MTL - My Hero Academia: My Personality is the World-Chapter 267

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Karp is very angry. He is a hero of the dignified navy, and his son and grandson are good. He even thought about making the world equal. How could he have such a ridiculous idea? If it were someone else, he would have been scored long ago He went to the hospital, but these two people were his son and grandson, so what could he do, what else could he do.

"Father, I really didn't teach him, this is what Lu (King Zhao's) Fei said himself."

Long felt that he was very wronged, and he didn't say anything just now.

"What does he know so little?"

Garp doesn't eat his tricks, it's obviously his teaching, and it's too much to not admit it now.

"Not really."

The throat of Long's explanation was almost smoking, no matter how he explained it, his father didn't believe it.

Karp snorted coldly and didn't care about these tails with him.

Luffy looked at them curiously, Dad and Grandpa, are they quarreling?

"Luffy, come to Grandpa."

Garp turned to look at Luffy kindly, and Long sighed helplessly. His father, treating him and Luffy, was always in two different situations.

Luffy obediently came to Garp, Garp decided, can't let his son, close to Luffy, otherwise Luffy will be like him and want to overthrow the world government.

350 Dragon's determination not to change

As a hero of the navy, how can he allow his son and grandson to overthrow the world government, this is absolutely not allowed, no, he must stop the dragon.

Garp looked at the well-behaved Luffy, not to mention satisfied. Although his son was unreliable, Luffy satisfied him.

"You will be farther away from Luffy in the future, and you can't transmit them to him. Those bad ideas, you must know that if you want to overthrow the world government, they are all criminals, and they are all heinous crimes."

Garp looked at the dragon and spoke very seriously, with disgust for this kind of person in his eyes, and the dragon suddenly became a little sullen. When he found out that his biggest enemy was his father, let alone how depressed he was.

But he couldn't say anything more. Ever since his father knew that he was a revolutionary army, let alone how angry he was, he didn't have a good face towards him.

I wish I had never had a blood relationship with him, no matter what I say or do, in the eyes of his father, it is all wrong, including being close to Luffy now, because his father thinks it is to brainwash Luffy and let him Farther away from Luffy, let alone how helpless he was, how could he be like this.

"He is my son 760."

Long said toughly, it was his son, he couldn't get close yet.

"I know he's your son."

Karp snorted coldly, he hadn't forgotten that.

"Even if it's your son, remember what to say and what not to say."

Karp felt that he had said it clearly enough, why he still couldn't understand it.

"Then what should father say and what should not be said."

Long had to force it to the end today. They argued countless times about this matter, and each time it ended badly.

"In front of Luffy, I don't want to say anything more to you."

Garp looked at Luffy who was curious and didn't want to discuss this kind of thing in front of him.

"Father, I think you are wrong."

Long blurted out these words, whether it was Karp or himself, he was stunned, how could he say such words, but don't doubt, such words were blurted out of his mouth.

"Monkey. D. Long. You are so bold."

Karp called his full name angrily. As soon as Long heard his father's tone, he knew that his current father was very angry, but he couldn't do anything about it. What could he do? He was on a different stand from his father. Really helpless.

"Father I..."

Long wanted to open his mouth and apologize to his father, but halfway through his words, he didn't know how to continue, why he wanted to apologize, he was right about this.

"What are you?"

Karp blew his beard and stared at him angrily, looking at the dragon, he couldn't get angry, how could he have such a son, as a hero of the navy, this is a great thing, why his own son, I don't understand , to do something to make him angry.

"I don't even know what to say."

Long answered truthfully, he knew that as a naval hero, the first thing to do is to protect the world government. His father was right, he was right, it was the world that was wrong.

"If you don't know what to say, just shut up."

Karp gave him an order directly, and when he heard him speak, he became angry and overthrew the world government. Is he that happy?

"This world is already very peaceful, as long as you don't make trouble."

Once again, Karp wanted to change his mind and stop thinking about overthrowing the world government.

"Father, can't you really see those poor slaves? How innocent are they, just because they can't be beaten, are they forcibly taken away by slave traders?"

Long is very serious. When he said these words, his mind was full of poor slaves. There were old and young. They were teenagers. Their lives were just beginning. treatment?

Why? Is it because no one (badg) saves them, no one suppresses the traffickers, that they are so rampant?

That's why more and more human traffickers are born. Yes, human traffickers are the fastest to make money, and there is no risk. As long as they are strong and strong, they can arrest the young people they can't resist, as well as the dull old people. The hateful thing is that there are also children in it. If you sell them, you can get a lot of money. Of course, more and more people will participate in this kind of ineffective and very profitable industry. But who has ever thought about how innocent the trafficked old people, teenagers, and babies are?

Why no one saves them.

Karp opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, but he was silent in the end, looking at his son, his fists clenched tightly, his eyes were scarlet, if it were someone else, he would have punched him long ago.

"It's none of your business."

Karp said these words bluntly, and this kind of thing can never be prevented.

"It doesn't matter how, my mission is to make this kind of thing disappear."

Long said stubbornly, he would not change his mind, there are too many dirty things in this world, he must stop them.

Let those dirty things never happen again.

"You actually told me the mission?"

Garp looked at him in disbelief.

"Yes is my mission."

Long repeated his point of view once again, this is his mission, and it will never change.

"Shit's mission."

Garp was completely panicked, and he was in a hurry to talk to him about his mission.

"I think you're crazy."

Luffy is sandwiched between the two, whoever speaks, turns his head to look at whoever, don't look too cute.

"I'm not crazy."

Long said very seriously, how could he be crazy, this was his idea, and then he said.

"The world government keeps saying, absolute justice and peace, but don't they know this? What's more hateful is that the Tianlong people protected by the world government buy slaves in a grand manner, and let those poor slaves serve them, in order to satisfy their wonderful work. Psychology, father, don't tell me all this, you don't know."

Today, Long has said everything that has accumulated in his heart. Garp listened to his constant words, and his heart is complicated. The world government doesn't care, what right does he have to manage this kind of thing?

He is just a hero of the navy, serving the world government, but he also knows that the world government is serving the Tianlong people. As long as the Tianlong people have anything, the world government will definitely lead

Bear the brunt.

It couldn't be changed, what else could he say.

Karp sighed deeply, he knew, the dragon said all this today, which has proved his determination and proved that he would not compromise and give up his plan because of his father.

351 The Karp & Sons Stance

"Have you really figured it out?"

Karp didn't yell at him, but let him think carefully about whether to do it or not, knowing that once the decision is made, there is no turning back.

"Open the bow without turning back the arrow."

Long was very sure, and there was no doubt in his tone. What he had decided must be done.

Long raised his head proudly, he thought his father would make a big noise with him again, but what he didn't expect was that his father didn't speak for a long time, which surprised him a little, looked up at his father, I feel very uncomfortable, and I sincerely apologize.

"I'm sorry, father."

Karp waved his hand, and he couldn't understand how it became like this. This is his son, and he was going to fight against him. He couldn't figure it out.

"Do you know the Wu'an Pirates?"

After a long time, Karp said.

The latter nodded excitedly for a while. Who doesn't know the name of the Wu'an Pirates, the Hell Demon Lord is enough for everyone to know.

"There is no way for the five old stars to take him." Garp sighed. He has been training at home recently. The affairs of the Wu'an Pirates are so noisy that it is difficult for others to know.

"The Five Old Stars initially planned to let me arrest him."

Garp said bitterly in his heart, and Long was stunned. Why didn't his father say this earlier.

"The father?"

Long is very worried, Wu An is not so easy to deal with, if something happens, what should they do.

"Don't worry, the Five Old Stars later canceled the plan."

Karp was also worried at the beginning, for fear that Wu An would destroy him, but this was the order of Wu Laoxing, and he had to obey. Fortunately, Wu Laoxing took this order back.

"The father?"

Long was still worried that his father would be in great danger if he really got into trouble with Wu An one day.

"I'm an old bone, it doesn't matter if I live or not." Karp said indifferently, living made him so unhappy, it would be better to die in battle, which would be better.

"Father, how can you think so."

Long heard this sentence, don't mention panic, no matter how much disagreement he and his father have, how can he joke about his own life.

"I'm not threatening you." Garp looked at Long and said seriously, he didn't have to threaten him, and there was no need for him.

"You have to know that we will stand on different positions after all, and one day we will meet."

It's not hard for Karp to think that one day in the future, they will fight against each other, and they will represent different positions. What should I do?

Long couldn't explain it all, his father was right, there would be such a day.

"Even if it is a different position, the war will never reach you."

Long is very sure of this, he will not affect his father, no matter what his father's decision is, he will not let him get hurt.

Never, whether he represented the Revolutionary Army or his father represented the Navy.

Looking at Long's affirmative look, Garp knew that he would not put him in danger, but for a long time, the World Government would not take his face and not chase and kill Long.

"I'm just a son like you."

Karp is very helpless. He is just such a son. Watching his son being chased and killed, he can't do anything. Not to mention how uncomfortable this feeling is.

Looking at his father's expression, Long knew what he was thinking. This is something that cannot be solved. This is a helpless move, and no one can change it.

"Father, for the peace of the world in the future, I must do this."

Long still insisted, he had to do it, he couldn't give up his identity as a revolutionary army because of his father, he really couldn't give up.

Karp was so angry when he saw his son that he couldn't get in the oil and salt.

"Pay close attention to Wu'an. In the future, their fate will be yours. Also, don't think about bringing bad Luffy."

Garp didn't say much, and after saying this, he left with Luffy.

Long was helplessly laughed at, his father is really interesting, how can he not let him get close to his son.

Anyway, he knew Luffy's thoughts, it was exactly the same as his thoughts.

He didn't teach him, Long proudly left, and he must pay close attention to the affairs of the Wu'an Pirates in his mind, although the Wu'an Pirates have been

To fight against the world government, I don't know if they are revolutionary troops. If they are revolutionary troops, it would be great, but if they are not revolutionary troops, it will be difficult.

?0 asking for flowers.....

If they weren't the revolutionary army, what would they do all this for?

Could it be that the world government would compromise on one thing for them? The more you think about it, the more likely it is, let alone this possibility, it is really possible.

If this is the case, he will do whatever it takes to deal with the Wu'an Pirates, who made them look at money, fame, and status so much.

Long's heart already has a countermeasure. This matter depends on their follow-up development. Except for his father who knows his actions, the world government is busy, dealing with the Wu'an Pirates, and has no time to pay attention to them, which gives them a good Rest, if they are to be noticed, many things can't be carried out at the same time. Fortunately, the current world government has no time to deal with them. The Wu'an Pirates have already made them very busy. How can there be time to deal with them? And father, he should never deal with him, they are related by blood, and this relationship cannot be given up, and will never be given up.


His father, even if he is very dissatisfied with him, there is nothing he can do, and he cannot take action against him. Long suffering speculation, if his father finally finds out, Luffy's thoughts are the same as his, will he be angry? off his skin?