MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 50 Worthy of being brothers and sisters in the same blood...

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In the past, Sa Sa had not seen Xie Rong for so long, so he would definitely greet him warmly at the first time. But this time, as if she didn't see Xie Rong's distress signal, she turned her head nonchalantly and didn't look at him.

After all, she had just let go of the big talk one second, no matter whether the other party is a human or a star beast, the master will clean it up, and the next second will prove that there is something wrong with her third senior brother, which is too suspicious!

This three senior brothers, it is not impossible without.

She reminded Lu Qianming and the others, "Cough, back up a little bit, you may see a more tragic scene in a while."

Xie Rong: …

He could hear Sa Sa's voice clearly, and wanted to arrest people and ask: So love can change, right?

A few hours ago, after Xie Rong's destruction, the ground in the valley where they were staying shook and the whole place collapsed. They wanted to improve their strength, but they wouldn't make fun of their own lives, so they had no choice but to escape.

After escaping, there is a new question: Can this place continue to improve their spiritual sea level?

Wang Hu took the lead in questioning Aize, "Did you forget all this long ago? You brought us here on purpose, as if very frank, but the valley collapsed in front of us again, breaking our thoughts."

Aize said with a sullen face: "Again, I don't like doing so many things. I haven't encountered such a situation before."

Then he took a deep look at Xie Rong.

Compared with the embarrassment of the other people, Xie Rong's face was not red and he was not breathing. It's just that Wang Hu and Zhao Er regarded him as a soy sauce, so they didn't notice the anomaly.

But if you think about it carefully, you can actually find the problem: the three of them have good physical fitness, but they are very embarrassed, but Xie Rong seems to have no effect, can this be the attitude that soy sauce should have?

Xie Rong looked at Ai Ze innocently, and almost wrote the slogan "I really just came to the show" on his face.

Aize retracted his gaze, he never understood what kind of person Xie Rong was. Say he is incompetent, that's certainly not the case, but after pulling him to do something big, you will definitely doubt your choice.

He can switch back and forth between reliable and unreliable at any time, which is probably the so-called Schrodinger's reliability.

At this time, Aize was not ready to embarrass his own people, but looked at Wang Hu and said, "If you really want to say it, I think you are the more suspicious one. Do you really know nothing about the D252 star?"

This is what Zhao Er has also reacted to. The D252 star is arranged like this, and the Federation's hand can't reach so long. It must be that some of their own people should cooperate with the Federation's people. Since Azer has just arrived, the suspicion can be ruled out first. The rest of the people think about it carefully, and they can probably delineate the suspect.

Zhao Er stared at Wang Hu, "I have been with you for so many years, but you are a traitor?"

Ai Ze fanned the flames aside, "But looking at General Wang's appearance, it doesn't seem like he knows the truth about the D252 star. You are so determined to give your life to others, but others may not take you seriously."

Aize's words hit Wang Hu's sore spot.

Now Ai Ze and Zhao Er have already determined that he is a traitor, and it is useless to explain. If he doesn't tell the truth, he may not be able to leave here.

So he said sincerely: "I didn't betray me. The one who contacted me was Qian Dayou of the Qian family. He told me a lot of dissatisfaction with the federation and said that the Qian family has always supported our independence. I thought he was also us. One of our members, his family also provided us with a lot of supplies. I thought that it would not be a loss, so I did not refuse. He asked me to watch the situation on the D252 star side, but I really don’t know how it will be here.”

"He won't let me reveal his true identity. I thought, this is normal, because he is still in the Federation, and once his identity is revealed, it will be very dangerous."

Wang Hu wanted to swear and swear to prove his innocence.

He knows too well what it's like to be labeled a traitor!

In fact, what Wang Hu said was basically the truth. He was supported by the Qian family, how could the Qian family tell him too much?

From his point of view, he did not feel that he was being used by the Qian family, but felt that he was cooperating with the Qian family, which would benefit him without harm, and normal people would make the same choice as him.

But Wang Hu never imagined that a person like Qian Dayou, who is good at doing business, would be the last to do business at a loss. He is just a **** of the Qian family. If Azer hadn't exposed all this, he would still think he was very smart.

Zhao Er gave him a deep look, "I hope everything is as you said. Let's go back and discuss about your affairs. The most important thing now is, what should we do here?"

Aize thought in his heart: Sure enough, this is not a coincidence, there is something wrong with the Qian family. I just don't know how many people know about it.

Aize said: "This is the D galaxy, this planet is in our control, we must keep this advantage. We must not let the Qian family know that we have mastered this place. Today's mutation may be a problem with the star network. , let's go back and have a look."

Then while walking, they collided with Xu Yi and his party. It looks like the Blackheart Rebels are behind it all.

Some of Sa Sa's comrades are already muttering, "It turns out that this is all the work of the rebels! It's so abominable!"

"It's really something an all-wicked rebel can do."

"Colonel Aize is actually among this group of people. The former star of tomorrow has finally fallen."

"What are they trying to do?"

They were full of vigilance against Xie Rong and others.

Except for Xie Rong, Ai Ze and others were also stunned when they saw Xu Yi. That's right, they can only see Xu Yi.

Sa Sa and others are all conscious bodies, and ordinary people can't see them at all. Although Xu Yi is also in a state of divine soul, his divine soul is too condensed, and people who don't know it will only treat him as a normal person.

However, the sudden appearance of a person on this desolate star is enough to make people alert.

However, before Aize and the others started, Xie Rong in their team had already howled and jumped under the legs of this handsome man, "Master, please don't fight! Listen to my explanation!"

Sa Sa and her companions:…

Azer et al.: …

Really, Xie Rong was well-dressed before opening his mouth, it was quite the same thing. But when he opened his mouth, everyone felt disillusioned.

Xu Yi: " get up. Are you guilty of something?"

Sometimes I really want to return this unreliable apprentice.

Xie Rong Yiduo: Yes, what am I guilty of?

Although he stayed with the rebels, the people of their sect had no position or inclination, and he did not do anything that violated the principles of the sect. He even said that he helped destroy the transmission channels of those consciousnesses, which is a good deed!

It's all because of too many troubles in the past. He subconsciously sees the master and admits it first, especially when he finds out that the two sides are not in the same camp, the feeling of guilty conscience will be heavier.

Xie Rong, who had regained his senses, of course had to justify his name, "Master, I didn't create this place. When I found out that there was a ghost in this place, I first destroyed the transmission channel of divine consciousness. The teachings of Taiyi Sect, I But never forget it.”

Xie Rong said doglegly. There was a tail swaying behind him, eagerly waiting for Master's praise.

As for what it will make people in the rebel camp think about it directly, that's none of his business. Master is here, will he be afraid of the rebels? Not at all cowardly!

And if he behaves well, maybe he can be "released" as soon as possible and return to the capital star, "Although I have spent a lot of effort to go deep into the enemy camp, surrounded by wolves, to deal with this evil arrangement It could lead to my identity being exposed, but none of that, really. Because I'm such a sacrificial person."

Sa Sa suspects that the third senior brother did not come to the Chaos Zone, but went to a certain film and television academy for further studies.

The corners of Aize's mouth twitched. If it wasn't for him, he was the "wolf involved", he would really think that Xie Rong's tears were because of how much he suffered at D1 star. But the conscience of heaven and earth, Xie Rong is here to eat and drink well, and he is completely here to be an uncle.

Xu Yi was not moved by the apprentice, "Did you see that there are still these people in Sa Sa? It's because you suddenly broke the passage and caused a problem with the star network, and these people were directly sent here."

"Uh..." Xie Rong's bitter scene was suddenly interrupted.

"Being reckless and reckless about the consequences, it seems that you have been left here for so long, and you haven't made much progress?"

Xie Rong knelt down again, "Master, I was wrong, just let me go for the sake of my good intentions!"

"Get up." Xu Yi didn't know why he was so embarrassed, "I don't have time to talk about your business now."

He let a few people with unstable souls come out, "Start training according to the method Sa Sa said."

At the same time, Xu Yisu raised his hand, and after the transmission channel was destroyed, he attracted the consciousness that was floating in the air. The dense density of consciousness wrapped around those people. This was an excellent place for cultivation. The pained look quickly eased up.

Xie Rong breathed a sigh of relief.

His original intention was to destroy the formation, but he didn't expect to cause this series of chain effects. If innocent people were in an accident because of him, he would also feel guilty. This is the cause and effect.

Fortunately, there is Master here, and nothing will happen. This can also be regarded as their good fortune, and the level of the spiritual sea they want will definitely be improved after this. Although other places can also cultivate, but without the assistance of such a dense and free spiritual consciousness, the effect will definitely be different.

"Master, what is this place built to support?" Xie Rong couldn't help but ask. He can violently destroy this place, but there are still many questions about the cause and effect of the matter.

In order to keep his trump card, Azer will definitely have a lot of unknown language. But Xie Rong didn't take it too seriously. He also had a lot of things that he was hiding from Aize. Everyone was using each other.

Now that the master is here, Azer, a tool man, is naturally thrown as far away as possible.

"It is used to feed greed." Xu Yi said.

Interstellar civilization and self-cultivation civilization are completely different, but they are particularly consistent in the greed embodied by human beings. The evil cultivators of the comprehension civilization use their cultivation to achieve their goals, while the greedy people of the interstellar civilization use technology to achieve their wishes.

"But this is also because of the planet's special geographical location and magnetic field. They should not have fully mastered the technology of establishing a soul farm. As long as they completely destroy this place, they will not be able to build a new one in a while."

Xu Yi saw that the most vulnerable people in the divine soul had almost recovered. His divine consciousness began to penetrate the planet, preparing to completely destroy the field. After this field is destroyed, even the stray consciousness will completely dissipate in the air.

This is actually a bit of a waste. But Xu Yi is not worried about waste: maybe only when there is nothing and nothing exists, greed and competition can be avoided.

But at this moment, a man rushed out of the slash and rushed towards Xu Yi shouting, "Stop!"

The person who rushed out was Wang Hu.

Wang Hu and Zhao Er were stunned by Xu Yi's appearance and the follow-up direction. Everything was going so fast, they didn't understand what happened at all.

But seeing that Aize didn't move, neither did they.

But in the end, they understood the meaning of Xu Yi's words: he wanted to completely destroy this place. If this place is destroyed, then they will not be able to improve their spiritual sea level.

This is a treasure trove that belongs to them, how can a person who appears out of nowhere be destroyed?

And this Xie Rong, who is obviously in the same group as these people, is not trustworthy.

Wang Hu suddenly rushed out, which shocked Zhao Er and Ai Ze. But none of them stopped Wang Hu, because their thoughts were the same as his: Xu Yi could not be allowed to destroy this place, and by the way, they could test the depth of this strange man.

Ai Ze didn't want Xu Yi to destroy this place, but not for himself. Such resources already exist, so they should make the best use of them.

Wang Hu put on his mecha while rushing, but Xu Yi didn't even look at him.

Wang Hu didn't even touch the corner of his clothes, and was first pressed down by Xie Rong with his bare hands. Xie Rong was afraid of being surrounded and beaten by the rebels with heat and weapons, so he always behaved very stubbornly, but in terms of fighting alone, even Azer, the most powerful among them, would not be his opponent.

Xie Rong couldn't let people run in front of Master to get in the way.

Wang Hu wanted to struggle, but his head was stuck in the rubble, and he couldn't even think of it.

Jiang Feng suddenly touched his head, because he found that what Xie Rong did to Wang Hu was very similar to what Sa Sa did to him before: looking at him, he couldn't help but feel pain!

As expected of the brothers and sisters!

Zhao Er and Ai Ze also moved. Wang Hu was on their side, and their goals were the same, so they couldn't just watch him suffer.

"Xie Rong, are you going to tear up your face with us now?"

"Xie Rong, you should know the value of this place. We don't want to be your enemy, but it is not a wise choice to destroy this place directly. We can discuss it again."

It is one thing for Xie Rong to be dog-legged in front of Xu Yi, but in front of outsiders, he knows the importance. He looked at Zhao Er and Aize coldly, "I advise you not to humiliate yourself. You have also seen how I dealt with him."

Ai Ze and Zhao Er fell into silence. They did see it, and they could see it clearly. This is also the reason why they didn't do it directly, but quarreled with Xie Rong.

Wang Hu has been able to blend in today, and his combat power is not low, and he is considered to be ranked among the rebels. But Xie Rong didn't even need a mecha, so he directly knocked people down, which challenged their common sense!

Even with Azer's combat power, unless he made a sneak attack in advance, he couldn't do it so lightly as he did.

"Don't tell me if this place is useful. You could live well without this place in the past, but now that you don't have it, can't you live? Greed grows slowly, and no matter what happens to this place, it won't work. It may be given back to ordinary people, and it will only become the object of a small number of people fighting for power, isn't it?"

Xie Rong felt like a mirror in his heart.

Cultivation people don't like to participate in those clumsy power struggles, but that doesn't mean they can't understand it. Because they have always been in the position of outsiders, they can see more clearly than the average person.

After hearing Xie Rong's words, the two of them couldn't say anything to refute. But they were unwilling to let this place be destroyed like this.

At this moment, the ground trembled slightly, and then the shaking became bigger and bigger, as if an earthquake had occurred.

Xu Yi's face slightly condensed: "Let's go!"

He used his divine sense to stretch out a small boat and let Sa Sa and her companions all come up.

"Master, are you going to leave me?"

Xu Yi glanced at him with disgust and said, "I can't take you with me now. If the person you brought doesn't want to die, just leave quickly."

Xie Rong was about to cry, but he had just torn apart his face with Aize and the others. Master was going to let him go with them. This was the rhythm of pushing him into the wolf's den with his own hands!

But Xie Rong didn't dare to delay, because even the master said so, so what's the point of hesitation? Run now!

Xie Rong let go of Wang Hu and ran to the starship, "Run, run! If you don't want to die, run!"

Ai Ze and Zhao Er followed without hesitation. Wang Hu was half a beat, and then he saw star worms emerging from the cracked ground, "...Damn!"

And this star worm is not the ordinary version of the star worm. A star worm is five or six times that wearing a mecha. Its sticky and soft body rolls directly towards him, and its soft mouth is not in line with common sense. The angle opened, to swallow him directly.

Wang Hu clearly saw the mucus inside the star worm, which is their digestive juice, which is extremely corrosive. The slime dripped on the ground, and the uneven sand was immediately corroded into a deep hole.

Wang Hu directly repulsed the star bug with an energy cannon, but he didn't dare to fight, so he turned and ran. He knew very well that star worms were gregarious star beasts, and the movement just now was not something that a star worm could do.

"Isn't it said that the star bugs on this planet are all extinct? Why are there still! And it's so terrifying!"

Wang Hu was right, just as he turned around, more and more star worms emerged, rushing towards them like a rushing tide.

Such a star worm is already difficult to deal with, let alone such a large area.

Fortunately, he is not the one who attracts the most hatred, and the pressure behind him is not that great.

Most of the star bugs pounced on Xu Yi with a clear goal. Of course, it was like a moth to a fire, pounced on one piece, and fell like a dumpling.

But they continued to move forward as if they had no feeling.

When everyone in the boat saw this scene, their faces turned pale, if not everyone's psychological quality was good, I'm afraid someone would have spit it out.

After another earthquake, a larger star worm emerged from the sandy soil, with a horn growing on its head, and a pair of dark eyes staring at Xu Yi, as if trying to remember its enemy look.

That kind of eyes can easily make people tremble, because it is not like the eyes of a star beast at all, but the eyes of intelligent creatures.

It is no stranger to anyone who knows Star Worm: this is the female worm who can manipulate the Star Worm colony!

Of course, this female worm is also a bit different from the female worms they have known before.

At this time, a buzzing sound suddenly came from everyone's ears, and along with the buzzing sound, there was also a strange and thick voice shouting: "Stay! Stay! Die!"

The weaker souls had already covered their heads, and on Xie Rong's side, Zhao Er and Wang Hu had blood dripping from their ears, their eyes were horrified, "What the **** is this?"

Can star worms speak? Can you get the sound directly into their ears?

In the past, if someone told them this, they would be the first to laugh at this whimsical statement: If the star bugs are so awesome, just let them rule the stars.

However, all this happened in front of their eyes, which was extremely real.

Xie Rong sneered, "What kind of ugly things come out to be embarrassing. When I grow up like this, I'm embarrassed to come out and meet people. I can beat a few of them by myself."

Whether it was Aize, Wang Hu, or Zhao Er, they all looked at him with admiration subconsciously.

Then, they saw Xie Rong, who was still talking ruthlessly one second, and the next second skillfully drove the starship to its maximum horsepower: slip away.

Azer et al.: …

If it is not obvious that Xie Rong is just bragging, they will live in vain.

Xie Rong didn't feel like he was bragging. When he advanced, he could indeed fight several at a time. Now this is called a strategic retreat.

Aize glanced at Xie Rong and then at Xu Yi who was surrounded by star bugs, "Is it okay to leave him there alone?"

Xie Rong waved his hand, "Don't worry, if something happens to you, my master will be fine."

What they have to do is not to cause trouble for Master.

Surrounded by a bunch of disgusting star bugs, Xu Yi's eyes didn't change at all.

Qian Dayou clicked the screen frantically, but the screen didn't respond, only a bunch of error warnings.

He turned his head to look at Song Ningfeng who was calm and calm, and suddenly realized: All this is under his control, that's why he can be so calm.

He didn't know how Song Ningfeng achieved this step, but he couldn't get rid of it after all!

The Qian family has finally come to this day, and it must not be destroyed by his hands!

Qian Dayou was extremely angry, a space button suddenly appeared in his hand, and he put on the mecha in an instant, "I wanted to let you live, but you brought it on yourself!"

"This is my mecha Huguang. I didn't expect you to be the first to witness its power. You should feel honored to die in the hands of Huguang."

If there are outsiders here, some people will definitely be shocked and emotional: How could Qian Dayou become so strong? !

Everyone knows that Qian Dayou's aptitude is double A-level, which is actually not bad, but he seems to be determined to be a wealthy and idle person, and has never received professional mecha individual training. But now, what he showed was not like that.

His mecha has surpassed the S-level, and wanting to control the super-S-level mecha means that his own strength has also reached this level! Moreover, his skills are by no means what an untrained person can achieve!

It's a pity that Song Ningfeng was here, and he didn't mean to make fun of him at all.

Super S Grade, that's all?

Huguang fired an energy cannon at close range, but Song Ningfeng dodged and avoided him. He went straight to Qian Dayou and kicked him away. Before he could stand up again, Song Ningfeng had already held Qian Dayou and let him Unable to move.

He dismantled Qian Dayou's mecha piece by piece, "Well, this design is a bit interesting."

Qian Dayou was horrified: This... what kind of devil is this?

He is very aware of his own strength, even if he encounters Aize, he is confident that he will have the power to fight. But in front of this man, he was like a little kid playing a house.

Then, seeing Song Ningfeng dismantling his mecha, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, "You... how dare you!"

He didn't know how much effort he had spent on this mecha, but Song Ningfeng wanted to make it a pile of scrap metal.

Song Ningfeng glanced at him and said, "Haven't you heard a word? The villain died of talking too much. It's a bit noisy, so shut up now."

Qian Dayou suddenly sneered, "Although I don't know who you are, you are really strong, but it's useless. The people you waited for can't come back. Do you know where they went? That place is like hell. Almost. The star net is destroyed, they can't come back."

"If you consider working with me, I still have a chance to save the life of someone you care about."

The next second, Qian Dayou was speechless.

Song Ningfeng sighed, "Why do some people always want to waste my silence charm? Can't you be more conscious?"

He patted Qian Dayou's fat face, "Thank you for worrying about Master, but you should consider your own situation first."

Money Dayou:…

Have the ability to let me speak! I have a bunch of dirty words to say!

It was impossible for him to speak. Song Ningfeng felt that the world was a lot quieter, so he took the time to concentrate on studying the mecha lake light.