MTL - My Koi Sister is Three and a Half Years Old-Chapter 407 Peel off the skin

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Chapter 407: Skinning

 The palace attendants were waiting outside the door.

 The two young highnesses were sitting on chairs. They were short and their short legs were dangling on the chairs.

Jiang Yuniang went to the inner room to change clothes.

“Sister, why do I hate other sisters but not Sister Yu?”

 “It’s so strange...I feel a little friendly after seeing it.”

The three-year-old prince didn’t understand yet. He only knew that there were many people approaching him, and he hated them all.

The only thing I don’t hate is Jiang Yuniang.

 “Because I love Wujiwu.” Xiao Yanyan laughed softly.

The little prince doesn’t understand.

 At a loss and at a loss.

"Sister, can we go back to see my mother early in the evening? Today is my mother's death anniversary, so I must spend time with her." The little prince's cheeks were red, and he liked his sweet-smelling mother so much.

Xiao Zhiyan nodded sharply: "Yeah."

“Speaking of which, my mother left some clothes here.” My mother often came to pay her respects to the Queen Mother. Sometimes when the weather was cold, she would change her clothes here because she was afraid that the Queen Mother would get too cold.

 After her mother left, the Queen Mother was afraid of seeing things and missing others, so she stayed here all day long.

As he was talking, footsteps came from the inner room.

Jiang Yuniang took a deep breath.

 Since three years ago, she has entered the palace intentionally or unintentionally.

 Sure enough, he looked familiar in front of the two highnesses.

 It took a long time to get acquainted with the two His Highnesses.

Seeing that the relationship was getting closer and closer, in the past six months, she found that the two highnesses began to distance themselves from her.

 This month, she was not summoned even once.

 She also heard that His Majesty was going to practice the palace and leave the capital. How could she wait any longer?

At this moment, she lowered her head and saw herself in the bronze mirror.

She dressed up a little, pursed her lips slightly and smiled, and she was 70% similar to the woman in the portrait.

Jiang Yuniang walked out of the inner room.

 The little prince who was originally talking to his sister raised his eyes, and the smile on his face suddenly fell.

 The little prince has always been generous and kind to others, but he has never been so cold-faced.

 The little princess looked at her leisurely.

Jiang Yuniang felt a little embarrassed under her eyes.

 She has always been a little afraid of the little princess, and she doesn’t know why.

I always felt that under her bright eyes that were ignorant of the world, there was a clear understanding of everything.

Jiang Yuniang took a deep breath and raised her hands and feet with a hint of Sui Sui charm.

so similar.

so similar!

Even if Ping'an is the biological sister of Suisui's mother, she has never been so similar.

 Hing An and Suisui are similar in appearance, but everyone can see their difference at a glance! And Jiang Yuniang is similar.

 Deliberately imitating her look.

 She wants…

 Substitute mother!

The little prince pursed his lips tightly and jumped off the chair, his milky white face full of anger.

 He is stupid, but he is not stupid!

“You bastard, who allowed you to wear your mother’s clothes?”

 What angered him the most was that he didn't realize that she had been imitating her mother! She actually wore her mother's clothes!

 Sima Zhao’s mentality is well known to everyone!

Jiang Yuniang's face turned pale for a moment, and she bit her lower lip lightly, tears streaming down her face.

"Yu Niang couldn't bear His Highness's longing for his mother, so he lost his mind." She frowned slightly, even more like Suisui.

Suisui’s favorite hairstyle, Suisui’s commonly used jewelry, Suisui’s little habits, Suisui’s clothes...

“Your Highness, Yu Niang has seen your Highness’s wet pillow…”

“I’ve also seen you hiding behind the rockery and envying the warmth of other people’s mothers and children…”

"I've seen you cry while holding the little memorial tablet..." "Yu Niang can't bear it! You are so young and you are born to bear all this!"

"Yu Niang has never thought of replacing the empress. How can Yu Niang be compared with the empress. Jade Niang just wants His Highness to enjoy maternal love... She just doesn't want His Highness to have any shortcomings." Yes, the dead can never be surpassed.

Hum, if Yan Suisui hadn't refused to sacrifice, why would the world have been shattered and suffering everywhere.

It’s really ridiculous that the outside world still appreciates and misses her.

Obviously she can save all sentient beings by dying, but she doesn't want to!

Jiang Yuniang shed tears lowly.

 Hide the sharpness under your eyes.

The little prince's eyes were red with anger. Damn it, she actually wore her mother's skirt.

Still trying to be my mother!

The first time he met Jiang Yuniang was when he held a portrait of his mother and called her.

 The second time they met, Jiang Yuniang gave her a rag doll. The rag doll is sewn stitch by stitch, and it looks like Sui Sui on it.

He fell in love with the doll at first sight.

 Because she looks like a mother.

 Until now, the little prince still has to be held in his arms to fall asleep at night.

 He was afraid that holding the portrait would damage his mother's appearance.

"Mother's love? I'm afraid it's for the sake of the supreme queen." Xiao Yanyan laughed suddenly.

Jiang Yuniang's complexion changed slightly.

"Your Highness, how could you miss Yu Niang so much? Yu Niang never dared to have such transcendent thoughts."

Jiang Yuniang lowered her head.

In the past three years, she has been inquiring about the queen's preferences, and even bribed the queen's palace servants.

“Passover? You dare to wear the Queen Mother’s clothes, but you haven’t crossed over enough?”

 “Who do you think you are, how dare you even think of my father!” The princess’ face suddenly turned cold.

Even the prince was frightened for a moment.

Jiang Yuniang felt a little panicked and clenched her fists slightly. Why was it different from what she thought?

 Today is the death anniversary of the Queen!

 This is also the reason why the Queen Mother wants to offer Buddhist scriptures.

 The Queen's death anniversary, the two children are particularly sad every year on this day.

 She specially picked the time when the two children were least defensive and dressed up like Yan Suisui.

 Obviously, the little prince was very close to her before, why has everything changed now?

 Obviously they long for maternal love, why do they see disgust at this moment! Before, it wasn't like this!

In the end what happened!

"Yu Niang has never thought about it. She just wants to make the two highnesses happy." Even now, she is still learning Sui Sui.

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants a mother who loves him dearly. Your Royal Highness the Princess, Yu Niang is here for the Crown Prince.”

 “Pfft~” Xiao Yanyan laughed out loud.

 “Mother? Are you worthy of being our mother?!”

“She is selfless, she is kind by nature, she sacrificed her life for the people, are you worthy of it?” The little princess had a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

Jiang Yuniang gritted her teeth with a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Your Highness, you can't be so selfish! The queen is dead, she is dead! She will never come back. The prince still needs his mother, and his majesty also needs the queen. You are still young and you don't understand! Instead of letting an outsider be his successor..."

 The two children looked at her indifferently.

 The prince looked even more angry. He had been deceived!

 “The only one who is worthy of father is the queen mother!” the little prince scolded angrily.

Fu Zhiyan raised his hand and waved, and the door opened with a creak.

 Two stout nannies appeared silently.

 The princess with a straight face makes people frightened.

She seems to be different from her usual softness.

“Since you like the queen’s face so much, take it off and let everyone see it.”

"Come here, please shave off her face and send it to Mr. Jiang. Then take off her clothes and throw them at the door of Jiang's house..." The little princess looked calm.

 If you want to be her stepmother, let’s see how many skins you can peel off!

 The little prince trembled and glanced at his sister secretly.

 Sister is a big-tailed wolf!

The little prince asked tremblingly as the jade gourd on his wrist flickered.

“Sister, I often hear crying in the gourd. Is this really a gourd?” His sister seems to be a bit extraordinary!

 (End of this chapter)