MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 209 Batman is born!

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For Chen Mo, Wang Jin has unconditional trust.

Even if the strength of the attack really comes out of the defense ability of the combat uniforms, the ancestors will be able to shoot in time.

Under the gaze of Wang Jin's gaze, a dazzling white light beam emerged from the palm of Mark No. 3 and directed toward Wang Jinfei with great speed.

With Wang Jin’s powerful reaction and degree of ordinary people, he only had time to raise his arms and cross the front of his body. The next moment, the beam of the arc pulse gun hit the arms that he was blocking from the front.

I saw a flash of purple light on the combat uniforms on the arms. When the light dissipated, Wang Jin stood still in perfect condition.

The attack that is enough to kill people directly seems to be directly invisible and has no effect on Wang Jin.

Tony Stark’s eyes suddenly became serious. It seems that the old man did not say anything big. This magical combat uniform is really unusual.

Seeing Wang Jin is nothing, Tony immediately adjusted the output of the palm arc pulse gun, a more dazzling beam once again shot to Wang Jin.

The result is not much different, but the purple light shining on Wang Jin’s arm has become brighter.

When Tony Stark saw it, he began to adjust the power of the palm cannon again and again, until finally the full output, and finally Wang Jin flew out, but soon, he quickly climbed from the ground, looks and Nothing hurts.

Tony Stark breathed a sigh of relief while watching Wang Jin’s gaze on the nano-combat suit.

He was able to take the full blow of his arc pulse gun, but he was only shot and flew out without any damage. This seemingly thin combat suit, the defense ability is not weak.

Although there is already a steel attack suit that is more powerful and capable of flying, but the size and weight of Mark No. 3 determines that he can't carry it with him every day, even if he has a laser guidance tracking fast deployment system, from the instruction It takes a short time to finish the dress, and with his own strength, once it is in danger, it is really difficult to get to the arrival of the suit.

The nano-combat suit in front of him can make up for this weakness. He doesn't need anything else. As long as he can rely on the defensive ability to reach Mark 3, he will not be afraid.

For him, nano-combat suits are simply the best equipment for life-saving, and just now, because of his mouth, the combat suits that have already been handed over have been taken back by Chen Mo, and the good life-selling cards are lost. .

At this time, Tony Stark can't wait to slap his two big mouths and call you a mouth!

"Wang Jin, release!"

Just as Tony Stark secretly regretted it, Chen Mo suddenly shouted to Wang Jin.

For Chen Mo’s order, Wang Jin did not hesitate to do it directly.


As Wang Jin hits the spirit and releases his mind in silence, the purple brilliance of the nano-combat suit suddenly blooms, and a strong shock wave bursts with it. Tony Stark, who is only a few meters away from Wang Jin, rushes. It was too late to react, and it was directly flung out by this strong shock wave.

Dr. Chen Mo and Dr. Ethan, as well as the permission of Chen Mo, were able to enter the garage of Natasha Romanov. Before Tony began to attack, he was prescient, or premeditated Chen Mo. Leading, far away, stood at the other end of the garage.

Tony Stark, who was wearing a steel trench, flew in the air and fell to the back of a pile of luxury cars parked behind the garage wall. He saw that he was about to get into the car, the feet of the steel shirt, his hands and The propeller of the back suddenly started at the same time, and instantly stopped the falling trend. Before his car, he hovered in the air.

Adjusting his figure in midair, Tony Stark controlled the suit and landed slowly on the ground.

Looking up at the opposite side of the stupid standing there, obviously Wang Jin, who was shocked by the scene just now, Tony Stark's eyes became even hotter.

He did not expect that the nano-combat uniforms that were originally designed to be fast and defensively strong had a strong attacking power, which made him more eager for the watch that Chen Mo gave him.


Along with the rhythmic mechanical operation and the metal collision sound, the front armor of the Mark 3 was quickly deformed to reveal the Tony Stark inside.

After opening the suit, Tony walked out from the inside and walked quickly to Chen Mo's body, exposing a bright smile on his face.

Not waiting for Tony to open, Chen Mo directly ignored his existence and began to introduce his nano battle suit to Wang Jin.

"The defensive capabilities of this combat suit are even stronger than what you see."

“The material used to make it is the hardest and most rare magic metal in the world, Zhenjin.”

“The original hard and vibrating gold, after being made into combat suits through nanotechnology, the molecules are connected in a very special way.”

"This special connection method not only allows the battle suit to retain the original strong defense ability of Zhenjin, but also allows it to withstand almost all attacks without damaging it, and it also has very strong flexibility, like a piece. Ordinary tights generally have no effect on the action. This is especially important for the martial arts people. The fighting skills will not be affected during the battle, and their strength can be completely eliminated."

"While this suit is a soft armor, it does not disperse the attack much worse than the hard armor."

"When subjected to external forces, the power will be transmitted to the area around the attacked area. The point-killing weapon such as swords and bullets is mainly caused by penetrating damage, and the material of the vibrating war suit itself is so strong that it cannot be worn at all. Through, tearing and destroying, the kinetic energy carried by these attacks can not cause harm to the body after being dispersed by the combat uniforms."

"And if you are attacked by a large area of ​​external force such as an explosion or an impact, whether it is soft or hard armor, you can no longer disperse the power. The powerful force contained in the attack will be completely transmitted to the body, causing blunt injury. At this time, the special features of Zhenjin are reflected."

"In addition to the strong hardness, the vibrating gold itself has the magical property of absorbing vibration. It can absorb kinetic energy when attacked, but this absorption is not completely offset, but only greatly weakened. When the attack is too strong, even after passing After the absorption is weakened, it can still cause damage to the body."

"The nano-combat uniforms have been strengthened against this characteristic of Zhenjin. Within a certain limit, Zhenjin Nano Combat Suit can completely absorb, store, and release it at any time to attack. ”

"As long as the intensity of the attack has not exceeded the upper limit of the storage of combat uniforms, it will be completely absorbed by the combat uniforms. The attack will directly disappear from the invisible and completely lose its effect. Just like the previous attacks, it has no effect."

"Even if the attack strength exceeds the storage limit of the combat suit and cannot be completely offset, the sound absorption characteristics of the Zhenjin itself will still weaken the attack, and the power will be greatly reduced."

"On the last full-scale attack of Mark III, the upper limit of the combat suit was absorbed. After the absorption and storage of the absorption function and the weakening of the vibrating material itself, the power is already very small, just killing you. It can't hurt you."

Listening to Chen Mo's detailed account, not only Wang Jin wearing nano battle suits, but also Tony Stark and Natasha Romanov and Dr. Ethan all listened to the eyes.

Ordinary attacks are completely ineffective. Cold weapons, firearms attacks, and general small power explosions can all be fully immune, and stronger attacks can be weakened by more than half. As a light and soft war suit that can be worn at any time, its defense ability. Already very abnormal!

As long as it is not a nuclear bomb, a heavy-duty missile and other destructive weapons attacks, in most cases, it is enough to ensure safety. Even if it is hit by a shell or a small missile, the powerful body of Wang Jin and Natasha Romanov is three times ordinary. The quality is also enough to withstand the attack power that has been greatly weakened by the combat uniforms, and there is basically no danger to life.

This makes them not eager to get this powerful equipment.

After sweeping the three faces with envious eyes, Chen Mo smiled and said to Wang Jin.

"This combat suit, which is specially tailored for you, has a special function, and you meditation ‘cloak’ in your head.”

According to Chen Mo’s words, Wang Jin thought about it. When the watch received his brain wave signal, he quickly responded.

I saw the position of the shoulders and the back of the two sides of the nano-combat suit on his body. As usual, from the top to the bottom, a black wide cloak gradually formed, falling from his back to the ground less than a foot. The place, covered his neck all over, only revealing the middle part of the body.

After Tony Stark looked at the cloak, it was even more mysterious. At the same time, Wang Jin, a majestic domineering out of the air, couldn't help but make a poisonous tongue. He wanted to sneer at Chen Mo's costume and force the design. When I got to the lips, I was born with a tight turn and completely changed my taste.

"Daddy, your old man is really wise! After this cloak, the whole person is obviously more powerful and domineering, which is very conducive to the establishment of the image of our heroes!"

Although he couldn't see the intention of Chen Mo's design of this cloak, in order to get back the watch that belonged to him and have his own nano-combat uniform, Tony Stark patted Chen Mo's flatteringly.

Chen Mo directly ignored Tony's nonsense and explained to Wang Jin.

"This cloak has two functions. One is to stimulate a two-meter square energy shield. The defensive power is much higher than the full absorption limit of the combat uniform itself. You can use it in advance to prepare for it. To defend against more powerful attacks."

"Another role of the cloak is that it can be unfolded on both sides and hardened to form a paraglider. It can glides in the air and walks freely between buildings. Even if you jump directly from a high-altitude plane, you can safely Landed to the ground."

This time, Tony Stark’s eyes are almost red.

"Now your kid is really a bat, you can fly! Just call Batman in the future, it is also very good with your bat chariot!"


Wang Jin looked down at his black combat uniform and pulled the corner of his cloak with his hand. The elegant hem of the cloak hangs down along the position where he grabs it. It is really like a batwing.

Chen Mojian saw Tony Stark help him to say what he was thinking, and finally gave him a good face, so that Tony Stark, who had been carefully watching Chen Mo’s face, was secretly delighted, and seemed to take back the one that was originally given to him. The watch is still a play!

Look at Wang Jin still thinking about the name of Batman, and no nod agree, seems to be thinking about other more domineering names, Chen Mo turned to look at the side of Tony Stark.

"Tony, you take Wang Jin to experience it."

Chen Mo said, giving Tony a deep and deep eye.

Tony Stark immediately realized that he had a chance to show his performance and he had to grasp it.

"Give it to me, old man!"

Tony swears to say it, and then stands back to the open Mark III. The suit is quickly closed again. Tony Stark walks in the battle suit "Dangdang Dangdang" and walks behind Wang Jin, who is thrown into the thought.

Both hands dragged him from underarms. At the same time as Wang Jin reacted, the propellers at the foot and back of the suits were simultaneously activated. The suits were quickly lifted off, and together with Wang Jin, flew along the curved passage of the garage. Go out.

Dr. Ethan did not respond. He looked at Chen Mo with doubts. Natasha Romanov thought of what Chen Mo had said to Tony. It was thoughtful, and Wang Jin could not help but be full of sympathy.

It didn't take long for the picture on the computer to change, and it was replaced by Tony Stark's facial picture on Mark No. 3. At the same time, a scream of screaming and screaming came along with the picture.

"Daddy, forget how to tell him how the gliding function of the cloak is turned on!"

Dr. Ethan and Natasha Romanov heard the words and turned to Chen Mo. So, the scream of screams from the picture is...

Chen Mo listened to the screams still still ringing, if nothing happened.

"I am Batman."

Dr. Ethan and Natasha Romanov looked at each other with no words.

Soon the screams that have been echoing in the picture have finally stopped, and replaced by a scream of shouting like exhaustion.

"I am Batman!!!"


Finally, according to his plan, he wished to create Batman in the world of Fulian, and Chen Mo’s bad taste was finally satisfied.

After returning to the garage with the undecided Wang Jin, Tony Stark invited the general ran to Chen Mo, the dog's legs accompanied by a smile, full of expectations to see Chen Mo.

"Daddy, I am your pro-son! You see..."

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