MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 386 Kill two birds with one stone +10

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  Chapter 386 Kill two birds with one stone+10

  The situation took a turn for the worse. For their follow-up plan, Ye Anlan and Li Jing had to find a way to rescue the Pingkang County Prince's family.

  They temporarily stopped Su Chun's suspended animation plan that was supposed to start tonight, and then sent a letter to Xie Yuan, asking him to send someone to help immediately.

  After being so busy, it was almost noon, and Ye Anlan was about to wash her hands and prepare lunch for everyone, when the new news was delivered to them by Agent Xie.

  The secret letter was brought back by Yang Xiaotao, who was out shopping for vegetables. After being translated by Li Jing according to the agreed rules, the news conveyed in the letter suddenly shocked everyone present.

This is a letter passed to Xie Yuan by Fei Ge, a spy of the Xie family lurking in Pei's territory in the northwest. Xie Yuan felt that this news was very important, so the first time he received the secret letter, he wrote it again. Asked his subordinates to transfer the secret pigeons to the Zhuangzi on the outskirts of Beijing.

   After receiving the letter, the elite Xie family who pretended to be a growing worker in Zhuangzi immediately managed to deliver the letter to Li Jing in the capital.

  The letter said two things in total.

  One thing is that after Pei Yuanjiang snatched the married princess Ji Tian, ​​he ignored the strong opposition from the other party's brother Ji Yu and directly treated the married princess Ji Tian as Pei's future mistress.

   Another thing is that Zhao Zongrong from the southwest wanted to take advantage of the enemy's back and forth to take advantage of the Pei family's army, but was beaten by the dangerous Pei Yuanjiang and rolled back to his sphere of influence.

  The information that pigeons can convey is limited, so Ye Anlan and the others couldn't figure out what Pei Yuanjiang's intention was to regard the married princess Ji Tian as the future mistress of the Pei family.

  However, Li Jing reacted very quickly. As soon as he read the letter, he asked Xie's spies in the capital to inquire whether Pei Yuanjiang and Pingkang's mansion had come and gone.

   As for Zhao Zongrong, who wanted to take advantage but was beaten all over his head, this person is not within the scope of Li Jing and Ye Anlan's response.

   Several people finished their lunch without much taste, and then waited until the sky was getting dark, and those Xie family spies in the capital finally handed them the latest news.

  After reading the thick secret letter written by Xie's spy, Li Jing and Ye Anlan realized that they had played with their own princess, Ji Tian, ​​and they were actually Pei Yuanjiang's childhood sweetheart.

  The grandfather's house of the two was originally a neighbor, and Pei Yuanjiang was often taken by his mother to stay at the grandfather's house before his father returned to Dazhou.

  Ji Tian, ​​as the daughter of Pingkang's royal family who needs to work hard to avoid suspicion, usually has only the grandfather's house as the only place to go besides the palace.

  Because the two children have a good relationship with their elders, they spent at least half a year together in their childhood.

  Pei Yuanjiang often took Ji Tian, ​​who was also very mischievous at that time, to hang out together. The two were even punished by the elders of the two families for copying books, beating hands, and kneeling in the ancestral hall because they were too good at getting into trouble.

  Every time this time comes, Pei Yuanjiang will stand up very loyally to support Ji Tian, ​​and take all the faults on himself.

  Although the kid can't fool the eyes of adults, his protection of Ji Tian is obvious to all.

If it wasn't for the death of the old Ping Xihou, the Pei family would have become the most promising general family in the Northwest, and the Pingkang Palace would have to keep a distance from them, and then the Pei family would suddenly rebel against Da Zhou and become a thorn in the side of the Queen Mother. However, with the acquiescence of the elders, the two children might gradually fall in love with each other, and they will get engaged and get married naturally.

"So this guy is still a love brain!" After reading the information, Ye Anlan complained to Li Jing with a complicated face, "Didn't he think that if he did this, the Great Zhou court would directly regard his father-in-law's family as traitors?" ?”

Li Jing read this letter before Ye Anlan, and when he heard Ye Anlan complain about Pei Yuanjiang, he smiled and said to Ye Anlan: "He probably thinks that the Great Zhou court doesn't have the ability to put eyeliner in his Pei family army. "

  It's a pity that he missed the empress dowager's dislike for Pingkang Palace.

   "I have an idea." Ye Anlan choked out this sentence abruptly, and she beckoned everyone to get closer, with the familiar expression of wanting to make trouble that Li Jing and others were familiar with.

   After talking like this, Ye Anlan looked at Li Jing and the others expectantly, "How? Is it possible?"

Zheng Fengshou and Yang Xiaotao, who were only responsible for making up the number of people, followed Ye Anlan to look at Li Jing and Wen Liuniang. As for Chang'an, everyone didn't need to ask, they knew that he would definitely go along with his young master without thinking, so this person was directly accepted. Yang Xiaotao and the others skipped over.

  Wen Liuniang was stunned by their neat little eyes, and she forgot what she was about to say.

  Li Jing, who was much calmer than her, was the first to speak in agreement, "It kills two birds with one stone, very good."

  When Changan and Wen Liuniang heard the words, they nodded in agreement, "I think so too."

  Received encouragement, Ye Anlan immediately became full of energy. Not sleeping, worrying about the day, these are all nothing.

  She, Li Jing and others discussed the details of the plan and the division of labor, and then they split up to prepare for the follow-up action.

  The intensive secret preparations were soon over. On the evening of the third day after the Pingkang Palace was surrounded by the Queen Mother, Ye Anlan and the others rushed to the hour before the city gate was closed, divided into four groups and started to make troubles.

   The group with the easiest task is the group responsible for arranging Su Chun's suspended animation.

  Because of Su Chun's deliberate cooperation, the Su family gradually relaxed their vigilance and surveillance of Su Chun.

   No, Su Chun is now qualified to go out of the house.

  According to the agreement with Ye Anlan and the others, Su Chun specially rented a painting boat today, and ran to the west of the city to swim in the lake at dusk as if in a brain twitch.

  He asked the boatman to drive the boat away from the shore of the lake, and then began to watch the lake alone and wait for the plan to start.

  Those servants who were supposed to serve him but were in fact to monitor him were driven by him to another awning boat. At this time, they were letting the boatman drive the awning boat, closely following behind the drifting boat.

  In a place farther away, some young men and women who have finished their lake tour are slowly drinking tea and talking, waiting for their painting boat to come to the shore.

It was at this time that something happened to Su Chun’s painting boat. Under the eyes of everyone, intentionally or unintentionally, Su Chun’s painting boat suddenly clicked for a while. It became several pieces of wreckage of different sizes.

  Su Chun, who was originally sitting on the bow of the boat watching the water flow, knew nothing about the details of the plan, so when the boat disintegrated and he suddenly fell into the water, the panic on his face seemed very real.

  (end of this chapter)