MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 174 Action commander

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After being defeated by Eric Kermango in the challenge and confessing to defeat, Mbaku returned to the mountains with the tribes, and once again lived a life away from the crowd.

Until the arrival of Chen Mo and Eric Kelmengo, the calm on the mountain was once again broken.

Although the Jabari tribe has always left the management of the Kingdom of Vacanda, living alone on the high mountains, is basically in a state of hearing and not listening.

But this is only because they have different ideas about tradition and lifestyle. They still admit that they are a member of Vulcanda, recognize the status of the king, and follow his orders.

It is only in normal times that they are not directly involved in government affairs. The former King Techaca has also allowed them to stay out of the way, and the development of the kingdom does not use them.

This group is tall and strong, and the barbaric and warlike Yi soldiers have no other places to use them except for war, and Vakanda, which pursues the policy of avoiding the world, does not need to go abroad, as long as the stability of the border is maintained and the outsiders are prevented from entering the tile. Kanda can do it inside.

And these working border tribes are fully competent.

Therefore, for decades, the Jabari tribe has been away from the affairs of Vukanda and lived a life of its own maverick. It has gradually been forgotten by all ethnic groups. Many young people of the Kingdom have only heard of them. Exist, know that Vacanda has such a special tribe, and some even do not know their existence.

In fact, although they pursue different lifestyles and concepts, they never questioned their identity as a member of Vakandar, and never thought about leaving Wakanda. They worshiped the strong and longed for the strong. The power of the Guardians of Vukanda, the Panthers, have more power than they are, and they are willing to be his people and obey his orders.

Previously, Mbaku heard that King Techaca took the initiative to give up the throne and gave the king's throne to a sudden appearance of outsiders. This brought the tribe to the waterfall pool where the challenge ceremony was held, against Eric. Kermango challenges.

Although they did not agree with some of King Techaca's decisions, they chose the default and did not jump out against it because he is a black panther and is the strongest king of kawada!

And this new king suddenly emerged not by defeating the throne that the Panthers hid, but Techaka voluntarily gave up and gave it to him.

This makes Mbaku unacceptable.

In Mbaku's view, only the most powerful fighters are qualified to become the king of Wakanda and lead them, if Erik Kelmengo defeats the Panthers Tchaka in a fair duel, By virtue of his own strength over the Panthers, Mbaku will not appear, he will continue to stay with the tribes in the mountains, waiting for the king's orders.

However, Eric Kelmengo has won the challenge through his own strength, proving that he is qualified to be the king of Wakanda and lead the five major tribes.

This time, the arrival of Eric and Chen Mo made Mbaku somewhat surprised.

This is the first time that the king of Vacanda has come to the Jabari tribe for decades. Eric Kelmango is obviously different from the style of Techaka, and it has made some guesses in Mbaku’s mind. .

In the Jabari tribal hall above the cliffs, Mbaku personally greeted King Eric Kelmengo and the mysterious Oriental, Chen Mo.

"I don't know what the king wants to do in the Jabari tribe?"

Mbaku was straightforward and did not turn around. He directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"I need your soldiers to fight for me!"

Eric Kermango saw Mbaku's direct question, and did not circle the circle, directly speaking the purpose of the trip.


Mbaku flashed an excitement in his eyes.

"I have a plan."

Eric Kelmengo said slowly.


When Chen Mo and Eric came out from the Jabari tribe, the whole tribe was mobilized. All the elite warriors gathered together, took their weapons, and rushed to the capital of Vacanda.

There, they will be ready to begin the decapitation with the border tribes and the elite warriors of the other three tribes and the elite agents of the "war dogs."

For the Gabri tribes who love the fighting and love fighting, fighting is their favorite thing. Just because of the hidden strategy of the former King Techaca, they can only live in the mountains and use the beasts in the mountains as the object of battle. To temper combat skills and gain experience.

But what they really want is a real battle. The most powerful hunters are just hunters, but they are real fighters!

Warriors should fight the enemy on the battlefield instead of fighting in the mountains.

Eric Kelmengo’s plan to unify Africa has been fully supported by the entire Jabari tribe, which is the life they want.

The Jabari tribe is also the most powerful tribe in Vakanda. The elite soldiers they sent themselves are already equal to the total number of other four tribes and "war dogs."

Almost every adult Jabari tribe is a powerful hunter, and it is enough to complete the arduous task of beheading.

This action is not as simple as killing. Thousands of large and small warlords throughout Africa must be killed in a short time.

The continent of Africa is very vast. The distant distance has seriously hindered the rapid progress of the operation. Fortunately, Wakanda has a world-class technological level. The speed of the Vakanda fighter is extremely fast. The time spent is greatly reduced.

However, as I said before, the history of Wakanda is still too technology level of the aircraft is very advanced, but the number is very small. There are only a few dozens in the whole kingdom, which is not enough to complete the task. Fortunately, the manufacture of fighters is not very difficult, and the time it takes is not too long. After a short period of repair and preparation, the fighters are all in place and the dagger action can be officially launched.

The commander responsible for this entire operation is neither the Wakanda Defense Chief Wakabi nor the King Eric Kelmango himself, but the mysterious East that has always been with the King and is clearly heavily influenced by the King. Man, Chen Mo!

For this since the beginning, I have been following Eric Kelmango, but I have never had any action. Just like a transparent man, the Oriental man has become their commander, and there are still many people who are not convinced.

This includes Wakabi, the leader of the border tribe, and Mbaku, the leader of the Jabari tribe!

These two people are pure warriors, who believe in the strong, and Chen Mo seems to be tall and strong, but compared with the average Mbaku, the figure is still slightly slimmer and does not seem to have them. So wild.

They can't accept a person who is weaker than themselves to lead themselves!
