MTL - My House of Horrors-Chapter 1115 Are you sure you want to challenge the most difficult scenario? (5600)

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"I don't know why the comedy we shot would break the horror film record, but we did go to the comedy filming at the beginning." Chen Ge smiled bitterly, which was regarded as the inadvertent insertion of Liu Liucheng, the most important thing was the original author Turned into a ghost, he was also very satisfied with Chang Gu's work, thinking that Chang Gu shot the core of comedy.

The original author is satisfied, the director is satisfied, the audience is satisfied, the film and television company is satisfied, everyone is satisfied, although Chen Ge feels weird, but slowly chose to accept: "Luo Dong, we are just an essence concept film, if you If a friend wants to cooperate with us in depth, we can have a good talk."

"He also has this meaning, I will give you the contact information later, you chat."


"Take this opportunity, the film fire is a very good publicity for us, if the follow-up online drama can maintain this heat, it is better than any advertising."

Luo Dong hung up the phone, and the legend about this comedy classified horror film continued on the Internet.

At the beginning, Chen Ge wanted to use the heat of the horror house to bring the Internet drama, and fought to go to one or two companies to discuss cooperation, but he did not expect that after only a few hours, the heat attracted by the film began to feed the horror house. .

Many people who have never played haunted houses and horror games are also interested in horror houses. After all, haunted houses that can produce comedy can be said to be rare in the world.

The comedy produced by the Horror House has even gradually become a stalk on the Internet. One of the "dressing" shots is regarded as a classic and included in the horror film teaching materials.

The inadvertent horror, the more scared the more the more frightened the viewers sleep through the night, and more and more people begin to discuss the comedy.

The writer's own work is very hardcore. Various clues and psychological changes are well described. Chang Gu's shooting is also very perfect. The nightmare world and reality are carried out simultaneously. Various images and metaphors can lead to countless ways of interpretation.

Overall, this horror house's comedy network burst into flames, and countless people began to look forward to the plot behind.

Sleepless all night, Chen Ge is still very energetic. He and Changgu watched the major video sites in turn, and the data on all platforms continued to soar.

The haunted house employees are also very excited. Although they do not fully understand how hot this short film is, they will be very happy as soon as they see themselves appear in the video.

The employees were chatting nonstop, and Chen Ge was shocked beside him. Many employees went to the bustle during the shooting process. They went abroad in various ways, only unexpectedly, without them, such as The hidden face in the tea, the small shadow under the desk, the broken hand suspended behind the door, etc.

If you don’t look carefully at these details, you can’t see them at all. The popularity on the Internet is getting higher and higher. In order to prevent overturning, Chen Ge simply admitted on his social platform. He said that he hidden a hundred eggs in the short film. , To see if the audience can discover all.

The heat is too high, so he will not "pretend", just tell the audience-all the shots you see are very deliberately made of haunted house deliberately made eggs.

He said this and attracted a large audience.

"It was so sudden that I was not prepared yet."

Chen Ge looked at the soaring background message, some people were preparing to go to the filming site to check in, and others were preparing to enter the haunted house for the first time in their life tomorrow, because they just wanted to meet a male host, and even had an extremely sensitive agent The company left a message to Chen Ge and they wanted to sign a pen.

There were too many messages, but Chen Ge couldn't reply at all. He looked at the already bright sky and put away his phone: "I stayed up all night again."

After a short sleep, Chen Ge quickly got up and prepared to open.

Today, Xu Wan and Xiao Gu came very early. They rushed over as soon as they saw Chen Ge, especially Xiao Gu, who stuttered while holding a mobile phone: "Boss! Is this movie really made by us? I brushed it last night When it arrives, people are stupid."

"It was indeed taken by us."

"When did you take the picture? It's amazing!"

"What are you doing when I don't sleep every night? In order to make this film, I spent a lot of energy and spent a long time. Fortunately, from the results, everything is worth it." Chen Ge no longer continued Answer Xiao Gu's question and wave them to make them quickly put on makeup, ready to welcome today's tourists.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the New Century Paradise opened and tourists flocked in. When they lined up, the comedy of the Horror House became the center of the topic, even if two people who didn't even know it could chat.

"Today there are more tourists than the previous few days, what's going on?" Uncle Xu worried about the problem and quickly found Chen Ge.

"Uncle, do you usually not go online? We put another advertisement, and the effect is quite good." Chen Ge helped to sell tickets outside, looking at the tourists, he was happy from the heart.

However, he was not blinded by joy. While selling tickets outside, he was also paying attention to those who wanted to smash the field.

The number of people who visited the four-star scene psychic ghost school today has doubled. This scene can accommodate up to twenty people to visit at the same time, which is almost full, which attracted the attention of Chen Ge.

Many of the tourists attracted by the Internet dramas are playing haunted houses for the first time, and they need to challenge from the one-star scene. Those who challenge the scene of the psychic ghost school are mostly old oil seeds.

Originally, this was nothing, but Chen Ge found that a group of people were repeatedly buying tickets, and they constantly challenged the psychic ghost school, just like the scene.

After paying a heavy price in terms of spirit, money, and flesh, this large group of people explored a psychic ghost school, and they were still far from customs clearance.

In order to protect the tourists, Chen Ge took the most difficult tasks out of the lottery box, such as finding 13 oil paintings, looking for the president of the Red Dress Society, ascertaining the secret of the missing old principal, etc. These tasks are specifically for Prepared by those who smashed the field, ordinary tourists would hardly get these "mortal" tasks.

This group of people draw simple tasks and medium-difficult tasks, but only in this way, their spirits have reached the limit. After the last person fainted, someone in the tourist picked them up.

Obviously a team is trying to attack Chen Ge's haunted house, but they have far underestimated the difficulty of Chen Ge's haunted house.

After the group of people who constantly challenged the psychic ghost school left, they exchanged another group of people in the afternoon. They seemed to share information. The predecessors used the map and the location of the frightened point in exchange for "life" to provide the latter. Great help.

These unusual visitors also attracted the attention of the staff of the haunted house. For this reason, Lao Zhou also ran specifically to ask Chen Ge whether it would be more difficult.

Chen Ge directly rejected Lao Zhou's proposal. He taught Lao Zhou to play the game only when there is a possibility of customs clearance, this game will be attractive.

In fact, what he thought in his heart was to make the group of people paralyzed as much as possible, so that the fetal scene would be useful.

The horror house opened from 9 am and ended at 6 pm. The school of psychic ghosts was full. The gang of people who played life and exploration did not pass the customs, but they seemed to have drawn the psychic ghost school east and west campus completely. map.

As long as the map is in hand and the location of the startle point is clear, as long as it is not too bad luck to draw a task involving hidden scenes, then it is only a matter of time before they clear the level.

It was dark, and after the tourists left, Chen Ge sat on the steps in front of the horror house.

"The popularity of comedy filming in the Horror House is still rising, and this is just a pilot concept film. If you really continue to launch online dramas later, not only the comedy filming of the Horror House, but also the New Century Paradise where the Horror House is located. Ma Feng may have a sense of crisis, so he is anxious to clear my haunted house and suppress my momentum." Chen Ge looked at the income on the book and unconsciously began to rise.

The psychic ghost school can enter 20 tourists at a time, about 40 minutes in a game, but most of the time, few tourists can insist on 40 minutes, and the average conversion is about 30 minutes.

The ticket is forty yuan, and one Chen Ge can earn 800, and today, the Ghost School of Ghosts opened twelve games.

Usually, few people like this four-star scene will challenge, and it will take a long time to get together. The most profitable ones are those low-star scenes. These high-star scenes are all prepared for high play, compared to making money, They are even more a symbol.

"Hope this group of people will come over tomorrow."

After a brief cleaning, Chen Ge came to the puppet workshop with a backpack on his back. After he prepaid some money to the boss, he drove the boss out.

Locking the door with his backhand, Chen Ge directly summoned Li Gui employees to help them make plastic black mist monsters together.

Busy until early in the morning, Chen Ge asked Tang Jun to drive the 104-hound hearse and transport all the crafted black mist monsters back to the horror house.

Chang Gu had new ideas and was preparing to shoot a new short drama. Chen Ge and some employees who had nothing to do started to set up the scenes of the unborn child.

After repeated inspections several times, Chen Ge came out after four o'clock in the morning to make sure there were no hidden dangers.

"Now the fetal scene can be opened at any time, I don't know which tourists will be lucky."

After sleeping for more than three hours, Chen Ge was woken up by the alarm clock. He looked at the slowly rising sun and stretched out comfortably.

"It would be nice if I could live such a life forever."

After taking a cold shower, Chen Ge changed his clothes and opened the protective fence of the haunted house.

The nine o'clock paradise opened on time, and visitors entered the park, and familiar noises rang in their ears.

There was a long line at the door of the horror house, and some old players ran into the lounge to occupy the position, intensively discussing the latest strategy that they had researched.

From Chen Ge's acquisition of the black phone to the present, the Horror House has been with the tourists for a long time, more and more people like it, and it has left them with various memories that are worth recalling.

Life is generally bland, but in the horror house of Chen Ge, they experience another kind of life.

A group of tourists entered the haunted house scene, but what surprised Chen Ge was that no one went to the group to challenge the psychic ghost school today. He was wondering whether the group of people gave up when there was a noise in the lounge. scream.

"What happened?" Chen Ge took the initiative to walk over. Many old players knew him and saw him come in and gave way directly.

"Boss Chen! Look at our haunted house app. Someone has posted to clear the most difficult scene of our haunted house, which is the most popular post!" A student from Hanjiang Forensic Medical School ran over, he took his mobile phone and showed it to Chen Ge .

There is indeed one more popular post in the haunted house app, and countless sailors leave a message below to keep this post first.

The content of the post itself is also very explosive. First of all, they admit that Chen Ge’s haunted house is scary, but it is not so exaggerated. They say that most tourists are misled.

The beginning of this post was a standard quotation from Liao Jing. The Horror House was scary, but it didn't scare them. Although they hadn't been to them, they felt like this.

There are a lot of haunted house peer posts in the post. They analyzed Chen Ge's haunted house from various angles. In short, they finally came to a conclusion-Chen Ge's haunted house is not true, two points of strength, eight points of hype.

The explosion of Chen Ge’s haunted house means that it is unfair to those of them who seriously manage the haunted house. Today they will work together to expose the hypocrisy of Chen Ge and the horror house to the public.

The entire post is written like a poem, and people are full of blood, but think about it. Most of them have not visited the horror house at all. How did they come to the conclusion? With superb imagination?

This post appeared on major platforms at the same time in addition to the haunted house app. A large number of sailors posted on the top to maintain the heat.

What is interesting is that these platforms and forums are places where tourists from the Horror House are more active. As soon as their posts are published, they are met with all kinds of cynicism. After all, the last person who said so is still in the hospital.

But the other party is clearly planned, they don't care about the fans' ridicule at all, it seems that they are ready to wait for the anti-killing face with a suffocation.

They are fully prepared, so they dare to post such posts in the most active places of the horror house tourists. They just want everyone who likes the horror house to see and then clear the horror house in the face of everyone. The most difficult Scenes.

In this way, not only won face, but also won inside, raised his eyebrows and exhaled, but also broke the legend of Chen Ge haunted house without customs clearance.

Seeing these layouts, the word "Ma Feng" immediately appeared in Chen Ge's mind. This person's acting style was different from that of Jiang Jiu. He was decisive and fierce.

"For this day, he should have prepared for a long time." Chen Ge just finished reading the post, and the situation outside the horror house went out again.

Nine tourists were blocked at the door, and they did not line up, shouting to see Chen Ge.

These nine tourists, male and female, have different dresses and accents. They seem to come from different places in the country, but two of them, Chen Ge, have seen them.

One is Shangguan Qinghong, the boss of Xinhai’s most terrifying haunted house; the other is Qin Guang, the first anchor to compete with Chen Ge on the live broadcast platform.

Seeing the two of them, Chen Ge still felt very kind. He walked out of the lounge and greeted him directly.

"The two haven't seen you for a long time. I'm busy here. I haven't had time to see you in the hospital."

Hearing Chen Ge’s voice alone, Qin Guang’s teeth tickled. He was about to reply but was stopped by Shangguan Qinghong next to him.

"Boss Chen is polite. We came here today to visit your haunted house." Shangguan Qinghong knew how bad Chen Ge's mouth was, so he tried not to give Chen Ge a chance to speak: "These people around me We are all designers and founders of the top haunted houses in China. We are all curious about your haunted house and want to see what haunted house can be called the most horrible haunted house in the country."

"I don't dare to be the most terrible haunted house in the country, but it is a good thing for peers to communicate with each other." Chen Ge used the word to communicate with each other. He has already remembered the appearance of these tourists: "It doesn't matter if you want to challenge, but my haunted house There is a rule that all tourists must start with a one-star scene and then pass the customs before they can challenge the two-star scene. If you want to challenge the most difficult four-star scene, you must first clear the first few scenes."

"Challenge? I really gave you a face. I described the visit as a challenge. I don't know where you are." A young man with a stylish look glanced at Chen Ge: "We have few time to play with you."

"I set this rule for the sake of tourists, a little deepening fear can prevent accidents to the greatest extent." Chen Ge was bitterly dissuaded, but this dissuasion in Shangguan Qinghong seemed to them to delay time, explaining Chen Ge No confidence.

"No, we are here today to visit the most difficult scenes here and see what makes the haunted house so hot on the Internet." This time it was a man wearing sunglasses.

More and more tourists gathered at the gate of the haunted house, and many people who watched the lively took out their mobile phones to shoot.

Hearing the words of the man with sunglasses, Chen Ge looked embarrassed: "This is out of order..."

"The rules are set by people. We came here a long time ago not to visit the one-star scene. Everyone is a senior practitioner. Don't try to fool us with the set you flicker tourists." Sunglasses is a little impatient. He seems to be afraid of the heat, and he is very uncomfortable when the sun is shining.

"Boss Chen, are you always making excuses to delay because you have no idea?" The stylishly-dressed man smiled: "Relax, we will save you some face."

When it comes to this, Chen Ge refuses to accept it anymore. He looked around and found that many tourists were shooting.

Some of them are really watching lively tourists, and some may be people of the virtual future paradise, because Chen Ge found that there are live video updates on the mobile app and major platforms, and the message is not good for the horror house, it seems that someone is deliberately guiding topic.

"Since you have to challenge me the most difficult scene here, then I can't help." Chen Ge faced those mobile phone lenses: "Everyone can testify to me, I have persuaded them, they have to challenge the most directly Difficult scene."

"You're so much nonsense, let's let us go in? Playing your haunted house and listening to you sell badly? It's ridiculous!" The woman who spoke was a grumpy woman with a black skull tattoo on her arm, watching It feels bad.

"I'm really good for you." Chen Ge stood in front of those nine people: "Finally, I will confirm with you again. Do you really want to challenge the most difficult scene in my haunted house?"

"Ok! Stop ink!" Nine tourists are urging, they look even more anxious than Chen Ge.

"Okay!" Chen Ge nodded in agreement, his tone changed suddenly, shouting at all mobile phone cameras: "Everyone is a haunted house practitioner, it is not fun to play haunted house like this, why should you bet? If you successfully pass the customs In view of the most difficult scenes here, I will hang banners on all my social accounts and on the facade of the physical haunted house, saying that my haunted house is not as scary and scary as the haunted houses of several of you, and admit that I am hype."

Chen Ge’s haunted house is extremely hot, and those haunted house practitioners are a little bit tempted. On the contrary, Shangguan Qinghong feels a little bad, but he hasn’t spoken yet, and those few people agreed to come down first.

"Don't rush to promise, if you lose, you must hang the name of the horror house on your physical facade, and honestly admit that the horror house is powerful." Chen Ge smiled at the few people in front of him with a smile.

The few people exchanged information with each other. They mastered the map of the psychic ghost school and the location of all the startling points. They also watched the psychic ghost video of the psychic ghost school for a whole day. They were used to the horror. It seems that there is no problem in customs clearance.

"We agree that this is very fair."

"Several senior veterans in the first-tier cities, I believe you will not be dismissed." Chen Ge raised his mouth and shouted directly in front of all mobile phone lenses: "Come with me, then you will challenge It’s a four-star scene-a nativity! In the deepest part of the black mist, there are nine children waiting for you."


Shangguan Qinghong and someone in the team looked at each other, and they were sure that their ears were heard correctly.