MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 292 selfish person

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A man and a woman came in from outside the door. Shao Lao looked at it. The man was wearing simple casual clothes, with a pair of leather shoes under his feet. He raised his hand to reveal the famous watch on his wrist, which seemed to be expensive. The woman was wearing a large coat with fluff, and was carrying a black retro leather bag.

"Eh?" Director Zhang was still sitting on the chair. After seeing this person, he immediately stood up and said with some doubts, "Isn't this President Wang, why did you come here today?"

The man looked at Director Zhang, he didn't seem to know Director Zhang, he just said: "My daughter told me that she said that the head of the department has something to do, and we must come back. My wife and I just got off the plane and immediately rushed over. When I get here, if there is nothing special, my daughter's tone will not be so flustered, what happened."

Director Zhang had already come out, and he said, "Why, it turns out that classmate Wang Yedan is your daughter."

The man nodded and said, "Yes, I am Wang Kun from Kunpeng Group, this is my wife, and my daughter is Wang Yedan. I don't know what happened. What's your name?"

Director Zhang said, "My surname is Zhang, and I'm the head of the Department of Economics and Management. Look, it's been two years and I don't even know Wang Yedan is your daughter. This is really embarrassing. You are too, classmate Wang Yedan. , Kunpeng Group is also one of the best auto parts groups in Yuzhou City, how can it be said to be a small business."

Teacher Zhao's mouth was wide open. She could not have imagined that Wang Yedan was actually the daughter of an entrepreneur. In her heart, she always believed that as the students in the class said, Wang Yedan's parents were just a small business. In her imagination , it should be a job like setting up a stall to sell stinky tofu.

Wang Kun said: "I never want to put any pressure on my daughter's back, and I don't want my daughter to make friends who value what's behind her, not herself, and we're just doing a little business. Don't talk about these falsehoods. Mind you, let’s talk about what’s going on.”

Director Zhang glanced at Teacher Zhao, and then said: "Actually, there is nothing to do. How should I put it, there is a classmate who likes your daughter. After unsuccessfully pursuing your daughter, he chose to commit suicide. These two are the parents of the suicided classmate. Lu Wei and Zhao Xiu. This matter has nothing to do with your daughter, but it is also the party involved. I think you should handle such a big matter yourself."

After that, Director Zhang said again: "However, we are still on Wang Yedan's side. How is Wang Yedan's study, Mr. Zhao."

Director Zhang was still standing beside Zhao Xiu and Lu Wei at the last moment. At this moment, Director Zhang stood by Wang Yedan's side again: "A few years ago, the school was still discussing with the Kunpeng Group to build a new laboratory building. Recently, the building in our department It's also…”

At this time, Zhao Xiu finally said: "This Wang Yedan has good grades in school, and he is a good person. He doesn't mix with other students. He can study and live by himself. Compared with other students, there is a kind of saying no. He came out mature. Me too, I am going to make Wang Yedan the monitor next semester..."

Having said that, Mr. Zhao walked to Wang Yedan's side and said to Wang Yedan, "Student Wang Yedan, Mr. Zhao was also helping you just now, you know."

The faces of the two changed too quickly, and Shao Lao really didn't want to listen to these flattery. He said, "We are the police, and we are also the detectives in charge of Lu Ben's case. Lu Ben did commit suicide, but in Lu Ben's four-year-old alone. For more than an hour, we were not sure what made him decide to kill himself, Luben's mobile phone has not been found, and this matter needs to be investigated."

"It's just." Shao Lao said again: "Before Lu Ben committed suicide, your daughter did say something like letting Lu Ben die." Shao Lao continued: "And that's why you are here."

Wang Kun frowned and looked at Lu Wei and Zhao Xiu. After thinking for a moment, he said, "The police have already said this, and this matter has nothing to do with my daughter. If my daughter really said such a thing , I'm sorry, but my daughter wouldn't say something like that in a way."

Wang Yedan said to his father: "He has been pestering me and confessed to me that I was really angry and said something angry."

"Yeah." Wang Kun said, "One hundred thousand yuan, I have one hundred thousand yuan in one of my cards. This is also out of my sympathy for your son's suffering, but that's all."

"One hundred thousand yuan is really a lot." Director Zhang said, "Lu Ben's parents, this hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount. It may take ten years for you to save one hundred thousand yuan. I think this is a good condition. That's it. Bar."

"No." Zhao Xiu seemed very rational today, unlike yesterday: "Last night I didn't sleep all night, I was thinking about what my son's last wish was. I sat all night, and then I figured it out. People say that if a person has regrets before he dies, he cannot be reincarnated with peace of mind. What was my son's wish before he died, that he could be with Wang Yedan."

After hearing this, everyone understood that Zhao Xiu was going to say that old rhetoric again.

Sure enough, I heard Zhao Xiu say: "My request is very simple, I don't want your family's money, my son is dead, what's the use of me asking for money. I just want you to marry my son, ghost marriage. After your son's body is brought home, you must keep the spirit for my son for seven days, and during this time, you must put on the bride's clothes until after the seventh day..."

Luo Wei, who had been silent all the time, also spoke up: "After seven days, all our relatives will be in the mourning hall. You need to kowtow to my son in the mourning hall to marry. After marriage, you will keep the mourning hall by yourself for one night. The next day, you will You can leave, we have no relationship from now on, you can marry someone else in the future, and we don't care."

"Impossible!" Wang Kun said, "It's superstition, it's dross. It's impossible for my daughter to marry your son."

With that said, Wang Kun took out a wallet from his wife's bag, and he took out a bank card: "This card has 100,000 in it, and the password is 123456."

Wang Kun put the card on the desk and said, "This card is here. If you agree, take it away. If you don't agree, then we can meet in court. I have already said. It's very clear, the rest, you need to make your own decisions."

After Director Zhang walked back to the desk, he took out a stack of cash from the drawer of the desk, walked to Zhao Xiu, and put the cash in Zhao Xiu's hand: "Look, This is our 30,000 yuan. This is already a lot. I said that I will help you, but don't take it too far. After all, Wang Yedan has nothing wrong at all. "

With that said, Director Zhang stuffed the money into Zhao Xiu's hand.

Zhao Xiu was still holding a thousand yuan that Zhang Jun and others had collected before, she suddenly laughed and said, "Didn't you just say that you want to help the two of us, why did your words change when they came?"

Director Zhang waved his hand and said, "Look, there is nothing wrong with Wang Yedan, and we pity you for the 30,000 yuan. In this way, Wang Yedan, you can rest for a few days or come to class tomorrow. You can rest assured, the school You will come forward to prove your innocence, we all see it, right Teacher Zhao."

"Yes." Teacher Zhao also said quickly: "When this happened, it can only be said that Lu Ben is too immature. He committed suicide because of a trivial matter. This is not what an adult should do. As for Wang Yedan, at the next class meeting, I will make it clear to my classmates, and let Wang Yedan be the deputy monitor. Next year, I will let Wang Yedan be the monitor. After all, such outstanding students are rare."

As soon as Teacher Zhao finished speaking, she heard Zhao Xiu snort coldly, and she threw the money in her hand on the conference table. The sealing strip was not glued tightly, and 30,000 yuan fell on the table, and immediately spread out, like a goddess scattered flowers, Zhang Zhang hundred-yuan bills fluttered in the air, fell on the table, and landed on the ground.

"Then we will never compromise." Zhao Xiu said: "I want everyone to know what your daughter is, a deceiving bitch, I want others to know her parents' face! My son died, and he didn't even agree to such a request."

Zhao Xiu bowed deeply to everyone in the task force and said, "The police comrades are also here. I am very grateful to you for bringing my son's body back, but I am deeply disappointed with you. To protect us, if you remember that you are serving the masses, you will force Wang Yedan to marry my son."

Lu Wei also said: "We don't steal or rob, we just want Wang Yedan to marry my son, and it won't have any effect on her. Why is she so selfish and doesn't understand us at all. Why are you so selfish? , my son is dead, can't you let my son go well, you are all selfish people, this is a dark society!"

Having said that, Zhao Xiu dragged Lu Wei away from the conference room, leaving behind the silent crowd.

The table on the ground was full of banknotes, and the bank card also lay quietly on the table. Zhao Xiu didn't ask for a penny, and didn't take a penny.

"These parents are really outrageous, and it's no wonder that Lu Ben committed suicide, which is exactly the same as his parents' personalities. Classmate Wang Yedan, don't be afraid, we will definitely protect every classmate who goes to school in the school. "Chairman Wang, let's keep a phone call with each other. Ye Dan will stay here for two years, so we can communicate frequently and help your daughter."

Wang Yedan ignored Director Zhang, and just said, "I just want to finish university well, and help my father manage the company in the future. I don't want to participate in the rest, I don't want to join the student union, and I don't want to be the monitor. That's it, And what Zhang Jun and the others said, I haven't done any of them, I hope they can apologize."

Teacher Zhao hurriedly said: "That's natural. They don't study hard one by one, and they lie all day long to deceive teachers and classmates. They don't want any scholarships and grants. If you don't want to participate in the affairs of the class, just be A deputy monitor, with a title, you don't need to do anything, what do you think, Ye Dan..."