MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 209

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The residence of the Tianlong people was burned down, so they could only live in tents, and all the necessities were gone, and they needed to be purchased quickly.

Their money was gone, and Huang Yuan resigned himself to buy things for them, for fear of attracting that person's attention.

For this trivial matter, it is not worth a hundred to alarm Lord Yimu.

"I want……"

The Tianlong people swarmed up and said all kinds of things they needed. The yellow ape reminded them loudly and asked them to make a list, but unfortunately no one did it, which made the yellow ape a little angry and talkative, he even He has three heads and can't remember what they want. If Akainu was there, he could still help him.

It's just that Akainu is in Marin Vando, here is the Holy Land Mary Joa, the distance between the two is not small, Akainu will definitely not come over if there is nothing.

"Why are you here?" Kizuna was so busy that he caught his breath when he saw Akainu approaching.

Slightly surprised, he needed a helper at this time. The best one was Akainu. As soon as he was talking about him, he appeared in front of him, and he really had a good heart.

"Come here and report the matter." Akainu's expression was a little heavy.

"What happened?" Huang Yuan had an ominous premonition, always feeling that something would happen.

"The Wu'an Pirates released all of Marin Fando's slaves, and the players in the arena were also released at this time. I'm here to apologize."

Akagi's voice didn't fluctuate, let alone emotion, the whole person looked gloomy, and Kizaru was stunned after hearing it. What was the situation, Malin Fando was also stolen.

This Wu'an Pirates is really haunted.

"I heard what happened here, I don't know how to comfort you."

Akainu continued to speak expressionlessly, Marin Fando's slave was released, he couldn't escape the blame for this matter, not to mention how heartless he was at this time, and he wanted to be killed by Wu An after being so troubled by Wu An. , life is full of bad things.

Huang Yuan is a good friend of him, how can he not see his thoughts.

\'You can't have anything until Wu An is caught. "

No matter what the Tianlong people want, the most important thing is Akainu, so he can't have such negative thoughts.

"He seems to be born to beat me." Akainu is really desperate, what is all this?

"It's also here to beat me." Huang Yuan felt the same way, since Wu An appeared.

His life has not been better, and there is still no news about Wu'an.

"I've heard all about it." Akainu understands very well. Kizaru's mood at this time can only be understood if he has experienced it.

"The Wu'an Pirates will be captured successfully."

Two brothers in distress, cheering each other up.

They never thought of it before, when someone made them suffer, but now they know it.

"Come on, let's go out for a walk with me."

Huang Yuan dragged Akainu (Wang Qian's) and drove here. After this incident, Wu Lao Xing must be in a bad mood. At this time, he joined together, isn't he asking for trouble, he can only wait for Wu Lao Xing for a while , Don't be so angry anymore, and then report the matter of Malin Fando, but at this time, don't hit the muzzle.

Wu An and the others came out of the depths of the Holy Land Mary Joa, and they appeared for the first time after burning the residence of the Tianlong people.

Many Tianlong people will be disgraced, and they are still very satisfied with this result.

According to the nature of Draco's urine, covering the shelter will definitely take a lot of time.

In the new residence, before it is completely covered, they must live in these tents, unless they are willing to live in the dormitory of the navy soldiers, these self-esteemed guys, they will not wrong themselves, go to live in the dormitory of the navy soldiers, this is For them, it is an outright shame.

I'd rather sleep in tents than live in those navy quarters.

240 The Hypocritical Tianlong People

240 The Hypocritical Tianlong People

"They are really hypocritical."

Xiaoba muttered dissatisfiedly, it would be nice to have a place to live, but if they were still picking and choosing, they should burn their residence.

"Isn't it hypocritical or a Tianlong person?" Fan Oka subconsciously took the sentence.

If they were not hypocritical, they would not be Tianlong people.

"That's right.\" Tiger quite agrees with this sentence. For a long time, the Tianlong people have done a lot of hurtful things by relying on their nobles. They can't be hypocritical. survive in this world.

"Come on, let's go." Wu An ended the meaningless conversation.

The most important thing is to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, when the yellow monkey reacts and wants to leave, it is very likely that he will not be able to leave.

"Captain, I'm so tired." Hancock was carrying Boyasand Sonia, and Tiger was carrying the other.

Fan Oka did not expect that there is such a heavy girl, it is really too heavy.

"Saba, come here."

Wu An asked Fan Oka to rest for a while, and let Sabas come back.

Sabas stepped forward silently and was almost crushed by her. This weight is estimated to be three or four Hancocks.

"Are you going to carry them to 680 in a while?"

Fan Oka rubbed his sore shoulders and said bitterly. Hancock's sister completely broke his fantasy. He thought she was a beauty.

Wu An nodded, he couldn't throw them away, he promised Hancock that he would definitely bring them there, how could he break his promise.

Van Oka sighed heavily, what did he do to endure this situation.

Wu An spread his hands and promised others, he must do it, this is the minimum credit.

"We will take them down in turn, so there must be no accident."

Wu An said these words very solemnly. If something happened to them, Hancock would definitely stay with them forever. The future empress must not offend them.

"Captain, isn't Hancock just prettier, she gave you some ecstasy soup to make you so reckless, you must take them out, how difficult it was for us to come up, we need to stand up well a few days."

Fan Oka broke out completely. He just didn't want to take these two burdens with him. With them, it would be difficult to escape later. There are so many navies here.

Xiao Ba tugged at him and motioned him to stop talking. The captain was already angry when he didn't see it.

"Why do you do this, you will know later."

Wu An was reluctant to tell them more, and told them they would not believe it. On the contrary, it would be better not to say anything.

Fan Oka felt a little embarrassed. He was really unruly just now, and he didn't know how to apologize for a while.

"Look, Captain." Fan Oka pointed to the cliff on the red soil continent. There were a lot of navy soldiers in extinction, and they were densely packed. In total, the cliff was only a little big.

"There are also many patrol navies below."

Xiao Ba took a sentence, and Wu An thought about how to deal with them without letting them find out and leave here.

Wu An used the space pause technique on them. After they were immobilized, Wu An and the others took advantage of this short time to leave. The cliffs of the red earth continent were carefully climbing down, especially Tiger or Sabah. They both have people on their backs.

"Don't let them fall."

Wu An solemnly reminded them that there should be no mistakes during this period. Falling is not a joke.

"What did you feel just now? It felt like you were being held back." The patrolling navy noticed something was wrong. He looked left and right, but found nothing unusual. It only meant that he was overly tense and might be hallucinating. , otherwise how to explain.

"It's too tired, just take a rest."

It really makes sense for them to think this way. Obviously no one passed by, but they still felt that someone passed by and went down from here.

"Will someone go down?"

The navy patrolling always felt that something was wrong, and others looked at him with contempt. They were not decorations. With so many people here, is it possible that there are still so many people going down? Isn't this a joke.

"It may also be too tired and hallucinations."

The soldier just now rubbed his eyes, hoping that he would be more awake at this time and would not have hallucinations so often.

Wu An and the others are right below, and they can be found just by looking around a little bit. Fan Oka held his breath and didn't let himself make a sound.

To be on the safe side, there is no need to use any vines, and it is more difficult to go down by yourself than to come up.

After they went down a short distance, to ensure that the patrolling navy above would not find them, they stood on a cliff and took a few deep breaths.

"It's easy now."

Xiao Ba wiped the sweat on his forehead, and when he climbed down, not only his tentacles were broken, but his whole body felt uncomfortable.

"Captain, what do you think it would be like to jump?"

Fan Oka had a whim, and looked at the bottomless cliff below. They climbed up from here a few days ago, and stood a little bit wanting to jump off.

"If you don't control your strength, you are likely to be smashed to pieces."

Wu An's words are not to scare them at all. Jumping from top to bottom seems to be very easy. Among them, you must master the strength and be familiar with the terrain here.

Van Oka gave up the idea and climbed down step by step like this, not knowing how much time it would take.

"If you climb up in two days, you will definitely be able to go down."

Wu An encouraged them that there is really no other way to go on this red earth continent, but if there is another way to go, why should they be like this.

This is also good, they can exercise their impetuous xinxing, maybe because of their young age, there is no such thing as not impetuous, except for him, who has lived for so long, he has long been impatient.

Where is it like these hairy boys, Fan Oka went down step by step, he didn't want to, if he took a wrong step, he would be punished by smashing his bones.

Wu An looked at this cliff and suddenly thought of sweet fruit for some reason.

Hancock has the ability to become petrified by having Sweet Fruit, which is linked to Sweet Fruit.

It can petrify hundreds of them in an instant. It is a good helper in team battles. She has to find sweet fruits for her as soon as possible. At the beginning, her sweet fruits were given to her by Tianlong people, in order to satisfy her own desires.

The original Hancock was tortured.

"Wake them up and let them come by themselves."

It is very difficult for them to go down with people on their backs. If they step in the air, it will be too late to come back.

"Why is this so high? Where is this place? Why are you here?" From Sister Hancock, Soul Three tortured.

241 Throwing into the sea

"Explain to her." Wu An simply didn't want to waste his saliva.

"This is the cliff of the Red Continent, and we all escaped."

Boyasand Sonia, very happy, they will be able to meet their sister soon. I haven't seen her for so many years, and I don't know what happened to my sister.

"When we were very young, we were targeted by slave traders. After being slaves for so many years, we never thought that one day we would be able to escape."

She laughed at herself, and no one understood that her state of mind at this time had a sense of time and circumstances, except that after so many years, there was a brand behind it - and there was nothing else.

That's fine too, as long as you can regain your freedom, your past experiences are nothing.

Their self-regulation ability is very good, and Wu An admires them.

"Since you were rescued, you have been free."

Xiao Ba comforted them by saying that he has never experienced the taste of being a slave, and it must be uncomfortable. He tortured people so badly. Fortunately, they still escaped, and they are no longer the slaves who were abused by others. They are like everyone else. Very equal, no longer the slaves of the past.

"I believe we will have a good life in the future."

Hancock's two sisters hugged each other and cried with joy. They didn't hug and cry just now when they were inside. They left there completely, and a few people hugged and cried.

Fan Oka was a little touched when he saw this scene. If he hadn't met the captain, presumably, he would also become a slave of the Tianlong people and become their tortured object.

Fortunately, none of this happened. Tiger felt the same way. At the beginning, he escaped by force. There were countless scars on his body, and it was even more shocking. He didn't have the luck of being so hungry. , at that time, he could only rely on himself to fight for life and death. It was a matter of whether he could regain his freedom or be captured by the Tianlong people and tortured forever. Fortunately, God was still good to him, and he escaped with scars.

"To be free again is the greatest gift."

Tiger understands this feeling too well. The rest is not important, the important thing is whether he can regain his freedom.

"you're right."

Tiger's words have been affirmed by them. Only those who have been slaves can understand that hard life is getting harder and harder every day.

Fortunately, they have completely escaped from the cage. They are lucky, and there are many unfortunate people who are trapped in the prison. There are thousands of slaves, and in places they don't know, there are many more. Innocent children were caught by black-hearted slave traders.

This time they let the slaves go, and next time more slaves will come in, which is impossible.

They can't stop this from happening, they can only comfort themselves, and hope that the new world government will appear and the number of slaves will be greatly reduced.

Wu An didn't know what to say, and promised them that the world government would be overthrown? Will there be a new system?

This kind of goal that they want to achieve is still very far away for now. No matter how hard they work now, there is still a distance from the goal.

"Okay, let's go down."

Wu An doesn't want to talk too much. This kind of topic is very heavy. Once it starts, the only one who suffers in the end is himself. Wu An feels that the burden on his shoulders is even heavier. If there is any way to prevent this from happening, he will definitely do it at all costs. It's a pity that this kind of thing happens anyway.

The group slowly descended, and there were several small accidents in the middle, but fortunately, they successfully descended to the Red Earth Continent.

"There are also many navies patrolling here, but I just don't know what happened to them."