MTL - My Vegetative Partner Opened His Eyes in Anger After I Ran Away-Chapter 52 I am the Marshal Lady.

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Sleeping in the study for one night, Zonghe, who was uncomfortable, went downstairs and saw Tang’s look as a deaf. He did not agree: “If you want to go, don’t think If you go, you can't go, there is nothing to tangled."

Tang Hao is still worried. "This is not good. The main thing written on it is to ask me to let me know the nobles of the emperor. I don't want this protagonist to give up the emperor."

Zong He is still that attitude. "There is nothing wrong with it. The Queen’s nephew is not a careful person, look at you."

Tang Yan tangled, "This time I went, did all the nobles know me?"

Zonghe suddenly turned his attitude. "Then go, just announce your identity and tell them that the Marshal’s wife is like this, no need to guess anymore."

Tang Wei: "..."

"You marry me when I am a waste person. Is it true that the husband is a husband?"

Tang Zhen disliked, "I don't understand what you want to show."

Zong He is proud, "Humans really don't understand."

Tang Yanzui, his eyes are more and more disgusted. "I really don't understand big cats, kittens are okay."

Zong He looked cold, "Do you say big and strong?"

Don Juan laughed and laughed. "You don't want to be so sensitive to you. I didn't say anything."

Tang Yan looked at Zong He’s serious eyes and suddenly wanted to laugh. “Hey! You too want to face it! I really didn’t say anything!” Zonghe’s downstairs, Tang Yu said so, he The more I feel that I think it is right.

Tang Yan sighed, the ancestors did not lie, but the big cat and the kitten were difficult to raise.

Since he couldn't hide, he could only participate in the scalp. Ji Yan quickly went to Tang Yan to prepare for the banquet dress, and Lin Bo gave him a gift to be brought.

Tang Hao looked at it and there was nothing to help. Just called out the cat army and went live: "Come on, hey!"

This kind of thing, no matter when the audience is not too much, this time a familiar id came out, sly with a row of gifts to brush the screen, Tang Yan shocked: "Crazy robe, you really Isn't it wrong? How is it so passionate today?"

Crazy Robe: No mistake, brother, I hope you have a good life, give you money, you buy things for yourself.

Tang Xiao smiled. Look at this, he really misunderstood him. This child is not without money. He can earn it. "I am not your brother. Would you rather buy a gift directly for your brother?"

Crazy Robe: No, my brother definitely won't.

Don Juan is also not good at inquiring about the other party's private affairs. "Then I can only accept it, thank you for the reward."

After chatting with the fans for a while, Tang Hao went to the line at noon to go to lunch. Zong He found him in the kitchen and watched him do a lot of dishes. He asked: "Is the mood so sudden?"

"Yeah!" Tang Yan said with pleasure: "In the morning, I was rewarded with a lot of money by local tyrants. I am rich, I feel good, and I want to eat more."

Zong He frowned, " good heart!"

Don Juan put the meat in the pot. "How about you?"

Zong He snorted. "Of course, if you dare to hook you up, you will kill."

Tang Yan turned a blind eye, vinegar cat!

Afternoon dress arrived, Tang Yan put on a try, this dress is somewhat like a military uniform, but it is very suitable for his body, the size is also suitable, the color of ivory is also very lining his skin color, this is this Style, much like someone's style.

Zonghe reminded him at the side: "The families of the soldiers cannot be as serious as those of the nobles."

Tang Yan’s mouth was pumping. “So, even the neck is wrapped so tightly?”

Zong He looked serious, "Yes."

Don Juan is helpless, "Well, listen to you."

This vinegar cat, put it into the pot, does not need to pour the seasoning, and it is a sweet and sour cat.

In the evening, Zonghe personally sent Tang Yan to the palace. There was Ji Yan who was next to Tang Yan. Tang Yan could not stand the wrongs. "I am going to talk to my cousin. I will pick you up later. I don't want to take care of it." Take care of it, I said to the watch, let you talk to those people, drink tea and eat a snack."

Tang Yan Ji Yan looked at the outside environment, took Zong He's face, and quickly kissed him. "Do not worry, I am your person, who dare not give face?"

Zonghe raised an eyebrow, "My man?"

Tang Hao pinched the gang of the big cat. "Yes, yours, remember to pick me up later, I went."

Zong He looked at Don Juan's back and suddenly realized that Tang Yan was suggesting him?

Zonghe’s visit to the Duke’s House at night still failed to pass the royal family. In the emperor’s star, the royal secret agent was not a waste. Zong Hezhen’s imperial people and nobles saved the extra-budget, and the royal secret agent did not care. When the Duke of Tang was unlucky, he told the emperor that it was a big shake: this is my partner, you have a fake!

In the morning, after learning about the reasons why Zonghe came to the door, the empress who had always been calm and calm was also angry. "This marriage contract is still lifted. After so many years, I took a fake to fool us, but I still love life!" The Queen is actually a big The person of degree, a bowl of water can be flat, even if it still does not look at the life of life, if you know that Duke of Tang has raised a small lover outside, Prince Edward should not be set, she should also consider.

His Royal Highness Prince smiled and comforted at the time. "Our initiative to retire is to take the initiative to tell others to take a vacation. The royal family doesn't want to? Again, do you want me and my uncle to grab people? I will die."

The Queen was greatly reduced by the enthusiasm of this sentence. The heart was tired: "Tang Hao is already married. This kind of thing can't be said outside. The dissolution of the marriage contract really has reasons." She looked at the uncle who didn't care much. "Do you like Prince?"

The prince smiled indifferently: "Oh."

The queen could see that the son did not like it.

This marriage must be retired. How to retreat depends on the Tang family's ignorance.

That night, I saw Tang Yin entered the banquet hall under the guidance of the waiter. The queen did not go down. Standing on the upstairs, squinting at him quietly and looking at him. The corner of his mouth couldn’t help but hook up. From the outside, Tang’s mouth With a smile, gentle, gentle and courteous, but with a polite distance from anyone, it is not the enchanting little fairy in the Zongfu population.

No matter what the origin, Tang Yan’s talks are generous, and there is no rudeness in front of so many aristocrats. It is impossible to say that he only knows that there is no brain in his spoiled. The Queen recorded this paragraph with a smile and sent it to Mrs. Zong: Because you are having trouble with them, they are deliberately mad at you and look at it yourself. This is the true face of your lady, so you can steal it!

When I said this, the Queen’s heart was sour, which is clearly the child of her family!

The queen looked at the window of the Prince under the window, the other side was stretching a finger, and there was a moment to fiddle with the wind chime on the window sill. The beautiful blink of an eye gradually became a seam, and I didn’t know what I was thinking, the Queen regretted. Sighed, this Tang Yan, without any training, can have such a temperament, if the educational resources of Prince Edward are given to him, this child is absolutely perfect queen, can help Carlos Pick up half the sky. It is a pity that such a perfect Prince is a good candidate for Carlos.

In short, the Queen’s anger against the Duke of Tang has increased a lot.

Seeing that Tang Yin was surrounded by people, almost all the nobles knew what the Marshal’s wife looked like. The Queen went down from the second floor and rescued Tang Yin from the crowd. “First time, we have a family to talk about, everyone. I chatted first, and I took it away."

Everyone did not dare to stop, politely let a road open, watching Tang Yan was pulled up to the second floor by the elegant queen.

The privately-owned aristocrats were surrounded by groups of three and five, and the whispered discussion opened. "Mrs. Marshal really looks good, pure Asian beauty, is said to be not very good, and I can’t really see it from the conversation."

"It looks a little like the prince, and it is also named Tang."

"In other words, the prince is mourning the mother, and the queen not only does not ask, but also personally runs the banquet. Is this not in line with common sense?"

"Hey! Less talk less."


Don Juan sat on the second floor of the window. This position can just see all the nobles below. The outside can also see the scenery in the garden. The view is wide and the seat is comfortable. The queen’s nephew has found such a position for him. Have a heart.

The Queen took the little snack from the maid, and said with enthusiasm: "Taste the snacks I made myself, and call Zonghe in a while, let our family have a meal in the back."

The empress's eyebrows are soft, and the kindness is good. At first glance, it is a very good person. Tang Yan smiled and thanked each other. The heart said that it is the mother of a country. This is what makes people feel comfortable.

"To hold this banquet today, I mainly want you to know the family of the great aristocrats. You can not communicate with them, but you have to know who they are. If you meet later, don't offend." Queen smiles Looking at Tang Yan, slowly and rationally introduced him one by one, Tang Yan ate a snack to recognize people, regardless of men and women, all in mind.

At this time, I invited so many nobles. I didn’t mention the things of the Duke’s family at all. Tang Yan’s quiet drink of tea, hey, the royals still know, the Queen’s scorpion’s strength and courage are also powerful. Zonghe went to find his cousin, is it also for this matter?

For almost half an hour, Tang Yan had already figured out all the forces in the chat with the Queen. At this time, Zong He came to the second floor with an uncle and a young blind-eyed Prince. The Queen stood up with a smile. "Go, let them talk slowly, let's go eat."

Don Juan laughed, this empress is quite interesting, and it’s all left behind.

Zong He walked over to Tang Yan and took Tang Yan’s wrist. The twilight was mild and asked: “Are you eating and then going?”

Tang Yan smiled and said, "Listen to you."

He also saw that Zonghe’s relationship with the emperor’s family was really good. I thought that before I misunderstood the emperor's derailment, Tang Yan was born with a heart, but fortunately now he knows the truth, or else he talks to others and swears at home, which is more sorry for each other.

A simple meal, the atmosphere of eating is very harmonious, the emperor’s uncle saw that Zonghe is really like seeing his eldest son. He must have a drink with Zonghe. He looks at his health, and his happy eyes are always laughing. I always want to shoot Zonghe’s shoulders. Zong He's temper is a bit cold. Seeing this cousin's eyes is also helpless. There are even some disappointments. When the other party comes over, he will be abandoning and hiding. He just wants to pour the wine to the other party and let him eat and drink.

The prince would help his uncle to take him back, and he was helpless.

Tang Yan looked at the side and thought about it.

The Queen gently told Tang: "Their feelings are really good. During the time when Zonghe was injured, your cousin didn't sleep for a few days. He kept chanting to save Carlos Zonghe and was injured. This son, take another son."

Zong He dismissed the wine glass and poured it on his cousin. "I am not your son. You are not so old, drink more, talk less."

Tang Yan looked at the curvature of Zonghe's mouth and hooked it up. He also laughed. Fortunately, Zonghe and his family, his mother is not reliable, and the emperor's family is still good to him.

His Royal Highness Prince was on the side, completely in the attitude of a younger generation, and there was not much to talk about. Until he had finished eating, he only looked at Tang Yan. It happened that Tang Yan was also watching him. The two men looked at each other and Tang Xiao smiled. Laugh, there is no meaning to communicate with him.

Carlos sly smiled and asked: "I heard that you lost your memory?"

Don Juan nodded. "Well, I have forgotten what I should have forgotten, and I am not going to cure it."

Carlos smiled. "Really, some memories are not good. If you forget, you will forget."

Zong He has already smashed his emperor's cousin. Although he did not drink much, he still brought alcohol, squinting at the look of Don Juan and Carlos, some unhappy, Tang Yusheng was afraid of his next sentence. Just let His Royal Highness go out and quickly turn his head back. He cares: "Don't drink too much?"

Zong He shook his head and glanced at the big cousin who was already asleep on the table. He said very straightly: "No, he didn't drink much."

Tang slammed his mouth and almost laughed out. He said that if you take this scene and put it on the Internet, I don’t know how much attention it can attract. Thinking of this, Tang Yan quickly shook his head, he can't be such a devil, he wants to be a good person!

Seeing that it was already nine o'clock, I also talked about it. Zonghe took Tang Yan, "Go, go home."

"Well!" The words "go home" are the words that Tang Yan likes most.

After leaving the palace, Zong He saw Tang Yan because of the beauty of these two words, and some distressed in the face of Tang Yan pinched, "They don't want you, they are stupid."

Tang Yan smiled and bent his eyes. "Yes! They are stupid, you are the smartest!"

Zonghe smiled and put his head in the neck of Tang Yan. If the faint alcohol was passed to Tang Yan’s nose, Tang Yan gently leaned his face on Zong He’s head and asked: “You Really okay, can a cat drink alcohol?"

Zong He didn't say anything, but it didn't seem to be a big problem. He didn't know what he was thinking with his eyes closed. Tang Xiao smiled and let him straighten his hair, quietly looking at the night scene outside the window, the corner of his mouth was always picking. It feels best to go home!

When he got home, Tang Hao first told Lin Bo that he didn't have to worry about going to bed early. When he returned to the house, Zong He had washed away a drink and restored his rigorous appearance.

"You are very strict with yourself." Tang Yan really admire him, being a marshal is really tired.

Tang Yan fell to the bed and solved the complicated buttons in one hand. The other hand had already opened the brain.

At the banquet, he also noticed that there was a royal reporter in the corner, which was confirmed to announce his news. Even if the royal family knew his identity, he gave Zong He a face and would not pursue this matter again. Tang Hao looked at the star network and saw that his photo had been photographed and placed on the Internet. The face of the Marshal’s wife was finally revealed.

Many people are saying: Marshal can still find such a good-looking partner when he is sick, and he is a marshal!

Don Juan wondered, "Which day did you have as many cracks as the paramecium, and others can accept it? I think you can do everything right?"

Zonghe smiled, "should be."

This also makes him a headache. He must be omnipotent, not weak, or the people can't stand it.

"What is the paramecium?"

Tang Yan painted a long-haired shoehorn to Zong He.

Zong He’s disgusting pupils have become smaller.

Tang Zhen imagined the appearance of Zong He's split, and grew a big strong at the top of the big cat. He also felt that he couldn't accept it, and it was spicy!

Tang Zhen took the initiative to touch Zong He’s neck, like touching a big cat, shouting: “Cute your, joke.”

Zonghe bowed his head and looked at Tang Yan, who was lying on the bed, smiling like a delicious prey. "Do you know what it means to touch your neck?"

Don Juan disapproved of the road: "Make people, see what you think, gentleman, feel nothing when you touch it, rogue, you feel his beard and he feels seduce him again."

Zonghe helped him pull out the tight buttons of the buckle, and the low voice smacked the emotions. Desire, it sounded a bit depressed and sexy. "I have never been a gentleman."

Tang Yan red ears, his eyes are a little dodging, I am sorry to see Zong He this pair of dyed love | Golden eyes, "No one wants you to be a gentleman, but, can you let me take a bath first, change Clothes."

"Can't wait, let's talk about it!" Zonghe did not give him an excuse to escape, rudely took off Tang Yan's gorgeous dress.



At this time, the Prince Edward, who was remembered by many nobles, came to the balcony palely and found Tang Tingye. His face was gloomy and asked: "What do you mean by under house arrest? How do you plan to tell the royal family?"

Tang Tingye held his chin and said nothing in his head: "I do things myself. I have a lot of thoughts in my heart. Do you think that the Royals don't know now? You are just a fake, who cares for you."

Because of Tang Tingye’s sentence, Tang Yan’s face was paler.

Tang Tingye smiled and asked: "Be a prince, happy?"

Tang licked his bloodless lips. He couldn't see any real thoughts on the face of Tang Tingye, so he dared not answer easily. Now his little life is pinched in the other's hands, not only him, even his mother is locked, he has no grandparents to help, even no one asking for help, is already a bird with broken wings, was Tang Tingye Take it in the palm of your hand, you have to die, how to die, and look at the mood of Tang Tingye.

For his hesitation, Tang Tingye is not satisfied. "I am asking you, are you happy with being a Prince?"

Tang Tingye pinched his hand and said nervously: "Of course, he is very good."

Tang Tingye smiled, but his eyes made Tang Yan tremble.

"you like him?"

Don Juan bowed, "Of course."

Tang Tingye chuckled, "Does he like you?"

Tang Yan’s figure was swaying and his face was bloodless. He worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge, to be a perfect Prince, or to win the favor of Carlos. The other party’s good for him is only superficial, and there are a lot of rituals. However, there is no closeness. The number of times he has been holding hands with him is very few, and it is still a helpless move in public. The other party has no feelings for him, he knows.

The Duke of Tang Xiaoqi narrowed his eyes and gracefully blessed him: "I wish you happiness~"

Because of this blessing, Tang Hao almost sat on the ground, and the whole body was beaten by the beggar again. He lowered his head and endured the despair of his eyes. "I want to see... my father."

Tang Tingye was teased. "Let your mother not look at it and go to see his father. You are very interesting. I want to ask him for help. He doesn't want to see you. I think, you still have to see your mother, her spirit. The status is a bit bad."

When Tang Yan saw his mother, he realized that Tang Tingye’s so-called spirit is not so good.

His mother, the day and night of the effort, has been tortured and is going crazy.

On weekdays, the lady who paid great attention to her appearance was now unkempt and was locked in a dark and damp small room. When she heard the footsteps outside, she was scared to hide under the table, holding her head and screaming. trembling.


When I heard my son’s voice, Mrs. Tang’s eyes were happy. She hurriedly climbed out from under the table and rushed to the door. The whole room didn’t even have a window. She panicked and slammed the door. The hoarse voice shouted hysterically: “Son! You Help me out! Go to the Highness of the Prince! Go save me! I don't want to be here, it's too dark at night, there are bugs! There are beasts at night, Don Juan, you save me! You are not a Prince. Hey? Why didn’t you save me for so long?”

Tang Yi thought that there might be news of a retreat tomorrow. He laughed and laughed at himself. "Mother, you want more. Now the whole family is in the hands of Tang Tingye. I can’t even go out, ask what the Prince of God wants. ?"

"Impossible! You are a prince, I have struggled so much to make you a prince, you don't even use this, you waste! You waste! Even a man can't please, you are long Such a face!"

Mrs. Tang’s words came out through the door panel and struck heavily in Tang’s heart. This sentence made him feel like a lightning strike. Standing in front of the door, Mumu couldn’t help but tears.

He blushes and asks: "Mother, if I can take you away now, throw away the power and glory of the Tang family, and don't want the name of the prince, I will take you to a civilian planet for stability, you will not follow me. Go? I can make money in the future, I will raise you."

"Why should I go?!" Mrs. Tang said without hesitation: "I am the Duchess! I am the mother of Prince Edward! I will not go! I will kill Tang Tingye! I blinked and I was cheated by him. for many years!"

Tang Yan closed his eyes and heard the cry of the mother's hysterical cry in the room. He couldn't help but sneer. Nothing else, he felt that he was a joke in these years.

No one ever asked what he really wanted. When he was young, he was arranged to wear someone else’s mask to replace someone else’s life. Now he understands that the mother’s work is not for him, but for For her own sake.

Tang Yanmu turned his face and the machine went back step by step and found Tang Tingye. "If I retired from the Prince, can you let me go?"

Tang Tingye smiled and asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Tang Yan’s expressionless expression: “Go to a place where everyone does not know me. For a lifetime, I will not step into the emperor.”

Tang Tingye smiled and asked: "Don't save your mother?"

Tang Yan was pale and had nothing to say.

Tang Tingye stood up and walked over to Tang Yan’s body with a shallow smile on his face, just like the elegant little gentleman. “My brother told me not to be blinded by hatred. I thought about it, this is the only home. If you haven't done anything to our brothers, you are only you. Your replacement for your brother is also arranged by your parents. Thanks to your teachers, the teacher of Prince Edward is arranged by the royal family. The way to teach people is indeed better than you. My mother is much stronger. If you think about it, I am really embarrassed to start with you. I agree with your retirement!"

Tang Yan’s eyes lit up, and Tang Tingye suddenly turned his head. “However, I will not let you go. It’s always the child she gave birth to. The day after tomorrow, the education is better. There are similar places in the bones. You can be worried. In order to leave my mother alone, I will not let you go, I am worried that you will make things that will cause me headaches in the future."

Tang Yan clenched his lip and couldn't say a word.

Tang Tingye smiled and said: "Well, let's retreat first. Let's get a big business. It's not a problem to raise you. Don't think about leaving in the future. How good at home, you can also wait for your father and mother. I think the back mountain can be built again. Small house, you can choose your own location."

In this sentence, Tang Yan’s future was judged, and Tang Tingye wanted to put him under his life.


The next morning, Tang Yan habitually opened his eyes in the usual time to get up, his head looked at the flower board, his hands raised tiredly, and his eyes were sore, probably his illusion, how to feel the ceiling Is there a circle in the turn?

Zong He tightened him, lazy: "Go and sleep."

Tang Hao looked out of the window and said, "It’s dawn."

Zonghe reached out and turned the curtains into black. The whole room was black and he couldn’t see his fingers. "No, it’s not bright."

"Oh." Tang Yan turned over and sneaked into Zun He's arms without thinking, and slept heavily.

At this time, Tang Wei's Weibo has already fallen into a state of exploding. After the news was announced last night, the people of the empire knew it. The original Marshal’s wife was like this!

Many people have seen Tang Yan, especially when he went to the playground with the big fans. The fans have recognized him and have his photos. They were surprised to find that they were eating and sleeping. Marshal's companion!

Fans are crazy, ask for a face, and ask for the exact news!

Is it true that the person is not you? Can you officially give an exact message? Why have you been so long before?

Cangtian! Isn't that my dream lover turned into a partner of my dream lover?

So, when the Tang Tang and the Marshal were married, the Marshal was still in a coma?

When this sentence came out, everyone was silent. It was a very shocking and explosive news. This mysterious anchor is the Marshal’s wife. Although I don’t know why Tang’s has such a big backstage, it’s no longer important. What is important is that Zong He is not made of steel. He is also a human being. He will also be injured and will get sick.

Many people who want to know the physical condition of Zonghe also pay attention to Tang Yan, hoping to get the exact news in Tanggukou.

Just when the fans were in a hurry, they ate and slept in such a Weibo: it was true.

Fans:? ? ?

Is this finished?

Not like the style of his usual speech?

Don't you tease your fans?

Is this really confessed?

It should be admitted, and it is too crisp to admit.

Everyone was silent for a while, and suddenly reacted: lying down! Officially admitted! !

Don Juan slept enough, and when he got up at noon, he saw Weibo’s face screaming.

He didn't send Weibo, what happened?