MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 166 9 snakes guarding the earth!

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The voice of Eric Kelmango just fell, and all the people present were shocked.

They never imagined that their seemingly fierce king would have let go of Techaka and Zu Li.

In the previous situation, the two clearly knew that they had pleaded guilty and were willing to die. Everyone thought that he would kill the two and avenge his father. Unexpectedly, he intended to hand them over to the Presbyterian Church for trial.

Looking at the tall and majestic figure of Eric Kelmango, and the strong and determined face, some people in the place could not help but be impressed by his broad mind and fair disposal. Perhaps this is their real king, a Qualified Panther!

Although Eric Kelmengo has been murdered for so many years, and even has a murder nickname, he has in fact not hurt a civilian.

All of the soldiers who died in his hands were enemy soldiers or fierce terrorists and criminals, including being ordered to undercover. When he was robbed and robbed of vigilant weapons with Ulysses Crow, he also did not cause the country to do its best. In the name of the cofferdam, Ulysses Crow and his men were killed casually.

With the name of his murderous "killer" and the fierceness of the enemy, no one will doubt that he is a pacifist!

As a loyal warrior of Hydra, Eric Kermango is naturally recognized for the purpose of Hydra.

Hydra is the guardian of the earth, they do not need to rule the entire planet, because they are already secretly controlling the situation on the earth.

What they need to do is to monitor the exhibition of various forces on the planet, eliminate the existence of threats to the safety of the planet, protect the safety of the planet, and respond to threats from alien planets.

Therefore, Eric Kelmango, who grew up under the cultivation of Hydra, is not as brutal and strangled as the movie, although he still inherits the ideals of his father Nichob and wants to help the number on Earth. The black compatriots of 100 million are free from poverty and backwardness.

It’s just that Eric is not as radical as Nichob, trying to overthrow the governments by force and the world by blacks.

As a member of the Hydra, his vision has not been so narrow. In his eyes, the human beings on the whole earth are his compatriots. They all need him to guard, but relatively speaking, those who are suffering from hardship need him more. The help is not only black, but there are 200 billion people living in poverty in the world. These people need his help.

Now Chen Mo gave him such an opportunity.

Returning to his hometown of Wakanda, he became the king of Wakanda. After that, he could use the power of Wakanda to help those who need help according to his ideas.

When his father was killed, he also got a detailed understanding from Chen Mokou. As the **** of their faith, the omnipotence of omnipotence, Chen Moo said that he naturally had no doubts. For his father Nichob and King Techaka, the high priest Zu Li, he also has his own cognition.

They all have their own ideals and rules of conduct, and work hard for their respective goals, but unfortunately, their goals are contradictory, and this contradiction finally makes them stand opposite.

Their own weaknesses, cowardice and extremes, further intensified this contradiction and eventually led to the final tragedy.

His father’s initial outing was good. He was trying to save the black compatriots who lived in the fire. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong way. Because of his paranoia and radicalism, he betrayed his motherland in order to achieve his ideas. Sending Ulysses Crow to Vacanda, causing tremendous damage and casualties to Wakanda, this is his father’s mistake, he is guilty!

As the king sent a spy to monitor Nichob, he only reported his current situation truthfully. Although he betrayed Nichob, the boss who trusted him, it is not wrong in terms of national justice!

Techaka, personally killed his father's murderer, and left their mother and son to leave their hands, let them live in the slums of foreign countries.

To be honest, Eric hated him, but according to Chen Mo, he was supposed to bring Nichob, who betrayed the tribe, back to Vakanda to accept the trial of the Presbyterian Church and give him a fair judgment.

Only his father, Nicob, hated Zu Li’s betrayal and tried to kill him. Techaka killed him in order to save his ancestors.

As for the kind of remorse that he left both of them and killed his brother, he did not have the courage to face them, so he chose to escape.

He is wrong in this matter, but sin is not dead. If it is Eric Kelmango in the movie, naturally he will not care who is right or wrong. All he wants is revenge.

But at this time, Eric Kelmango is different from the movie. Although it seems to the outside world that he has climbed out from the slums step by step, he must suffer a lot. It must be for Techaka and others. Hate the bones.

But in fact, after his father died, he was recruited by the Hydra and cultivated with his heart. The mother was well settled, so the life of his father after more than 20 years of life was not too great for him. How painful it is, the hate of Techaca is only because he killed his father.

There is a culture of Hydra, and there are more than two decades of subtle influences and brainwashing. Erik Kermango’s mind is not as distorted as in the movie. He is not as bloodthirsty as the appearance. On the contrary, for many things, he has his own calm and wise view.

Although Techaka killed his father, his new values ​​and beliefs made him unable to really kill him for his father's revenge. Just as the black panther in the movie let go of the baron of Zemo who killed his father, he did not want to let Hatred continues.

He believes in fairness and justice and he himself is also a member of the Earth's justice, so he will **** the king of Techaka and give him a fair trial, just as he wants to give him Like the father of Prince Nichob, the Presbyterian Church will make a fair judgment against him according to the traditions and rules of Vukanda. Regardless of the outcome, he will accept and completely let go of this hatred.

This is the change caused by Hydra's cultivation in him for more than 20 years. Eric is still Eric, but his heart and mind are completely different. Paranoia, radicalism, brutality, and slaughter do not appear in him. On the other hand, on the contrary, the Hydra shaped him to be calm, wise, meticulous, and fraternal.

He is more suitable to become the king of Wakanda, and he will also lead Vakanda to walk out from the negative world, stand on the world stage as a powerful country, and show their strength to the world.

Use their power to benefit the whole world and realize the true rise of Wakanda!

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