MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1370 save face

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  Chapter 1370 Give face

  These old friends I knew had drank with Huo Qingyue before, and they all rejected his cooperation. Come in now and see this picture, it's quite embarrassing.

  Jiang Daying didn't tell Huo Qingyue that he called these people over. When these people came in, Jiang Daying said to Huo Qingyue: "Qingyue, come quickly, call someone, these are your uncles."

  Those people drank with Huo Qingyue before, and they didn't show face, which made him ashamed, and they didn't show face. Now they come here and don't know what happened.

  Curiously asked Jiang Daying: "Jiang, Mr. Jiang, what's going on, are you two very close?"

  They can not sell Huo Qingyue's face, but Mr. Jiang can't. After all, the position is here, and it will be much more convenient to do things in the future.

  Jiang Daying smiled at them and said, "I didn't introduce you to you before. It's indeed my fault. I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Qingyue is my son-in-law."

   What he said scared everyone.


  Everyone knows that the Jiang family found their daughter back, but they never said it publicly. Naturally, everyone didn't know that there was a son-in-law, let alone that the son-in-law was Huo Qingyue.

   After saying this, everyone’s expressions were beyond embarrassing.

"This...why didn't you say it earlier? Forgive Jiang Lao's son-in-law is Qingyue. We really didn't know before, and we didn't go to the wedding or anything. Why did you get married? Don't tell us. Go to the wedding, and then A member, isn’t that acquaintance?”

   "That's right. We didn't know about it if you didn't say it before. Wouldn't it be easy to do it if you said it? If you didn't say it, you still kept it from us. You really don't know about it."

  Jiang Daying still wanted to be polite, so he said: "I didn't say it before because when my daughter came back earlier, the two of them were already married, so there was no wedding. The two of them had already held a wedding."

   "But it's not too late, it's okay to introduce to you now, it doesn't mean that we all know each other and introduce each other, right?"

  Everyone sat down quickly when they heard this. Their attitudes were completely different from before. Before, they were hanging on Huo Qingyue, but now they stopped hanging and discussed with him directly.

Others directly sell this face and say to Huo Qingyue: "Xiao Huo, I remember that when we were drinking together before, didn't you tell us that you had any plans to cooperate? You said that you could give us the best price, and you What is the cooperation plan, can you talk about it again? I was very interested in your plan before, but I just didn’t have the time. Now that I have found such a time, I just said it directly. We can talk about business now, right? .”

Hearing this, everyone reacted and quickly said: "Yes, don't waste such a good opportunity, anyway, there is nothing to do now, why don't you just talk about your previous plan, we are also very interested, you say Now, if we are interested, we will vote, how about this cooperation with you?"

  When Huo Qingyue heard this, he knew what it means to be in a cold world. This group of old people is purely thinking like this.

  He saw through his mouth and didn't say anything. He brought the cooperation proposal and told them to cooperate with them at the lowest price.

  Although this group of old guys said so on the surface, in fact they will cooperate no matter what the price is. After all, the cooperation is not a matter of money and profit, but a matter of selling face.

  (end of this chapter)