MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 20 Carter Workers vs. Captain America

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On the evening of the same day, Chen Mo came out of the lab and was preparing to go to the cafeteria for dinner. He happened to meet Colonel Phillips who was on the way.

"Is it another time for the doctor to be a white mouse?" The colonel looked up and down Chen Mo.

"Hey you!"

"My best soldier is almost turned into a nerd like him by this old guy!"

After some complaints, Colonel Phillips looked at Chen Mo and asked with suspicion.

"How, can you still get a gun now?"

Chen Mo looked down at the white coat and a few thick biological books in his hand, and smiled helplessly at the poisonous tongue of the colonel.

Colonel Phillips is a pure soldier, and the most important thing for the military is strength. Chen Mo’s outstanding performance has always been valued by him. His strong physical quality, keen insight and intelligent mind, fighting and shooting are more than The imagination is powerful, this is simply the perfect super warrior in his mind.

As a result, such a fighting genius was pulled into the laboratory by the doctor. When the white mouse did not say it, he even transferred him directly to the laboratory to give him an assistant. Colonel Phillips had a dark-eyed sacred, heart-wrenching heartache. And unwilling, every time I see Chen Mo, I can't help but complain.

"Await your test at any time, Colonel."

"Would you like it again?"

"I feel that I have really regressed a lot recently."

Chen Mo looked at Colonel Phillips sincerely.

The colonel's face was slightly red, and immediately slammed his face.

"Hurry up and roll me! Immediately disappear from me!"

The last test made the colonel deeply attacked. Since then, he has never mentioned anything more than a gun. Just because he was not careful, Chen Mo pulled the words away.

In fact, the colonel is still very satisfied with Chen Mo. No strong soldier will like it. He usually takes care of him. The premise is that he does not mention the gun. This is the pain of the colonel forever.

"So the colonel, your best soldier is going to do a very important thing now."

Colonel Chen Mochao waved his hand and turned to hold the book and strode away.

The colonel looked at Chen Mo's back, and his face could not help but reveal a smile.

"This stinky boy!"


Saying goodbye to the colonel, Chen Mo came to the restaurant.

As for the very important thing in his mouth, of course, fill his stomach.

After taking a meal and sitting down, I just ate two, and a beautiful figure suddenly sat down opposite Chen Mo.

"I just heard the roar of the colonel, and you provoked him again?"

The Carter in military uniforms still looks so heroic and beautiful.

"I reminded him of some unfortunate past events."

Chen Mo shook his head and replied while eating.

Carter couldn't help but hear the words. When the two were more than guns, she was on the sidelines as a referee. The whole process witnessed the whole process of the colonel being tortured by Chen. There were very few opportunities to see the colonel eating.

"Is it still practice today?" Carter is also very interested in flying knives.

"To Steve's 'supplement' tonight, I heard that he has been lazy recently. Today's zipper, halfway through, throws the instructor and teammates back in your car."

Listening to Chen Mo mentioning this, Carter remembered the infamous expression of the instructor at that time, could not help but laugh.

"he is very smart."

"Too stupid can't be my apprentice." If Steve is smart, talented, and a superhero that Chen Mo prefers, he won't bother to teach.


Steve’s training ended late, and he hurriedly took two meals and went to the playground to find Chen Mo.

"Master! I am late!" Steve yelled as he ran, waiting for him to run close to see Carter's work in the field, suddenly shut his mouth, I am embarrassed.

"Carter, you are here too."

Carter saw Steve and smiled friendly.

Chen Mo and Steve both gave Carter a good impression. As a sexy, beautiful, and independent woman, Carter was very tired of the men around me who looked down on her beauty but despised her ability. They always felt that A woman should stay at home to see a child, do housework, and serve a man, which she cannot accept.

But she can feel that Chen Mo’s eyes are very clear, there is no desire, only appreciation, and she is also respectful to her, and she does not despise her because she is a woman, which makes Carter feel Respect and identify, stay with them, she feels very comfortable.

However, the difference is that she can feel that Chen Mo is simply admiring her, not affecting the feelings of men and women, is to treat her as a friend.

Steve is a little shy in front of her. She often scrutinizes her like other soldiers during training, but unlike those who look at it, Steve’s eyes have a ignorant love. Carter doesn't feel annoyed about it.

Chen Mo began to teach Steve in the open space next to the military camp, and Carter also stood by and looked at it with gusto.

"When punching, the power is to be sent from the soles of the feet, kicking, twisting, sending shoulders, power passing through the spine to the arm, and finally bursting out at the moment of hitting the opponent."

"On the battlefield, not a street fight, there is no time for you to slowly defeat the opponent, the enemy will not surrender because you are knocked down on the ground, so remember, you must attack the enemy's key, a trick to use the enemy, use Solve the enemy at the fastest speed, don't give the opponent a chance to fight back."


When Chen Mo pointed out Steve, he let him practice and turned to Carter. When he explained to Steve, Chen Mo found that she was more serious than Steve and seemed to be very interested.

Seeing Chen Mo Zhao looked at her, Carter suddenly looked straight into Chen Mo’s eyes and said, “I want to challenge you!”

As a senior agent, Carter has received very formal training, is proficient in close combat techniques, and is proficient in using various weapons, knives and other weapons to fight.

I heard what Chen Mo had told Steve. Some of them can understand, but many of them don’t understand. She is very curious. How strong is Chen Mo’s fighting ability? Carter is very confident about his skills. She wants to be personal. Verify it.

Chen Mowen could not help but swear, then smiled and nodded.

"Yes, but before that, you have to beat Steve first."

Carter turned to Steve, who looked at the intensive practice. He didn't notice what Chen Mo had just said still practicing and digesting what Chen Mo had just taught.

Carter thinks about this, Chen Mo's abnormal physical quality, even if he stands still, he can't win him. He just paid attention to fighting skills. He almost forgot this point. He hurriedly nodded. The steps are down.

"Okay, then I will play with Steve first."

Turning around and looking at Steve.

Still immersed in his own world, Steve suddenly felt a hot gaze on his body, and when he came back to see it, his own goddess Carter was looking at himself with full of war.

"What's wrong?" Steve asked a little heartbeat under Carter's gaze, weakly asked.

"Play with me." Carter said directly.

"This..." Steve was at a loss, and suddenly let him start with the goddess in his mind. This taught him that he didn't know what to do for a while, and couldn't help but look at Chen Mo.

"Cartett wants to talk to you, don't keep it, take out all your strength." Chen Mo explained.

In the eyes of Chen Mo's encouragement, Steve nodded **** his scalp.

"Well, Carter, let's get there."

Steve said that he had a serious gift to Carter, and that Carter was somewhat inexplicable. This was the habit that Steve developed when he was studying with the boxers in the martial arts hall. Every time he and his brothers had to learn from each other, they had to hold a fist.

Carter took off his military jacket, and the shirt he wore was tightly attached to his body.

Handing the jacket to Chen Mo, Carter walked to Steve and stood up and nodded to him to start.

Steve sneaked at Carter's figure and immediately blushes his eyes.