MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 786 , the power of rules! Crush the true spirit!

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Hearing the horrible roar, Emperor Luan's expression changed drastically.

He hurriedly followed the sound, and saw that the white canopy was split in two, and even the soul and body were also split.


Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light cluster flew out of the blood mist and rushed towards him.

That is the true spirit of Bai Peng.

Judging by the aura emitted by the true spirit, it is clearly at the seventh-rank intermediate level.

Generally speaking, the True Spirit of the Quasi-Supreme Realm is the primary level of the seventh rank, and the primary level of the Supreme Realm is the intermediate level of the seventh rank.

"Save me! Lord Luanhuang, save me quickly!"

At this moment, the Baipeng True Spirit was extremely flustered.

Without physical protection, he felt extremely insecure in his heart.

And as long as it escapes to the side of Lord Luan Emperor and is under the protection of Lord Luan Emperor, it can reshape its body and resurrect.

With this thought in his mind, he ran towards Emperor Luan with all his strength.


But at this moment, there was a clear sound of heaven and earth behind him.

Jin Xing cast out six roulettes in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a spirit-killing light shot out from the roulette and enveloped it.

Bai Peng Zhenling was terrified.

He is also the master of the universe at level 6, so he naturally understands the six-way roulette.

That's a special way to destroy the true spirit!

After the master of the universe reaches level 5, he can condense six roulettes, let alone level 6.

With this thought in mind, the escape speed of the Baipeng True Spirit increased by a point.


But the light of extinguishing spirit arrived instantly, covering it in one go.

"Huh? This is..."

After the Baipeng True Spirit was horrified, he suddenly discovered that the light that killed the spirit could not stop him at all.

Suddenly, he was stunned.

Although this little thief is strong, he is not a master of the sky.

It is impossible to master the power of the sky if you are not the one who holds the sky.

But without the blessing of the power of holding the sky, relying on the six roulettes alone, it is impossible to destroy the seventh-rank primary true spirit, let alone the seventh-rank intermediate true spirit like him!

Thinking of this, Bai Peng Zhenling breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that he had overestimated Wang Teng.

If you want to destroy the seventh-rank primary true spirit, only a first-rank sky-holding person like him, who can bless the six-path roulette with the power of holding the sky, can kill it.

As for the seventh-rank intermediate true spirit, it is necessary to bless the second-level power of holding the sky, so that it can be expected to be killed.

The power of the second-level sky-wielder can only be mastered by the second-tier sky-wielder.

He is a first-level sky-holding person, and he only masters the first-level sky-holding power.

In other words, he can kill a seventh-rank elementary true spirit, but he cannot kill a seventh-rank intermediate true spirit.

Only Lord Luanhuang in the arena has the means to kill the seventh-rank true spirit.

As for the little thief in front of him, let alone.

He is not a master of the sky, and he does not have the power to master the rules. Let alone kill the seventh-rank low-level true spirits, he may not be able to kill even the sixth-rank high-level true spirits.

If you can't master the power of rules, no matter how strong you are, you can't join the ruling class in this world, and your status will always be lower than him.

The so-called power of rules is the power above the Three Thousand Ways.

The power of the sky is the most orthodox power of rules.

With the power of Zhitian, even if he is not as strong as Wang Teng, he is still superior to Wang Teng.

Because as long as Wang Teng can't kill him, he can be resurrected infinitely, and finally win the battle.

Thinking of this, Bai Peng immediately flew towards Emperor Luan, laughing loudly.

"Haha~! Little thief! Although your strength is strong, you are not the one who holds the sky after all!"

"Just relying on your six-path roulette, it is wishful thinking to want to destroy the true spirit of this deity!"

"As long as you can't destroy the true spirit of this deity, this deity is immortal! Wait for this deity to build a physical body, and then fight to the death with you! You will die! Haha~!"

At this moment, the Baipeng True Spirit burst out laughing.

He seemed to be determined by Wang Teng.

There was a sense of elation in that tone.

As if he had mastered the power of Zhitian, he regained the lost sense of superiority.

At the same moment, when Luan Huang and Wan Ren heard those words, their eyes brightened slightly.

When they saw that there was only the true spirit left in Bai Peng, they subconsciously wanted to rescue him.

Seeing that the Light of Mie Ling could not do anything to Bai Peng's true spirit now, combined with Bai Peng's words, they were also stunned for a while.


Although this little thief is strong, he doesn't have the power to master the rules, and lacks the means to kill spirits.

In other words, this little thief couldn't kill them at all.

They can be resurrected infinitely, and they will definitely win in the end.

"Little thief! You wait for me! When I reshape my body, I will fight you to the end! Haha!"

At this time, Bai Peng's ridicule sounded again in the field.


But as soon as he finished speaking, Jin Xing raised a seal formula, behind which appeared a phantom of a ten thousand zhang golden dragon, and uttered a dragon chant that reached the sky.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible wave of regular power radiated from him, and instantly blessed the light of extermination.

The power of the Extinguishing Light instantly increased tenfold.

Bai Peng really felt the traction force of the six-way roulette soaring. He seemed to have entered a quagmire, and his escape speed dropped sharply.

"Huh? This is..."

Immediately, he saw the phantom of the golden dragon behind Jin Xing, and suddenly exclaimed.

"Heaven... the power of the heavenly dragon! You have awakened the power of the heavenly dragon!"

Bai Peng True Spirit's tone was full of disbelief.

He has studied the power of Tianlong for many years, and he was able to distinguish it immediately.

Emperor Luan and Wan Ren were also terrified.

They have long heard that the power of the heavenly dragon is a power of rules that surpasses the Three Thousand Ways, and it is also a power that destroys the sky.

Before that, they still had doubts, thinking that there was no power in the world that could match the power of Zhitian.

Until this moment, they began to believe.

No wonder the master of Sedum Tianyu regards the dragon clan as a serious problem.

Just when Luan Huang and the other two were terrified, Baipeng True Spirit was also terrified.

At the same time, he was also very puzzled.

As far as he knows, dragon disciples usually reach the supreme state before they can hope to awaken the power of the dragon.

This little thief is only in the Eternal Realm, why did he wake up?

Could it be that his bloodline has reached the fifteenth rank or above?

It is rumored that Long Zu was only at the twelfth level in the super-eternal state. Can this little thief reach the fifteenth level?

Isn't this too fast?

The more the White Peng True Spirit thought about it, the more shocked he became.

After being shocked, he felt grateful again.

Fortunately, he is a seventh-rank intermediate true spirit, and this little thief still can't kill him!

In this way, he can still escape to the side of Lord Luan and be resurrected again.

Just when Bai Peng felt rejoiced, Wang Teng was also very excited.

Jin Xing's attempt made him know that the power of level 1 Heavenly Dragon Force is equivalent to that of Level 1 Zhitian Power.

This far exceeded his expectations.

As for the power of the four poles, its power is much weaker.

According to his assessment, the power of level 3 quadrupole power is equivalent to the power of level 1 sky-holding power.

Level 6 quadrupole power is equivalent to level 2 Zhitian power.

Every 3 levels of the power of the four poles is equivalent to an increase of the power of holding the sky by one level.

Just as Wang Teng was thinking wildly, Bai Peng's ridicule sounded again in the field.

"Little thief! Even if you awaken the power of the heavenly dragon, you still can't destroy the true spirit of this deity! You don't have the means to kill the seventh-rank intermediate true spirit at all!"

Bai Peng's tone was filled with endless sarcasm.

It seemed that just a few more taunts would defeat Wang Teng's fighting spirit.

Hearing this, Emperor Luan and Wan Ren breathed a sigh of relief.

They also felt that Jin Xing had reached his limit when he displayed the power of the Heavenly Dragon.

But this idea just came up, and the mutation in the field regenerated.

I saw Jin Xing made another seal formula, and his whole body suddenly lit up with dazzling four-color aura.

The power of the four poles is activated instantly!

The power of the four poles at level 5 is instantly added to the light of extermination.


The power of the Extinguishing Light suddenly soared.

"This... this is?!"

The exclamation of Bai Peng True Spirit resounded in the field.

He was originally no more than ten thousand feet away from Emperor Luan, but at this moment he was fixed in place by the light of Mie Ling, and then forcibly dragged towards the six-path roulette at an extremely fast speed.

"This... this is... no! Save me! Lord Luan, save me!"

At this moment, Bai Peng True Spirit was terrified.

Luanhuang and Wanren were even more dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that Jin Xing not only mastered the power of Heavenly Dragon, but also mastered another kind of power of rules.

The power of these two rules superimposed, the power is comparable to the power of level 2 Zhitian.

In other words, not only is this little thief comparable in strength to a second-rank heaven-wielder, but even the means of exterminating spirits is comparable to a second-rank heaven-wielder!

" lord! Help me! Help me!"

At this time, Bai Peng True Spirit's cries for help continued to resound in the field.

Luan Huang woke up instantly.

With a flash of his figure, he rushed towards the Baipeng True Spirit.

Hugh~! Hugh~! Hugh~!

But at this moment, the figures of Wang Teng, Tu Xing and Shui Xing flashed and stopped him.

"Damn it! Get out of here, old man!"

Emperor Luan roared anxiously.

Peng~! Peng~! Peng~!

The two sides fought instantly.

Wang Teng, Tu Xing and Shui Xing teamed up and immediately entangled Emperor Luan tightly, making it impossible for him to escape.

On the other side, Wan Ren also wanted to go to the rescue, but was also entangled by the fire.

Huo Xing's strength is also stronger than his first-line.

As a result, the two were helpless.

He could only watch helplessly as the Baipeng True Spirit was sucked in.

" me~! Save me, my lord, save me quickly! No~!

! "

In just a moment, the Baipeng True Spirit was forcibly swallowed into the roulette.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

In the next second, the six-track roulette began to rotate slowly.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

The crackling sound of the true spirit continued.


Finally there was a soft sound.

The Baipeng True Spirit was completely shattered.

A miserable howl came from the roulette, echoing endlessly in the void.

The faces of Luan Huang and the other two became extremely ugly.


Immediately afterwards, a white light flew out of the blood mist and poured into Wang Teng's body...

[Hint: You are the first to kill an unsurpassed junior expert, and you have received +2 billion reputation rewards! 】

[Reminder: You killed a level 1 Heaven Holder (Bai Peng), and a level 6 universe (Peng Yuan Universe) exploded! 】


As the reminder sounded, a dazzling multicolored aura lit up in the fragments of the White Cape True Spirit.

Immediately afterwards, a fist-sized cosmic bubble emerged from the starlight and continued to grow in size.

A level 6 cosmic bubble appeared.

Wang Teng's eyes lit up suddenly, showing surprise.

For him, this level 6 universe is a resource for upgrading the Hongmeng universe!

There are also the remnants of the Yaolong tribe, in this universe.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

But at this moment, another reminder came from his consciousness...

[Hint: Your wooden avatar has swallowed all of Bai Peng's good fortune, and your good fortune is +73 million times! 】

It turned out that when Jin Xing was busy destroying the Baipeng True Spirit, Mu Xing was not idle either.

He had already cleaned up the battlefield, put away Bai Peng's storage ring, and devoured Bai Peng's creation at this moment.

Congratulations, Bai Peng completely fell, leaving only one universe.

With a flash of Mu Xing's figure, he went straight into Pengyuan Universe.

He is going to rescue the remnants of the Yaolong tribe.

Jin Xing also flashed his figure, and went to kill Wan Ren.

Wan Ren's expression changed drastically in fright.

He is fighting fiercely with Huo Xing, and the two sides are fighting inextricably.

If Huo Xing and Jin Xing join forces, he will definitely lose.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Luan immediately frowned.

Bai Peng is dead!

They are in bad shape!

But he was extremely unwilling to let him evacuate.

He came to avenge his daughter.

But I didn't want to, the revenge was not avenged, but a general was lost.

"My lord! I... us!"

At this time, Wan Ren panicked and asked for help.

Before he could finish speaking, Emperor Luan gritted his teeth: "Let's withdraw!"

Hearing this, Wan Ren's eyes lit up.

He couldn't wish for it!

The fall of Bai Peng has made him no longer have the will to fight.

At that moment, with a flash of his figure, he withdrew from the battle circle.

Luan Huang also turned around and was about to flee.

"Want to escape? How can it be so easy!"

But at this moment, Wang Teng and the four clones took the initiative to chase and kill them.

Emperor Luan was frightened and angry: "Little thief! I want to leave, but you still can't stay!"

While speaking, the two retreated while fighting.

With the power of one person, Emperor Luan stopped most of the attacks, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

Wang Teng and the four clones really couldn't keep them together for a while.

Just like that, the two of Luan Huang retreated slowly.

It's just that they were tightly entangled, and their retreat speed was very slow.

Yan Huang and the others have long been dumbfounded.

At this moment, everyone is still in shock.

None of them thought that Wang Teng actually killed Bai Peng.

Such a result, they didn't even dare to think about it before.

It's just that Emperor Luan and Wan Ren had the intention to retreat, and they tried their best to defend and retreat, Shaozu might not be able to stay!

Perhaps Shao Zu could keep Wan Ren, but it was impossible for Emperor Luan to keep him.

With this in mind, Yan Huang and the others continued to pay attention silently.

They didn't know that something was happening in Pengyuan Universe.

At this moment, within Peng Yuan Universe.

The wooden row hangs in the starry sky.

As soon as he sensed it, he found the position of the remnants of the Yaolong tribe through the traction of the power of blood.

They are in the **** realm of the Pengyuan universe.

"Finally found these clansmen! As long as these clansmen are saved, the second phase of the reward will be half completed!"

Mu Xing groaned in his heart.

Rescuing the tribe is half of the reward, and the other is to regain the Yaolong Order.


Yaolong order.

As soon as Mu Xing's heart moved, UU read the book and took out the white storage ring, looking through it impatiently.

After looking through it, surprise appeared on his face.

Everything was as he expected, Yaolong Ling was indeed in Bai Peng's storage ring.

Half of the bounty has been completed, and the only thing left is to save people.

"Huh? This is..."

But in the next second, Mu Xing seemed to have discovered something, and a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

Then with a wave of his hand, he took out more than 2,000 Origin Beast Inner Pills from the storage ring, ranging from the ninth rank to the seventh rank.

It turned out that what he found was the source beast inner alchemy.

With so many inner alchemy, it is enough for him to break through to the giant realm.

After all, his current realm is 99.97% super-eternal, and he is only one line away from breaking through!


Read Fantasy: I! Accept disciples and become stronger!