MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 219 Humanoid satellite!

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After Natasha Romanov left, the open door armor slowly closed and everything returned to its previous state.

The dark bat chariot quietly lingers in the darkness, ready to go, ready to rush out of the dark, into the battle!


“Jarvis, transfer the layout of the Hanmer Industrial Park and the distribution of the headquarters building, find the monitoring room!”

"Yes, sir!"

Although Hanmer Industrial's monitoring system runs independently and there is no networking, their campus design drawings and departmental distributions can be found online. Jarvis is not weaker than the intrusive capabilities of top hackers, and soon finds what Tony needs. thing.

“The Hanmer Industrial Headquarters Building is located in the southwest corner of the park, and the monitoring room is on the 12th floor of the building, at the end of the corridor.”

As Jarvis explained, a translucent three-dimensional map appeared on the holographic screen in front of Tony Stark, and the position of the monitoring room was also marked with red dots.

As Tony bowed his head and turned his attention to the Hanmer Industrial Park at his feet, the three-dimensional map was automatically combined with the following Hanmer industry under the control of Jarvis. The original Tony looked at the blurred view from the sky. Automatically zoomed in and turned into a clear three-dimensional picture, the red dot indicating the position of the monitoring room was also moved to a grand building in the southwest corner of the park.

At the same time, Natasha Romanov, who has just crossed the wall and sneaked into the interior of Hammer Industries, clearly appeared in the sight of Tony Stark. All the humans in the park who are moving outdoors, the vehicles are all clear. The display is labeled.

Tony Stark, who was hovering over Hanmer Industries in a steel war suit, was like a spy satellite, and saw the entire situation of the entire Hanmer industry underneath.

"Natasha! The monitoring room is located at three o'clock, at the end of the 12th floor corridor of the building 27o meters away!"

Toni Stark, the humanoid reconnaissance satellite, reported the destination to Natasha according to the data calculated by Jarvis.

"Roger that!"

Natasha, who was leaning behind a flower bed and avoiding two patrol guards, whispered.

Watching the two guards go far, Natasha slowly got up and was about to go around the flower bed from the right side and walk towards the destination. Tony Stark’s voice suddenly sounded again.

"Wait! There are more guards patrolling in that direction. From the left, there is a path at 7o meters to pass through!"

Natasha was dressed and turned to look at the direction that Tony said. There seems to be a path there.

Without hesitation, Natasha turned directly and rushed to the left quietly.

Under the precise guidance of Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov, who is a top agent, easily escaped all the guards and surveillance, and was close to the monitoring room without anyone being present. In front of the Hanmer Industrial Headquarters building.

But the real difficulty is still behind, how to quietly sneak into the building, and secretly control the monitoring room, this is the place to test the "black widow" level of spy sneak ability.

Tony Stark can't fully grasp the specific situation in the building, so next, she can only rely on herself.

After hiding in the corner of a building next to it, Natasha carefully observed the Hanmer industrial staff entering and exiting the building.

Soon, Natasha had problems. All the people entering and leaving the building had an identity card on their chests.

The entrance and exit of the building is not an open door, but an automatic gate that is the same as the subway ticket gate. It needs to be swiped before entering.

Fortunately, although there were two guards standing at the door, they just stood there and did not check whether the photos on the ID card match the person.

After clarifying the situation, Natasha did not continue to delay and took immediate action.

Finished the clothes on his body, Natasha stepped out of the corner and walked toward the door of the building.

At this time, Natasha Romanov did not wear her signature black tights, but the full set of professional clothes that she usually wears in the villa, but it is no different from the people entering and leaving the Hanmer Industrial Building.

Not far away, there was a gold professional girl who had just walked out of the building, holding a few documents and heading towards Natasha.

There seems to be something more anxious. The female staff member walked very quickly. She did not pay much attention to Natasha, who was on the way. Natasha glanced at the identity card on her chest and kept her feet unchanged. Continue to walk towards the door of the office building.

Soon, the two passed by, and each went on. The female staff still held the documents, and the pace was hurried. It seemed that nothing was born, but the identity card originally worn on her chest did not know when it disappeared. Not seen, but turned to Natasha Romanov's chest.

It was just the moment I passed by, Natasha quickly probed out and took the identity card of the female staff’s chest and brought it to her chest. Because of her degree, the movement was very precise. Just removed the identity card, but did not touch her clothes, so the female staff did not have their identity card stolen.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Natasha will choose to hit it directly, and then it will be easier to do it while helping to pick up the documents.

But now they are at the door of the building. The two guards in the gate can see their every move. If she knocks her things off, it will easily attract the attention of the guards, bringing variables and hidden dangers to the next action.

In this way, the identity card is quietly removed at the moment of interlacing. Although the difficulty is much improved, Natasha Romanov’s triple, ordinary, agile, responsive, precise and precise control ability is still very well grasped. .

Natasha, who succeeded in success, did not listen, walked directly to the entrance of the building, and quickly climbed the steps and walked to the gate of the card.

Taking off the identity card on the chest, Natasha Romanov walked into the building through the gates under the watchful eyes of the guards.


Above Hanmer Industrial, thousands of meters in the sky, wearing gold and red, the mighty and cool Mark No. 3 steel shirt Tony Stark, is quietly suspended in the air.

Watching Natasha Romanov enter the Hanmer Industrial Building smoothly, Tony Stark retracted his eyes and looked at Chen Mo in the communicator.

"Daddy! Natasha has successfully entered the building. Where are you?"

Tony’s voice just fell, and Chen’s voice rang.

"I am behind you!"

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