MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 16 What Conan?

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"Fangze!" The little ponytail little Rory saw Fangze holding An Ruoxi, and immediately ran up carrying her small schoolbag, and then shouted at Fangze, "You dare to carry me Other women. "

"Misunderstanding, ancestor, misunderstanding!" Fang Ze looked at the little ponytail girl, and quickly pushed An Ruoxi, pushing An Ruoxi straight up. Then Fang Ze said to Xiao Loli, "I don't know her at all."

"You're all in your arms. You said you don't know, who are you?" Xiaolioli was so angry that she would hold Fangze with her fist, but Fangze held her finger against her little forehead. , So little loli's little arms and calves could not reach Fangze at all.

But this is not the way, so Fang Ze hurriedly said to An Ruoxi, "Please explain it quickly, you only met me today."

"It's obviously the day before yesterday." An Ruoxi kicked his eyes and looked at Fang Ze. "We met at the airport the day before yesterday, and you still made me miss the boarding time, did you forget?"

I forgot you a rubber 捶捶.

Qi Fangze looked at this An Ruoxi and was not angry. Did you say this is the point? The point should be that you and this little loli explain that we really have nothing to do with it.

"Okay, Fangze." Little Loli saw Fangze leaning against her forehead and didn't try to hit Fangze in the past. She said to Fangze with her hands on her hips. Hug together, are you planning to get your marriage certificate tomorrow? "

Wu Fangze looked at this little ancestor, but he had no way to take her, so he pointed at An Ruoxi and said, "I really don't know this person."

"You even know her name, you even said you didn't know her." Little Loli raised her head, expressing her extreme dissatisfaction.

"Explain." Fang Ze stopped An Ruoxi shouted.

"You promise me a condition and I will explain it." An Ruoxi said to Fang Ze his requirements.

"You first explain that I'm thinking about agreeing or not agreeing." Fang Ze is not a stupid child. He would not agree to such an opportunity to be embarrassed. What if the other party asks him to sleep with him? .

"You promise me to explain first." An Ruoxi also clenched his teeth.

When Fang Ze was about to speak, he saw that the little ponytail little loli made a stop.

"Stop." The little horse-tailed little loli strode to Fang Ze's side, then held Fang Ze's arm, pointed at An Ruoxi, "I can see it, you two really don't know."


Luan Ruoxi was dumbfounded for a moment, she did not expect that this little silly little loli was so smart.

"Well, if you're fine, you can go." Fang Ze began to rush people.

"I really have something to do." An Ruoxi looked at Fang Ze, took a breath, and finally told the truth. "I came to Conan."

"Looking for Konan?" Little Loli thought it was a girl named Konan, so she turned to look at Fang Ze and asked, "Your new roommate is called Konan, and you actually live with other sisters." ?! "

Awesome, you guessed it right, my new roommate is indeed Conan, but he's gone.

Of course, the above is just Fang Ze's mental activity.

"Don't think too much." Fang Ze rubbed Xiao Loli's head affectionately, and then said to An Ruoxi, "I live alone and don't know anyone who is called Conan."

"It's Conan, the Detective Conan. Conan." An Ruoxi said and took out his mobile phone. There was a photo on the screen of the phone, which was exactly the picture of Fang Ze and Conan in the airport guard room.

Zhao An Ruoxi pointed at the boy in the photo and said, "This is Conan."

Before Fang Ze had spoken, Xiao Loli reached out and took the cell phone curiously, then looked at the photo above and said to Fang Ze, "When are you going to the airport?"

"The day before yesterday, something happened."

Xiao Xiaolioli looked at Fang Ze, and then looked at An Ruoxi, and said to them, "Advanced speaking."

I heard Xiao Loli say that Fang Ze had no choice but to welcome An Ruoxi into the house and let her sit on the sofa in the living room first.

After Xiao Xiaolioli entered Fangze's room, she looked left and right, stretched out her hand and opened the door of the bedroom where Conan lived before, then went in and glanced at it.

When Fang Ze saw the movement of Xiao Loli, she immediately remembered that she had not cleaned the room after leaving Conan.

But fortunately, there is no woman living there, there is no long hair. Fang Ze felt relieved at the thought.

Xiao Xiaolioli inspected the supplies, walked to Fang Ze in front of her, and said to Fang Ze, "Comrade Fang Ze, you are still very good, but did not take the opportunity to come back and live with the woman."

"That's right, I'm not aware of your numbness." Fang Ze looked up proudly.

在 At this moment, An Ruoxi talked. "I just came here to meet my idol Conan. Could you tell me where he is now?"

"What Conan?" Fang Ze deliberately pretended to be stupid, and Xiao Luoli also looked at An Ruoxi curiously.

"Detective Conan ~ ~" An Ruoxi said, took out two photos from her small bag, one is an anime character Detective Conan, and the other is Conan she arrived at the airport.

Luan Ruoxi looked at Fang Ze and said, "I didn't feel right at the airport that day. How could an eight-year-old child be able to finish all the case derivation process independently, this ability is only available to Conan."

An Ruoxi said he held up the two photos in his hand and then made a comparison, "Look, these two photos are one of Conan's and one of the boy I took at the airport. If you take Conan's Take off the glasses and smooth the hair on his head, just like the boy. "

"Miss, are you afraid of living in a dream?" Xiao Luoli looked at An Ruoxi and said, "These two are just like most, have you seen the characters in the anime come to reality?"

"I'm a Conan fan for ten years, and I will never admit the wrong person." An Ruoxi said with gritted teeth.

"You really recognize the wrong person." Fang Ze looked at An Ruoxi and said, "The little boy was my friend's younger brother. He just stayed with me for a few days. Now he's back."

Tong Fangze watched An Ruoxi's story without changing his heart and beating. "He is also a Conan fan, so he usually pretends to be Conan. It may be because of this that you have misunderstood it."

"Really?" An Ruoxi looked at Fang Ze, doubting his judgment.

"It's true." Fang Ze nodded. "Did you watch too much of the latest new anime and cause an illusion."

"Maybe I misunderstood it." After listening to An Ruoxi, although she was still a little uncomfortable, she bowed her head and said, "Sorry."

"It's okay." Fang Ze waved a generously.