MTL - My Husband With Scholar Syndrome-Chapter 31 Cup of happiness

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In the early morning of the weekend, Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa returned to her family. Before leaving, Li Rong packed a bunch of gifts on the car and explained that Mu Xiaoya must be To the father of wood and mother of wood. Mu Xiaoya didn't show any affection, thanked his parents, and loaded the car.

An hour later, the two arrived at the Mu family. Mu Ruozhou and his wife Shen Qingyi had already waited at the door, watching the Audi car drove far away, greeted with a smile.

"Ogawa." As soon as the car stopped, Shen Qingyi went up and helped Shirakawa open the door of the front passenger seat.

Shirakawa got out of the car, looked at Shen Qingyi for a while, and slowly spit out three words.

"Thank you, mom."

Although these three words are spoken in two paragraphs, this kind of autonomous conversation is extremely rare for Shirakawa with autism. Shen Qingyi knew that she was very excited.

"Ah, Xiaochuan thanked me. Laomu, did you hear it just now?" Shen Qingyi turned to ask her husband standing next to her.

"You can move fast when you hear it." Mu Ruozhou was very depressed, and he was clearly standing closer to the car. If he went to open the door just now, the thanks would be his.

Pai Chuan paused, glanced at his father-in-law, and shouted, "Dad."

"Oh!" Mu Ruozhou was healed in an instant, and his eyes narrowed with the same smile as his wife.

On the other side of the car, Mu Xiaoya, who hadn't seen his parents for a while, got out of the car and couldn't help but "taste": "Look at your diligence, what you know is the son-in-law coming to see you. It was the leaders who came to investigate. "

"What are you talking about?" Shen Qingyi gave his daughter a little attention at this time.

"Where am I talking nonsense, the car has not stopped yet, you always go to help open the door, how can a mother-in-law drive the door for her son-in-law."

"Can Ogawa be the same?"

"What's the difference, won't our house Ogawa open?"

"Yes!" When Shi Qingyi, who was about to hit her daughter, spoke, she was snatched first by Shirakawa.


When this step was demolished, Mu Xiaoya was bent over on the spot, and the oldest member of the Mu family was stunned for a while and then laughed. Their son-in-law is special, but for the speed of their daughter's reaction, it is really fast and no different from ordinary people. Think about it this way, and the worry in their hearts is a bit lighter.

Shen Qingyi even admitted to Shirakawa: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't let you open the door."

"It's okay." Although he wasn't angry, the mother-in-law apologized. Shirakawa felt that he still had to forgive her.

There is enough wooden small Yale, open the trunk, and pull out a lot of gifts from inside. Packing bags of different colors, just carry out more than a dozen.

"Why are you bringing so many things back?" Shen Qingyi met and helped pick things up in the past.

"Don't do me wrong," Mu Xiaoya said, pointing to two of the simplest plastic bags. "These two bags were brought by me. The rest are all my mother-in-law. Your mother-in-law prepared them."

"This ..." Shen Qingyi and her husband stared at each other, frowning. "How can you accept them all? We haven't given much gifts to your mother-in-law's house, so it's irrational."

"Yeah." Mu Ruozhou looked at the gift bags that three talents had just finished, and couldn't help but also said, "Our family and Bai's family have a gap in economic strength. Although we don't plan for anything, this thing collects more It ’s not good, it ’s not good for you at Baijia. "

In terms of Baijia's economic strength, such a thing may not be anything to them at all, but every gift here is too expensive for the Mujia. Mu Ruozhou does not want to receive too expensive gifts, which will make them feel pressured.

"I said if you two think too much." Mu Xiaoya knows her parents best. She is very proud and proud of her reputation. She is afraid of interpersonal relationships, but in fact, the more she feels, The thinner and thinner, "I have already married, and you are so good at it, I can't explain it over there."

"This ..." When the second elder of the Mu family heard it, he felt that this gift was neither acceptable nor acceptable.

"Otherwise, tell your mother-in-law yourself." Mu Xiaoya made a call and called.

"Well, Xiaoya is right, all are in-laws, and there is nothing to do with people, as long as she is ashamed." Mu Ruozhou quickly stopped her daughter from calling.

"That's right. When I go back, I'll pay back."

"So many things, what would be appropriate for us to return." Shen Qingyi frowned.

"I think the pot of chopped peppers in our refrigerator is good. I will take them back at night." Shen Qingyi is from Sichuan Province, and likes to eat peppers, and she also likes to cook by herself. She has a habit that she will Do your own chop peppers at home. Therefore, in the wooden house's refrigerator, there are always chopped peppers made by Shen Qingyi.

"How much can that thing be worth?" Shen Qingyi said unhappyly.

"But the Bai family doesn't have it. I want to eat your daughter, but I still can't."

"Okay, get me a few more cans at night."

Jokingly, the four came into the room with gifts.

As soon as Mu Xiaoya entered the living room, she threw gifts on the coffee table, and then she collapsed on the sofa.

"Look at you too lazy, you won't be like this at the Bai family." Shen Qingyi barely saw her daughter sitting.

"Almost." Mu Xiaoya returned lazily, sighing uncomfortably in her heart, and no matter where she went, the most comfortable was her parents' home.

"Xiaochuan, Xiaoya does the same in your house?" Shen Qingyi turned to ask her son-in-law, but her son-in-law would not lie.

"Um." Shirakawa nodded. In his eyes, Mu Xiaoya is Mu Xiaoya, which is the same everywhere.

Seeing Shirakawa nodded, Mu Xiaoya suddenly began to reflect on her behavior in the Bai family. She would definitely not do this in front of others. Is it in the bedroom?

"Like anything, I have to talk about you today." Shen Qingyi asked, but she was reluctant to mention it. After a few words, she followed her, and then went to the kitchen to see Zhang Luo daughter's favorite dishes.

Shirakawa was pulled by his dad to solve the mystery problem, his mother was preparing lunch in the kitchen, and Mu Xiaoya, who had nothing to do, had to hide in the living room and use her cell phone to watch a movie. When a movie was about to finish, Mu Xiaoya's cell phone suddenly rang. She glanced at the phone and ran out of the living room. After a while, a few staff members in work clothes were brought in.

Suddenly noisy outside, Elder Mujia was shocked, and leaned out of the study and kitchen respectively. Shirakawa finished the math problem in his hand, and slowly came out behind his father-in-law.

"What is this?" Mu Ruozhou looked at the three workers who suddenly appeared in the living room.

"Put it here, yes, just put it here." Mu Xiaoya pointed at the open space next to the sofa to let people drop things, and then turned to answer his father's question, "Massage chair."

The workers moved quickly. After putting down the massage chair, Ma Li unpacked it, and then debugged it. After making sure there was no problem, let Mu Xiaoya sign for it.

"One month's return and three months' replacement. If you have any questions, please call us at any time." The worker said.

"Okay thank you."

After Mu Xiaoya signed, the workers packed up the garbage and quickly evacuated the Mu family.

"Xiaoya, what's wrong with this massage chair?" Shen Qingyi also held an onion in her hand, and stood next to the massage chair and asked her daughter.

Mu Xiaoya winked at Shirakawa standing next to his father.

However, Shirakawa's feedback to Mu Xiaoya was blank.

"..." Finished, explained yesterday Bai.

"What are you doing, and what glances toward Ogawa?" Mu Ruozhou couldn't help but glance at the sight of his daughter frowning there.


Shirakawa extracted the keywords, and his memory instantly revived. He remembered Mu Xiaoya's account of him last night.

"Ogawa, I used your salary card to buy a massage chair for my parents, but this massage chair is a bit expensive. My parents will definitely scold me for spending money. So when tomorrow comes, you say you gave them Did you buy it? "

"it is good."

"I'll wink you then."

"Um." Shirakawa agreed without hesitation. However, he did not understand the meaning of winking until his father-in-law "winked" at him.

"I bought it." Although Xiaoya did not "wink" at him, Shirakawa perfectly cooperated.

Mu Xiaoya looked loose and quietly gave a thumbs up to Ogawa.

"You bought it?" The second oldest member of the Mu family was startled. "Why do you buy a massage chair?"

"My salary, I'll buy it for you." Xiaoya only asked him to say that he bought it. As for why he bought it, he didn't tell him, so Shirakawa can only say this.

However, Shirakawa didn't say that the oldest member of the Mu family would automatically make up for himself. Soon they found a suitable reason for Shirakawa himself.

"Is this bought by Ogawa to honor us?" Shen Qingyi looked at her husband with a look of joy. They didn't expect that they could enjoy the son-in-law's respect so quickly?

"Your salary?" What surprises Ruozhou even more is that Shirakawa can earn his own salary.

"Mine." Shirakawa nodded.

The two knew that this gift was probably bought by the daughter's owner, but the money was Shirakawa's salary, and the meaning was completely different. Thinking about it this way, the two looked at the brand new massage chair and suddenly felt that everything was good.

"Dad, mom, this massage chair is good for cervical spine, you try it quickly." Mu Xiaoya pushed the mother closest to her and pressed a person on the massage chair. The oldest member of the Mu family is a teacher. He has been preparing lessons or revising test papers all day. His spine has not been very good. This is why Mu Xiaoya bought a massage chair.

The massage chair has been debugged. Mu Xiaoya selects the mode and can be started with a click of a button.

The two took turns to massage for half an hour, and they did n’t know if the massage chair really worked against the sky. Anyway, the second old man was comfortable talking, and his face was so bright that even at noon, Shen Qingyi could n’t help but make one more. .

Had lunch, because Shirakawa said he was going to find some books in the past, Mu Xiaoya and Shirakawa went next door.

Although the courtyard next door has been unoccupied for some time, the Bai family has been regularly cleaned and the green plants in the garden have been carefully trimmed, so it doesn't look cluttered.

Entering the living room, Mu Xiaoya had a moment of stun.

In her memory, she has not been here for many years, but the furnishings here have not changed at all. The sofa is still floral, and the curtains are still milky. Even the tea cups on the coffee table seem to be the same.

Mu Xiaoya picked up one of the tea cups, and at a glance, there was a small gap in the blue and white porcelain cup. It was not big, but it was a bit abrupt.

Looking at this gap, Mu Xiaoya felt inexplicably familiar. "The shape of this gap is pretty good, it is heart-shaped."

Shirakawa glanced at it, as if he was thinking of something again, and a smile flickered in his eyes.

"Is this missing long ago?" She hasn't been to Grandma White for a long time, but she feels familiar with the gap, it must have been a long time before she had a reflection.

"Eight years, three months and five days."

"... Remember so clearly." Although I know Shirakawa's memory is good, every time I hear such an accurate count, Mu Xiaoya can't help but sigh a little, "It's been so long, why? Don't change it? "

"This gap is heart-shaped. If you drink water with this cup, every sip will lie through your heart, and the water will drink better. If you drink enough, you will find happiness." Shirakawa's gentle look towards Mu Xiao elegant.

Mu Xiaoya looked back at Shirakawa aggressively.

This kind of silly white sweet can only appear in the girl's comics. It can't be said by Shirakawa, nor can it be the wise old man like Grandma Bai, so count and count. Mu Xiaoya started self suspect.

"I said?"

"Um." Shirakawa nodded.

"I seemed to be more obsessed with girl comics and romance at that time in high school." Mu Xiaoya scratched her chin awkwardly, and also guessed another possibility, "This gap, let me make it."

"Um." Shirakawa pointed to a corner of the table.

Mu Xiaoya understood, Shirakawa meant that she was stuck at the corner of the table, and her tea cup was cut a gap.

Mu Xiaoya looked at the cup, imagining her original serious flickering Shirakawa scene, thinking just a little funny.

"I lied to you then." Mu Xiaoya laughed.

"No." Shirakawa shook his head. "Drinking too much can really make you happy."

"Happiness? Do you know what happiness is?"

"Knowing that happiness is with Xiaoya." Mu Xiaoya asked casually, but Shirakawa answered extremely seriously.

This answer seemed to be a sharp knife that was not opened, and a small cut of Mu Xiaoya's heart hurting for a while.

"You've been drinking water with this cup."


Suddenly the nose started to feel sour, and Mu Xiaoya's eye sockets instantly became red. She believes that many people have said or heard a lot of casual words or deliberately bluffing when they were young. Some of you do n’t believe it, and some of them are only temporary, because innocence will recede, and the maturity of reason will make They distinguish between true and false. But Shirakawa is different. In his world, as long as he believes in something, he may believe it for a lifetime.

For more than eight years, Shirakawa remembered her casually saying a few words, but she herself has forgotten it, even without any impression.

"Sorry, I forgot."

"It doesn't matter, you have a bad memory." Grandma said that his memory is a gift from heaven, not everyone has it, so Xiaoya forgets it doesn't matter, he can remember it.

Mu Xiaoya was almost guilty, she almost cried, but Shirakawa suddenly uttered such a sentence, and made her laugh and couldn't help but laugh: "Yes, I have a bad memory. But this time, I will definitely not forget."

Mu Xiaoya turned her back and wiped her crying and laughing tears with her back.

"It's okay, I remember."

"Ogawa, I will remember." Mu Xiaoya turned back, staring straight at Shirakawa, and said firmly.

"Um." Shirakawa nodded, as if seeing the girl who always did wrong math problems again.

"Ah, why am I doing this wrong again." Mu Xiaoya in school uniform rubbed her hair frantically. "Ogawa, teach me again, I promise, I will remember this time."

"Um." Juvenile Shirakawa raised his pen skillfully and began to explain the use of the same formula for the fifth time.

In fact, Shirakawa has a secret that he never told others. In fact, he secretly hoped that Mu Xiaoya would never remember the formula, so that she would come to find herself after school every day.

"Go, let's go to the study to find a book."

Although it is a same-family house, the study of the Bai family is much larger than that of the Mu family. Because the Bai family only has two people, Shirakawa and Grandma Bai, the grandma Bai opened all the bedrooms on the first floor and built a small one for Shirakawa. library. Collect all the books that Shirakawa has read and the books you want to read.

Every time Xiao Xiaoya goes in this study, he will be deeply shocked. Bookshelves that are almost the same height as the wall are inlaid in rows and rows on the wall, and are densely packed with books. Grandma even equipped a movable staircase next to the bookshelf to facilitate Shirakawa to climb up and down. At the center of the study is a small desk, surrounded by the sea of ​​books. It seems that as long as you sit here, even if you are illiterate, you can immediately learn more of the ancient and modern knowledge aura.

"What book are you looking for? I'll help you find it together." The number of books here is almost over. It will be a waste of time to find it. Mu Xiaoya just looked at several rows of shelves just now and found that the books here didn't seem to follow the rules. Place. In this case, it must be a waste of time to find it.

"found it."

Mu Xiaoya turned and saw that Shirakawa was holding a green-covered book in his hand.

"You found it as soon as you found it?" Good luck?

"I remember."

"You mean, where do you remember the books here?" Mu Xiaoya was shocked.


Mu Xiaoya thought it was a little fun, so she couldn't help but said, "Then you can find a book for me."

"it is good."

"Have I put any books with you here before?" Before high school, Mu Xiaoya was addicted to comics. As soon as the holidays came, she used the name of study to watch here in Shirakawa. As soon as a parent came in, she casually put her hand on the shelf. No one can find it. Although not very sure, she thought that she might end up with two or two comic books here, and it is not necessarily here.

"Innocent school grass," Shirakawa replied.


"Innocent school grass." Shirakawa repeated it in exactly the same tone.

"Girl comics?" Mu Xiaoya vaguely remembered, this seems to be a comic book that she was particularly fascinated with in junior high school.


"Where is this comic? Where is it?" Mu Xiaoya asked.

"East bookshelf, the sixth row from the bottom to the top, and the 128th to 136th books from the left to the right." After Mu Xiaoya finished speaking, Shirakawa clearly reported the specific placement.

"There are nine volumes." Mu Xiaoya started to look for books according to Shirakawa's instructions. "East, one two three four five six, this row, from left to right ... Ah, found."

Comic books are always smaller than normal books, so I know that after taking a row, Mu Xiaoya quickly found a whole set of "Innocent Grass".

"The cover is so new, it's well-preserved." Mu Xiaoya flipped through a few pages, and found that the comic characters inside were gorgeous and goose bumps, the protagonist's eyes were actually diamonds, and the blue and blue were shining, When you smile, gorgeous rose petals appear in the background. Really, what a special thing, Mary Su, how did you like this kind of thing before?

Think about it this way, in fact, people are sometimes weird. Something that they once loved may feel boring.

"Are you looking for another book?" Mu Xiaoya shook her goosebumps and put the comic back.

Shirakawa shook his head.

"That line, let's go."

When they came in, they went straight to the direction of the study. When they came out, they walked towards the door, the direction opposite to that just now, which made Mu Xiaoya see a portrait on the wall of the living room at a glance.

That's a portrait of a white grandma. The white grandma in the portrait is wearing a dark cheongsam, neat buns, ears with pearls, hands clasped, sitting gracefully on a mahogany chair. Lovingly looked at everything in front of me.

"I painted it." Shirakawa followed the sight of Mu Xiaoya and saw the oil painting. He painted it for his grandma, who liked it very much and hung her up the stairs so that she could see it every time she went downstairs and upstairs.

"Did you paint it?" Then it's no wonder that the grandmother Bai was looking at Shirakawa, so she had such a loving look in her eyes.

"Um." Shirakawa nodded. "On the third day after painting, Grandma was hospitalized."

Mu Xiaoya was stunned, and a distress filled her heart. In fact, her memory is too good, and sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing.

"Do you miss her?" Mu Xiaoya could not help asking.

"Think." Shirakawa nodded.

Yeah, why wouldn't Shirakawa want to, Shirakawa's memory is so good, and there are so few people in his world to remember. He just wanted to forget, and he couldn't forget it.

Suddenly, the body was embraced into a familiar embrace.

Mu Xiaoya looked up in surprise and found that Shirakawa didn't know when she had put down the book, and now she was hugging her gently: "Don't be sad."

Sad? Did you feel sad just now?

No, she was afraid that Shirakawa was sad. How could she be sad?

"Ogawa, are you still sad when you think of grandma?" Mu Xiaoya asked dullly.

"No." Shirakawa shook his head. "Grandma said that everyone's life is time-bound, she has it, and I have it. Grandma's time is up, so she must leave, I can't bear it, but I'm not sad."

"Grandma is right."

Maybe only autistic patients like Shirakawa can calmly and rationally face the departure of their loved ones.

However, this is actually quite good. When the time is up and he should leave, he can do the same.