MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 675 Against

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Just then, Peach came in from the outside.

"What's the matter, peach? Want to eat meat?" Zhang Hai asked grinningly.

Jiang Liushi saw that there was some grievance on Tao Zi's face. He put down the barbecue in his hand and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Brother Jiang," Taozi was still hesitant to say something, but when Jiang Liushi asked, her feelings of grievance suddenly became stronger, and she immediately said.

"A lot of people came to the city hall to protest and express their dissatisfaction with the new decree issued by Sister Feifei."

Peach assisted Wei Feifei to work together. Originally, Huaxia City was taken down by Jiang Liushi. They finally no longer had to live a life of embarrassment and could help Jiang Liushi to do something within their ability. Both girls were quite happy.

But the work has just begun, and I encountered such a large resistance, which made Tao feel inexplicable and frustrated.

They are obviously for the good of most people, but these people do not buy at all, but instead go to the street in batches, blocking the door and shouting slogans against them.

Now that Wei Feifei was in control of the city hall, Peach ran to find Jiang Liushi in anger and grievances.

"Demonstrations? There is such a thing. Exactly, we have almost eaten the meat. Let's go and see." Jiang Liushi said.

Soon, Jiang Liushi and his party arrived in the city hall by car.

The car stopped at a distance, because the road ahead was blocked by the crowd, and the car could no longer continue to drive.

These people either held up the slogan or shouted the slogan over and over, and most of them were ordinary people, and there were only a few teams of powers. These power teams did not directly participate in the parade, just watching.

With Jiang Liushi's eyesight, even if they were still a long way from the city hall, he could already see Wei Feifei's group standing at the gate. Jiang Liushi assigned her **** general, and there was a white **** standing next to her.

Because of this God, the crowd continued to shout, but there was no radical action.

But even so, Wei Feifei's face was still full of exhaustion. She had explained each decree to these people, but their response was either silent confrontation or continuing to chant their banners.

At this moment, Wei Feifei suddenly moved her heart, she seemed to feel a look that made her feel familiar.

Wei Feifei immediately looked at the feeling. After the crowd, she saw several cars. Although she could not see the situation inside the car, Wei Feifei immediately thought of him, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Stephen, Mr. Jiang is here." Wei Feifei's expression quickly returned to coldness, and she said to the white **** next to him.

The white **** was suddenly stunned, and he strode toward the crowd immediately.

The crowd didn't know what was happening, this one has been standing there quietly, and the boring **** will suddenly move, or walk towards them anxiously.

This made many people suddenly extremely nervous.

This is a **** general, in China City, is synonymous with supremacy.

Moreover, the power of the gods is extraordinary. I am afraid that with a slap, they can be shot dead.

The **** of supremacy will not talk about contact with the civilians, even if the civilians want to see them, it is not easy, but now they are coming towards them.

But Stephen frowned as he came before the crowd.

"Make Jiang, make way." Stephen's voice was not loud, but everyone around him heard it clearly.

Mr. Jiang? Who?

However, they had no time to think. No one dared to violate the order of the general. They hurried away to the sides of the road. The people behind didn't know what was going on at first, but when they saw the people in the front let go, and Stephen was standing in the middle, they didn't dare to delay.

Soon, a road opened up on the congested street.

At this time, several cars drove into the road separated by the wall in turn.

At the beginning, many people were stunned. These vehicles seemed to be extremely ordinary vehicles, instead of luxury off-road or chariots commonly used in high-rises of Huaxia City, and they did not have any Huaxia City logo on them.

And Stephen would stand there quietly, watching the cars drive in front of him.

When a young man and a few beautiful girls walked down the headed car, Stephen would even step forward, straighten his body, and make a military salute to the young man.

"Mr. Jiang," Stephen said.

People looked at this young man in amazement. Who is this man?

However, there are already people with ears and eyes who know that Huaxia City has changed, and it is exactly a squad led by a young man that has caused all this.

The situation in front of you no longer needs to guess too much, this is the young man who makes Stephen respectfully respect Mr. Jiang!

Even if he does not know what happened in Huaxia City, he also knows that Mr. Jiang is the most respected person in Huaxia City at this moment.

Such a person is bound to have amazing strength.

"Brother Jiang, you're here." Wei Feifei came over and said apologetically, "I didn't do well with the things you entrusted me, and I have to bother Brother Jiang to come in person. I really ..."

Jiang Liushi prevented her from continuing, and said with a smile, "Don't blame you. Some things should come."

At this time, Jiang Liushi turned to Stephen Stephen and the crowds of these demonstrations.

There was a slight smile on his face, and the voice was not loud, but the people present were clearly heard.

"What are you trying to oppose?" Jiang Liushi asked.

The crowd looked at each other, but fell into a weird silence.

Jiang Liushi looks like a young man in his early twenties, but his slender and perfect body and deep eyes give people a mysterious feeling.

Whether or not the people present knew that Jiang Liushi was the one who subverted Huaxia City, they all felt terrible in this young man.

In front of Jiang Liushi, these people who were still chanting just now are afraid to speak.

"What are you opposing?" Jiang Liushi suddenly looked at a middle-aged man not far away and asked.

This middle-aged man, wearing a suit and leather shoes, looks like an office worker and wears black-rimmed glasses. When Jiang Liushi glanced across the crowd just now, he would lead a large group of people to slogan every time .

Suddenly, Jiang Liushi asked by name. The eyes of the middle-aged man couldn't help flashing a bit of confusion, and he stuttered stupidly, "This ... the new deputy city owner just took office, and overthrown the previous rules drastically. Many new rules are actually not suitable for the situation in Huaxia City. For example, the cancellation of the sales of genetic evolution fluid makes everyone unacceptable ... "

(End of this chapter)