MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 51 Baki Security

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"The Lord Baron said that it makes sense!" The person in charge of the base of the research was ignorant of the secret of the Hydra, easily convinced by Baron Straker, and put down the threat to Schmidt. Worry.

"The situation of the head of state is not optimistic. The battlefield in the European East has already fallen into a disadvantage. Under the continuous counterattack of the Soviet Red Army, the front line has continued to retreat."

"The West Line is also deadlocked under the alliance of the Allies. There is an urgent need for an opportunity to change the situation, so our plan must be accelerated."

"The construction of the Valkyrie goddess has basically come to an end. Your bomb supply must keep up. The progress is too slow. From now on, it will increase production by 60%."

Without the support of the Cosmic Cube's energy conversion technology, even if they use the latest powerful power bombs developed by Hydra, they need a considerable amount to achieve the purpose of destroying a city, not to mention their goal is dozens of large The number of bombs needed in a city is even greater.

"But these workers are all captives. I don't think they have the strength to do this." The head of the base said with some concern.

"Then use up the rest of their strength! The workers will never be short, we always have more prisoners." Baron Straker looked at the person in charge, and said coldly.



Seeing that he was greeted by him was Carter, Steve quickly responded.

"How are you here?" Suddenly seeing the goddess of crush in my heart, this made Steve very surprised.

"In theory, I shouldn't be here." Carter put up his raincoat and sat down on the box next to the props.

Colonel Carter and Phillips led the strategic science reserve team here to secretly deal with Hydra, and their whereabouts are strictly confidential in order not to scream.

“A wonderful performance.”

"Oh...Yeah, I have to improvise." I thought that the scene I had just seen was seen by Carter, and Steve explained something embarrassed.

"Most of my usual audiences are..." Steve said that he had some helpless sighs.


Senator Brad wants to walk Steve from Colonel Phillips in order to establish a war idol and drive the sales of defense bonds, so his performance is mainly for middle-class families, and the audience are mostly with children. parents.

As long as the performance is wonderful, they will not applaud, but the soldiers are different. They really respect and worship the heroes on the battlefield, not the so-called "United States" that only plays in the movies and the stage, but they have never even been on the battlefield. team leader".

"I heard that you are a 'new American hope.'" Carter said with a smile.

“Every time I go to a state, treasury bond sales rise by 10%.” Steve said plainly, but there is not much pride in his tone.

"It sounds like the idea of ​​Senator Brad." Carter has no good feelings about these politicians.

"At least he let me do this, Colonel Phillips wants to shut me up in the lab."

In the beginning, Dr. Erskine’s suspended animation, according to the normal procedure, was indeed to send Steve to the new laboratory for research, just like the plot in the movie, the Senator Brad who discovered the value of Steve used his hands. The power of the levy, holding him to promote the bond, apparently, his purpose was achieved.

"Do you only have these two choices?" Carter glanced at Steve's picture book, riding a wheelbarrow, wearing a star-studded uniform of juggling monkeys, and some hated iron and steel.

"Lab white mice, or dancing monkeys?"

"Know that you can do more than that."

Previously, it was out of cover for the covert operation. They listened to Chen Mo’s suggestion, did not tell Steve the truth, created the doctor’s death, the illusion of the failure of the super soldier plan, and succeeded in smashing everyone, without causing the slightest doubt.

Now that things have been going on for half a year, the storm has basically subsided, and it is time to tell him the truth and let the "super soldier" return.

Steve didn't know anything about it at this time. He listened to Carter's words and looked at her in a complicated way, but he didn't speak for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Carter asked strangely.

"Do you know? My dream has always been to go to the battlefield abroad and go to the forefront to work for my country."

"When I finally got my wish, I was wearing tights..."

Speaking of this, Steve's mood is extremely lost. How much he wants to go to the front line to fight the enemy like other soldiers, instead of performing a motorcycle on the stage and hurting Hitler to sell bonds.

At this moment, a burst of noise came, Steve and Carter turned around and saw that a battlefield ambulance with a red cross on the body stopped in front of the tent of the field hospital, and a stretcher was lifted. Down, there was a wounded person who seemed to be injured.

"They seem to have just played a bad fight."

Steve guessed.

"These soldiers are the worst." Carter, who knows the inside, exclaimed.

Steve heard the words and looked at Carter, wondering what was going on.

This time she came, this is to prepare Steve to join the SHIELD, naturally there is nothing to keep secret.

"The Hydra sent a unit, two hundred soldiers went to fight, and less than 50 people came There are 107 infantry survivors in your audience, others are not killed. Captive."

When he heard Carter's words, Steve suddenly felt a shock, and quickly asked, "107 Infantry Regiment?"

"What's wrong?" Carter asked in some unknown.

Steve had no thoughts on the other, and quickly stood up and braved the rain to the command, the 107 Infantry Regiment, the team where his good friend Baki is!

Steve rushed into the tent of the commandment, but he was sitting in Colonel Phillips, who was sent to the laboratory for research. It was too late to be surprised, and Steve, who was anxious in his heart, didn't have the heart to talk about it. He said straight to the door.

"Colonel Phillips, I need the list of casualties in the Battle of Bolzano!"

"You are not qualified to order me, kid." Steve's straightforward tone was not light, and the colonel glared at Steve with a squint.

"I just want to know the situation of Sergeant James Barnes of the 107 Infantry Regiment." Steve, who was worried about Baki's safety, explained quickly.

The colonel heard that he must have told Carter that Carter had dispatched the Hydra, and that she had secretly disclosed secrets to Steve for not discussing with her. The colonel was very angry, although Steve would join the SHIELD sooner or later. But he doesn't think it's a good time now, and Senator Brad will have some trouble.

The colonel was originally planning to wait a few more months, waiting for Steve to end his tour, complete the task of selling bonds, and put him back when the role of Senator Brad is not so important.

He stumbled over Steve, who was standing behind Steve, pretending to sort out the raincoat. The colonel pointed to her with a pen in his hand and said poorly.

"After waiting for me, I will find you again!"