MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 119 Immortal body

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Let Andrew three people stay outside the study room, just in case, Chen Mo finally officially began to strengthen the blood of perfection for himself. He planned to work hard for several years, for this day!

Closing the door of the study, Chen Mo returned to the large desk to sit down. Before the start, Chen Moxian moved the perception and closed his eyes and carefully felt the situation around him.

All the tiny and tiny sounds entered Chen Mo's ears. Three steady and powerful heartbeats came first. The three Andrews were kept outside the study, and the study door behind them was closely guarded.

Except for the three of them, there is no other life around the study.

Alexander Covinas, who was originally arranged next to Chen Mo, was faintly lying in a sturdy room in the back of the castle after being pumped a lot of blood.

The walls of reinforced concrete, combined with the thick and sturdy special steel gates, even in the heyday of Alexander Covenus, can not easily escape.

In addition, hundreds of fully armed Knights members, except half guarded in the main castle building where Chen Mo is located, the rest of the guards are here.

Even if he had the means to escape, he would never be able to break through the three barriers formed by the Knights, especially the Andrews who had been strengthened by the perfect blood.

With the strength of the three people now, under the siege of the joint force, even Alexander Covinas is difficult to deal with.

The outside layout was foolproof, and there was no abnormality around. Chen Mo opened his eyes and finally began to strengthen himself.

At first, he first drank a perfect drop of blood like Andrew.

After swallowing, Chen Mo quietly waited for a while, but found that there was no reaction at all. It seemed that he was drinking a drop of ordinary blood.

When the first attempt failed, Chen Mo was not angry, but fell into concentrated thinking. After a while, Chen Mocai nodded thoughtfully.

After they drank the perfect blood, Andrew quickly completed the evolution, and he did not react when he drank. The problem should be in their physique.

Andrew is a vampire, they can directly absorb the blood they drink, turn it into their own use, and even get the memory of the blood master from the blood.

Only as the perfect blood removes their dependence on the blood, this ability disappears.

Chen Mo is not a vampire. Although he is stronger than them, he is still a human being. He cannot directly use blood as a vampire.

In this way, you can only change the way, but fortunately Chen Mo has prepared for this.

Opening the drawer under the table, Chen Mo removed some glassware and a set of needles from it, which he specially ordered by the workshop, so that it might be used today.

At this time, Chen Mo’s minded medical knowledge from the school library came in handy.

First, Chen Mo took a drop of blood from his fingertips and dripped it into a glassware. Then he dropped a drop of blood from Alexander Covennes. Two drops of blood touched in the vessel, and the fusion became a bigger drop. Some blood drops.

After a while, Chen Mo picked up a glass rod and tried it. The blood drops were stirred up by the glass rods and re-infused into a group, lying quietly at the bottom of the vessel.

Determined that two drops of blood did not coagulate, Chen Mo finally relieved.

In fact, from the blood type, Chen Mo's blood type is AB type, belonging to the universal blood recipient, can accept any blood type blood, but the perfect blood of Alexander Covennes is very special after all, Chen Mo does not dare to try easily. Or test it before you get insurance.

Since the blood contact between the two will not solidify, Chen Mo will continue to proceed to the next step.

With a needle tube filled with perfect blood, Chen Mo rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, revealing the blood vessels inside the elbow.

Looking for the right position, Chen Mo slowly pierced the needle into the blood vessels, and paused a little. Immediately, Chen Mo's eyes firmly injected the perfect blood into the blood vessels.

Chen Mo's injection is very slow, ready to stop if there is a problem, but obviously his fear is superfluous.

With the injection of perfect blood, Chen Mo felt a hot warm current flowing along the blood vessels into the body and quickly flowed into the heart.

Then, his heart began to accelerate and the body slowly became hot, but there was no bad feeling.

The perfect blood injected in the blood follows the blood in the blood vessels. Under the strong heart, it quickly spreads everywhere in Chen Mo's body. Wherever the perfect blood flows, the cells there have all begun to change.

Under the influence of perfect blood, the genes in the cells begin to reorganize and evolve in a more perfect direction.

It was only after the perfect blood of this tube was injected into the body, and after a while, the feeling began to slowly weaken. Chen Mo knew that this was because the perfect blood in the body was not enough.

Without hesitation, Chen Mo injected a lot of perfect blood that had already been prepared into the body. The burning feeling had come back and became stronger than before.

Chen Mo feels that his blood seems to have already boiled up. The blood flowing in the blood vessels does not seem to be blood, but the magma. Every place where the blood flows, the body is like being caught in the lava of the lava, in this hot blood. The middle is melted, then re-solidified, and becomes a brand new substance.

The dramatic changes in the body also brought tremendous pain to Chen Mo, even more severe than the pain of the super-sex sera reinforcement. After all, this is evolution from the genetic level, every nerve, every cell, All of them have undergone earth-shaking changes from the inside out.

Chen Mo, who has had similar experience, is still awake by the powerful willpower. Sitting on a large chair, the sweat flows down like a rain.

With the continuous injection of perfect blood, this severe pain finally reached its peak, and the evolution of his whole body cells was finally completed before Chen Mo was about to persist in the coma.

Chen Mo's bone marrow began to produce new blood continuously, replacing the original ordinary blood in the blood vessels. One is similar to the feeling when the perfect blood was injected before, but the feeling of being more gentle is surging in Chen Mo's body.

In the end, all the blood flowing by Chen Mo was replaced by his own new blood. These new blood is his own perfect blood!

Combining the perfect blood of Alexander Covenus, Chen Mo's body has undergone tremendous changes. The physical quality that has already reached the bottleneck has finally broken through and has been upgraded again.

Although the magnitude is not large, only seven times the growth of ordinary humans, Chen Mo can feel that his current physical fitness is far from reaching the limit. The perfect blood has greatly enhanced his potential. Over time, His strength can continue to improve. As for the limit, Chen Mo is not clear.

The perfect blood is not just a simple enhancement of Chen Mo's physical quality. The perfect blood injected into the body has been fully integrated into his body. The transformation strengthens his genes. His whole body is different from the past. His The potential has therefore become enormous.

Now Chen Mo does not just accept the blood of perfection, but really "owns" the perfect blood!

His genes and cells have changed. The blood that has been continuously produced from his bone marrow is the perfect blood. Like Alexander Covennes, he even has a powerful perfect blood!

In addition to strengthening his body, the perfect blood has strong strength and unlimited potential. The most important thing is that Chen Mo has gained the ability to live forever!

The sero-enhancement of super soldiers who had been accepted in the US captain world only made Chen Mo's aging rate greatly slow down. He could live much longer than ordinary humans, but still aging and will die, so Chen Mo will let Colonel Phillips and Tony S. Tucker will freeze his body and take turns in charge of the SHIELD.

The blood of perfection is different. Chen Mo really has an immortal life. Time will turn into a set of numbers for him. He no longer has to worry that staying in the movie world will take too long to lose life and go fast. .

Since then, Chen Mo has a true immortal body.

It took several years to operate, layout, search, and fight, and Chen Mo finally got everything he wanted.

The intensively completed Chen Mo opened the door and walked out of the study. The three men, Andrew, Victor and Amelia, who were guarded by the guards outside the door, turned around and bowed.

"grown ups!"

"Remove the alert and bring the little Serena to see me."

Chen Mo told the three men.

"Yes! Adult!"

After the three left, Chen Mo turned and went to the bathroom.

In the previous strengthening, Chen Mozhen was soaked in sweat, and the robes were very uncomfortable on the body. They had to be washed well.

Under the service of the maid, Chen Moshu took a bath in comfort and waited for him to return to the study in a refreshing manner. Amelia had already been there with the hand of Serena.

Andrew and Victor went to mobilize the Knights, disarmed, and reorganized the work, not yet back.

The two people in the study saw Chen Mo coming back and bowing.

"grown ups!"

"Lord Lord!"

Little Selena looked at Chen Mo with a big pair of eyes, not knowing what the Lord’s adult was looking for.

"Small Serena, come over."

Chen Mocha Selina recruited, and the little girl walked to Chen Mo with her short legs, and looked up to Chen Mo, who was very tall for her.

"Open your mouth."

Little Selena heard that Chen Mo had to give him something delicious, and he opened his mouth.

The candy made in the workshop is sweet, and that is one of the few things she can eat except blood.

It’s just that the lord said that the child can't eat too much sugar, he will grow his teeth, and only allow her to eat one piece a day.

No one can defy the command of the Lord's Lord, so no matter how she spoiled Amelia, she would not give her more.