MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 171 Crazy thoughts!

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Just as Chen Mo’s eyes gradually appeared a little cold, Eric Kelmango continued to say nothing.

"To eliminate all the warlords in the world, we can save the innocent civilians who have suffered from the war and let them no longer be threatened by war."

“At the same time, we will provide them with life assistance, help them rebuild their homes and live a life of peace and stability!”

Eric Kelmango said, showing the longing for the face, it seems that this is his greatest pursuit and the goal of life.

Eliminate war, eliminate poverty, and enable all people on the planet to live a stable life.

It seems that Hydra's brainwashing has not failed. After all, Eric Kelmango is not the kind of violent eradication of memory, instilling new things, directly changing the consciousness of a person. It is the subtle influence and cultivation of more than two decades.

This should not be called brainwashing, because they did not "wash" his original consciousness, but in his young and simple thoughts, instilled and implanted a new one, in line with the idea and concept of the Hydra concept. A little bit of shaping him into what they want.

It’s just that Eric Kermango didn’t start from childhood, it’s not a pure white paper.

When he was recruited by the Hydra, he was already in his teens. Although he was still young, his thoughts were relatively simple, he was not stereotyped, and he had strong plasticity, but he already had some ideas and ideas.

Especially under the words and deeds of his father, Prince Nichob, he was still influenced by some of his ideas.

In fact, this has been reflected before. Eric Kermango, whether in the special forces or later as a mercenary, has always been extremely hot in the battle for the enemy, although the Hydra The teachings made him pity the weak, never hurt a civilian, but for the enemy, he never softened, and thousands of enemies died in his hands, which is why he can get the murder nickname, his The murderousness, and all the people who have heard of his name, can't help but be chilly.

In front of the **** he believed in, Eric Kelmango was not hidden, the sternness of the warlords, and the grief for the civilians were all clearly written on his face.

Looking at his face without a trace of falsification, Chen Mo could not help but reveal a smile. Two opposite attitudes appeared on him, but there was no contradiction, no sorrow for the bad guys, and pity for the weak. Isn't this the warrior that Hydra needs?

In fact, Chen Mo himself is not like this. When it comes to killing enemies, Chen Mo himself does not know how many, Nazi soldiers, rebellious Hydra Army, ferocious werewolves, hostile knights, in the years of the legendary world of the night. The number of werewolves who died in his hands was tens of thousands, not to mention the countless soldiers who died under his sword in the numerous battles he had experienced in conquering the entire continent of Europe.

But he saved more people, completely eliminated the wolf disaster, ended the chaos and darkness of the Middle Ages, unified Europe, and benefited the people of the entire European continent, leaving them a unified and powerful empire, and stability. A rich life.

So the people of the entire empire will respect him so much, even if he has been away for hundreds of years, his faith has not changed.

So after confirming that Eric Kelmango is not blindly sizzling, Chen Mo is not too radical about his ideas.

In order to quickly change the status quo, it is necessary to have big moves. Carrying out conservative reforms little by little will obviously take a lot of time, and these times mean that more civilians will die in the war and may not be able to get it. The expected effect.

The idea of ​​Eric Kelmango is a good way to get rid of it and go straight to the bottom!

However, it is clear that he is not comprehensive enough to solve all the warlords. Can it solve the problem by providing assistance? His ideas are too simple and rude, not comprehensive enough.

After all, for more than two decades, Eric Kermango has been fighting on the battlefield for most of the time, and he has just become the king of Wakanda. Although his academic qualifications and IQ are not low, he is involved in the whole earth. The vision is still limited.

Chen Mo is different, not to mention that he unified the entire continent of Europe in the world of night legends and became the emperor of that huge empire. In this world, Chen Mo also has great power and power. Both Hydra and SHIELD are in him. In the control of the two, both are super forces that can influence the world situation, and can shake the powerful existence of the entire planet!

"Do you think these warlords have been killed, and the people of Africa are completely free?"


Eric Kelmango was dumb, and he didn’t know. Even if he killed all the warlords, it was just a temporary solution. The people at the bottom did not have the threat of war. With his assistance, they could pass. There will be a stable period of time, but there will be new warlords born sooner or later. In order to compete for interests and land mutual conquest, the war will once again come to the land of Africa, and everything will return to the original.

But what can he do? In addition to constantly assassinating these warlords and not letting them grow bigger, there seems to be no better way. But then, Erik Kermango’s eyes are bright. Since Chen Mo asked this question, there must be a better way.

Thinking of this, Eric quickly fell to knees in front of Chen Mo, the body of the beast even on the ground is only a little shorter than the tall Chen Mo, looked up, Eric Kermango looked up at Chen Mo's face In a pious tone, I am looking forward to it.

"My God! Eric listens to your teachings!"

Eliminating war and saving the poor people is his long-standing ideal. He knows that it is very difficult. Even if he is now the king of Vacanda, so at this moment, his heart is looking forward to it, and their omnipotent God can help him complete. wish.

"If you have to do it thoroughly, there is only one way to solve Africa's problems once and for all."

"Unify Africa!"


Eric Kermang heard the words, and the eyes almost didn't come out. If Chen Mo was not said, he would definitely think that this person is crazy, and he wants to unify Africa.

It’s not a few hundred years ago, let alone a dozen countries that unite the whole of Africa. Even a large-scale war between two countries will attract the attention of the whole world, attracting the intervention and intervention of many big countries, even It is to send troops directly to participate in the war!

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