MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 161 Enhanced Super Soldier Serum

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The dark Hydra fighter rushed straight to the mountain wall and flew into the huge mountain from the hidden passage that suddenly opened on the mountain wall.

Eric Kelmango finally reached the holy place in his heart, the headquarters of Hydra, the top secret base of zero.

Upon reaching the top secret base, Eric Kermango was taken away, as each elite member who completed the assessment and entered the base for the first time, began a series of medical examinations, tests, assessments, trainings, and further Brainwashing procedure.

When all of this work is completed, they will receive sero-enhancement of different levels of soldiers according to each individual's situation. Of course, most of them are injected with improved serum. After all, this serum is the least risky. The highest success rate is achieved.

Even if these passed the rigorous assessment, the people who officially joined the Hydra are all elites with no one, and the willpower is far stronger than the average person, but like Chen Mo and Steve, they can withstand the strengthening of serum reform. Still a minority.

This kind of soldier serum, which is more powerful than the original serum, is too demanding on the willpower. In the seventy years, less than ten people met the conditions for the use of intensive serum and were strengthened after the injection.

Every elite warrior is a valuable asset of Hydra. Without a full grasp, it is easy to not allow them to take the risk of strengthening serum.

The effect of improved serum is already very strong. The physical fitness of three times ordinary people will hardly meet opponents in the outside world. In addition, they have received various rigorous trainings from an early age. The strength of the reinforcement is very strong, enough for them to maintain absolute strength. , to complete any daunting task.

There is no need to let a large number of Hydra elites die in vain in pursuit of stronger power.

Therefore, the tests before strengthening are very strict, and the strength of willpower directly determines the enhanced serum levels they can use and their future strength.

From boarding the advanced Hydra fighter to the hidden and spectacular headquarters of the top secret base, Eric Kelmango’s mood is almost calm, and what he sees and hears makes him deeply I feel the power of the Hydra.

The cutting-edge technology of the era, hidden in the majestic and top secret base of the vast mountain, and even along the way, everyone he met, he was shocked.

Whether it is fully armed, holding a sci-fi sci-fi, the light-looking appearance knows the guardian soldiers of the unknown rifle-type weapons, or wearing a white coat, a gentleman, a middle-aged man who is a researcher, and even a wearing The short skirt, the young girl who hurried through the file from him, the faint scent of their body, made the perceptive Eric Kermango feel a huge threat.

In other words, not only the guarded soldiers, but even the unarmed scientific research and civilian personnel in the headquarters base, their strength must be above him, which can pose a huge threat to him.

This is now shocking him. He believes in his feelings. For so many years, his feelings have never gone wrong.

But he is still unbelievable. His strength is already very strong in the outside world. He is a top powerhouse. Over the years, he has experienced countless battles and killed thousands of enemies. No one is him. Opponent.

The soldiers in the base will be counted. After all, it is the defense force in the headquarters. It is definitely the most elite warrior. Plus, the weapons that are powerful at that time can pose a threat to him. He can understand.

But what are the scientific and civilian personnel, how can they be stronger than him? !

The doubts of Eric Kelmango did not last long, and soon someone answered him.

In the past, his understanding of the Hydra was not too much. For him, the Hydra is more like a high-definition, illusory temple, he can only look up.

The Hydra is his savior. When his father was killed and he and his mother were alone, the Hydra saved them, settled his mother, and provided him with an unusual life path. A way to become a strong person and control the lives of yourself and others.

If there is no Hydra, he may have died in a dark alley after he was killed by his mother, or died in a humble house under the hunger and affliction. In the best case, However, it was a gangster who was a gangster, and his life was destined to be gray.

Now, he graduated from a prestigious university, joined the SEALs and the US Joint Special Operations Command, and became a powerful warrior and a **** of death on the battlefield.

He enjoys the feeling of mastering himself and others' lives and deaths, and changes his life. What gives him all is the Hydra.

It was the Hydra who rescued him from the abyss of despair, shaped him, and finally made him!

He is willing to dedicate his loyalty and faith to the Hydra and dedicate the rest of his life to the Hydra.

Now, his loyalty and dedication have been recognized, he will officially become a member of the Hydra, the feeling, just as believers stepped into the temple, was allowed to serve God.

It is from this moment that he has a deeper understanding of this illusory temple.

The Hydra is created by their great leader, the eternal master, the powerful **** "Hydra", as their name, the **** they believe in is the powerful Hydra of mythology, and he has nine legends. In the skull, every time one head is cut, two will be regenerated.

Myths and legends are really unknown, but he does have many identities in the mortal world. The Red Dragonfly during World War II is one of them. As for other identities, apart from the base commander and Colonel John, others are not qualified to know. .

But he still learned that all the people he saw after entering the base made him feel the reason for the threat.

It turned out that seventy years ago, when their gods left the mortal world and returned to the kingdom of God, they left three kinds of gods. Anyone who became a full member through the strict assessment of the Hydra could accept God according to their own circumstances. The strengthening of water, and thus the powerful power given by the gods.

Everyone in the top secret base is a full member of the Hydra, and all of them have been strengthened by Shenshui, which is why even the strength of researchers and civilians is above him.

Although the strength of Eric Kelmango is strong among ordinary people, it is indeed very weak compared with the power given by the gods. It is possible to suppress the female civilian staff who are weakest and strengthen. .

Eric Kelmango, who was informed of this amazing news, was shocked and secretly expected.

I thought that I was already very strong. I didn't expect it to be the bottom of the base. How powerful is the power given by the gods. Eric couldn't help but expect that the days of strengthening would come early.

At the same time, he also had a new understanding of the **** of Hydra. Before, he only knew that Hydra was an organization created by God in the mortal world. The purpose was to secretly supervise the whole world, protect the safety of the earth, and guard against the invasion of foreign forces. .

Although he was loyal to Hydra and believed in the creation of their gods, he did not understand the purpose of the Hydra. What the external forces meant, for their gods, he believed in him devoutly. But I don’t know too much about his deeds.

All of this was heard at this time, but he gave him a deeper understanding of God. It turned out that God is not just a illusory existence. He used to come to the world and created miracles.

The current commander of Hydra, Albert, was personally appointed by God seventy years ago. Before that, he was a white old man. On the day he was appointed as a commander by God, he suddenly became young. At the age of ten, he became an energetic middle-aged man and has been in charge of the Hydra until today.

There are many servants of God at the same time as him. Some of them are sleeping at the bottom of the earth, while others are responsible for the operation of various affairs in the base.

Eric Kermango slowly digested this amazing thing while waiting for the intensification of the day.

A few days later, a series of routines were completed, and his test results were also released and sent to Chen Mo's hands.

Eric Kermango is not just an ordinary member of the Hydra who passed the assessment. His identity is very special. It is related to Chen Mo's next series of plans. He is not personally questioned by Chen Mo.

Albert stood at his desk and said to Chen Mo.

"Based on past intensive experience, Eric Kelmango's willpower is strong enough to withstand the sera of intensive soldiers, with a success rate of 95 percent."

Chen Mo looked at a piece of data on the report, gently nodded, personally participated in and completed the development and experimentation of improved soldiers' serum, and personally accepted the intensive Chen Mo to understand the serum, indeed, as Albert Said, Eric Kermango's willpower and other relevant data are very good, there is no problem in the transformation of the intensive soldiers' serum.

"Then strengthen it immediately."

Chen Mo put the report back on the table, Shen Sheng said.



The long-awaited Eric Kelmango finally accepted the "Shen Shui" reinforcement, and it is the highest level and the strongest.

Eric is very satisfied with this, which shows that his qualification is the best The strength after strengthening is also the strongest, although the process of strengthening is very painful, but it is worth it.

After the reinforcement, Eric has five times the physical fitness of ordinary people, coupled with its own powerful fighting ability and rich combat experience, has the strength comparable to the American captain.

Not waiting for him to recover from the joy of the skyrocketing strength, Colonel John, who was the servant of God seventy years ago, appeared in front of Eric Kelmengo.

Looking at the body taller and stronger than before, like Erick, a humanoid beast, John nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand and gestured to the soldier behind him to bring the new uniform ready.

"Clean up, soldier."

"God wants to see you!"

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