MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 121 Wake up William

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For Marcus, the vampire ancestor, Chen Mo did not want to kill him.

Although he has the ambition to rule mankind, in fact, his goal has been fulfilled by Chen Mo, and now Europe is under the rule of Chen Mo and his vampires.

Of course, Chen Mo’s people did not know the existence of vampires. In their eyes, Chen Mo is their king. The gods they believe in, the powerful knights are all servants of God, and God has given them powerful power.

The more powerful these knights show, the more devout their faith in Chen Mo.

In these years, Marcus also did a lot of things under Chen Mo's hands and won a lot of achievements.

In addition to helping Chen Mo to transform his core players, the Knights and the workshops into powerful and vampires with infinite life, in the external battle, Marcus also led his majesty with his powerful strength. They laid a large territory for Chen Mo.

Especially after Chen Mo found the trace of Alexander Covinas in western Europe, Chen Mo gathered Andrew, Amelia and Victor to help him search for the ancient undead who was extremely good at hiding.

For a long time, Chen Mo has put his experience in western Europe, leading a large number of people and Alexander Covenus to hide and seek. The remaining territories in eastern Europe are basically conquered by Marcus.

These merits are clearly placed there, so Chen Mo did not completely erase his achievements because of his villain's identity and ruthless performance. As long as he did not betray Chen Mo, he will always be the Duke of the Empire, the four of the vampire family. One of the great elders.

All this is what he deserves, and he exchanges for his own actions.

And Chen Mo also believes that he does not dare to betray himself.

The four dukes of the newly-improved empire quickly took off their armor and invested in the construction of the empire. After hundreds of years of war and the slaughter of the werewolves, the entire European people's livelihood was dying and there was an urgent need to recuperate.

The knights of the Knights of the Temple also were awarded different levels of knights and nobility titles according to their merits, and obtained the corresponding territory.

The war is over and the Knights no longer need to fight around. Their mission has become to guard the Blackrock Castle and the Emperor, to destroy the bandits and to maintain the stability of the empire.

Of course, these are only temporary. As the new City Guards are formed, they will go to various places to defend the stability of the empire and the task of maintaining local policing will be borne by them.

The Knights will be stationed in the Blackstone Castle as the highest combat power, and will no longer be dispatched. The Cavaliers can also take time to return to their own territory for construction and management.

Of course, the new aristocrats and lords of the empire no longer have the right to form an army. In addition to the power to form a **** of more than a dozen to hundreds of people, depending on the title, their fiefdom and the empire are directly under the territory, defending The troops were dispatched by the Empire and administered by the Imperial Army.

In addition to possessing the management and taxation rights of the territories, the aristocratic lords completely lost their military power and severed the possibility of self-respecting in the future.

Although the knights of the Knights are incomparably loyal to Chen Mo, there is no such possibility, but the new aristocracy will not be easy to say in the future. Chen Mo is still taking precautions and perfecting the aristocratic land-sealing system.

When Andrew and Marcus and others were caught in the horror of imperial construction, Chen Mo and Alexander Covinas appeared in the dungeon of William, the ancestor of the werewolf.

A long, long ramp through the darkness, a tall, heavy humanoid steel cage embedded in the wall.

Inserting the torch in the hand into the shelf on the wall, in the face of Kevinus, Chen Mo took out one large and two small disc keys from the space and placed them in the depression in the middle of the cage.

The two keys were just embedded in the grooves and connected to the entire steel cage. As Chen Mo twisted the disc, along with a series of gears rotating and dragging the metal friction of the chain, the cage was locked with a complex mechanism. The road was lifted and the entire steel cage was slowly opened.

Under the watchful eyes of Chen Mo and Alexander Covenus, a tall, white-faced werewolf roared out of the cage, angered with a big mouth and rushed toward the two.

In the face of this fierce and fierce beast, Chen Mo did not panic. They swept Alexander Covinas. Chen Mo’s hands quickly extended and grabbed William’s two wrists and twisted them outward. The two arms are locked and can't be moved any more.

Then Chen Mo lifted his right foot and swept forward, and then he fell to the ground with his knees, kneeling on his knees, and using his hand to press him to the ground, unable to get up.

William, the ancestor of the mighty Werewolf, was easily controlled by Chen Mo, unable to move, and could only linger in the painful and angry roar of the place.

With both hands clutching William's arm, Chen Mo looked at Alexander Covinas.

"let's start."

Alexander Covenus frowned and looked at William, who was crazy like a beast in front of him, and came up with awe-inspiring face, pulling out the dagger at the waist, scratching his wrist and reaching over the wolf kiss of William.

The bright red blood ran down his wrist and fell into William's mouth. Under the gaze of the two, the raging William gradually calmed down, and Covennes took back his arm and pulled out a bandage to wrap it up. Then he concentrated on seeing William, who was lying on the ground.

Seeing that William was no longer struggling, Chen Mo loosened his hands and looked at William with a serious look.

The perfect blood that fell into William's mouth is enough. Then he will see his creation. If he still can't restore his reason, Chen Mo will not continue to let him live. Death may be a better destination for him, staying. It is always a hidden danger.

Alexander Covinas is also aware of this. He is not dissatisfied with this. William has created too many killings for so many years. Even if Chen Mo directly kills him, that is the punishment he should receive.

Now Chen Mo gave him a chance, no matter whether he succeeded or not, he would like to feel Chen Mo’s kindness.

Under the gaze of the two, William on the ground finally changed. The tall body began to shrink slowly, and the protruding wolf kiss slowly shrank back. The long white hair on the body gradually became sparse. Soon, a tall white young man who looked very similar to Marcus appeared in front of them.

The face of Alexander Covinas’s well-waveless face finally showed an excited expression. William changed from the werewolf to the human form, which shows that he is likely to have recovered human consciousness.

Chen Mo is also very interested in watching the restoration of the human form of William, he is very curious, William will be transformed by the perfect blood, is it like the Lucian of the movie, completely free from the wild instinct of the beast, can change freely The form of werewolf always maintains human consciousness.

Finally, William, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up slowly and looked up at the two people in front of him. At this time, there was no madness and animalism in his eyes. Some were just stunned and pure, like a newborn baby. general.

"Ah, hey?"

Two syllables without meaning were sent out from his mouth. From his eyes, Chen Mo saw only ignorance and ignorance.

Turning to look at Kevinus, at this time he was also a look of horror and loss, but soon became relieved.

Obviously, although the blood of perfection will eliminate William's animal nature and restore his consciousness to human beings, the side effects of the previous transformation of the werewolf obviously erased his consciousness, plus the life of hundreds of years of beasts, he has already been the body. The memory of human beings is completely forgotten.

Although I have recovered my consciousness now, like a newborn baby, my brain is blank, and I am afraid that even his memory as a werewolf will be forgotten.

However, compared to the worst result, Alexander Covenus has now satisfied himself. In any case, his son has finally changed back to human beings and can continue to live.

No memory, even if you say goodbye to the past, welcome new students.

Chen Mo did not have anything to say about this, let Alexander Coventus bring William back.

Since then, Little Selena has added a "brother" who is much older than her but needs her to take care of and teach.

As the only daughter in the family, Selena is very happy. She is inseparable from William every day. I want to take him with him. I will teach him to talk and play with him. It is really like a sister taking care of his younger brother. He is very funny.

William also likes to stay with Selena, and this big one and two figures have become a special scene in the castle.


After the empire was officially established, Chen Mo began to adopt a policy of recuperating and living and developing people's livelihood.

Many civil technologies in the workshop began to spread throughout the country under the impetus of the Royal Chamber of Commerce. The promotion of new farming tools, waterwheels and new farming methods has greatly improved the country’s agriculture. Under the protection of the tax policy, the living standards of the people have been greatly improved, and the real thing has been achieved.

Without war, no hunger, no threat of terrible werewolves, the whole society has become very harmonious and stable, the people live and work in peace, and the economy has begun to prosper.

The Imperial Chamber of Commerce has opened a large number of factories throughout the country.

Textile mills, garment factories, soap factories, cement plants, brick and tile factories, steel mills, glass factories, sugar factories, salt fields, etc., and a wide variety of factories are springing up in cities across the country.

Many women, the elderly and other surplus laborers are in the factory. A large number of people's livelihood products are continuously produced from these factories and put into the market. The lives of thousands of families have improved people's quality of life and changed people. Lifestyle.

The whole society has ushered in tremendous changes!
