MTL - My Wife Has Been Blackened-Chapter 832 unbelievable

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  Chapter 832 Unbelievable

   "What's the matter, why don't you take milk? Miss your mother?" Bai Yi lowered his voice and looked at him.

   "I miss her too."

   "It's my fault that you lost your mother and became a poor child." Bai Yi muttered to himself, and started to be dazed again.

  He suddenly remembered that there was still a child who was sick and applied for the fund, but he didn't give it to another family who was not short of money.

  The child of that family is gone, and they came over to scold him with the child in their arms, without conscience.

  She said that she is not afraid of not having money, nor is she afraid of not getting help, but she is not reconciled when she sees the comparison between the people next to her and herself.

  Why give them hope and then drive them into the abyss.

   She once knelt down and begged herself to give her funds so that her child could be healed.

  But at that time, he didn't feel the slightest bit, even if the woman watched the child die in her arms.

   Crying like crazy, shedding blood and tears like crazy, and finally hugging the dead child and crashing to death outside the Keshi Building, he didn't feel it.

   There is no fluctuation in my heart, and I even find it ridiculous.

  How can someone give up their life for a child who has been with him for several years and a few months? It's ridiculous.

  He doesn't understand what a child means to his parents. What kind of feeling should it be like to shed your own blood.

  At this moment, as long as he is close to the child, he can feel the feeling that the two are connected by blood. He has the same blood as himself...

   That's the one who will marry him in this world.

  Bai Yi's heart trembled, and he looked at the child again, and found that he was looking at him with his eyes open, and those dark eyes were looking at him.

  It was dark, with a clean and pure light.

  Bai Yi stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, being looked at by these eyes, he always felt a little uncomfortable, as if he felt ashamed under those eyes.

   "Why don't you take milk, tell me." Bai Yi unconsciously lowered his voice, and even the breath around him became much softer, cautiously.

   It's a bit ridiculous and pitiful.

  The confinement wife behind him gave him a sympathetic look: "Mr. Ke, the child is still young and can't speak."

  Bai Yi then hummed lightly.

  Looked at the child with both eyes, and asked, "Is there any difference in the milk powder these days? What is the difference when making milk?"

The confinement lady thought about it carefully: "It's no different. I made milk for him two days ago and drank it in one gulp. This morning, Xiao Lin wanted to eat steak this morning, so I fried a steak for her, and then Reconstituted milk powder. I fed him and refused to eat it, and Xiao Lin refused to eat it.”

  Xiao Lin is the young confinement woman outside.

   Bai Yi pursed his lips and looked at the child.

   "Did you go into the kitchen two days ago? What did you eat? What did you do?"

   "Two days ago, Mr. Ke, you suffered from the cold and were overly sad, so I boiled millet porridge, a few dishes of small green vegetables, and nothing else." She made these meals.

   Bai Yi frowned.

  I made vegetarian food two days ago, and made meat food today.

  But after thinking about it, Bai Yi felt that it was impossible. How could this child, who has not been born for ten days, smell the breath of an adult?

   With a thump in his heart, Bai Yi thought for a while and walked out the door.

   Went to the compartment and found a piece of meat muffin, took a bite, and swallowed hard.

   Then I went to the baby room next door, and picked up the child as usual, only to see that the child was extremely resistant and kicked around, and burst into tears.

  Bai Yi frowned even more.

  Sister-in-law Yue's eyes widened. This child hasn't cried for a long time since he came back. Why is this making such a fuss?

   "What are you doing, Mr. Ke?" Yue Yue stared at him with wide eyes.

  President Ke pursed his lips tightly: "I ate meat."

   Mr. Ke put the child down, and the child stopped crying immediately.

  Mr. Ke closed his eyes, and opened them again after a while.

   "Those who take her in the future, you can take turns to be vegetarians, and don't touch any meat on the day of taking her." Bai Yi looked at the child with fixed eyes.

  I saw the baby who was willing to make eye contact with him just now, but now he didn't even look at him, his eyes... seemed to have a bit of compassion.

   Bai Yi couldn't tell what it was like.


   It turned out to be a person who is not contaminated with any meat, not even the breath!

   Do you think this is ridiculous? Isn't this a big joke God made on him?

   After Bai Yi said Yuesao still didn't believe it, she fried a piece of steak in the morning, and she couldn't even get close to the children? Impossible, how old is this kid.

   It's just that Mr. Ke has never been able to refute, and she didn't dare to say more, so she just called a confinement lady who eats vegetarian breakfast.

   Sure enough, the baby fell asleep after eating honestly.

  Yuesao is very suspicious. She is only so young that she will not touch anything, not even those who lead her, so what will happen when she grows up?

   Don’t eat meat, don’t eat meat, and it’s probably even more impossible to kill. Even if an ant is trampled to death, a memorial service will be held, right?

   Ouch, this rich family's baby has so many problems, really, it's better to feed her own family!

  Yuesao was muttering in her heart, seeing Mr. Ke standing there watching the baby breastfeeding, she ignored him.

  Now Mr. Ke is a widowed man. It's pitiful. How many people outside are talking about Mrs. Ke being kidnapped and having an accident.

   It's just that Mr. Ke doesn't care about management now, and neither the company nor the online messages seem to be interested.


  Bai Yi looked at it for a long time, and saw that the child had fallen asleep, so he stood up.

   "Take care of it well, the one outside the door doesn't have to come, and the rest will get double salary." The confinement wife looked happy, and naturally took care of the child more carefully.

   Looking at children is more enthusiastic than looking at their own children.

   "It's a child without a mother, alas, what a pity." It's a pity that money can't buy his mother's life back.

   There is no mother after birth, do you think it is pitiful?

"Mr. Ke, the company needs you to sit in charge, please cheer up. Even if it's not for yourself, it's for your son, right? In the future, he will inherit the family business." Yang Yuan was a little anxious, but it's a pity that Mr. Ke turned his head with a very strange look look at him.

   "You said, if I hadn't lied to her and done so many wrong things, wouldn't I be where I am today?"

  After speaking, he laughed at himself, Yang Yuan was startled by the gloomy light in his eyes, and there was always a feeling that Mr. Ke was about to explode.

   "That child is different from us." Money and power are useless to him.

  God, probably made a joke for him.

  Bai Yi staggered back to A Yin's bedroom, and their original cheap wedding photos were still hanging on the wall.

  Even when she was the most angry, A Yin was not willing to take down the wedding photo.

  Ayin's breath was everywhere in the room, and Bai Yi stood silently in it, unwilling to leave.

   "You said, is this punishing me? I, a person with blood on my hands, a heinous person, gave me a child as pure as a Buddha."

  This, who is torturing?

  It was off for one day yesterday, and the child was taken to the hospital yesterday. The thumbs of her hands were slightly bent, and they could not be stretched straight. I went to the hospital for an examination and found out that it was stenosing tenosynovitis. I had to recover for half a year, and if the effect was not good, I needed surgery. It should be congenital, so I couldn't come back in time to update yesterday. During this period, my mother-in-law's leg was burned, and I was busy at home, but fortunately her leg is recovering soon.

  (end of this chapter)