MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 282 Magnificent Yuxing, a member of the Yu Family

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"I will take Lu Yi to Yu's house first, and then we will go directly to the battlefield." Peak Master Lingluo said calmly.

Hearing this, Bam and others heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, it is the Yu family's duty to guide the newly ascended celestial beings, because it concerns the Nine Nether Lands, and if they fail to do their duty, the punishment will be extremely severe.

And the person right now is the second miss of the Yu family, if the second miss of the Yu family doesn't let them take him away, they can't take him away.

I was worried in my heart, but I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Since the second lady said so, then we have no problem." A monk of the three-eyed tribe laughed quickly.

Peak Master Lingluo nodded: "Well, we're going to use the teleportation platform of the Three-eyed Clan, and we'll be walking with you for a while."

Because the range of the Tianluo Star Field is too huge, even with a teleportation array, it is impossible to span an extremely long distance at once.

But some teleportation arrays are special. These teleportation arrays use monks who have mastered the laws of space to find weak points in space and create a stable and distant space hole.

In this way, it can become a traffic node between star fields.

Such nodes are all over the entire Tianluo Starfield, and are often important strategic locations, guarded by a large number of strong men.

"It's our honor to be able to go with Miss Er and Fellow Daoist Lu Yi."


Because Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu were still consolidating the bottleneck, they waited for two months until they completely consolidated the bottleneck before they left together.

Other than Lu Yi and Lingluo Peak Master, Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu, two newly ascended celestial beings, were also traveling with them. In addition, Donggong Mingyue and Yun Xi who had not yet ascended were also brought along.

After all, the two of them are about to ascend, so it is better to act together.

A group of people bid farewell to everyone, boarded the three-eyed clan's receiving spaceship together, and disappeared into the dawn.


a month later.

The Territory of the Three-Eyed Clan, the Three-Eyed Galaxy.

This is a star system with three stars. The three stars rotate in the center of the galaxy, exuding light and heat, and there are dozens of planets around them, revolving around the three stars.

There are traces of life on these planets, all of which are life planets.

This is the home galaxy of the Three-Eyed Clan, and there is a starry sky gate directly leading to the central area of ​​the Tianluo Star Field, which is the fixed space hole.

A spaceship appeared inside the Three-Eyed Galaxy, and it was the receiving spaceship.

Inside the spaceship, Bam and other three-eyed monks were standing respectfully beside Lingluo Peak Lord.

"Second Miss, we have arrived at the Three-Eyed Galaxy."

Peak Master Lingluo looked out the window, nodded slightly: "Then let's go to the star gate."

Naturally, Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang and others were also there. They also looked out of the window, looked at the large number of planets, and felt the large amount of immortal aura contained on them, and they were all very surprised.

Donggong Mingyue cooed: "There are so many immortals here..."

"And why are all these worlds inhabitable?" Jian Ruyu was also puzzled.

Bam on the side said somewhat complacently: "You two ladies, this is the mother galaxy of our Three-Eyed Race. It took a lot of time for our Three-Eyed Race to develop all the planets in the entire Mother Galaxy. array, and changed some originally uninhabitable environments into livable planets. As the mother galaxy, it naturally has the most fairy-level powerhouses of our Three-Eyed Race. In addition, the powerful races and family forces in other regions also have Will communicate with us in business, naturally there will be immortal-level powerhouses of other races and forces."

Lu Yi and the others nodded in amazement.

After leaving Tianming, they entered a vaster world.

Soon, the spacecraft crossed the vacuum, and finally came to a vacuum area outside the planet.

In that area, there is a vast and boundless metal fortress floating, and a large number of spaceships come and go around it.

In the deepest part of this metal fortress, there is a huge blue doorway.

Wisps of faint light flickered on the blue door opening, and many spaceships came in and out.

"This is the star gate of our three-eyed clan. It is precisely because of this star gate that our three-eyed clan can develop so fast. After all, each star gate is a transportation node, which can bring a lot of resources and exchanges. Opportunity." Bam proudly introduced.

Lu Yi looked at the blue door opening. In his sight, there were space lines shrunk together by the door opening, and finally turned into a stable space hole.

However, the most important point is that the space line in that area itself is a relatively weak area, otherwise, it would not be able to form such a stable hole.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart. It seems that other monks who have mastered the laws of space still have very powerful abilities, and they can also see the difference in space.

This also made Lu Yi vigilant. Although he was considered very strong in Tianming, but the Tianluo Starfield is so vast, there may be many capable people.

I may not be too arrogant, so as not to be beaten.

The spaceship quickly flew towards the star gate and landed on the square of a fort.

"Second Miss, the elders of our clan heard that you are coming here and want to host a banquet to welcome you. Do you want to meet?" the monk of the Three-eyed Clan next to him asked.

Lingluo Peak Master shook his head: "Forget it now, let's talk about it when we come back."

Their itinerary has already been discussed.

First go to Yu's house, and then go to Jiuyou Battlefield to stay for a hundred years, and when they come out of Jiuyou Battlefield, they will return to Tianming.

After all, now that Tianming has also turned into a fairy star, Lingluo Peak has planted so many fairy trees, it is not bad as a holy place for cultivation, there is no need to go to other places to practice.

Of course, for Lu Yi, if he wants to improve quickly, he needs to complete tasks to get rewards.

For this kind of thing, when the time comes, go out to experience yourself and do some tasks on the way.

For Lu Yi, he grew up in Tianming, so he naturally has different feelings towards Tianming, if he can stay in Tianming, he will not leave.

Afterwards, Peak Master Ling Luo took Lu Yi and the other five to leave the spaceship, and after saying goodbye to Bam and the others, they boarded Peak Master Ling Luo's spaceship, passed through the star gate, and passed through the mother galaxy of the Three-Eyed Clan.


The area of ​​Tianluo Star Field is extremely huge, and Yu Family is located in the most core area.

After passing through the star gate, the spaceship came to the vacuum again, the galaxy is vast and the stars are bright.

Lu Yi and the others standing by the window widened their eyes, showing shock.

In front of them, densely packed planets were neatly arranged together in a way that Lu Yi couldn't understand.

These planets float quietly, neither rotating nor revolving, like quiet stones, floating in the deep and dark vacuum.

But these are not stones. Every planet is larger than Tianming, and you can see lakes, oceans, and alpine grasslands on it.

Every planet exudes an incomparably rich aura.

"Master, is this the territory of the Yu family?"

"Why don't these planets move at all?" Donggong Mingyue's bright eyes widened.

Peak Lord Ling Luo stretched his waist, and lazily said: "Yes, this is the outer area of ​​the Yu family. These planets were brought back from the outside by the strong members of the family, and they are inhabited by the subordinate forces of the family. As for the family’s home galaxy, it’s still inside.”

Lu Yi and the others: "..."

Good guy, such a big planet was brought back artificially? !

Even if it is Lu Yi now, even if he can shake Tianming, it is extremely difficult to move Tianming far away.

And how much power is needed to bring back the huge planets from all over the starry sky?

This is just one, there are so many densely packed here, and if you look around, there may be millions of such planets.

It was completely hard for Lu Yi to imagine how to do this.

And this is not where the Yu family lives...

Even if Lu Yi had been mentally prepared before, he knew that the Yu family might be scary, but he didn't expect it to be so scary.

"There are star gates leading to the interior on the outside, we can just go there." Lingluo Peak Master said.

While they were talking, spaceships flew over quickly, leading by a huge spaceship.

The style of this spaceship was very familiar to Lu Yi, it was a spaceship of the Star Realm Army.

Soon, the spaceship stopped not far from Lingluo Peak Lord, and a middle-aged man flew out.

This middle-aged man is not a human race, but a race with long snow-white hair and long pointed ears.

"Arabella, commander of the third company of the imperial guards, has met the second lady. Welcome the second lady home."

"Arabella, take us to the star gate."

"Yes, Second Miss."

The middle-aged man named Arabella took Lu Yi and others to a huge star gate and watched their spaceship fly in.

Passing through the star gate, what comes into view is an extremely huge planet.

This planet is too vast, even if their current location is in a vacuum, Lu Yi can't see its whole picture clearly!

Let's go and give it a try. 】

And around this planet, there are actually six huge stars floating around. These stars are floating around the planet, and they are not even as big as the planet.

These stars revolve around the planet, as if the planet is the center of everything.

At this moment, the planet exudes an incomparably rich fairy air, even Lu Yi, who is in the vacuum, can feel it.

Such a planet is too frightening.

Lu Yi was even a little dazed.

Could there be a planet bigger than a star? This made him a little difficult to understand.

"This is the planet of the Yu family that the ancestors of the immortals took tens of millions of years to build. It is also the home planet of our Yu family. All the direct lines of the Yu family live here." The voice of Lingluo peak master sounded, and Lu Yi and the others pulled God back.

"The ancestor of the immortal level took tens of millions of years to build it? No wonder."

Hearing this, Lu Yi was not surprised.

He couldn't understand how powerful Xianzun was, but he must be extremely powerful.

It took tens of millions of years for such a powerful existence to create such a planet, so it is no wonder that it is so outrageous.

"Let's go, I'll take you back." Perhaps because of going home, Lingluo Peak Master also had a smile on his face.

The spaceship flew towards the huge planet at a very fast speed.

After entering the planet's atmosphere, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside.

There are beautiful peaks and mountains everywhere, as well as endless grassland oceans.

Strange creatures such as pterosaurs and flying dragons are flying in the sky, and ligers made of rocks walk among the mountains.

Along the way, Lu Yi also saw a lot of fairy beasts, and even saw a few starlight deer!

These fairy beasts appear very docile on the Yujia planet.

Of course, this is also because there are no particularly aggressive fairy beasts here.

In addition, there are palaces on this planet.

Along the way, Lingluo Peak Master introduced everything on the Yujia planet to Lu Yi and others, and also introduced who lived in those palaces.

Soon, they came to a palace.

The palace was built on a plain, with a huge lake beside it, and there were huge golden carp jumping over the water in the lake, splashing out pieces of water.

On the other side is a bamboo forest. When the wind blows, the bamboo forest shakes and the bamboo leaves rattle.

Lu Yi found that the bamboo was the same as the bamboo on Lingluo Peak.

"Here we are, this is my parents' palace." Peak Master Lingluo said with a smile, "Let's go down first."

A group of people got off the spaceship, and the five of Lu Yi were a little nervous.

"Master, are Master and Master-in-law here?" Donggong Mingyue probed towards the palace.

"Of course, I've already informed them that I'm going to bring the brat and you girls back." Peak Master Ling Luo said.

Hearing this, Lu Yi and the others became even more nervous.

When they came to the door, they saw a maid waiting outside to greet them.

"Second miss, welcome back. The master, mistress, eldest son and young master are all waiting for you at home."

The leading maid looked beautiful and charming, she spoke with a smile, and nodded to Lu Yi and the others.

Lu Yi glanced at the maids in surprise, and found that they were all at the level of Xuanxian!

You must know that the company commander of the Star Realm Army is nothing more than Xuan Xian.

It is conceivable how high the status of these maids is.

Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu were also aware of it, and their faces were equally shocked. Yun Xi and Donggong Mingyue did not realize the strength of these maids because their cultivation was not enough. On the contrary, they were calm after all, just a little nervous.

Peak Master Lingluo brought several people into the palace, and the courtyard in the palace was full of exotic flowers and plants, each of which was a fairy seed, exuding a strong fairy spirit.

Lu Yi felt jealous when he looked at it, even he didn't have so many fairy trees and grasses.

As expected of a local tyrant of the Yu family.

Lu Yi sighed in his heart.

At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. There were two very handsome people who looked somewhat similar to Peak Master Ling Luo came out, one was an older youth, and the other looked like a teenager.

The two ran out excitedly, and when they saw Peak Master Lingluo, they smiled.

"younger sister."

"Second Sister, you're back? You've missed me all these years!"

"Boss, brat, why are you two back? I didn't notify you." Peak Master Lingluo rolled his eyes speechlessly.

The two men looked at each other, smiled, and turned to look at Lu Yi.

The elder brother of Peak Master Ling Luo flashed golden streamers of light in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Of course it's because of your personal disciple."

The third younger brother, with streaks of strangeness in his eyes, was eager to try: "You are my second sister's disciple, right? I heard that you are very strong in Yuxing, how about fighting with me? "