MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 469

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Both were unsuccessful.

And for the feelings of the spot.

Obito only glanced at him, but his eyes were full of contempt.

What is love that is just vain?

What do you mean by not knowing love?

Does he really think that the world can't see the deep love between him and Hashirama?

If one of them is a girl...

Forget about the leaves;

Even the entire ninja world, I'm afraid it can't stop the turbulent love between them...


Double standard!


Of course, Obito didn't scold what was in his heart.

If really cursed out.

Tonight, I'm afraid I have to 'can't live, can't die'...

Obito wanted to die, but he didn't want to be tortured to death.

Chapter 399 The eye of reincarnation worth five hundred million

After sighing, Madara glanced back at Obito.

It was found that the other party was still silent and passive.

He seemed to be holding back something, not daring to speak.

So Madara deliberately asked:

"Have you thought about resurrecting her?"

Obito sneered:


"Resurrection? Resurrection with what?"

"Are you going to use your life to cast the [Heavenly Reincarnation Technique] in order to resurrect Lin?"

With Madara's character, that's something you don't even have to think about.

Therefore, Obito never expected to rely on others to resurrect Lin.

not to mention.

I will not change this twisted ninja world for a day.

Even if Lin was resurrected, she was still in hell, meaningless...

This time, Madara rarely refuted.

Well said with soil.

As a generation of heroes, he is not the kind of character who will sacrifice himself and achieve others.


"not talking anymore?"

"The great Madam Madam, there are times when you admit counseling?"

Obito, who has no fear of death, is even more merciless and has no worries when he picks up people.

It was so exciting that Grandpa Ban raised his brows.

There is a great urge to slap this stinky boy to death.

speak up.

Why are the younger generation of their own family so sharp and sharp?

"Stupid guy."

"Putting your hopes on others will never achieve your goals."

"Only by yourself can you gain absolute power!"

Madam Ban angrily reprimanded.

Obito scoffed at this.

On their own?

How to rely?

I've been working hard for so long

Not only one tailed beast was not caught, but even the proud [Xiao] organization was gone.

Even his own pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels was taken away...

And the enemy?

Konoha Village will not be mentioned, just like Xiaoqiang who cannot be killed; at every critical moment, someone always comes out to save the scene.

Even Senju Hashima has been resurrected now.

What are you hitting yourself with?

And Uchiha Natsume that kid.

It's only been a short time since the beginning of the year, and he has even grown to be able to wrestle with the legendary god...

Compare yourself to what?

Fight for what?

It's so desperate that you want to cry, okay?

Obito: "If you can succeed on your own, you won't be sitting here with me..."

"They are all prodigal dogs, you are too embarrassed to educate me?"


He was obviously here to find this stinky boy Obito to vent his emotions.

Why is it getting more and more depressed by him?

It's outrageous!

However, after a moment of silence.

Madara suddenly laughed, and said very freely:


"You're right, I'm one of the losers too."

"After decades of hard planning, I didn't expect it to be a hoax. I have failed like this, but I don't have the right to teach others a lesson."

"In that case."

"Tell me, what are your plans for the future?"

"Rebuild the [Xiao] organization and continue to collect tailed beasts?"

"Or search for a way to resurrect your beloved?"

"Or are you going to wait here to die and end your life?"

Banye asked very mean and sharp.

Anyway, for these two prodigal dogs, there is no dignity left.


Obito opened his mouth slightly, wanting to answer something.

But no answer.

After all, at this moment, he is also confused.

Also don't know what to do...

At this moment, behind the two of them.

A familiar and annoying voice suddenly sounded:

"Yo! So you two are here!"

Obito was startled and turned back suddenly.

Sure enough, he saw a young man standing behind him.

Uchiha Natsume!

That little ghost figure like a nightmare!

Damn, how did he get here?

After a moment.

With the soil and quickly deflated.

Anyway, he's already begging to die.

Who is chasing, what does it matter?

Madara, who was beside Obito, didn't look back and looked very calm.

As if he had expected Natsume to appear.

"In the evening, I didn't expect you two to stop talking about it?"

"Are you too full for dinner?"

"Speaking of which, did you talk about something?"

Xia Mu laughed and teased.

Thinking about it now, it was pretty cool when I first met Brother Tuzi on the ground and exploded the hammer.

And now, his own pattern is high.

They don't even bother to bully Obito anymore, it's really embarrassing!

However, Yu Qingyu still has to thank Obito.

After all, Brother Tuzi's [Double Divine Power] is really easy to use.

In the previous battle, it was indeed convenient for Natsume a lot.

It is also at this point that Natsume did not kill Obito...

to this.

Madara can't say of course: After talking for so long, he has been ridiculed and retorted by this kid Obitu.

He had to take the initiative to change the subject and asked:

"Are you ready over there?"

Natsume: "Preliminary preparations are still a little short, but it's coming soon."

Banye: "Then why did you come to see me?"