MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 285 woman arrives

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Shao Lao stood on the edge of the roof, letting the autumn wind blow his clothes open. Yuan Jun was a little worried at this time. As long as Lao Shao took a step forward, he would fall directly from the upstairs and fall into a puddle of flesh just like Lu Ben, and his bones would be shattered, making it impossible for anyone to lift him. stand up.

But Shao Lao didn't jump down, he just took a step back and said to the crowd, "Let's go down first."

Yuan Jun was pulling Lao Shao down from the edge of the rooftop, Jiang He said to Shao Lao who came down, "I didn't find a mobile phone or other communication tools on Luben's body before, and only Luben was found in the wallet. My ID card plus a picture of the girl."

Saying that, Jiang He took out the photo from his pocket. It turned out that when Jiang He put the wallet back into the body pocket, he took out this photo of the girl alone.

Shao Lao took the photo and said to Jiang He, "Besides this photo and ID card in Luben's wallet, is there nothing else in his wallet?"

Jiang He nodded.

Mr. Shao looked at the photo and said, "Then the girl in this photo is a very important person to Lu Ben. Maybe only by finding her, we can know what happened."

Yuan Jun is looking at it now. The girl in the photo looks quiet and beautiful. Behind the steaming coffee cup is a face smiling sweetly at the camera.

"The photo should have been taken by Lu Ben." Mr. Shao put the photo in his pocket, turned to Guan Deng and said, "Guan Deng, Lu Ben's ID number, you can check the deceased's ID number later. information and inform the family of the deceased. In addition, the girl in the photo needs to be found out as soon as possible."

There was still some residue hanging from the corner of Guan Deng's mouth, telling that Guan Deng vomited a lot because of Luben's body not long ago. Guan Deng nodded, while Shao Lao took out a pack of tissues from his pocket. Shao Lao took out a tissue and did not hand it to Guan Deng, but directly passed away the words on his mouth for Guan Deng. stains.

This move made Guan Deng a little flattered. After all, since joining the task force, Guan Deng's presence has been very low. He knows that he has a serious social phobia, and it is difficult for even the closest people to speak. Don't call it a stranger. He always felt that Shao Lao was like the kind of high-ranking figure, but he never thought that he would be able to join the task force, and Shao Lao would give him the stains on his mouth.

When Guan Deng was thinking about it, Shao Lao had already gone far. As he walked, he said to Jiang He Yuan Jun next to him, "What do you think is the ultimate purpose of the crime consultant?"

"Murder, or make someone commit suicide." Yuan Jun scratched his head and said.

Shao Lao shook his head and said to Yuan Jun: "No, this is just his most superficial purpose, and what he really wants to do is hidden in every case he wants to do. I can feel it, He's not the same person as Wei Demian. In the crematorium case, what would he do if it was Wei Demian?"

Jiang He stopped and thought for a moment before saying, "If it was Wei Demian, I'm afraid he would help Zhang Haitao to dig out the body. After all, in Wei Demian's view, no one deserves to die, and those who survive in the end are often evil-hearted. people."

Shao Lao nodded: "This is the difference between the two generations of criminal consultants."

Yuan Jun thought for a while, opened the door of the rooftop, and said to Lao Shao: "Then it seems that this criminal consultant is much better than Wei Demian, but not as crazy as Wei Demian, thinking that humans must suffer great disasters to evolve. ."

Yuan Jun helped Mr. Shao climb down the straight ladder. He followed closely behind. He said as he climbed down: "Typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, mudslide, any one of them will bring great disaster to people. Wei Demian only felt that Disaster and pain can make people evolve, I am afraid that I have never seen the ruins after the earthquake, the corpses on the ground, the mutilated limbs, the mourning of the elderly and children, the numbness and bewilderment of men and women."

A few people followed and climbed down the straight ladder. Yuan Jun sighed and said, "Fortunately, Wei Demian is already dead, and his apprentice is not that crazy."

"No." Shao Shao shook his head cautiously: "The scary thing about Wei Demian is that you know exactly what he wants to do, and you can stop him if you know what he wants to do. But this criminal consultant The scary thing is that you don't know what he's going to do, and the unknown is the most terrifying."

Jiang He also nodded his head. Criminal advisors never play cards according to routines, which he deeply understands. But no matter what he wants to do, he must be caught as soon as possible.

A few people walked out of the mall, and Mr. Shao simply explained a few words to the security captain, informing them that there would be police coming to monitor and other evidence.

Walking out of the mall, the car that Yuan Jun drove was being towed away by a tow truck. Yuan Jun looked at the almost scrapped car and said, "If you want to repair this car, I'm afraid it will take half a year..."

Shao Lao said: "I don't have to worry about this, take a taxi back."

The car was finally towed away by a trailer, leaving a rectangular parking space. This parking space was clean, but the blood that had coagulated around had not had time to clean up.

"New Year's Day is coming soon?" Shao Lao suddenly asked.

Jiang He nodded, "There's still half a month left, and it will be a new year soon."

"New year." Shao Lao said with his hands behind his back, "It's a new year again."

When the few people returned to the city bureau by car, Xu Yiman's autopsy report also came out. The autopsy report showed that Lu Ben died from a high fall, and the wounds on his body could be explained with a single violence. In Luben's blood and stomach, no coma or narcotic drugs were found.

And this means that at the time of the incident, Lu Ben was the only one on the rooftop.

"Lu Ben committed suicide." Shao Lao said decisively.

"That emotional crime consultant really persuaded people to commit suicide." Yuan Jun put the autopsy report on the table and said, "We came here following the clues of Li Erdan. Isn't Li Erdan also persuaded by the crime consultant to commit suicide."

"Experiment." Shao Lao suddenly said: "The criminal consultant is trying to hypnotize these people, and everyone has a moment in their heart that they think that they are simply dead. The criminal consultant guides these people's emotions and destroys them."

"Actually, they wanted to die." Jiang He said, "It's just that during the process of dying, the criminal consultants took advantage of them."

"What do you use them for?" Elder Shao looked into Jiang He's eyes.

"I don't know." Jiang He was honest.

"Come and take a look at this." Xu Yiman pushed open the door of the office and said to several people.

In the middle of the hall, there is a large TV screen. At this time, the midnight news is broadcast on the screen.

"According to our reporter's report, at 22:17 this evening, a man fell from the top floor of Wutong Road and landed on a car. The man died on the spot and his blood splattered far away. According to our reporter's understanding, , At least a hundred people witnessed this moment. At present, the identity of the man and the cause of death are under investigation, and this station will continue to report on this matter. The following is a picture taken by an onlooker with a mobile phone..."

Then, everyone saw a picture of the body lying in the car on the TV screen, and in order to avoid the blood, the TV station put a mosaic on the body, but through the mosaic, you can still see the blurred outline of the body and There was blood flowing around, and deafening screams and car sirens could be heard around.

Mr. Shao said to Captain Liu, who came to hear the news: "The autopsy report has come out. I think there will be reporters coming to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow to inquire about the results of the investigation."

"What's the situation?" Captain Liu picked up the autopsy report on the side.

"Suicide." Shao Lao said.

Captain Liu nodded and said, "Well, we should make a statement. Now the photos of the corpse are going viral on the Internet, and some people even took a small video and posted it on the Internet."

Xu Yiman sighed and said, "It's true, good things don't go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, I'm afraid tomorrow, this matter will spread all over the surrounding area, and those reporters may also want to make a big news."

While talking, Guan Deng pulled Jiang He's shoulder, Jiang He lowered his head and looked at Guan Deng's laptop, only to realize that Guan Deng had found Lu Ben's parents through the household registration website. Lu Ben's father is called Lu Wei, and Lu Ben's mother is called Zhao Xiu. Both of them are two villagers in Shizhao Village, Longcheng City. It is not too far from Longcheng City by car for about three hours.

"Let's get in touch." Jiang He looked at Captain Liu and said.

Captain Liu nodded.

Shao Lao took out the photo of the girl again, and said to Guan Deng: "Since Lu Ben's parents have been found, let's look for this girl next. Judging from the girl's age, she is about the same age as Lu Ben. , it should be Luben's girlfriend."

Xu Yiman looked at the photo and said, "Such a beautiful girl, and she wears all the famous brands, would she like this young man Lu Ben? The clothes Lu Ben wears are all street stalls. Two people are not on the same level."

"Love knows no classes." Yuan Jun said.

Xu Yiman sighed and said, "It's not wrong to say that. There are indeed many people who are desperate for love, but there are so many miracles in real life."

Just as he was talking, a policeman led a girl into the conference room.

While knocking on the open door, the little policeman said to several people: "A girl came to the Public Security Bureau just now, and she said that she had something to do with the jumping off the building that happened not long ago."

Several people looked up at the talking policeman, but their eyes turned to the girl standing beside him.

This is a girl in jeans, a trench coat, and a scarf around her neck.

And this girl is the girl in the photo in Luben's wallet.