MTL - My Years As a Car Dealer-Chapter 18 : Believe it or not, I will die for you to see

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Chapter 0018: Believe it or not, I will die for you

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"Well, not bad." Without forcing Zhang Chen to drink, Sister Ji's hostility towards Lai Wu eased a lot.

"Okay, okay, everyone is a colleague, so we should value harmony." The car dealership will still count on Lai Wu and Zhang Chen in the future. Manager Wang doesn't want the two to get into trouble. of.

Through the system, Zhang Chen knew that Lai Wu's hatred for him had not diminished at all. The real thoughts in his heart were absolutely different from what he said, so he secretly put on 12 points of vigilance and watched him play. what a trick.

Sure enough, after Lai Wu apologized, he glanced at Hao Qiang with ruthless eyes, then sat down with his mouth covered without a trace.

Hao Qiang grinned and understood what Lai Wu meant, that he wanted to fight Zhang Chen himself.

A small child, labor and capital can't kill you, Hao Qiang sneered in his heart, stood up with a glass of wine, and raised it towards Zhang Chen: "Zhang Chen, we will be colleagues and friends in the future, we must drink a face-to-face drink."

As soon as he finished speaking, regardless of Zhang Chen's statement, he raised his head and drank the wine.

Hao Qiang also showed the bottom of the cup and walked over in front of the others, but instead of sitting down, he stared at Zhang Chen with a smile.

Everyone was stunned, but Lai Wu and Tang Hongbo laughed.

What Hao Qiang did just now was completely the same way that the juniors force the elders to drink, and the juniors force the superiors to drink.

If Zhang Chen didn't drink this wine, he would slap Hao Qiang in the face, showing that he looked down on him, and more importantly, it also proved that Zhang Chen was cowardly in the wine field.

Zhang Chen drank high-level liquor of 40, 20, 53 degrees, and felt a little dizzy. He didn't want to drink it. Besides, he could see the tricks in Lai Wu's heart, and he didn't want to drink it with Lai Wu's group.

But Hao Qiang who was standing was so shameless. You didn't drink with me, even if you didn't give me face, I wouldn't sit down even if I died.

How to do?

The frowning Zhang Chen remembered the system, we have a system, what are you afraid of?

"System system, is there a skill that doesn't get drunk after a thousand cups?"

Soon, the system's response sounded in Zhang Chen's mind: "I don't have the skills to not get drunk after a thousand cups, but I have the skills to quickly hangover."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Chen was overjoyed, "Just give me this skill."

"I'm sorry, please settle the 10,000 Pleasure Points on credit now, otherwise the host will be destroyed by humanity. The ten-second countdown starts, ten, nine, eight..."

This set again? Zhang Chen drank a little too much, and a burst of blood rushed to his forehead. He couldn't bear his petty temper. He threatened humane destruction at every turn. If labor and capital didn't get angry, do they really think labor and capital were sick cats?

Zhang Chen's head was buzzing, and he didn't take the threat of the system to heart, but instead yelled at the system: "You bastard, give me your skills honestly, otherwise, hum, believe it or not, I'll rush out of the Tiandi Hotel right now. , find a car and hit him head-to-head?"

Zhang Chen was like a hobhead, he simply played tricks, and what he said made the system dumbfounded.

The system still succumbed, and the voice resounding in Zhang Chen's mind was full of helplessness and resentment: ""I'm sure the host will pay 3,000 pleasure points, the lucky wheel will start, please wait patiently. "

The red disc started to turn clockwise and stopped immediately.

The mechanical sound of the system sounded again: "Congratulations to the host for the reward of the quick hangover skill."

"Hahaha." Having obtained the desired skill, Zhang Chenteng stood up without saying a word, raised his glass and drank it.

"it is good."


"Brother really gives me Hao Qiang face."

Hao Qiang, Lai Wu, and Tang Hongbo seemed to have discussed it together.

Another ten-year-old wine, it is also white wine, the mouth is spicy, Zhang Chen grinned straightly with a "his".

Manager Wang was worried that Zhang Chen had drunk too much, so he secretly tugged at the corner of his clothes under the table, signalling him not to show his composure.

Zhang Chen smiled slightly and didn't care, patted Manager Wang's arm lightly, and activated his skills to remove the alcohol in his body. He was instantly relieved, without dizziness or retching, just like a normal person who didn't drink.

This hangover skill is good, Zhang Chen lowered his head and smirked.

"How can I walk on one leg? How can I cross the river alone?" Hao Qiang still didn't sit down, he filled the wine glass by himself, raised it again and faced Zhang Chen, "Good things come in pairs, let's go another one."

"Drink as soon as you drink it." Zhang Chen had the ability to cheat, but Zhang Chen drank it again. This time he didn't sit down. He stared at Hao Qiang with a sneering expression on his face. How about it?

Don't sit down?


"Yo, sample, are you not convinced?"

What Hao Qiang drank just now, plus the one he touched with Zhang Chen, totaled eight taels. Zhang Chen didn't get down, but he couldn't hold it any longer.

At this time, Tang Hongbo scolded Hao Qiang for being a waste, and raised his glass to teach Zhang Chen how to behave.

"Okay, okay, that's it, that's it." Manager Wang didn't want to drink people up in the wine field, so he suddenly stood up, smiled and persuaded both sides to stop drinking.

In fact, Manager Wang is also good for Zhang Chen. He estimated that Zhang Chen, a student who is not very experienced in the world, basically drank four glasses of wine, almost a pound of high-level liquor, and his head was basically confused. He drank too much, how would he go to work tomorrow? ?

Zhang Chen didn't have time to speak, the chicken sister in his left hand was unhappy, and he saw that Lai Wu and the other three were nothing, and they made it clear that they would join forces to feed Zhang Chen, but now Zhang Chen seems to have no big business, not busy for Zhang Chen In the early morning, set up beams.

"No, let's continue drinking." Zhang Chen and Lai Wu and the other three got on with each other and slapped their chests without admitting defeat.

Manager Wang asked him to stop drinking. Tang Hongbo didn't do it at all. He was just trying to find fault with Zhang Chen, but now Zhang Chen suddenly came up with such a voice, which was exactly what he meant.

Lai Wu also hated that Hao Qiang didn't push Zhang Chen down. He gave Tang Hongbo a wink and told him to push Zhang Chen hard, it would be better to drink him to death.

Tang Hongbo and Zhang Chenmao got on, and the two of you drank one cup at a time.

The two-liang small wine glass was not enough, and even replaced it with a three-liang large glass cup, and quickly killed a bottle of fifty-three-degree Maotai that had been aged for half a decade.

Tang Hongbo finally couldn't hold it anymore and started shaking. His face was as red as Guan Yunchang's reincarnation, and he couldn't speak well.

Zhang Chen, on the other hand, had nothing to do, chatting and laughing with Manager Wang, still alive and well.

How can Zhang Chen drink so much?

Lai Wu and Hao Qiang, Tang Hongbo was extremely astonished and stunned on the spot.

On the other hand, Zhang Hu and the others threw their heads in admiration for Zhang Chen, and looked at him with admiration.

They are strange, puzzled, and confused.

No reason! Are today's students drinking more aggressively than their alcohol-tested salesmen?

Lai Wu seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly pretended to drop his chopsticks on the ground, bent over to check Zhang Chen's feet, and found no spilled liquor, making sure that Zhang Chen really drank it in his stomach.

"Pleasure value from colleague Wang Keqiang: 1000"

"Pleasure value from colleague Wang Qi: 1000"

"Pleasure value from colleague Fang Wu: 1000"

"Pleasure value from colleague Zhang Hu: 1000"

"Happiness value from colleague Hao Qiang: -1000"

"Pleasure value from colleague Tang Hongbo: -1000"

"Happiness value from colleague Lai Wu: -1000"

"Drink again." Zhang Chen stepped on the chair with his right foot, and the glass in his left hand smashed the table, sneering at Tang Hongbo, thinking, "Want to feed me? I won't kill you."

Tang Hongbo has been drinking to the side, and the wine is going up to his forehead, seeing everyone is a double image.

"Drink." Tang Hongbo was dumbfounded, his head was blank, and he completely lost the ability to think. He was just unconvinced that he would lose to a little brat, and he would drink this glass of wine no matter what.

Tang Hongbo had just finished drinking the wine with his face up, the hot liquid poured straight into his stomach, he felt his eyes turn black and his body softened, bald under the table, collapsed on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

Manager Wang put his hands on the table, got up abruptly and looked at Tang Hongbo.

Others also hurriedly left their seats to check on Tang Hongbo's situation.

When Tang Hongbo, who discovered the "alcohol test", passed out completely, they were dumbfounded and kept their current movements for a long time, but their hearts were in a mess.

At this moment, the nervous heartbeat and the even breathing sound were exceptionally clear under the treacherous atmosphere.

Zhang Chen's eyes were as strange and deep as black holes. He glanced at Lai Wu, who was still awake, and Hao Qiang's face, raised his eyebrows and smiled at them. The meaning of provocation was very obvious.

Zhang Hu, Wang Qi, and Fang Wu were overjoyed, and even more excited. They looked at Lai Wu and Hao Qiang, whose faces were ashen, and thought, do they want to feed Zhang Chen? Retribution? Who among you dares to let a horse come over to find death?

Lai Wu and Hao Qiang did not dare to take over.

What's the matter, you want to drink me up too? Hao Qiang looked up at the ceiling to avoid Zhang Chen's gaze, as if there was something rare on it.

Zhang Chen couldn't be shaken by drinking, but Lai Wu, the culprit, was also cowardly. On the pretext that the phone in his pocket was ringing, he rushed into the bathroom as if he was running away with the phone.

Manager Wang tried his best to squeeze out a smile, warmly greeted Zhang Chen to eat with everyone, pointed to the hot pot in the middle of the table, and hoarsely talked about a joke he had experienced before, changing the subject to ease the awkward atmosphere:

At that time, Manager Wang had just entered the Four Seas Group. Once, he and his colleagues went to a hot pot restaurant to eat mutton.

A large group of people sat down in a lively manner, waiting for the broth in the pot to boil,

Looking at the bright red mutton rolls, everyone moved their forefingers and was about to feast on them when they discovered a major problem, they couldn't eat it!

It turned out that there were only public chopsticks, and the guy forgot to give everyone private chopsticks.

Manager Wang was drooling and couldn't eat mutton, so he shouted to the man, "Come here."

There are so many people screaming, it's like smashing the field, the little guy doesn't dare to neglect.

A tall and thin guy trotted over to Manager Wang, nodding and bowing to greet Manager Wang, "Good food and drinks, everyone! What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" Manager Wang gave him a sideways look, "Guess I dare to put my hand in the pot?"

The soup in the hot pot was bubbling, and the young man knew that the water had boiled, so he shook his head and firmly thought that he would not dare.

"Don't you dare?" Manager Wang slapped the table angrily, and was anxious at the time, "What the hell, you know I don't dare, why don't you bring chopsticks and let us grab it?"

"Ha, ha, ha..." Everyone laughed, leaning forward and backward, and was instantly forgotten because of the unpleasantness of drinking alcohol.

Next, Manager Wang turned on all his firepower. He was so tongue-in-cheek, he spit out "meat" jokes, mixed with anecdotes that he had experienced, and stunned these young people. His expressions followed Manager Wang's story. The plot is sometimes cloudy, sometimes laughing and applauding.

This is how men are together. A few "meat" jokes and a few glasses of wine immediately become the ripening agent for friendship.

The wine that Manager Wang, Zhang Hu and others touched, Zhang Chen just did a little cheating and drank a few small glasses happily.

Even Wang Qi, who has always been restrained and unable to let go, and Fang Wu are very happy to drink.

Zhang Chen felt a little dizzy after drinking and had a urgency to urinate, so he stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Standing outside the bathroom door, Zhang Chen didn't hear any movement.

Pushing the door and entering, I didn't see Lai Wu, who had come in earlier, but heard a strange hysterical shouting from a partition.

Is it Lai Wu?

He seemed to be arguing with someone else.

The tone of Lai Wu's speech is very strange, as if it is some kind of dialect.

Zhang Chen vaguely heard Lai Wu shouting the word "Zhang Chen", but couldn't understand the other words.

Hearing that it was related to him, Zhang Chen touched the waistband of his trousers with both hands and walked gently towards the partition, standing outside the partition door to eavesdrop.

Lai Wu may have drank too much. Not only did he speak louder, but he also had the microphone on, so he could clearly hear the other party's voice.

The thick male voice came from the phone, and the tone was also screeching. Zhang Chen's head was big when he said it was like a book from heaven.

Curiosity killed the cat, not to mention its own relationship.

Zhang Chen thought of the system: "System system, do you have the ability to understand dialects?"

"Uh..." The system hesitated for a while, but did not continue.

Don't you want to take care of yourself? Do you play a childish temper at a critical moment?

"Give me the skills to understand dialects, do you hear me?" Zhang Chen roared angrily, "Believe it or not, I'll die for you?"

Perhaps being frightened by Zhang Chen's aura, the persuaded system ignored him, but activated the fortune wheel, which soon prompted Zhang Chen to receive the dialect system.

Countless information poured into Zhang Chen's mind, and it turned around in his mind, as if it existed before, and the dialect that originally sounded like a bird's call was successfully transformed into Mandarin.

Lai Wu has been talking to the other party for a long time, and now Lai Wuzheng is impatiently explaining to the other party: "I searched Manager Wang's office, and I did not find that the car dealership had tax evasion or the like. I deliberately sold it to a fool. Three faulty cars, trying to use her hands to ruin the business of the car dealership, but a new comer smashed the plan."

The other party seemed to be very dissatisfied with Lai Wu's efficiency, and shouted: "Work harder to find the handle of the Four Seas dealership, only if I kill it, my dealership will be able to secure the top spot in the second-hand car market. Asking you to be the vice president is not better than a waiter in front of the saddle in the four seas?"