MTL - My Inseparable House Guests-Chapter 4 Doubts

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Haiping Medical University Affiliated Hospital is one of the best hospitals in Haiping. Many graduates of Fangze's school will choose to work in this hospital after graduation, so the doctors in this hospital are either Fangze's seniors. Elder sister, or Fang Ze's teacher.

Tong Fangze called Zhang Zhiyu, the president of the e-sports agency, and then briefly told Conan what he had just encountered.

Although Conan has a high IQ, he can't analyze such a clue. His thoughts are the same as Fang Ze's. Now go to check Qingya's case file to see if Qingya has any cases of myocardial infarction.

Bian Fangze walked into the hospital with Conan, and ran into his own former planing teacher, Duan Yijian, the current surgical director of the hospital.

怎么 "Why, the child of a relative's family is sick?" Duan Yijian walked with the medical record folder and glanced at Conan, "The cute-looking child."

"Uh-huh, this child said that his stomach was a little uncomfortable, so he brought it over." Fang Ze could only follow Duan Yijian's words in order to save the trouble of explanation.

记得 "Remember to register, don't be like everyone else, the first time you come here is to find a senior student and sister to help for free and disrupt the hospital order."

"Eun, I know Mr. Duan." Fang Ze nodded quickly.

"Um." Duan Yijian was pulling his feet upstairs, and when he saw Zhang Zhiyu, who had also been a student, he ran towards Fangze, and immediately frowned, but didn't say anything, just stared at Fangze and went up Upstairs.

When I finished, I was misunderstood to go through the back door.

Xi Fangze had no time to explain to Teacher Duan Yijian and met Zhao Zhiyu first.

"President," Fang Ze greeted.

"It's a long time since the other company is short. Isn't the current e-sports company president you?" Zhao Zhiyu slapped Xia Ze's shoulder and asked, "What's wrong, let me do you a favor. A few days ago The attending doctors are all busy. It is more reliable for you to find a ticket dealer than to call me for the expert account. "

"This is not the case." Fang Ze looked around without notice, and whispered to the side of Zhao Zhiyu, "I want to investigate a patient's case, please help me."

"Come here." Zhao Zhiyu led Fang Ze and Conan as they walked into the hospital, and asked, "Your boy has been free for the past few months. After graduation, he will hurry to the hospital to help me. I am now It's too busy to pick up girls, the whole department is just a man, and now I have become a professional coolie. "

别 "Don't, I still miss a Ph.D., a Ph.D. doesn't graduate, how can there be a hospital."

"Come on, if it wasn't for Fan Xuemei covering you, you'd probably have been fired for skipping classes, still studying for a Ph.D., the dean would eat you raw."

Zhao Zhiyu took Fang Ze into a file room. In front of the computer in the file room was a female doctor in her forties who was drinking tea.

"Sister Li, my younger brother, I want to come over today to check a patient's case."

姐 Sister Li looked up at Fang Ze and said while turning on the computer, "Why, did you take a private job outside?"

"No." Fang Ze also learned in the past that Zhao Zhiyu called Sister Li, and then said, "It was a teacher in our school before, and his name was Wei Qingya."

"Qingya." Sister Li said, "I have the impression that this little girl helped me a lot when she came to the internship. Didn't she die of my heart attack last week? How can I check her case?"

姐 Sister Li, while recalling Wei Qingya's case file on the computer, Fang Ze had no time to explain, so she went over to look at it, and Conan, too small, squeezed to the other side and stared at the computer.

I did have a record of treatment of the heart. Fang Ze looked at the case file and found that this file seemed to be fine.

But Conan reminded whispered at this time, "Wei Qingya first saw a doctor because of a heart problem four years ago."

Conan's words suddenly wake up Fang Ze.

Twenty-four years ago, it was really when Teacher Qingya just married.

Heart problems are either congenital or acquired, but they usually show up in childhood.

But the first time that Teacher Qingya was treated for angina was four years ago, when Teacher Qingya was already 25 years old!

has a problem.

"Sister Li, you are helping me to check if Qingya has a family history of heart problems."

"No." Sister Li said after checking the file.

Twenty-four years ago, four years ago.

Teacher Qing Qingya just got married!

Tong Fangze and Conan glanced at each other and thanked Li Li.

"Speaking of Fangzi, what on earth are you doing?" Zhao Zhiyu asked Fang Ze while looking.

"I'll tell you when I'm done, I have to go now." Fang Ze patted Zhang Zhiyu's shoulder, then walked out quickly.

As Fang Ze and Conan walked, Conan inferred, "If Wei Qingya's heart attack was caused by a chronic poison, as the only possible suspect, only her husband."

"We are going to ask Teacher Qingya's mother's house now," Fang Ze said as he walked. "If it is really a chronic poison, then Teacher Qingya and his husband must have had problems in marriage since they started four years ago. That's why her husband would poison her. As long as we can confirm that Teacher Qingya's marriage is unhappy, then we can report the case. "

"As long as the police can find out Wei Qingya's husband's drug purchase record ~ ​​ ~, they can lock down the murderer. The chronic poison in the heart cannot be obtained by ordinary people and the price is relatively high. Since Wei Qingya's husband is also A doctor, it is more likely to use anti-arrhythmic drugs. "

Conan's medical knowledge is also very rich. The two just discussed while they took a taxi and headed for Wei Qingya's parents' house.

Fortunately, Fang Ze went to Qingya's parents 'home as one of the students' representatives last week to give condolences, otherwise he had to find someone to ask.

Tong Fangze and Conan went to the neighborhood of Teacher Qingya's parents and then went upstairs and knocked.

After a while, an amiable grandma came out.

"Boy, are you here again?" Qingya's mother looked at Fang Ze, and let Fang Ze come in, meanwhile, "I'm also a doctor of my life. I'm not that fragile, so I don't have to see me anymore.

As soon as Fang Ze entered the door, he found that he was empty-handed, a little embarrassed, and quickly took Conan into the living room.

Qingya's mother brought a pot of fruit and looked at Conan and said, "What a lovely child, come and eat pears." Qingya's mother passed Conan a pear while watching Conan, and asked kindly, "Little child this year How old are you in grade? "

"I'm six years old and I'm in first grade. Thank you Aunt Pear." Conan replied.

After listening to Conan's answer, Fang Ze actually silently groaned in his heart. Conan has been serializing for twenty-seven years now. You are still six years old and still in the first grade. Anyway, he has also been upgraded.

After thanking Qingya's mother for her hospitality, Xi Fangze quickly explained the reason and raised her own question.

Wu Qingya's mother listened to Fang Ze's words, and her brows frowned.