MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1375 rob him

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  Chapter 1375 Rob him

   Huo Linwen suddenly thought that there seems to be a way. After all, he is the owner of the company now, so he can use the company's funds, first withdraw the company's funds and wait until he has earned the money.

   But his uncle now owns the company, and his uncle asked him to be in charge of the domestic branch. I don't know if his uncle agrees or not. But he wanted to bid for the land, and his uncle would definitely not agree.

  He thought that since he was going to do a big job anyway, he would use the company's money to buy the land first, and then tell his uncle when he made money.

   His uncle must think he is very capable.

  I will praise him. Thinking of this, he will not be afraid. Let him secretly take out the company's assets first, and compete for this land. When the competition is successful, this playground will be the first playground in China when it opens, and there will be gimmicks at that time. In this way, his uncle will definitely praise him when the time comes.


  Early in the morning on Thursday, Huo Linwen packed up his suit and leather shoes and went to the auction.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Huo Qingyue coming to bid for the auction. He also came here to participate in the auction, and he was dressed like a human being. The two brothers just met at the door. Huo Linwen couldn't help but stepped forward. Se went to him and said, "Hey, brother, I didn't expect such a coincidence. You are also here to participate in this auction, and I am also here to participate in this auction. What do you want to bid for? You shouldn't be I have the same idea as me. I want to bid for that piece of land. My God, why are you bidding for that piece of land? Do you want to open some kind of playground? You said that we are really brothers, and the blood in our bones is the same , if it weren't for us not being born by the same mother, I would have thought that the two of us were brothers, so how could we think of going to one side, right?"

Hearing this, Huo Qingyue deliberately showed a kind of sarcasm and said, "Who came up with this method, you know very well. They secretly found someone to follow me, and then plagiarized me." What is there to be proud of for your creativity. I don't believe you have such a brain, and you want to open an amusement park."

Huo Linwen sneered when he heard this, "Huo Qingyue, you misunderstood me when you said that, and not everyone thinks the same as you, thinking that you are the best, and others have no ability at all. I told you. This method is what I thought of. I also want to see the playground. It’s just our two opinions. We just bumped into each other, so you misunderstood me. But it’s okay, if you misunderstand me, you will misunderstand me Well, it’s not certain who will win the competition in the end, so I’m not in a hurry. If I succeed in the competition and open the first amusement park in China, then I’ll invite you to play, let’s not talk, I’ll go in first gone."

  Huo Qingyue's expression made Huo Linwen very satisfied. If he was not particularly disappointed, he would not have shown this expression.

  Huo Linwen liked to see this kind of expression, and went in very happily, and began to bid when the auction came.

  Their auction this time is very interesting. During the auction, they first set a reserve price, and then kept shouting.

  Huo Qingyue showed an expression that he was determined to get the land, and kept asking for the price.

   Huo Linwen is also following the bid, and he is also bound to win, and he must get this land.

  When Huo Qingyue called out the highest price, Huo Linwen followed, and after following, Huo Qingyue stopped calling.

  (end of this chapter)