MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 18 Overwhelmed

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After Fang Ze was dragged into the alley by two sunglasses men, one of the two sunglasses men went to the guard at the alley to prevent others from entering, and the other forced Fang Ze to the corner.

"Boy, do you know that you offend people?" The man in sunglasses said Fang Ze fiercely.

Nonsense, looking at you like this, I also know that I offend people.

While voicing the villain's IQ, Xi Fangze quietly opened the safety ring of his watch's gun and aimed his watch anesthetic gun at the sunglasses man.

Xi Fangze was not in a hurry to start. He also wanted to determine whether the two sunglasses men had come to him because of Lu Chen's affairs.

So Fang Ze looked at the sunglasses man stupidly and said, "Brother, please explain to me."

The sunglasses man looked at Fang Ze, frowned, and shouted, "Lu Chen, don't you know?"


"Did you send him to prison?"

"You're afraid of a misunderstanding." Fang Ze crossed the watch anesthesia gun, pointed his mouth obliquely up at the man's neck, and then calmly said, "It was the police who sent Xuechen Lu to prison. I can Not so capable. "

Fang Ze's calm performance made the sunglasses man very unhappy, so the sunglasses man faced Fang Ze's lower body. He hit him with a knee and wanted to make Fang Ze honest.

When Fang Ze saw the movement of the sunglasses man was directed at his second child, he no longer wanted to ask more. After all, he had to consider the happiness of himself and Lin Xiaoxin in the future, so Fang Ze did not hesitate to press the launcher of the watch anesthesia gun, and the anesthesia needle directly hit the man's neck.

Conan's watch-type anesthesia gun has great anesthesia power. As soon as the sunglasses man was shot, before the knee had time to hit Shangze, his legs softened, and then his body fell backwards.

Fang Ze hid his watch anesthesia gun at the moment when the sunglasses man's body fell down, and then made a hand-knife action to make others look like Fang Ze's hand-knife was straight and clean. The look of this man in sunglasses.

The man in the sunglasses who was guarding the alley heard the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, so he turned around and found that his companion was already lying on the ground.

How is this going.

The sunglasses man guarding the alley was frightened, and when he looked up, he saw Fang Ze's movement. He immediately thought that Fang Ze was fighting, and his fighting skills were very strong. He even knocked down his companion with one stroke. On the spot, I do n’t know what to do.

Xi Fangze watched the sunglasses man guarding the alley before leaving, so he put on the fighting pose taught by the instructor during military training in the university, pretending to be facing the sunglasses man guarding the alley.

It's not that Fang Ze is reluctant to anaesthesia needles, but because of such a long distance, the needles of anaesthesia needles are smaller than ordinary needles, so it is easy to shoot.

Now I can only wait until the sunglasses man at the alley leaves, or Fang Ze finds the opportunity to use the watch anesthesia gun as soon as the sunglasses man approaches, then maybe he can hit the sunglasses man.

But maybe Fang Ze was too amateur in his military posture. The sunglasses man at the door was suspicious, but he did n’t know why his companion had fallen, so he called and called him. The above explained the situation while looking at Fang Ze firmly, wondering how Fang Ze caused his companion to fall.

Seeing that the sunglasses man didn't come to find himself, Fang Ze was relieved immediately. The sunglasses man couldn't come, and stood so far away that he couldn't help himself unless he had a gun in his hand.

However, according to the strictness of Huaxia's gun control, once there is a gun case, the small case can be handled as a special case, and no major criminal can run.

So Fang Ze dared to bet that the sunglasses man could not take out the gun, but dared to confront himself from a distance.

The longer and longer the time is, it is definitely the other party's powerful.

Because of his brother, the leader of the severe case team, Fang, is almost here.

Sure enough, the man in the sunglasses who was standing at the port had not called yet shortly after the phone call, and a few plainclothes policemen rushed out of the alley.

"Police, don't move!" Fang Cheng shouted at the sunglasses man guarding the alley.

The sunglasses man who was guarding the alley came to the police at the first sight, and wanted to run away, but Fang Cheng brought at least ten police officers from the serious crime team, each of whom was elite, and flew over to kill the sunglasses man He was on the ground and handcuffed.

After catching people, Fang Cheng came quickly and said to Fang Ze, "Is it okay?"

"It's okay." Fang Ze pointed to the other man in sunglasses who was lying on the ground and slept soundly. "Both of them are a group." Fang Ze bent down and wanted to put this The man in sunglasses pulled up and let the police take him away.

But when Fang Cheng didn't pay attention, Fang Zeshun pulled out the anesthetic needle shot on the man's neck with sunglasses.

Fang Cheng and Fang Zehuai were lifted up, but the person was not awake, so a few policemen had to lift the two suspects into the car ~ ~ How did you take that sunglasses man Passed out? Fang Cheng looked at Fang Ze and asked curiously.

"I don't know, he suddenly fell down, maybe there was something wrong." How could Fang Ze tell the truth of the matter, after all, even if it is an anesthesia gun, it is subject to control in our country. Now the anesthetic needle has been pulled out by himself. It came out, and after Conan's watch anesthesia gun worked, it seemed that it could not be detected, so Fang Ze also determined that there was no proof, and he refused to say.

When Fang Cheng saw that Fang Ze was unwilling to say it, he didn't ask again. Instead, he said, "Your little girlfriend is waiting for you in front. Come and see her. But she is so anxious that when she called I happened to have dinner at the hotel with my colleagues, so I rushed over immediately. "

"Okay, I'll be right there." Fang Ze nodded his head, which was a promise, and then he said to Fang Cheng, "The two seem to have something to do with Lu Chen's case."

When Fang Cheng heard what Fang Ze said, he paused for a moment, then nodded, "OK, I know."

Xi Fangze had already spoken clearly, so he was not on the scene to watch the process of the two sunglasses men being caught on the police car, and ran directly to the alley.

As soon as Fang Ze came out of the alley, a smaller figure flew towards Fang Ze's arms. Fang Ze reached out his hand, caught the figure, and then wrapped her around her waist, hugging her.

This figure is naturally Lin Xiaoxin waiting for Fangze outside.

"I wanted to go in and watch you, just like in a TV series. But I was afraid that I was too stupid to be caught hostage by someone else, so I was waiting outside for you."

"That's right, our family is so smart." Fang Ze said holding Lin Xiaoxin, "Come, come and kiss and be astonished."