MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 179 Absolute control

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In addition to changes in height and size, Chen Mo's face has also undergone amazing changes.

The muscles on his face began to creep slowly. The original handsome and handsome face gradually changed. The cheeks gradually widened and the lips gradually thickened and prominent. The whole face and facial features became huge. difference.

At the same time of the amazing changes in height, size and face, Chen Mo's skin color is slowly deepening and darkening.

In the end, when Chen Ma’s series of changes completely stopped, a large body was strong and strong, and blacks like giant beasts appeared in front of Eric and Mbaku.

The faces of the two men saw a ghost expression, especially Eric Kelmengo, because Chen Mo’s face was almost exactly the same as him!

At this time, Chen Mo is completely another Eric Kermango from the appearance or height.

In just a short period of ten seconds, Chen Mo, under the watchful eyes of the two men, lived from the image of the original Chinese to the king of the Wakanda Kingdom, regardless of his height or skin color. Eric Kermango, who is completely different from his original!


Eric Kermango looked at Chen Mo, who was exactly the same as himself. He was completely in shock, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

After Mbaku was shocked, there were two excited lights in his eyes. The whole person became very excited, and his voice shook with a trembling voice.

"The art of change! Seventy-two changes!"

When the voice just fell, Mbaku could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart. He fell to his knees with his knees, and his body slammed on the ground and shouted at Chen Mo.

"My **** Hanuman!"


The changes that happened to Chen Mo are amazing, but in fact they are not mysterious.

When Chen Mo had just crossed the world of Captain America, his body's potential was stimulated in the plane crash, and his physical fitness reached four times that of ordinary people. At that time, he could control the body very finely, although he could not completely change his body shape. The appearance is exactly the same as others, but it can be changed to a certain extent. After wearing the elaborate silicone mask, there is basically no flaw, and he can control the vocal cords and imitate the voices of others, so he was able to Pretending to be a red dragonfly, successfully enter the Hydra and take full control of it.

After that, Chen Mo discovered the great effect on the fine control of the body and consciously exercised.

With the improvement of physical fitness, Chen Mo's ability to control the body is getting stronger and stronger. Nowadays, he is able to completely control every muscle of the whole god, including more than 600 fast skeletal muscles and myocardium. And smooth muscles distributed in the visceral blood vessels that are beyond the control of ordinary people.

He can control these muscles very precisely, so that they cooperate with each other, stretch and support the spine to increase the height, and a large amount of blood can also inflate the muscles and change the shape of the body.

The change of face is more complicated. It requires very fine control of dozens of muscles on the face, and at the same time increases the accumulation of blood and tissue fluid on some parts of the face to achieve the purpose of changing the face and face.

Humans usually control the body to make various actions, relying on the motor nervous system. In addition, there is a set of vegetative nervous system in the human body.

The vegetative nervous system is a set of unconsciously controlled systems relative to the motor nervous system. It consists of the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. Under the control of the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus, it controls and regulates various organs and blood vessels. , smooth muscle and gland activity and secretion, and participate in endocrine regulation of glucose, fat, water and electrolyte metabolism, as well as body temperature, sleep and blood pressure.

Ordinary people do not have complete control of the motor nervous system, and many difficult movements and fine activities cannot be completed.

In addition to being able to master the motor nervous system perfectly, and accomplishing things that are very difficult or impossible for ordinary people, Chen Mo can also control the vegetative nerves that are beyond the control of ordinary people, and achieve complete control and complete control of the body. .

But not all of the human body's activities are under the control of these two systems. There are many cell-level activities that are completely cellular instinct, or that are caused by specific external stimuli, such as melanin secretion.

Under normal circumstances, melanin is secretly synthesized by melanocytes under ultraviolet light.

However, Chen Mo can directly control the melanocytes in the skin, and secretly secrete melanin to achieve skin color changes.

Chen Mo's complete control of the body is not only muscle, but also all physical activities under the control of the nerves, including glandular secretion of hormones, bone marrow to make blood.

Even under the control of the nerves, the activity of the cells, Chen Mo can be controlled to a certain extent, this ability can not be achieved only by the physical quality is high enough.

Even if Erik Kermango’s physical fitness is the same as that of Chen Mo, it is impossible to achieve complete control over the most subtle aspects of the body like Chen Mo, because it is not a strong physical quality to achieve this ability. It is a highly developed brain domain and a strong mental power.

Chen Mo is different from American captain Steve and Eric Kelmango. Don't forget that he is an extremely rare superpower.

Strong physical fitness is only part of his strength. Although it seems that the powerful force is his most aggressive and powerful ability, but what is truly precious is his highly developed brain, powerful spiritual strength and magic. Space ability.

Although the strengthening of strength is not easy ~ ~ but there are many ways to make ordinary people easily get strong physical quality.

Chen Mo has been exposed to super soldier serum, werewolf blood, vampire blood and perfect blood, as well as heart-shaped herbs owned by wakanda.

These things can make an ordinary person quickly gain a powerful force that exceeds the number of times.

But the development of the brain and the improvement of mental strength are not easy, and even can be said to be very difficult.

Until now, Chen Mo has not found a way to rapidly increase brain development and mental strength as much as physical strength.

Although his brain and mental strength were enhanced by the super soldier's serum and perfect blood, his physical fitness improved.

But this is actually related to the special talent of his own superpower.

Other people have no such effect.
