MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 604 To the island

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At this time, Zhang Hai showed a hesitant look. After a while, he made up his mind and came to Jiang Liushi and said, "Jiangge, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Liushi asked.

He glanced at Zhang Hai, and suddenly glanced at, and saw a girl standing not far away.

Song Helu? That sister of Jiang Zhuying?

Song Helu's face was a little disturbed and shy.

Seeing Song Helu's expression, and then looking at Zhang Hai's look of scratching his ears, Jiang Liushi immediately understood.

He smiled and reached out and patted Zhang Hai's shoulder: "Yes, Zhang Hai. I didn't expect you to sneak it, and actually took the girl down."

"No, no, still pursuing ..." Zhang Hai quickly waved his hand.

"Congratulations first, anyway, this is an old tree blooming." Jiang Liushi said.

Zhang Hai said depressedly, "Jiang, I am in my early thirties ..."

Jiang Liushi understood that Zhang Hai told him this because he didn't know what to do, so he asked for his opinion.

Bring Song Helu? But going to the island country is full of dangers, and carrying an ordinary person is too cumbersome.

Zhang Hai couldn't keep up with such a request.

And Song Helu and her father, as well as a group of survivors, are here, and she wouldn't want to follow Jiang Liushi's group.

"Otherwise, stay with Sun Kun." Jiang Liushi thought for a while and said.

Their type 99 tanks could not be transported to the island nation.

But throwing it here is also a waste.

"Stay ..." Zhang Hai hesitated for a moment, he didn't think about it.

Jiang Liushi said with a smile: "We don't come back to the island country, you don't need this expression."

"Yeah, you stay here, take care of my sister with peace of mind." Jiang Zhuying suddenly emerged from behind Jiang Liushi, blinked and said meaningfully.

She knows Zhang Hai's character, and he takes care of Song Helu. Jiang Zhuying is not only happy for Zhang Hai, but also happy for Song Helu.

"This ..." Zhang Hai, after all, is a big man with a straightforward personality. Since Jiang Liushi said so, he will no longer twiddle.

Especially after seeing the horrific strength that Jiang Liushi showed just now, Zhang Hai was full of confidence in Jiang Liushi's trip to the island country. Even if he goes, there is only limited help.

"Then I will stay and build a big rear for Brother Jiang!" Zhang Hai said.

"Alright." Jiang Liushi nodded.

If there is a place like the base, you can let your relatives and friends live here, and the base car exists as a fort.

And not only Jiang Liushi himself, the girls in his car, but also Zhang Hai and Sun Kun. They also have close relationships with them. These people cannot be brought by Jiang Liushi, but they can also live in the base.

However, Jiang Liushi didn't want to establish any base city. His base is just a base for those who have close relationships.

At this time, Jiang Liushi noticed that there was another person.

It's just that this person is miserable. Jiang Liushi even thought about it for a while before he remembered who this person was.

"Luo Jiafeng?"

Commander Luo, who was so powerful in the past, was so dirty as a beggar that he was beyond recognition.

"This person will leave it to you." Jiang Liushi said.

"No problem!" Zhang Hai promised.

As to what Zhang Hai planned to do with Luo Jiafeng, Jiang Liushi was too lazy to ask.

In this way, Zhang Hai and Sun Kun stayed in a type 99 tanker, while Jiang Liushi and others took a bus to Shenhai.

Jiang Liushi has been to Shenhai once since the end of the world. At that time, he saw Shenhai Safety Zone and gave Jiang Liushi great shock.

But now all the way past, there are broken walls and ruins. The once-opened highways are now full of bones and traces after the explosion, and abandoned vehicles.

During the Great Retreat, I don't know how many people died on this road.

However, this time Jiang Liushi and his party will not go to the Shenhai Security Zone. According to the information written in the information, "Creation" has a headquarters in the island country Edo City, so Jiang Liushi intends to go directly to Edo City.

The bus arrived at a pier in Shenhai. It was full of freighters and containers, but it was empty.

Leaving the Yangtze River estuary, you will enter the East China Sea.

When Jiang Liushi saw the wide river, he first thought of the huge monster that he saw in Jinling.

However, the current base vehicle also has a certain combat capability on the water, and Jiang Liushi is confident.

"By the way ... do we have anyone who knows how to sail?" Xiang Xuehai asked suddenly.

In fact, she wanted to ask this question a long time ago, but seeing Jiang Liushi rushing all the way here, she felt that Jiang Liushi could not have considered this question.

But until it was almost set off, she still did not see Jiang Liushi found an old captain or anything, and finally couldn't help asking.

Jiang Liushi smiled mysteriously and pushed out the shadow: "This is our captain."

As a base car steward, Ying not only has nothing to say about her driving skills. When the base car is transformed into a water mode, her sailing is a trivial matter.

"Ying, you are so good." Xiang Xuehai couldn't help saying.

As a new member who just joined, and a woman of Jiang Liushi, Xiang Xuehai not only had a relationship with each girl, but also talked with Ying Pan.

But the frosty shadow only made her feel mysterious, and no one knew the origin of the shadow.

Xiang Xuehai didn't care much about this. Jiang Liushi trusted the movie, and she trusted it, and Jiang Liushi didn't ask too much about the mysterious places on her body.

At this moment, the base car rumbling loudly, and then drove towards the water.

Seeing this, Xiang Xuehai's eyes widened: "Ah, car ..."

"It's okay, Sister Xiang." Jiang Zhuying laughed, covering her mouth.

As the first half of the base vehicle has already entered the water, at this moment, the front of the base vehicle began to deform and quickly transformed into a streamlined boat, which crashed into the water with a lot of waves.

"This ..." Xiang Xuehai looked at the missile boat in surprise, and then there was a flash of memory in his eyes.

In northern Jiangsu, she had seen this missile boat.

The missile boat disappeared afterwards, and then Jiang Liushi's base vehicle appeared.

At that time, these were all about Jiang Liushi, and she didn't ask much.

Now she knows that this bus can be turned into a missile boat.

She already knew that Jiang Liushi's ability was a modification ability, which was amazing.

With the transformation of the base vehicle into a water-missile boat mode, on this abandoned dock, the base vehicle became the first launching boat in the last days.

At this moment, Jiang Zhuying, including Ran Xiyu and Li Yuxin, were both excited and a little scared.

Today's water is a strange and dangerous area for human beings.

But because they were sitting on the base car, and Jiang Liushi was a calm look, they also felt at ease.

Soon, the base car roared with a motor and drew a long white line on the water, heading for the vast and boundless sea.

Before the end of the world, there were many cruise ships and freighters sailing back and forth between Shenhai and the island nation. From Shenhai to the island country, it usually takes two to three days to arrive.

But now is the end of the world, and the situation in the water is very complicated. Even when the river is flowing, it is very careful, and Ran Xiyu always pays attention to the surrounding situation with mental energy.

Fortunately, her mental strength is not affected by the water body, and she can clearly perceive the underwater conditions.

With Ran Xiyu's warning, coupled with the flexibility and high speed of the base vehicle, they avoided many dangers along the way.

There are even unimaginable beasts in the sea, and even Ran Xiyu dare not approach with spirit, so as not to alarm the giant beasts.

The base car passed quickly and quietly across the sea, and slowly approached the island country ...

The territory of the island nation is composed of four large islands and thousands of small islands, with a population of more than 100 million. Edo Castle, where Jiang Liushi and his party are going, is the island ’s largest city, its economic and political center, and a population of nearly 40 million. One of the most populous cities in the world.

Forty million people sound like a symbol of high prosperity before the end of the world, but after the end of the world, only two words will be thought of: zombie.

Too many scary zombies.

"Chuang" actually set up its headquarters in Edo Castle. It must have enough strength to be able to establish a foothold there.