MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 172 Luo Jing began to feel strange

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"You absolutely cannot be sent to the capital by Ye Xing Sijie."

The old man looked at Luo Jing and said sadly, "Lu Gaojiao's little brat is already dead, and your sister is... ah..."

The old man shook his head and said, "In any case, we should find a way to save you."

"If you die too, the lineage of Taizu will be completely extinct..."

The old man comforted Luo Jing with gentle words and told Luo Jing not to worry.

Luo Jing followed this sentence and asked: "That... senior, will I be escorted to the capital to be killed?"

When Luo Jing finished speaking, the old man glared at him and said, "Do you still need to ask me such an idiot question?"

"Since you know your identity, you should know that Lu Zhao is crazy...cough..."

The old man coughed several times, and quickly stopped what he shouldn't say, and then said to Luo Jing angrily: "If Your Majesty knew that you were still alive, would he let you go?"

"This matter is too involved. The main reason is that your face was recognized by the four veterans of Tianshu Pavilion."

"Your face, your father, and your grandfather, are carved out of the same mold."

"The four old gangsters have all met your grandfather and your father, so they guessed your identity at a glance."

"That's why they run so fast."

"But they ran because they didn't want to offend the Zhenbei Palace. It doesn't mean that they won't make small moves secretly."

"If the second master hides you, the mad woman will definitely take advantage of the topic and continue to find fault. That crazy woman has been staring at the Zhenbei Wangfu all these years, and the second master is about to be cornered."

In the end, the old man said the title that he usually said the most, but should also be the least.

Calling the current queen a mad woman.

However, Luo Jing had no reverence for the Queen, so he did not react to it.

After the old man said it smoothly, he was too lazy to change his words and continued.

"So the second master wants to protect you, but he doesn't dare to protect you. You can only be sent to the Yexing Division and handed over to the Yexing Division for disposal."

"But when I go back, I will tell the second master about the situation and see what the second master can do."

The old man looked at Luo Jing and said, "Don't look at the second master as if he doesn't care. In fact, he has the deepest feelings for you and your father."

"He's a student of your father's college, and he likes you very much. When you were a baby, the second master always hugged you."

"I'll go back and find a way to persuade him, let him think of a way, and see how to save you."

The old man said, "Don't talk nonsense on the side of the Yexing Division, and I will also find a way to make the Yexing Division's people not punish you."

"Anyway, you stay in the Night Walk for a few days, and we'll find a way to save you outside. We will keep you no matter what, we won't leave you alone."

The old man gave Luo Jing a very solemn promise.

When he said this, the old man's eyes were full of seriousness.

It's almost like saying "Even if the second master doesn't care about you, the old man will help you".

Luo Jing silently looked at the well-meaning old man, not knowing what to say for a while.

This kind of unreasonable kindness always made him feel uncomfortable.

After all, he has always considered himself to be a transmigrator, and has no sense of substitution for his identity in this world.

I was fine when I was wearing the "Luo Jing" vest before, and I didn't care about my relatives, so I went my own way and fully implemented the behavior of my transmigrators.

But now that she has taken on a new identity, not only has a beautiful girl and sister who is obedient and obedient, but now she has a kind and caring elder...

The only thing Luo Jing could do was nod helplessly, expressing that he would obey the old man's arrangement.

"Uncle Feng, don't worry, I won't mess around."

Luo Jing said that he was obedient and would not mess around in the Yexing Division, so that the old man could rest assured.

Of course, Luo Jing couldn't mess around either.

Accompanied by the old man, Luo Jing passed through the gate of Tianshu Pavilion, passed the blockade of the palace guards, and bypassed the people outside who came to send spirits for Mr. Minghan.

In the end, the two came to the yamen of Haiyan City Night Travel Division.

Along the way, the old man was asking about Luo Jing's experience outside the customs over the years, and was very concerned about what happened to Luo Jing.

On the other hand, Luo Jing casually perfunctory Hu Nong, adapted it on the basis of the facts, and made up a passable experience Hu Nong old man.

"So you entered the Soul Refining Sect like this? You also cultivated into the Demon Blood Sword?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... No wonder you were found by the little monk Zhizhen. It turns out that you also practice the Demon Blood Sword."

The old man was amazed at Luo Jing's "legendary experience".

Luo Jing took the opportunity to ask, "That Zen Master Zhizhen was able to lock the practitioner who refines the Demon Blood Sword? How did he do it?"

Demon blood sword refining is extremely rare, and no one has cultivated it for many years.

Although Ying Qiuchan was famous for his sword of refining devil blood a hundred years ago, the sword of refining devil blood is still a legend on the magic road.

-The so-called legend is the kind of thing that everyone has heard of, but no one has actually seen.

The little monk in the Pure Land of Brahma is good-natured, why is it aimed at refining the Demon Blood Sword?

Luo Jing felt strange.

Zen Master Zhizhen shook his head and said, "Don't be clear about this, I heard from the second master, it seems that the little monk has a senior sister who met a hidden demon twenty years ago."

"The devil got the inheritance of Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan, practiced "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" and "Refining Magic of the Immortal Dao", and also had some cause and effect with the descendants of the demons."

"The little monk said that the devil was very powerful. He also said that for the past twenty years, he has been traveling around the world, looking for traces of the devil."

"And at the scene where Mr. Minghan was killed, there are traces of refining the Demon Blood Sword."

"So the young monk Zhizhen speculated that it was the devil who killed Mr. Mingham twenty years ago."

Feng Bulie told Luo Jing all the information he knew, like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

Hearing this, Luo Jing was stunned for a moment, feeling strange.

"Have the inheritance of Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan?"

"Cultivation of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" and "Refining Magic of the Immortal Dao"?"

What's so special about this?

The secrets of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" and the secrets of "Refining Magic of Immortal Dao" are clearly in his hands, right?

The secret of the blood sword was found by Qing Xuan in Lingyun Xianzong, and the secret of "Magic of Immortal Dao" was found by him and Ji Canghu in the secret realm of King Dayue Palace.

Could it be that before him, there was already a devil who gathered these two sets of exercises?

And after the devil memorized the content, UU Reading did not take the secret away, and even put the secret back in place?

Luo Jing felt outrageous.

The secrets of "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword" can be ignored. After all, it is placed in the Lingyun Xianzong Library, and anyone can read it.

But the secrets of "Magic of Immortal Dao" are sealed in the secret realm, and there is a strange shadow guard, you must complete the requirements of the shadows to take away the secrets.

If the devil from 20 years ago had obtained the secret of "Magic of the Immortal Dao", why did the ghost remain in the same place?

Or... In addition to the secret realm of the Great Moon King's Palace, Gu Chenfeng also left the secrets of "Xiandao Refinement Magic" in other places? !

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