MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 136 Powerful energy weapon

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After Dr. Zola and Colonel John awoke, they learned that Chen Mo had finally returned.

I don’t want to be relieved from the frozen state, and my body is still weak. The two of them came to Chen Mo’s commander’s office for the first time to see Chen Mo.

Seeing the stalwart and familiar figure sitting at the back of the desk, both of them are excited. For seventy years, their **** is finally back!

The two people who were still somewhat weak seemed to have recovered their physical strength in an instant, stood up straight, raised their fists straight up and forward, and shouted the slogan that had not been called for a long time.

"Long live the Hydra!"

In their minds, Chen Mo is a Hydra, a god!

Listening to this familiar slogan, Chen Mo's cold and majestic face could not help but show a slight smile.


Chen Mo spent two days at the Hydra base. In addition to a more detailed understanding of the current situation in the world, and the specific status of the Hydra, he also listened to Dr. Zola’s report.

Although the development of Hydra's technology has been slow in the past seventy years, it still exceeds the country's at least two decades, aircraft, cars, tanks, ships, missiles, mechanical equipment, electronic technology and other aspects, Hydra's Technology must be more advanced.

Norwegian, controlled by Hydra, with their secret support, the military and military strength is not weaker than other big powers, and in some cases even more than exceeded, the shipbuilding industry and industry are particularly developed.

However, Norway has always adhered to the principle of neutrality and acted in a low-key manner, but it has not been regarded as a threat by all countries.

In addition to these basic technologies, the most powerful force that Hydra possesses is energy weapons.

According to the list left by Chen Mo before leaving, Albert found and recruited Anton Vanke from the former Soviet Union. He is a very good top scientist with strong energy and mechanical capabilities, no worse than Howard.

With his help, the optimization and improvement of energy weapons has made great progress. The energy rifles and pistols have been reduced to the size of ordinary guns, and the power has not decreased, but has improved a lot.

The charging time between each launch was also shortened by a large amount, and the problem of the maximum rate of fire before it was finally solved.

At the same time, the storage device used to store the energy transformed by the universe cube has been greatly optimized. After the energy is compressed, the energy of the same volume of storage unit is now stored ten times.

Previously, an energy cartridge could supply an energy pistol to launch hundreds of times, but now the new powerful energy pistol can be launched thousands of times in a row, enough to deal with any battle, basically no bullets, no bullets, Need to be replaced.

In fact, this new energy storage device does not play a big role in energy weapons. After all, the original energy reserves of hundreds of hairs are enough. On the other hand, the role of heavy weapons such as airplanes, tanks and ships is even greater. .

It solves their energy supply problems and greatly enhances the endurance of these weapons and equipment, and the persistence of firepower.

Let them be like nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, capable of long-term, high-intensity operations, without the need for ordinary aircraft and tanks. After reaching the battle zone, they have not been fighting for a long time, and fuel and ammunition are exhausted. Sexual fierce battle.

This is a good news for Chen Mo. Energy is the foundation of weapons and equipment. Powerful weapons are absolutely inseparable from sufficient energy supply.

Tony's steel warrior was developed on the basis of the small ark reactor he built. There is no Ark reactor, and the steel coat is a pile of scrap iron.

After listening to Dr. Zola’s report, Chen Mo accompanied him and Colonel John to a weapon testing field in the depths of the top secret base.

In an area of ​​this vast space, it is filled with various advanced tanks, armored vehicles, helicopters, artillery and other heavy weapons, but Chen Mo does not have time to understand them one by one. They came directly to the energy weapons test area.

Here, Chen Mo saw the latest energy weapons.

The new NS-5 energy pistol looks different from the ordinary pistol on the outside. Some are similar to the desert eagle, but the shape is cooler, the black gun body is sharp and angular, the lines are chilly and resolute, and the technology is very technical.

Chen Mo picked up two energy pistols, and the slightly heavy hand felt very comfortable for Chen Mo.

Dr. Zola, standing behind Chen Mo, began to give him a detailed introduction.

"NS-7 energy pistol, based on the NS-2, after many upgrades and improvements, the performance is now very powerful."

Zola said with some pride.

“The charging process between bullet launches is greatly optimized, the time is greatly shortened, the rate of fire can reach two hundred per minute, and the effective range is three hundred meters. The energy of the new storage device is highly compressed, and one energy cartridge can last. Launching 5,000 energy bullets, the power of the attack has also improved."

After listening to Dr. Zola's introduction, Chen Mo picked up two handsome black energy pistols on the table and came to the test target.

Dr. Zola quickly operated on the side of the operation panel, and many targets were quickly raised from the opposite target area, extending from 50 meters to 300 meters.

In addition to the special humanoid target that is basically the same as the human body, several off-road vehicles and armored vehicles have risen from the ground, and even a thick concrete wall has risen at 200 meters, which basically restores the reality. The battlefield environment.

Chen Mo raised two pairs of guns, and the two hands quickly pulled the trigger. A blue energy bullet quickly shot toward the opposite target.

A personal target was hit by an energy bullet and immediately turned into a fly ash. The dozens of personal targets in the field were quickly eliminated by Chen Mo.

Chen Mo could not help but secretly nod. The rate of fire of the new energy pistol has indeed improved a lot. Although there is no ordinary pistol with a fast rate of fire due to the short charging time, it has basically met the needs of Chen Mo.

The last time in the world of night legends, when there were hundreds of werewolves attacking, if there were these two energy pistols, the werewolves couldn’t get close to the Knights, and they had already been killed by Chen Mo.

After all the humanoid targets were eliminated, Chen Mo did not pause and continued to aim the gun at the remaining targets.

An energy bullet hit an off-road vehicle, and the blue energy broke out. It instantly turned the off-road vehicle into a burning fireball. Then two rounds of bullets hit and directly burned the burning off-road vehicle. A pile of debris.

The heavy armored vehicles did not last too long. A blue energy beam poured like a raindrop. It was continuous and dense. The strong armor was quickly deformed under the bombardment of the energy bullets, even reddish and melted. Quickly lost the defensive power, penetrated by the energy bullets, and shot into the armored car, the whole armored car began to burn intensely in the explosion.

However, Chen Mo did not stop here. Although it has been broken, the main body of the armored vehicle is still intact. Chen Mo’s hands are kept, the intensive energy bullets continue to pour onto the armored vehicles, the tires are blown up, the doors are torn, and the defensive heavy armor It was completely destroyed under this violent attack, and finally, like an off-road vehicle, it became a pile of scattered steel wreckage.

Melted steel and shredded armor covered the surrounding ground, and it looked very fierce under the blazing flame.

The remaining concrete walls became the next target of Chen Mo. A piece of hard concrete stone collapsed from the wall under the bombardment of the energy beam, leaving a basin-sized pit.

Just as the rain washed the soil, the thick concrete wall was quickly disintegrated and quickly completely leveled off, leaving only a piece of concrete and airborne flue.

Just a full space, there was only one wreck in the blink of an eye.

In just a few tens of seconds, Chen Mo triggered thousands of triggers, shot thousands of energy bullets without stopping, and wiped out all the targets in front of Fan shooting, Chen Mo has a comprehensive understanding of the performance and power of this new energy pistol.

This new type of pistol can basically meet the needs of Chen Mo's battle. Even if it encounters a large-scale mechanized unit, it also has the power of a battle, so there is no need to avoid it.

However, from the attack on the armored vehicle, the energy pistol faced heavy armor, but the power was still insufficient. Most of the time and firepower were spent on the armored vehicles.

Although it didn't take too long to break the armored vehicle's defense and destroy the inside, Chen Mo then found that some of the thicker parts of the armor were hard to break and it took a long time to see the energy. Pistols are a bit hard to deal with heavy armor.

But overall, this NS-7 energy pistol is still very good, this is a pistol after all, the main target is still a large number of non-armored targets, in addition to heavy armor such as tanks, other armored vehicles, buildings And individual units can be easily destroyed and destroyed.

Putting the two pistols directly into the space, Chen Mo took a few energy clips from the table and kept them for use.

Later, Chen Mo looked at another weapon on the table.

This is a rifle with a length of more than 70 centimeters. It is also painted in black and black. It is thicker than ordinary rifles. It is also a tough and technically-sounding line, making the whole gun more masculine and aggressive. .

"This is the NB-7 energy rifle. The rate of fire and the persistence of firepower are similar to those of the pistol. The main difference is in power, range and precision."

Seeing Chen Mo looking at the rifle, Dr. Zola immediately introduced.

"With it, you can make up for the lack of energy pistols."