MTL - My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences-Chapter 22 continuous shock patient

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After being rejected three times in a row, Zhou Can's stubbornness has already come up.

It is also good to enter the worst department.

It is more beneficial to his growth.

The medical team in the emergency department is poor, and the competition is far less intense than that of the weighted departments. Even a rookie like Zhou Can can get a lot of opportunities to practice mobile phones.

In addition, with a sigh of relief in his heart, he can prove himself even more by growing rapidly in the worst department.

He wants to show those department directors who didn't choose him that not choosing him is their biggest loss.

"I would."

Zhou Can answered very firmly.


Someone laughed.

Zhou Can followed the prestige a little angrily, and saw Du Leng covering his mouth with a strange expression.

It is probably because Zhou Can, the number one, is not wanted, but he, the number four, has become the most sought-after talent. Then when the worst emergency department offered Zhou Can an olive branch, Zhou Can rushed to agree, as if no one wanted it.

The strong contrast made Du Leng feel a little funny, so he sneered.

After noticing Zhou Can's angry gaze, Du Leng hastily coughed to cover it up.

This small episode did not affect several directors to continue to choose people.

When it was the turn of director Lou of the emergency department to choose someone again, he chose Jin Mingxi, who had a bachelor's degree from a regular college. It should be Jin Mingxi's work experience and surgical ability.

In the re-examination, Jin Mingxi scored second, second only to Zhou Can.

If this person didn't have a bad grade in the written test, he would definitely rank among the top three in terms of total scores.

"Okay, we have run out of two places in the emergency department, so excuse me." Director Lou greeted the other four department directors, and left with Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi.

Judging by his busy demeanor, he must be very busy at ordinary times.

"I'll take you to the personnel department to register first. You two will be doctors in the emergency department in the future."

Take the two to the emergency department.

"Hey, Director Lou is here, please take a seat!"

The female clerk in the personnel department smiled like a flower.

When Zhou Can signed the contract with her not long ago, she still had a proud face and spoke very coldly.

Looking at the current enthusiasm for Director Lou, Zhou Can really made Zhou Can wonder if this woman had a split personality?

"Register the two of them, and they will be managed by the emergency department. This one is called Zhou Can, and the other is called Jin Mingxi."

Director Lou is at the bottom among the directors of several major departments.

But in front of a small member of the personnel department, it definitely has weight.

Words are also very useful.

While quickly registering the two of them, the female staff member smiled and said, "Didn't Director Lou choose someone with a higher education? There are quite a few graduate students in this period's regular training program!"

If the number of graduate students is small, Director Lou can't compete with other department directors, so he can only choose the remaining ones, which is understandable.

But more than 70% of this batch of regular trainees are postgraduates, and Director Lou has two places, so there is no reason why they can't get any of them.

"Our emergency department needs people who can do things more. The education background of the two of them is a little low, but they have strong surgical skills and a good level of diagnosis. They can be used when they take them home. Besides, isn't Gui Peisheng going to the rotation department? Recruiting someone with a high degree of education looks pretty good, but you have to work hard to train them. When the training period expires, you might go to another department."

After listening to Director Lou's explanation, the female staff covered her mouth and giggled.

"Girl, don't laugh. Our emergency department has a lot of work and low wages, and the risk is still high. We really can't keep people. Those who are a little bit better will be poached by other departments soon. I want to start now." I can’t keep those who are going to leave, just pick those who can work immediately.”

The emergency department has always been at the bottom of the department, and it cannot retain talents, which is determined by its general environment.

Compared with other departments, it has natural disadvantages.

"You see it quite openly. Well, the registration is over."

A department director stared at it, and the efficiency of female staff members increased several times.

This man is reality.


Director Lou waved to the female staff and took Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi back to the emergency department.

"The emergency department is no different than other departments. There are often some patients with headaches and brain fever. They may look fine, but in fact they may be in critical condition. Once they get worse, they will soon develop to the point where they need to be sent to the emergency room. So you two should be very careful. .Give you half a month to adapt, and I will arrange experienced doctors to take you. If you don’t understand, if you are not sure, you must ask the superior doctor. Don’t be afraid of being scolded, or feel embarrassed..."

On the way back to the emergency department, Director Lou explained some precautions to the two of them.

For the first half month, he didn't expect the two of them to be of any help, as long as they didn't cause trouble.

As soon as they entered the emergency department, a nurse trotted over.

"Director Lou, you should go to the emergency room to have a look. The patient has gone into shock three times. The family members are arguing so badly that they barely beat him." The nurse panted and quickly reported the situation.

That patient must be the critically ill patient mentioned by Director Lou who was just admitted not long ago.

Shock is a very special medical term.

When ordinary people hear the word shock, they may equate it with coma.

In fact, shock is much more serious than coma.

Shock is a syndrome in which after the body is attacked by strong pathogenic factors, due to the sharp decrease in effective circulating blood volume, tissue blood perfusion is extensively, continuously, and significantly reduced, resulting in poor microcirculation throughout the body and serious impairment of vital organs.

At this time, the function of the body loses compensation, tissue ischemia and hypoxia, and nerve and humoral factors are out of balance.

The state of shock is actually near death.

It's like half of your body has entered the gate of hell.

A coma may or may not be severe.

For example, the most common epileptic seizure, after the patient falls into a coma, is actually not too dangerous. Sometimes short-term suffocation and hypoxia, or severe blows to the head, or even fright, can easily fall into a coma.

Through the above comparison, it can be seen that once the patient falls into shock, he must be rescued immediately.

Otherwise, it may hang up at any time.

That patient has gone into shock three times in a short period of time. What kind of disease is he suffering from?

Director Lou had a sullen face, without saying anything, and walked quickly to the emergency room.

Seeing that the director didn't make any arrangements, Zhou Can naturally followed to the emergency room.

On the first day he came to the emergency department, he encountered a thrilling scene. Apart from a little nervousness, he was more excited. As long as he has strong enough medical skills, he can flourish in the emergency department.

There are plenty of exercise opportunities available.

"Is your hospital okay?"

"If my son's life is gone, I will definitely take you all to court!"

"He was still awake when he was sent here. It was you quack doctors who put my nephew into shock. You are killing people."

Several family members rolled and splashed at the door of the emergency room.

The curse words are very ugly.

Zhou Can had been an intern doctor for a year at least, and this kind of scene was rarely seen, but he had seen it a few times.

At this time, what you say to your family members is nonsense, and it is right to rescue the patient first.

"Family members, please don't worry. Our director is here, and he will definitely try his best to rescue the patient."

The female nurse was very brave and rushed ahead to open the way.

"Why do you have to wait until everyone is in shock before showing up? What did you do earlier?"

"You are so irresponsible."

These family members are anxious, sad, and understandable.

But this unreasonable behavior of insulting doctors must not be encouraged.

Director Lou was in a hurry to go in to rescue people, but they blocked the door, seriously disrupting the rescue order.

"Give it up, give it up! If the patient dies because of your obstruction and interference, you will bear the consequences yourself." Seeing that the nurse couldn't shake the scene, Zhou Can strode forward immediately, and sternly sternly yelled at the family members. scolded.

Several family members were really shocked by him.

"Go over there and wait. We are doctors, and it is our duty to rescue the patients. We will definitely do our best to rescue your children. If you don't trust us, you can transfer the patients to other hospitals. It’s no good for anyone if it goes on like this.”

Although these family members were a little unhappy, they finally subsided.

Director Lou was able to enter the emergency room smoothly.

Zhou Can and others followed closely behind.

In the emergency room, six or seven doctors and nurses were in a hurry to rescue a child with twitching limbs.

The child's eyes were closed tightly, his teeth were clenched, his face was pale, and the situation looked very bad.

The life monitoring indicators of blood oxygen, heart rate, and blood pressure are all bad.

"Director Lou, this child went into shock shortly after being rescued. The reason has not been found yet." An attending physician in his forties was sweating profusely and didn't bother to wipe it off.

His brows were furrowed, his expression was dignified and full of worry.

"You are responsible for the rescue first, and show me the medical records!" Director Lou was calm and did not panic like other medical staff.

Instead, he calmly searched for the cause of the shock.

After Zhou Can entered the emergency room, he first inspected the child, and then listened to Director Lou read the medical records.

"The child caught a cold two days ago and developed fever, loss of appetite, listlessness, lethargy and other symptoms. After treatment at a nearby clinic, it didn't work. Seeing that the child's condition worsened, he was sent to the emergency department of Tuya Hospital for medical treatment."

It's just a simple cold, how could it become so serious?

There are only two situations that Zhou Can can think of, or the child doesn't have a cold at all. After all, there are too many diseases similar to colds. Or the family has something to hide.

He is a young Pearson who has just entered the emergency department. He is soft-spoken, and naturally he will not speak indiscriminately until the cause is clarified.

All that needs to be done now is to verify and investigate one by one.