MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 644 "Madame in vain" (1/2)

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  Chapter 644 "Madame in vain" (12)

  Tianwei Taoist Temple presents a completely different feeling in the night and in the daytime.

  The gloomy wind blows through the alleyway of the courtyard,

  The shadow of the tree stretches its teeth and claws on the white wall.

More than 20 headless corpses lined up in a row pushed open the gate of the courtyard where the 'Patriarch Hall' was located, and filed out from it. Their shadows were reflected on the white wall on the side, overlapping with the shadows of the trees, walking stiffly Projected on the white wall, it is especially weird and gloomy.

  The headless master in blood staggered,

The ghostly shadows of 'thin bamboo poles' that 'grow' behind them superimposed each other and became taller and taller. The pale ghostly shadow swayed with the swaying figures of more than twenty headless masters. Another pale shadow that is exactly the same as itself and more than nine feet tall splits out.

There are seven rows of bleeding eyes on the two slender faces, and the tongues grow to the neck of the headless corpse at the feet. The strange shadows are arranged on the left and right sides of the headless master's team. Their slender nails penetrate into the void, The scattered avenue pattern rhyme was salvaged from an unknown place, and combined with the strange rhyme exuded by itself, each formed a rectangular, long-handled 'pair card'.

  The two sides of the 'pair cards' are all black backgrounds, surrounded by blood-red veins formed by the avenue pattern rhyme.

   On the other hand, write "Quiet" on the card.

  Write "avoidance" on the face of the card.

  Two pale and ghostly shadows each held a face card, flapping towards the dark corner under the big pine tree ahead—

  The wind is blowing up!

   There were bursts of ghost cries in the wind!

Hiding behind the big pine tree with Cauldron Ling, Su Wu, who was observing the team of "Ceremonial Guards of Resentment to the Gods", his eyes narrowed slightly—these two "Ceremonial Guards of Resentment to the Gods" brandished opposing cards, and the sinister wind they set off had the potential to blow away the consciousness of a living person. Ability, he was subconsciously floating in that gust of wind, not to mention the female teacher beside him, he could only use his own "sly eye" power to stabilize his own consciousness, so that his consciousness would not be blown away by the ceremonial weapon of resentment god!

  He and Cauldron Ling have turned around many monasteries, and have seen all kinds of "Guards of Resentment".

  The slender shadow holding a mourning stick is just the most common ceremonial instrument of resenting the gods.

  As the number of disciples gathered at the Tianwei Dao Altar increases,

  A team of more than ten members of the Tianwei Sect can gather the "Fighting Shadow of the Flag";

  A team of more than 20 people is to gather the same as the current "card ghost";

There are also groups of more than 30 people gathered in the "Diamond Shadow of the Gong", "The Shadow of the Umbrella", and the "Shadow of the Fan", as well as the Scarlet Ghost with a pumpkin sledgehammer, the Green Shadow with a Moon Axe, and the Shadow with a Moon Axe. The dark shadow kicking towards the sky...

  There are so many, all kinds of ghostly shadows lined up, just to form a "guard of honor" with the same etiquette and standards as the fourth-rank and above officials of the imperial court.

   This is the reason why Ding Ling called these ghostly shadows 'Guards of Resentment to God'.

   "There are all dead bodies, there are no living people.

  I used Lei Fa to kill them.

   Absolutely no future troubles! "

  Su Wu patted Ding Ling on the shoulder,

As his palm fell on Ding Ling's shoulder, Ding Ling suddenly felt that her consciousness, which had been swept by the yin fan swept by the opponent's card, returned to calm. Along the way, she was imperceptibly received by the brother of the same generation beside her. kind of care.

  This time on the "Moon Moon Night", breaking up the "Ceremony of Resentment to God" is easier than ever before. You don't have to break up a ceremony of resentment to God like before, and you have to stay in bed for a long time to recuperate.

  She nodded gratefully to Su Wu, and said, "Okay."

  Su Wu didn’t say anything,

Standing up suddenly—a pair of cards came attacking him from left and right, his figure remained motionless, a pair of shadow arms grew out from behind, and twenty fingers in one palm moved together, countless colorful silk threads flew out from the fingertips, entwined Got the pair.

   Immediately afterwards, Su Wu raised his sword fingers with his left hand, kneaded a talisman in his right hand, and thunderous light rushed out from the top of his head, and the thunder light tore a hole in the dim sky. In the hole, a thunder pool suddenly appeared!

  In the thunder pool, a purple gold treasure has already manifested more than half,

  It is intertwined with thunder dragons and lightning snakes, and gallops towards the top of the sky, sympathizing with the temple system of the "Primitive Thunder Ancestor Beiyin Virgin"!

Thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of Su Wu's right hand like thorns, and in an instant they gathered into a "whip of the gods" - Su Wu's hand was much stronger and longer than when the cauldron spirit first saw it, like a three-foot stick. The purple snake-like thunder whip whipped fiercely at the incoming 'opposing card shadow'!


  The magic whip fell on the two phantom shadows, tearing them apart in an instant!

  The corpses of more than 20 headless masters who gathered them were all smashed into coke!

"Yinghuo one star, drive away the fire wheel. Thousands of miles away, the thunderbolt makes a sound! Hurry up like a law!" Su Wu casually dropped the 'God's Whip', and the whip composed of waves of thunder and light disintegrated on its own and disappeared without a trace , He changed his handprint, and turned to pinch the 'Liuhuoyin', using the charm descended from the 'Zhenwu Temple System', and the 'Liuhuoyang Sun Curse' in the thunder magic talismans that were tapped out!

  The talisman soared up from behind him, dragging a stream of light, bypassing the more than twenty headless corpses that had turned into charcoal,

  Light it up again!

   Burn to ashes!


Su Wu summoned another talisman in his hand, and said in his mouth: "The emperor's decree, surpass your dead soul. Lonely ghosts and ghosts, four lives will be blessed, those with heads will surpass, those without heads will live, kill with guns and knives, jump into water and hang ropes, Death in the light and death in the dark, injustice and injustice, creditors and enemies, begging for life, kneel in front of my stage, gossip shines—”

  Dharma curse,

  The consciousness of the dead gathered around was wiped out!

  The Hall of Patriarchs is already the last place that Su Wu and Ding Ling haven't searched yet. After the "Guard of Resentment to the God" is resolved here, the "Guard of Resentment to the God" cannot be gathered, and the law of resentment to the God cannot travel.

  'Resentful God' will not be able to come!

  Ding Ling looked at the ashes scattered all over the ground, and let out a soft breath.

  The anxiety in my heart finally dissipated along with the ashes blown away by the wind.

She turned her head slightly, and carefully looked at Su Wu who was beside her. Unexpectedly, Su Wu had already turned to look at her. The two looked at each other, and a look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Cauldron Ling's delicate face, and she hurriedly turned back. head to go.

  I heard Su Wu say beside her: "Where did the God of Resentment come from, and why do all the well-behaved living people here automatically attract the surrender of the "Guard of Resentment to the God of Honor" at night?

  And, why is Junior Sister Ding Ling not affected by this?

  Junior Sister Dingling, could you tell me? "

The joint efforts of the two finally broke up the "Worship of God Resentment" that appeared on the Tianwei Dao Altar tonight, and Su Wu once saved the life of Cauldron Ling, and Cauldron Ling always did more to Su Wu than to others. Come on trust.

  She nodded when she heard the words, pursed her lips, and made a small voice: "The matter was too urgent earlier, and I didn't have time to talk to you in detail... Now that the ritual ceremony of resenting the gods has been broken up, there is still a lot of time.

  Whatever you want to know, I will—whatever I can tell you, I will tell you..."

  The two were talking,

   came out from under the big pine tree side by side.

  Perhaps because the ceremonial guard of resenting the gods was broken up, the dark color on the sky also faded a lot unconsciously, and the uneasy feeling dissipated.

  Although there is only a shallow crescent in the sky,

   But there are stars all around.

  Tomorrow will be a rare fine weather.

  The moon was thin and the stars were bright, and the faint starlight shone on the shoulders of the two.

  Ding Ling looked at the overlapping shadows of herself and Su Wu on the mountain steps. Although the wind in the mountains around her made her feel a little chilly, she felt an unprecedented sense of warmth in her heart.

  That is the sense of security that all troubles are covered and there is no need to worry.

She slowed down her pace a little, and said softly: "Perhaps before I was born, the 'Guard of Resentment' had already appeared on every disciple who worshiped at the Tianwei Dao Altar. Any exceptions will occur.

  But as long as they go back to the mountains and spend the night in the Taoist temple in Fengshan, the honor guard of resentful gods will appear from them.

  —I found clues from some Taoist classics and records.

  It is mentioned in those classics that at the beginning of the month, when there is only a crescent in the sky, the sky on the top of Fengshan Tianwei Temple will always darken earlier than usual.

  Afterwards, all members of the Taoist altar will feel tired and go to bed early to rest.

   You will find out the next day,

  In the Taoist temple, several people will die for unknown reasons, or a few people will disappear, and then a few years later, the bodies of the missing people will be found under a mountain cliff. "

  Su Wu frowned upon hearing the sound: "Those missing and dead, presumably they were the ones whose souls were taken away by the 'Guard of Resentment'.

  Among the ancient records you have consulted, when did this situation first appear?

  With such clues appearing, didn’t Tianwei Dao Altar continue to investigate the truth?

  For hundreds of years, the disciples have been allowed to disappear frequently and die at the beginning of the month? "

Ding Ling lowered his head, followed Su Wu step by step, and answered his question in a low voice: "Because of my background, most of the disciples in the Tianwei Taoist Temple are wary of me. Can I ask Master Baihe to help me bring some books out of the library for me to read.

   So I'm only vaguely aware of this, not sure when this first occurred.

  As far as I can remember, I have never heard that the altar master of the Tianwei Dao Altar has taken any precautions against this—the people in the Tianwei Dao Altar, etc., I even doubt that they don't even know the existence of the "Guard of Resentment to God". "

   "Will everyone on and off the Taoist altar surrender to the 'Guard of Resentment' on the night of the crescent moon?" Su Wu asked Cauldron again as if confirming.

   "Yes." Ding Ling nodded.

   "Everyone in the mountains will inevitably surrender to the God of Resentment on the crescent moon night.

  Everyone has become like that, and the 'abnormal' has become normal.

  They naturally didn't know that they had surrendered for the guard of honor of the God of Resentment.

  Then why have you never been influenced by the "Guard of Resentment to the Gods" and never been possessed by it? "Su Wu looked at the thin female teacher.

Cauldron Ling heard Su Wu's question, her eyes were blank, she frowned and said, "Since I was born, I have contained a fierce 'Mrs. Li Gui was brought from the mother's womb.

   It's the treachery in his blood.

  This Li Gui naturally restrains the ceremonial guard of resentment, and it should be the reason why I have never surrendered to the ceremonial guard of resentment. "

  (end of this chapter)