MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 159 Zhen Jinshun, Ulysses Crow

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In the information about Juliusklau and Vacanda, Chen Mo saw a specially marked document.

Opening the file, a photo of a black man with fierce eyes appeared in the eyes of Chen Mo.

Eric Kelmengo, the top mercenary, worked with Ulysses Sloan to steal and rob the world of gold.

After graduating from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he joined the SEALs and went to Afghanistan, where he was killed, just like playing video games, so he won the title of "killer."

He was also a member of the United Special Operations Command, a powerful warrior with top fighting skills, physical fitness, and an excellent tactician.

The identity of Eric Kelmango does not stop there. His real name is Nijdaka, and his father, Nichob, is the younger brother of the current King of Vacanda, Techaca.

When he was young, Nicob was sent to the United States as a spy to perform an assassination mission.

During his mission in the United States, he fell in love with a woman and gave birth to a son with her.

Since then, he has settled in the United States, living with his wife and children in a slum where people gather.

There, he saw the black compatriots in the United States being oppressed and discriminated against, mostly living at the bottom of society and living hard.

The radical Nicob wants to equip them with vigilant weapons, leading them to overthrow all the nations, to rule them by Wakanda and to rule the world.

Because he knew his brother, King Techaka would not support him, so he found Ulyssesklau, told him the secrets of Vulcanda and Zhenjin, helped him to sneak into Vakanda and stole it. A lot of gold.

But he did not know that the most trusted confidant of his side, James, whose real name was Zu Li, was actually a vulcan spy, who was sent to him by King Techaka to observe the execution of his mission.

In the end, Nichob’s plan was exposed. When Techaka came in person and took him back to Vakanda to accept the Presbyterian’s trial, he wanted to shoot and kill his tyranny, but he was missed by Techaka. Kill.

Later, Techaka did not bring Niceb's wife and children back to Vakanda, but abandoned them in the American slums.

From the notes left by his father Nicob, Eric Kelmango knew his own life and understood Nicholas's beliefs and what he had done before.

Nichob recorded a lot of things about kancada and the panther in his notes. Eric then inferred from the leopard's claw wound on Nicob's chest that the killing of his father was the Panther Tchaka!

For the killing of his father, and the abandonment of their orphans and widows in the slums, regardless of whether they asked them to kill themselves, Teika, Eric’s heart is full of hatred and always wants revenge.

Through her own unremitting efforts, Eric Kelmango lost her father's child from a slum, became a highly educated, high-intelligence, and powerful fighter, and the biggest enemy of Wakanda, Yuli Siskelau mixed up.

But what really surprised Chen Mo was that Eric Kelmango turned out to be a Hydra spy!

It turns out that Hydra has long discovered the existence of Vacanda and conducted comprehensive monitoring and exploration of them. He also discovered the true identity of Nichob and his cooperation with Ulysses.

Just not waiting for the Hydra to take further action, Techaca suddenly took a ride on the high-tech spacecraft in Vacanda, and killed Nicob in order to save the ancestors.

So the Hydra simply absorbed the Eric Kermango, who was thrown into the Hydra, and cultivated from an early age, which eventually made him a warrior who was loyal to the Hydra.

In the movie, Eric Kermango took the throne from Techara, became the new king of Vacanda, and took the heart-shaped herbs and gained a powerful force.

Seeing this, Chen Mo had some thoughts in his heart, and he was somewhat worried that the heart-shaped herbs would not eliminate the brainwashing effect, restore his original consciousness, and betray the Hydra.

So Chen Mo called Old Albert, and Albert's words dispelled Chen Mo's doubts.

"Will not."

Albert shook his head and said affirmatively.

"Eric Kelmango was trained by Hydra since childhood. We are a subtle influence on his brainwashing. It is not simply brainwashing, changing his original consciousness, but training and shaping him completely. thought of."

Having said that, Albert looks at Chen Mo.

"The loyalty to the Hydra has penetrated into his soul, and no matter how strong he becomes, this will not change."

Hearing the explanation of Albert, Chen Mo was completely relieved.

Seeing Chen Mo put it down, Albert explained to him the brainwashing methods that Hydra now has.

Because it takes a lot of time and effort to brainwash or cultivate the Eric Kermango, it is only those who have been selected from a young age and have good talents. They are trained as core members of Hydra. The personnel are qualified to accept.

They will be sent to the world as a spy and intelligence personnel to perform their tasks, accumulate certain merits, and complete complex and rigorous investigations, proving their own abilities and absolute loyalty to the Hydra. Being allowed to enter the top secret base, officially became the internal core member of Hydra.

Here, they will receive the reinforcement of the super soldier's serum, and then stay at the top secret base or go back to the specific situation, continue to perform more confidential and more important tasks.

At the right time, they will be recalled to the base, frozen, and become a winter warrior!

Eric Kelmango is now in the inspection period, but his investigation has been basically completed, all aspects of performance are perfect, loyalty, strength, wisdom, and the handling of events are very strong, fast, he You will be admitted to the top secret base and accept the qualification of strengthening.

In addition, the crossbone Brok Rumlow is also at this stage, and the performance is equally good.

Only one of them joined the National Strategic Defence Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, became the captain of the special team, it was a policeman, and the other was mixed with the arms dealer to help him steal and rob the gold weapons. It was a murderous number of mercenaries. , yes.

There are many people like them under the Hydra. They are hidden in various governments, organizations, and even gangs around the world. They provide a lot of important information for the Hydra, and they also shoulder the burden. Different tasks.

Now they can only be regarded as the recruits of the Hydra. In the future, they will become the backbone of the Hydra.

In addition to the brainwashing methods of Eric Kermango and Brock Ramlow, which have been foolproof, Hydra actually has some simple and rude brainwashing methods.

Through special equipment and hypnosis, the target can be brainwashed in a short time, but the shortcomings of this method are also obvious. After brainwashing, their minds will be affected, unable to complete complex tasks, only as soldiers. use.

This made Chen Mo think of the winter soldiers in the movie.

After he was brainwashed, he was somewhat unconscious. He only knew that he was tasked according to the order. He had no self at all, and his previous memories and emotions were erased.

It's just that this brainwashing method is not insured. Just like the Winter Soldier, after being strongly stimulated, it is very likely to restore the original memory and mind, get rid of the control, and must regularly brainwash to maintain the state.

Of course, Hydra is now studying a more efficient and stable brainwashing method, which can brainwash the target in a short period of time, and the effect can be maintained stably. The further goal is to retain the memory and thinking of the brainwashing object. Complete more complex tasks, not just become a killing machine.

There is no problem with the loyalty of Eric Kermango, and Chen Mo’s ideas can be implemented.

Later that day, Eric Kelmengo and Ulysses Crowe had just succeeded in grabbing a weapon that was handed down from ancient times and was made of vibrating gold from a small museum.

Eric Kelmango, who was driving away from the scene, suddenly rang in his pocket.

Eric drove the phone while driving, and the caller number displayed on the screen made his eyes shrink.

Yu Guang glanced at Ulysses Sloan, and at this time he was immersed in the joy of another large piece of precious gold, and did not pay much attention to the phone that Eric sounded.

Eric Kelmango saw it, pretending to be nothing, and answered the A low and cold, no emotional sound was introduced into the ear of Eric from the earpiece, next to it. Ulyssesklau could not hear a voice.

"Target, Ulysses Skau, mission, kill!"

When the voice in the phone was finished, the phone was hung up. Eric Kermango continued to drive the car and put the phone back in his pocket. It seemed that nothing happened, but the eyes on the road ahead were cold. Down, a trace of killing has passed away.

The Ulyssesl, who was sitting next to him, did not find any abnormality. He was still happy to play with the newly-launched gold weapons and figured out how much money he could sell this time.

Eric Kermango drove all the way, and soon arrived at their temporary stop, stopping in front of a remote warehouse.

"We have to make a fortune!"

"Let's celebrate and celebrate!"

Ulysses Scroo turned to Eric and opened his mouth and smiled. Then he immediately opened the door and got off the car, and took the gold weapons to the warehouse.

Eric Kelmango got off the bus behind him, but did not go to the warehouse with him, but slowly pulled out the pistol in the waist holster, pointing to Ulysses Scroo Back.


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