MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 261

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Saint Roswald couldn't care about anything, anyway, he couldn't stand it. This room was empty and there was nothing in it.

Charles Rosin, hurriedly took Roswald to the place where he was hiding, the treasure of gold and silver.

"Why is this place so small?"

Saint Roswald looked at here dissatisfied, this room is too small.

?0 asking for flowers.....

"Father, you can't think like that."

Charles Luo Sheng, seeing his father dislike this place so much, reluctantly persuaded him.

St. Roswald's problem came up. He really disliked this house, and even the newly built residence was half as good.

"Father, please."

Charles Rosin did not continue to talk to Roswald Saint about this issue, but came to the front of the room and opened the room.

Originally, Saint Roswald was still a little angry, but the moment he saw the door opened, he was almost blinded by what was inside. There was literally everything here.

Saint Roswald can't wait to enter, even though the room is not big, but here, it is full of gold and silver treasures.

"Are these ours?"


Saint Roswald couldn't believe it for a moment.

"Father, this is all ours."

Charles Luo Sheng raised his head and was still snorting. When Roswalder saw these, his treasures, let alone how happy he was, it was really great.

Thought he would have nothing. Unexpectedly, Charles Luo Sheng, still kept a hand, and finally did not lose too much.

Saint Roswald holds these, more than anything else, important gold and silver treasures to him.

"Father, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Charles Luo Sheng suddenly proposed to leave.

Saint Roswald nodded and agreed, where he wanted to go, he would have no opinion, after all, so many gold and silver treasures were left by Charles Luosheng.

Charles Rosin quickly left, leaving only Roswald St.

"Great, my darling."

Saint Roswald said shamelessly, he must protect these gold and silver treasures.

After finally leaving these, I can't make any more mistakes. Saint Roswald started, racking his brains, thinking, where is the appropriate place to hide so many gold and silver treasures.

This room is too small to put it all here, and I can understand the painstaking efforts of Charles Ro Saint.

He probably didn't want to let others find out that he found such an inconspicuous house.

But no matter how I look at it now, I feel that this place will definitely be discovered, and these gold and silver treasures must be transferred as soon as possible.

336 About the Casino of the Wu'an Pirates

I can't give anyone a chance to discover these gold and silver treasures. Now the entire Holy Land Mary Joa belongs to a relatively poor period, and most of the people's gold and silver treasures have been burnt to the ground, but such a room , when they are discovered, I am afraid it will lead to their looting.

Roswald had to find a lot of jars and put them in. According to his idea, he buried them in the ground, thinking about waiting for the new residence to be built, and then put these gold and silver Treasures are put in.

Saint Roswald, humming for a long time, on this day, the Holy Land Mary Joa seemed extraordinarily calm.

It is because the Five Old Stars are studying the plan mentioned by Saint Roswald. For them, this plan seems to be good at present.

It's just that they need to add a lot of "seven-five-three" pieces in it, so that they can completely contain the Wu'an Pirates, not letting them enter the World Government to successfully contain them.

The superficial plan is one thing, but in fact it's another. Wu An can't be so stupid. If he is so easy to deal with, how is it possible that he can't deal with them now.

The starting point of this plan is to contain the Wu'an Pirates. If it can be planned well, it can really contain the Wu'an Pirates.

As for the Chambord Islands, the Yellow Monkeys and the others don't know yet. If they wanted to know about this, the first one would disagree.

Doflamingo has been worrying about whether St. Roswald will mention him to the Five Old Stars and let him enter the World Government. If he doesn't mention it, that's right, he will rely on Kizaru , into the world government.

Brother Doflaming, returned to the place where he hesitated before, no matter what he thought, no matter what he was hesitating.

The conditions with Kizaru at the beginning were also, to cooperate with them, and he entered the World Government, these were all agreed at the beginning, even if Saint Rozwald did not recommend him, and there were no Kizaru and Akainu.

It's really a noble person who forgets things a lot. How could he forget this? This means that he has a double guarantee.

If so, it wouldn't work for Saint Roswald, and if there were no Kizaru and Akainu, they couldn't have forgotten the good terms they had agreed to in the blink of an eye. If this is the case, he

Perhaps, they will stand on the opposite side of them, they are not ignorant of these.

To say that now, everywhere is very calm.

The five old stars of the Holy Land Mary Joa, now, have not given them any orders, not at all about the Wu'an Pirates.

On the contrary, the Kiwis and the others did not make any movements, and they were quiet and terrifying.

The Wu'an Pirates didn't even make any moves, as if they had reached a tacit understanding, neither of them would do anything.

It's just that no one knows how long this tacit understanding can last.

There are also bounty hunters, they are also melancholy, what kind of conditions should be used, so that Wu An can see their sincerity, know how sincere they are now, and want to cooperate with him.

Other people who eat melons have found out that they haven't seen it for a long time. The Wu'an Pirates have a war with the World Government. As long as the Wu'an Pirates have a war with the World Government, they will be very happy. For this reason, there are also A place, a casino was set up specifically for them, I don't know whose handwriting it is.

The betting contract is roughly as follows, in each contest between the Wuan Pirates and the World Government, who wins and who loses?

This is an important question. If they bet right, they will get a lot of money, but if they lose, they will lose a lot of money, but if they are tied, they will gain.

This didn't cause anyone's complaints, and I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this, and it was right to think about it. If it was a tie, the money still didn't belong to the casino.

At present, there are very few such casinos. After all, not everyone can play.

In the beginning, almost one or two of the winners of the Wu'an Pirates were betting on the World Government.

They believe that the world government is more powerful, and although the war is on top, the Wu'an Pirates won.

But they still felt that the World Government could win better. After all, the World Government existed. After eight hundred years, the Wu'an Pirates had not been established.

But those bets, from the World Government, were all lost in the end. Instead, the bets, the Wu'an Pirates, all won a lot. At first, no one thought that the Wu'an Pirates would win. Too exaggerated.0

Those who bet on the Wu'an Pirates did not expect that they would win at first. They are different from others. They came with a rebellious mentality. They all bet on the world government. , Unexpectedly, this really surprised them.

As long as the Wu'an Pirates don't fight with the World Government, this kind of casino will basically not open. After all, they exist solely for Wu'an and fight with the World Government. If they don't fight, can they open? Of course it can't.

"You said, why haven't they opened yet."

Many gamblers are already unbearable in their hearts, and they just think about how to bet, but they came here to take a look. They still haven't opened.

"You are early."

There are many people waiting next to them. They have learned to be smart. Once or twice, they have bet on the World Government, and they stubbornly believe that the World Government will definitely win. On the other hand, betting on the Wu'an Pirates is called winning a fun, big game. Put a lot of money in their pockets, and they only give out, a small amount of money can get so much, over time, those bets on the world government, they are unbalanced in their hearts, no matter how they think, the world Now that the government has become so useless, which fight with the Wu'an Pirates did not end in defeat?

It's a waste of money. They have so much money. Now, they must bet on Wu'an Pirates 3.6, which surprises them. This casino has not yet opened. Everyone is staying here, waiting for the casino to open. , and others have been here for a long time, just to bet on the Wu'an Pirates.


The people who came were a little frustrated, how come now, this casino hasn't opened yet.

"The Wu'an Pirates, the World Government, they are all quiet and terrifying, there is no movement, and they seem to be preparing for the war."

Many people speculate that if it is so quiet, there must be a demon, and it will not be for nothing, but it will be so quiet. They must be holding back their big moves, but they have not revealed it.

"That's right."

This reason gave them another reason to keep on going, and they all waited here for so long.

337 The Long-Lost Demon Training

I don't care, this day or two, as long as there is a chance, I can win money, waiting here is nothing, these are nothing.

"It must be preparing for the war, and then you must bet on the Wu'an Pirates."

The person next to him said it without hesitation. The person who said this seemed to be white and clean, and at first glance, he was a master who was not short of money.

In his opinion, it is only fair that he must win back the money wasted on the World Government.

The person who was with him, when he heard him say this, hurriedly covered his mouth, because he was afraid that others would not know, who are they going to bet on?

"Don't hide, brother."

The others said helplessly, did he think they were all fools?

"Whoever came here is not betting on the Wu'an Pirates."

The one who spoke was a big tree with a beard. He looked at the casino with vicissitudes of eyes. It seemed that he had already defrauded a lot of money here. He must bet on the Wu'an Pirates and win back those losses. , otherwise he would be very uncomfortable.

I always feel that I have lost a lot. Back then, this casino was really humiliating. Who let them choose the world government? From the top of the war, you should know that Wu An, 10 will always win, he himself , is a special legendary existence.

There has never been anyone here who dared to challenge the world government, and he was the first.

"So, are you too?"

They were a little embarrassed to speak, but they didn't expect that the people who came here were all betting on the Wu'an Pirates, which surprised them.

Think about it, as long as you are not a fool, you all know that you should bet, the Wu'an Pirates, after all, the Wu'an Pirates, brought them great benefits.

"So we are the same."

To say that at the beginning, they still held the idea of ​​getting a lot of money from here, but now it has completely disappeared. If they want to say why, it is probably because so many people here are betting on the Wu'an Pirates. It is conceivable that no one in the world government is betting, so where do they get the money?

The good thing is to bet to win money, but in fact, it is a hurdle that cannot be overcome. You must win once. This is probably the heart of every gambler. Otherwise, you will not lose so badly.

After all, who can blame this, not myself.

Here they are all waiting hard. In fact, they are also very tired to open this casino. To put it bluntly, it is because the Wu'an Pirates did not start fighting with the World Government. The business has not yet opened, and no one knows when the Wu'an Pirates will be able to go to war with the World Government. This is an uncertain factor.

They are also very helpless in the face of such a situation, but there is no way to wait.

Otherwise, nothing else can be done. In the beginning, this casino was just for the existence of the Wu'an Pirates and the World Government. If you want to change it, you will change it. Those gamblers will definitely not let them go.

This puts them in a dilemma, and the best thing to do now is to wait.

Waiting for the Wu'an Pirates to fight again with the World Government.

Is this the so-called, usually not open, open for half a year?

On the other hand, the Wu'an Pirates are relatively calm, and they are not idle. From the outside, they must be very leisurely, and they usually eat and drink, but the real situation is not as good as they say.

The real situation is that Wu An has customized a plan for them, and they have to do devil training every day, including Jessica, but also training. This kind of high-intensity training makes them a little bit unbearable. After all, it has been a long time without them. The devil training was carried out, and it came suddenly, which made them a little unacceptable.

"You have all become lazy, so you feel that this kind of devil training is unacceptable."

Wu An told the truth, seeing how lazy they have become during this period of time, they shouldn't be allowed to be so lazy.

While training, Van Oka looked at the captain in disbelief and answered breathlessly.

"Captain, why don't you say it, this devil training is terrible."

Van Oka's typical death-defying series is obviously devil training, but it was said by the captain that it was caused by their laziness.

"Everyone, the one just now doesn't count, because of Fan Oka, you have to train more."

Wu An evoked a familiar smile from Fan Oka, and the alarm bell suddenly rang in his heart. Before he had a bad premonition, Wu An had already given them an order.

Fan Aoka complained a lot, how could the captain do this, Tiger and the others, all cast a hateful look at Fan Aoka.

Fan Oka was holding on to the eyes that they were about to kill, while continuing to train, as if eating Huanglian.

"Captain, you can't hurt me like this."

Fan Aoka continued to speak without hesitation, Wu An supported his forehead, why so many of his words.

"Or do you want to train alone?"

Wu An used Killer Copper on him, as long as he wanted to train alone, he would definitely satisfy him.

"Or? You want to train with them?"

Wu An has already said what he said very clearly.

"Captain, I was wrong."

Fan Oka hurriedly begged for mercy. The time just now, let them remember the hatred. This is going to happen again. I am afraid that 753 will really die. How could the captain hurt him so much.

"If you know what's wrong, you can change it."

Wu An only gave them additional training once. After all, this was Fan Oka's mistake. If someone else made a mistake next time, they would still have additional training, but he didn't say it.

Jessica underwent the same devil training as they did. Wu An did not make her work so hard because of her relationship, but it was correct. But Jessica, after all, is a little girl, no matter how she thinks about it, Wu An is very unselfish, but she just feels uncomfortable.

Jessica scolded herself for being hypocritical, but she couldn't control this situation. Maybe she was too nervous?