MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 13 ,surprise! Great harvest!

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"Om!" "Om!" "Om!" "Om!"

The next second, Shi Yu and the three team members lit up with white light, pouring into Wang Teng's body one after another.

[Successfully killed Shi Yu, a level 2 novice! Get 20 experience points! 】

[Successfully killed Wang Ziqiang, a level 1 novice! Get 10 experience points! 】

[Successfully killed Zhao Wen, a level 1 novice! Get 10 experience points! 】

[Successfully killed Li Qing, a level 1 novice! Get 10 experience points! 】

[Congratulations, your level has been promoted to level 3! 】

[Your physique increases by 10 points! 】

[Your strength increases by 10 points! 】

[Your agility increases by 10! 】

[Your spirit increases by 10 points! 】

[Your comprehension increases by 10 points! 】

A wave of energy surged wildly in the body again!

Wang Teng's whole body lit up with dazzling light...

In an instant, his headache, loss of five senses, and chest tightness caused by the sudden impact of the mental storm were all washed away by this light and quickly recovered.

The light gradually disappeared into the body.

Wang Teng's five senses have all recovered and become more acute, and he can even feel the crawling of reptiles and the flapping of wings of flying insects in the grass.

The feeling of tightness in the chest was also swept away.

Even his body was raised by 2 centimeters, his muscles were bulging, and his **** lines were full of wild beauty.


He has leveled up again!

This upgrade not only strengthens the physical body, but also eliminates the negative effects of battle.

With this upgrade, he went straight back to his heyday.


He is now upgraded and stronger than before!

It's just that the body protection spell, as a one-time item, has vanished into nothing.

Thinking of this, the corners of Wang Teng's mouth twitched, feeling quite distressed.

But then again, the four corpses on the ground are also of great value, so they can't just be wasted.


Wang Teng put his hand on the body of the burly man.

[Endless extraction success! Get the E-level talent - Speed ​​Enhancement! 】

[Speed ​​Enhancement: Activate to double the speed attribute. 】

[When the speed enhancement is activated, you can get 30 minutes of effect bonus, cooling time: 1 hour. 】

Another talent for enhancing five-dimensional attributes!

In this way, when Wang Teng activates this talent, his combat power will be raised to a higher level.

No wonder the short man, although only a first-level man, was even faster than him in the first-line.


If it wasn't for Wang Teng's qi-covering mountain, with such a perverted physique, he could only be beaten passively, and he might drink and hate on the spot.

It's a pity that his attack is too low to break even Wang Teng's defense.

Not only was his talent extracted by Wang Teng, but his life was also lost.

Afterwards, Wang Teng walked to the corpse of the burly man again and activated the endless extraction talent again.

[Endless extraction success! Obtained the D-level talent - the ability to carry the tripod! 】

[Strength can carry the tripod: Activation can double the strength attribute! 】

[Activate the ability to carry the tripod, you can get 30 minutes of effect bonus, cooling time: 1 hour. 】

[The current physique talent is greater than this talent, and when you acquire this talent again, you will be automatically promoted to a C-level talent—Libashanxi! 】

In other words, the extraction talent of the burly man is useless to him now.

But the next sentence made Wang Teng overjoyed.

In other words, talents of the same type can be superimposed and upgraded.

Two D-level talents can be combined into higher C-level talents!

In this way, as long as he continues to extract, his talents will continue to upgrade!