MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 372 Entering the 3rd grade, the interior scene is small and complete

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As someone who was not very wealthy since childhood, Wu Wei always felt that although money was not saved, it was definitely obtained.

Therefore, Wu Wei's skill of smashing wool is still very high.

But no matter how high the skills are, sometimes they still fail.

Like now!

When Wu Wei got started with the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner], he felt that he had found the trick to scouring the active effect wool.

Within a range of 1,000 meters, 10 million at a time, of course, Wu Wei had to call on some dragon elephant soldiers as much as possible.

The more people there are, the more capable he is!

Then, Wu Wei discovered that the more people there are, the more he seems to lose!

With more than 2,000 dragon elephants and Taoist soldiers on one piece, the 10 million spirit essence spirit stones were gone after only 5 minutes.

Of course, I had to admit that the five-minute [Ghost Brain State] effect was pretty good.

[You have gone through five minutes of [Ghost Brain State] training, and your [Basic Marksmanship] has been upgraded to [Specialized Marksmanship]! 】

The so-called ghost brain state is actually a kind of marksmanship training in consciousness.

Five minutes have passed in reality, and the ghost state has actually been in an unknown amount of time.

But in reality, Wu Wei still had five minutes to upgrade his [Basic Marksmanship] to [Specialized Marksmanship].

It's just that his 10 million income is just that.

Apart from him, the marksmanship of the other Dragon Elephant soldiers has not improved at all.

This made Wu Wei, who had finished his training, very confused.

Is this [Ghost Brain State] so bad? Is 10 million such a loss?

After hesitating for a while, Wu Wei spent another 10 million, this time from 2,202 to 145.

Just Wu Wei and 145 Dragon Elephant soldiers who entered the Dao.

This time, the ghost brain state lasted a little longer.

From the original 5 minutes to a little more than 75 minutes.

The ten-fold increase in time has greatly increased the income of Wu Wei and the 145 Dragon Elephant Dao soldiers in the ghost brain state.

[You have undergone the training of [Ghost Brain State], and your [Specialized Marksmanship] has been upgraded to [Sublimation Level] and you have obtained the skill feature [Marksmanship Mastery]! 】

[Feature: Marksmanship genius (the efficiency of learning marksmanship is increased by 500%)]

[Your subordinates have undergone [Ghost Brain State] training, and the marksmanship of 144 people has been upgraded to [Sublimation Level]! 】

After spending 20 million yuan, Wu Wei and all the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers under his command were upgraded to the [Sublimation Level] and reached the standard of learning the [Eight Spearman].

Wu Wei took a look and found that out of 144 people who were promoted to the sublimation level, only 35 of them got the trait, and he was the only one who got the trait of [Spearmanship Genius].

This made Wu Wei couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Did I learn the wrong weapon in the first place? In fact, my highest talent is marksmanship?"

Afterwards, Wu Wei took advantage of Ah Huang and the others to complete the advanced stage, and came to the [Ghost Brain State] again and started to attack the [Eight Spearman].

And this third time, Wu Wei was completely convinced that he was indeed a marksmanship genius.

In the third [Ghost Brain State], Wu Wei mastered the [Eight Spear Soldiers], and the progress of the remaining 144 Dragon Elephant Soldiers was incomparable to Wu Wei.

The fastest is only about 12 percent.

At least the progress is only five percent.

That is to say, Wu Wei needs at least 100 million spirit essence spirit stones, and may need at most 200 million spirit essence spirit stones to let the dragon elephant soldiers under his command master the [Eight Spear Soldiers]!

In this way, in addition to being more certain that he is a marksman genius, Wu Wei felt more distressed about his spiritual essence.

Originally, there were more than one billion Lingyuan Lingshi, but after tossing and turning, now there are only two or three billion on hand.

Seeing the balance, Wu Wei immediately shook his head: "Forget it, it's better not to spend money, it's not worth it, let them practice slowly by themselves!

If I have time, I will teach them too!

On my own side, I can try a [Ghost Brain State] by myself! "

Wu Wei really wanted to see if he could enjoy a [Ghost Brain State] by himself, with his own talent, can he beat the eight-style gunmen to Xiaocheng, or even Dacheng!

However, Wu Wei looked at the time and gave up.

It has been more than an hour since the two tossing. If he enjoys the [Ghost Brain Form] alone, he will not be able to do it for several days. He doesn't have the time now.

One is that the person is still in the second-level student assessment, and the other is that the advancement of Ah Huang and the others is coming to an end!

No, Wu Wei just finished his second [Ghost Brain State] and not long after, the sixth and fourth took the lead in completing the advancement.

[Your fourth and sixth sources have been advanced, and the level has been raised to level 121! 】

Then, not long after, Ah Huang also completed the advanced stage!

[Your first source [Yellow Turban Lux·True] has completed the advanced level, the level has been raised to level 121, the main practice [Dragon Elephant Zhentian Jue] has been raised to the second level, the strength and physique have increased by 200 stars, and the power of the cauldron has been raised. Raised to 10000! 】

With the completion of Ah Huang's advancement, three forces of feedback came over.

Wu Wei, who had been waiting for these three back-feeding powers early in the morning, immediately got started, smashed a billion spiritual essence spirit stone to start his own advancement, and at the same time guided these three back-feeding powers into the interior scene of [Little Thunder Pond], and at the same time [Interior Scenery] Idea] runs wildly, trying to absorb and consume these three forces.

These three forces are fed back from the source, and they are quite pure and pure.

Wu Wei can arbitrarily change them into the shape he wants.

With the help of these three feedback forces, Wu Wei's [Xiao Lei Pond] interior scene has been increased from 100 square meters to 299 square meters in one breath.

In this interior scene of [Xiao Lei Pond], 99 square meters to 100 square meters is a hurdle, and 100 square meters to 300 square meters is also a hurdle!

This hurdle took Wu Wei for a while, and it took Wu Wei a full minute to cross it!

With the sudden expansion of [Xiao Lei Pond] over 300 square meters, one-tenth of this interior scene was mentally blocked, and Wu Wei's golden finger tips were also refreshed.

[Your interior scene [Little Thunder Pond] has officially reached the level of [Little Perfection], and your mental power will increase by 500 stars! 】

In addition to the increase in mental power, Wu Wei also clearly noticed that his [Little Thunder Pond] interior scene had other effects.

INTERIOR: Xiao Lei Pond

Attribute: Thunder

Level: Small Perfection (1%)

Effect 1: Passively increase the learning efficiency of Thunder attribute skills by 500%

Active activation: You can modify the external environment to a certain extent, increase the effect of lightning attribute skills by 1000%, and increase the effect of lightning attribute pseudo magical powers by 50%.

Effect 2: Inactive

At this moment, Wu Wei's interior scene [Xiao Leichi] was the first to show his power.

And with the small consummation of [Little Thunder Pond], Wu Wei's suppression of Ron's mental power in his consciousness space has reached its peak.

Wu Wei felt that it was time to start to solve this hidden problem of spiritual power.

"It's best to refine and absorb them, even if it doesn't work, expel them!

On the side of the couch, others can sleep peacefully! "

Wu Wei, who was fully prepared, worked hard, and was even ready to fight hard, and his mental strength was injured and he was ready to bump into it.

As a result, Wu Wei did not expect it.

When he drove his [Little Thunder Pond] into it, the mental power that Ron left behind collapsed directly.

There was no resistance at all, just like a paper tiger.

This kind of situation made Wu Wei very unbelievable for a while.

Because of this, he even stopped and continued to attack, for fear of accidentally falling into the pit, and carefully observed it.

It turned out that the other party seemed to be really bad, not a trap.

With an incredibly complicated mood, Wu Wei cautiously climbed up, bit by bit dragging Ron's seawater droplet-like mental power into the small thunder pool for refining.

And as the seawater-like mental power was dragged into the small thunder pool little by little, Wu Wei found that Ron's mental power no longer had any mark of Ron.

It is more like a group of extremely pure, unmaintained spiritual power that has been condensed once.

After Wu Wei took it off, he beat it for a while, and then it was broken up and absorbed by Wu Wei. It was so simple and smooth that Wu Wei felt the same as using [Concentration Fragrance] before.

The suspicious Wu Wei also stopped because of this, observed it repeatedly with the Eye of Thor, and used the golden finger to confirm that there was no problem, and then Wu Wei let go of his hand to refine the mental power left by Ron.

In order to completely plunder [Little Thunder Pond], Ron used the mental power that was hundreds of times of the mental power condensed by [Little Thunder Pond] and thousands of times of mental power.

The complete interior plundering requirement is so demanding, which is why Ron did not have a complete interior plundering before.

And this is the first time to completely plunder the interior scene, so that his spiritual power has become a natural gift.

Wu Wei happily absorbed the spiritual power left by Ron, and Xiaoleichi continued to expand during this absorption.

Three hundred meters, four hundred meters, five hundred meters...

[Xiao Leichi], who had just been Xiao Yuancheng, took unswerving steps and ran wildly in the direction of Da Yuanchen.

What Wu Wei didn't notice was that while his [Little Thunder Pond] continued to expand, a part of Ron's spiritual power quietly came to Wu Wei's Book of Runes.

And go directly to Wu Wei's eighth source rune page.

Logically speaking, Wu Wei's book of runes, Wu Wei, should have the strongest control. As long as a little power enters, Wu Wei can instantly perceive it.

But Ron's spiritual force entered Wu Wei's eighth source page, which was the page of Augus' avatar.

This page, Wu Wei, is blocked.

At the same time that the Augs clone page was blocked, Wu Wei's control over this page was also greatly reduced, so that Ron's spiritual power did not even find Wu Wei's presence.

Of course, another important reason is that Ron's spiritual power did not interfere with Wu Wei's Book of Runes.

Whenever there is a little interference or a little damage, Wu Wei can immediately detect it.

Ron also knew this, so his goal was never to destroy or interfere. His goal was Wu Wei's sealed eighth source page from the very beginning.

When that mental force touched the eighth source, at this moment, Ron's eyes lit up above the laboratory.

"It's done!"

Since a few days ago, he has been trying to figure out a way.

First, he tried to get into the laboratory, but after no results, Ron began to think of a way to use Wu Wei's sealed old eighth.

After three days of tossing, I finally found an opportunity today.

The mental power over there touched the eighth source page, and Ron immediately took action, threw out a prop, his mental power surged, and activated the prop in front of him, using his little mental power in the eighth source as an introduction , ready to communicate Wu Wei's eighth source.

To be honest, Ron was somewhat nervous at this time.

After all, whether Wu Wei's eighth source can be linked in front of him is related to whether he can complete his family's mission and whether he can achieve eternity.

At the Xianqin military camp, he was afraid of being beaten.

He also knew that he could not win that army, so he could only put his hope on Wu Wei's side.

But Wu Wei Gou couldn't come out in the laboratory, so he had no choice but to put his hope on Wu Wei's eighth source.

And when all of their net worth hopes are united, no matter how powerful people are, they will inevitably worry about gains and losses.

Ron couldn't help but be nervous. Can he contact Wu Wei's eighth source? After contacting him, can the other party communicate and cooperate with him?

What he is most worried about now is the situation that although the other party is sealed by Wu Wei, he is still with Wu Wei.

This situation is very common, and the origin of the rune summoner is the easiest to lick the dog.

What master has abused me thousands of times, and I treat my master like a parent!

This kind of origin can be found everywhere, and all of them are the kind of soup that is drawn out of the back bone at birth.

If Wu Wei's eighth source is also of this type, then Ron will have a headache.

"So, if you get in touch, it's best not to come up and reveal that I'm his master's enemy... Get in touch!"

Before Ron finished speaking, he felt that his spiritual power was connected to Wu Wei's eighth source.

The next second, the figure of Augus' clone appeared on Ron's face.

Of course, this is not the body of Augus clone, this is just the consciousness of Augus clone.

Ron looked up and down the avatar of Augus, level 100, epic quality, undead type, doesn't seem to be anything special?

Aside from looking a little silly, Ron didn't think there was anything unusual about this guy, which made him a little confused as to why Wu Wei wanted to seal it.

At the same time, the Augus clone opposite Ron also came back to his senses, looked left and right, but did not see Wu Wei's figure, and his eyes finally fell on Ron.

"what are you?"

When Augus spoke, Ron's eyes lit up.

This tone, this attitude, seems to be a bit contradictory, but I'm not sure so I'm going to look at it again.

"I'm your master's friend..."

"and many more!"

Ron was interrupted by Augus before he could finish speaking, Augus looked at Ron with a twinkle in his eyes and said word by word, "I need to correct you, that kid is not my master.

He was nothing but a mean and cunning human being.

Although I look at his origin now, he is not my master. Sooner or later, I will kill this kid! "

As soon as Augus said this, Ron's eyes were about to burst, feeling the killing intent in Augus' tone.

Ron felt that his luck was still good. Instead of the worst situation, he encountered the best situation.

He now finally knows why this guy was sealed by Wu Wei.

Listen to this, look at the tone.

There is no doubt that out of the 100 jins of this guy in front of him, at least 90 jins are against the bones!

"If you say that, then I won't hide it from you, let me introduce myself, nameless..."

"I'm not interested in what your name is. I'm a little bit interested, what are you contacting me for in this way?"

"Help you get rid of that kid!"

Ron did not hesitate to throw out what he thought was the most attractive bait for Augus' clone, but when he said this, Augus laughed.

He had some doubts before, whether this call would be because Wu Wei was poor and had no money, and wanted to harvest him. Now Augs is basically certain, that is, the one in front of him is definitely not in the same group as Wu Wei. .

Otherwise he wouldn't have thrown this kind of bait that didn't appeal to him.

Well, Augs is still very proud of seeing through this in an instant. Sure enough, Augus is really smart.

While giving himself a compliment in silence, Augs looked at Ron: "Just say what you want to do, you can say it with confidence, no matter what your ultimate goal is, as long as you want to smack that boy, I will definitely cooperate with you!"

These words are the true thoughts of Augs.

No matter who it is, as long as he wants to deal with Wu Wei, even if he is not a good friend with Augs, at least Augs knows that he will help.

With the opportunity to deal with Wu Wei that was brought to his door, Augs would not let it go.

And Ron heard this and saw Augus' excited expression and full of energy when dealing with Wu Wei, and knew that this was definitely a good main force in dealing with Wu Wei.

So, Ron didn't hide much, and told Augs about his purpose.

"He has what I need on him, and I'm going to use that thing to do something!"

"What are you going to do?"

Augus' pupil flashed with excitement.

"I'm going to try through you to see if I can get him out from below. If not, I'll send him a message through you and tell him that his classmates are in my hands and threaten him to come out from inside!"

As Ron said, Augus's excitement decreased a lot.

"and then?"

"And then threaten him to help me get what I want!"

"And then what?"

"And then there will be no more, my purpose has been achieved!"

"there is none left?!"

Augus's pupils swayed for a while, and he looked up at Ron Xian, his face full of hatred.

"You use this kind of broken plan to calculate him?"

"Can't my plan work?"

Facing the gaze of Augus, Ron was somewhat under-confident, but still a little unconvinced.

Although he is indeed a genius in cultivation, he has never played a lot of conspiracy and tricks, and is not very good at this, but he feels that there is nothing wrong with his plan!

But in Augus' view, his plan is nothing but bullshit!

"Who do you think you're dealing with? You're dealing with that kid!

I won't say anything else, I'll just say that insidious, you're a thousand miles away from that kid. You're probably still breastfeeding when he's playing tricks and tricks! "

"I'm older than him..."

"Shut up, is this what I was aiming at?

What I'm talking about is your **** plan, have you ever thought about it, you contacted people, what would you do if they didn't listen to your threats?

I know the character of that kid best, and he is the most rational and intelligent. Don't say he is his classmate, it is useless for his relatives to threaten him.

He will only remember this one, and he will seek revenge for you when he becomes stronger.

With threats, he would definitely not be able to come out.

Taking it back 10,000 steps, even if he came out under threat and was threatened to get things for you, are you sure that he will get what you can't get?

If I read it right, you are stronger than him. How can you be sure that he can take something you can't even take?

Also, after he got it, are you really sure you can get it?

You haven't thought about the details at all, and you still count him, I promise you that you will definitely bring him food in the end! "

Speaking of the end, Augers couldn't help feeling a little excited when he thought of his several attempts at stealing chickens without losing money.

After listening to Augs' words, Ron also realized that there were indeed many loopholes in his plan. Realizing that his plan was not good, Ron was immediately convinced by Augs.

He even asked Augs for advice: "Then what do you think I should do?"

"You must first understand the situation on his side, don't you have a spiritual power in his book of runes, give it to me, I can secretly open a crack in the seal to see his situation.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can lead to a better layout! "

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Ron agreed to give that mental power to Augs on the spot. Augs borrowed that mental power to secretly open the crack and checked the situation on Wu Wei's side.

Soon, Augus' voice sounded again.

"You are very lucky, he is currently advancing, and the exploration point has been cleared by him. It will be open in a few hours at most. You don't have to work hard and he will come out by himself!"

"Really! That's really nice!"

This was the best news Ron had heard recently.

"Don't get too excited, this is just the first wave, a good start.

You listen to me, when he comes out, you don't need to make any threats, just attack him directly, drive him to the destination where you want to pick up the things, and hurry him in.

By the way, does the thing you want appeal to him?

Are there any enemies there? "

"Yes, all of them!"

"In this way, after you drive him over, you pretend to be restrained by the enemy and create opportunities for him to take what you want.

This is especially important. That kid at UU Reading is very cautious. If you don't give him something he can profit from, he won't take the risk of helping you get things. "

"Then how do I get it back after he gets it? How can I make sure he doesn't run away?"

"Isn't it with me? Think of a way to see if you can help me open the cracks. When I strike him by surprise, I will definitely help you get things!"

Speaking of this, Ron was still full of doubts, but Augus was already excited, clapping his chest to cheer Ron!

"Trust me right, asking me to deal with him is the most correct choice you have ever made in your life, I am professional in dealing with that kid!

This time, I will help you absolutely stabilize! "

Alas, yesterday's various requests, the final monthly pass was still a few dozen away from 2,000, just a few dozen!

(End of this chapter)