Jing also only cared about the fragments of the Book of Longevity.

And the things in the blisters are strange.

Luo Jing even saw a bird flying around in the blisters, as if it wanted to break through the blisters and fly out.

But when Luo Jing moved closer, he found that it was not a bird at all, but an eyeball with a pair of wings.

On the bloodshot eyeballs, there are a pair of hairless wings, and this scene is rather terrifying when you look closely.

Luo Jing quickly stayed away from this thing.

Even if you don't know what it is, you can guess with your knees that it's definitely not a good thing.

Luo Jing focused his attention on those bubbles that sealed books or pages.

However, in this world of sea and sky, there are too many floating blisters.

And there seems to be a kind of force blocking the line of sight. Anything more than ten feet away can only see a blurred image and cannot see the details.

Luo Jing had no choice but to look for one blister after another.

Lu Li, on the other hand, was always by Luo Jing's side, keeping a short distance from Luo Jing to find the Book of Longevity.

It seemed more like preventing Luo Jing from finding the Book of Longevity and hiding it secretly.

After all, Luo Jing understands the Book of Longevity. If he really finds it, it is possible to take it alone, and he does not have to share it with her.

Eventually, the two finally found one of the bubbles.

In the bubbles, there were several pages of old yellowed paper floating.

Different from the fragments of the Book of Eternal Life collected in the Tianshu Pavilion, there are only fragments in this bubble, and there are no long-form annotations or comments.

Luo Jing and Lu Li's eyes locked on the bubble almost at the same time, and they saw the fragments of the Book of Longevity with Chinese characters on them.

Lu Li became excited: "I found it!"

The girl almost jumped over, like a happy jumping bear.

Luo Jing followed closely behind, and came to the bubble with the girl.

Looking at the paper suspended in the bubbles and the familiar words written on it, Luo Jing confirmed that this was indeed the Book of Longevity written by the ancestor of the demon refining.

And it's not a whimper diary!

Luo Jing stared at these pages and said, "How do you get it out? I can only see the first page when I put it inside!"

Lu Li directly stretched out his hand to burst the bubble and said, "Just put it back after reading it."

Saying that, she fixed her eyes on the content of the first page and said, "I'll read it first! I'll write down the content and go back and write it for you to translate!"

The girl's eyes moved quickly, relying on her strong memory to forcibly write down these unknown characters.

After all, the practitioners who call the gods will never forget them.

Luo Jing also knew that the time was urgent, so he didn't have time to show them both.

And Lu Li definitely didn't want Luo Jing to be the endorser.

Again, Luo Jing had the possibility of taking it all alone.

In order not to irritate this criminal accomplice, Luo Jing decided to let her be optimistic.

After all, he was the only one who could translate the content.

The girl's browsing speed was not slow, she quickly finished the first page and turned to the second page.

Luo Jing stood aside, doing nothing.

Start looking at these bubbles around you.

At this moment, Luo Jing noticed that a bubble floated over from a distance and floated to his side.

It was something like a compass, but the pointer on it was always pointing at Luo Jing.

Being pointed at by that pointer, Luo Jing felt a little uncomfortable for no reason, as if he had been seen by something.

Considering that there are many evil props in it, Luo Jing couldn't help interrupting the girl who was fascinated by the book, said.

"What is this thing? Why is it pointing at... er... now at you?"

As soon as Luo Jing opened his mouth, the pointer changed direction, pointing to Lu Li who was reading a book.

The girl in Tsing Yi looked up and said casually: "Oh, this thing... This is the Dragon Search Plate, which was built by Qiao Qishou, a skilled craftsman, to help Lu Zhao clean up his dissidents."

"The Dragon-seeking Pan can sense the aura of the royal bloodline within a radius of one mile, and point it accurately."

"Lu Zhao relied on this thing to kill all the royal bloodlines that could threaten her throne. Now the Taizu's bloodline, apart from me, there are only side branches left."

"Under the pursuit of the dragon-hunting plate, those disciples of the royal family could not escape at all, and they all died miserably."

Lu Li only glanced at it, then turned back to look at the Book of Longevity in his hand.

While reading a book, he said.

"However, after Lu Zhao killed all the children of the direct clan, he destroyed all these things. I didn't expect that there was still one in the Tianshu Pavilion."

"It's still very clever, and he floated over and identified me all of a sudden."

Luo Jing was stunned to hear Lu Li's words. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He looked at the girl in front of him who was busy reading with her head down, and then looked at the dragon-hunting plate in front of him.

The pointer was beating back and forth, pointing to Lu Li for a while and Luo Jing for a while, as if it was broken.

Luo Jing's eyes widened, staring at the strange dragon-seeking plate, and said, "Did you admit that you were wrong? I don't think this is the dragon-seeking plate you mentioned."

Luo Jing said: "This thing can't be some kind of thief warning device in Tianshu Pavilion? After it floated over, in addition to identifying you, it kept pointing at me! I'm not the blood of the royal family, it pointed at me very!"

Luo Jing felt uneasy, and always felt that this was not a good thing.

And the girl who was reading a book suddenly raised her head after hearing his words.

She turned her head in astonishment and looked at the dragon-seeking tray in the bubbles.

Sure enough, the pointer of the dragon-seeking plate jumped back and forth between her and Luo Jing, pointing at her at one moment and at Luo Jing at the same time.

This scene…

Lu Li's eyes widened suddenly, with a ghostly expression on his face.

"Are you also a child of the royal family?"

how can that be!

uh... not right! possible!

Lu Li suddenly thought of something, she looked at Luo Jing in shock, and said, "You were raised by that bitch, Xue Qing, and she will leave you to the Luo family after her death..."

"That **** thing keeps saying that you're not from the Luo family's blood? Let me not kill you?"


The young beautiful girl grabbed Luo Jing tightly and stared at Luo Jing with wide eyes, her eyes almost popping out.

In addition to a swear word, there was also a shocking cry.

"You are my brother?!"