MTL - Natural Disaster Apocalypse-Chapter 49

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After the earthquake, there was not much time for people to calm down. The silence after the earthquake was quickly broken by various desperate cries and cries for help. There were quite a few people in the small square where they were before the earthquake, and they were lucky. Although some were injured by flying stones, they were not in danger of life, nor were they crushed under the building. It was just that there was nothing they could do for a while Recover from this catastrophe.

Those who can come to this small square are almost all the surrounding residents. Those who are single are fine, and they have nothing to worry about if they are still alive. Those who have families and children have not had time to relieve the discomfort after the severe earthquake, and their hands and feet are weak He got up from the ground and fell to the ground before taking two steps. His hands and feet were covered in blood but he didn't seem to feel any pain. He got up and continued to struggle in the direction of his home.

Some people were calling for their companions, some people seemed to be injured, and they were asking for help in panic. After more and more people came to their senses, Mu Nan couldn't lie down anymore, sat up and touched Qin Huai's hands and feet, Qin Huai took his hand to reassure him: "It's okay, there's nothing wrong, except that his body is a little dirty, and there is no injury at all."

Mu Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around, but the visibility was too low, and there was no moonlight, even if his eyes had adapted to the darkness, he could only see some vague outlines, and he couldn't see who was who unless he got close: "They Woolen cloth?"

Qin Huai shook his head: "I don't know, I ran this way just now, there shouldn't be anything wrong, do you want to drink some medicine to relieve the heat? It's too hot and there is no wind."

Mu Nan shook his head, and took a bottle of heat-relief medicine from the space under the cover of the bag and handed it to Qin Huai: "Drink some, I can't drink it."

Qin Huai drank a bottle by himself, and he had to carry it. If something happened to him, Mu Nan would only be more afraid, so even though he couldn't drink it, he still forcibly drank one.

Mu Nan took another bottle of ice water from the space and gave Qin Huai a sip to cool down the temperature. The anti-heat medicine smells a bit strong, so he had to drink some water to dissipate it, otherwise he would be approached by people at close range. Take note of them. Taking advantage of people not caring about others at the moment, Mu Nan took two small hand fans from the space, but his body was sticky, with sweat mixed with mud and dust, as if his skin had been covered with a layer of concrete. , The wind blowing out can't relieve the heat in the slightest.

At this moment, Qin Huai and the others heard Xu Ming calling them, and they replied, "This way, we are near the flower bed!"

After a while, Xu Ming groped to find it: "How is it? Are you injured?"

Qin Huai said: "No, where are the two of them?"

Xu Ming said: "It's fine over there, but I haven't recovered yet, I'll go and tell them to come over."

Qin Huai and the others were located near the flower bed of the small square. At least there was a section of wall behind them so that they could lean against it. It was safer than lying directly in the middle of the square, so as not to be stepped on by the panicked crowd later. Soon the three of them came over, all of them looked like they had just been unearthed, their noses and eyes were all gone.

Because I couldn't see the other party's situation clearly, I could only ask aloud: "How is it? Are you hurt?"

Mu Nan said: "No, I just fainted from being shaken, are you all okay?"

Jian Chu seemed to have got a lot of dirt in his nose and nose, and kept wiping his nose and mouth: "It's okay, this is really a catastrophe, and I don't know how our home is. With such a big earthquake, the house may be gone. It's just a pity that there is still some food left in the house, so if I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have saved it and ate it slowly.

Thinking of this, Jian Chu squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the small night market before: "Can your mobile phones still work?"

Mu Nan said: "It's getting closer now, there are still a few hours before dawn."

Jian Chu: "It's not about the time. Our mobile phone has fallen and it can't be turned on now. I want to find something that can illuminate it."

Mu Nan unzipped the zipper on the outside of the backpack, and put a palm-sized flashlight inside, pressed it, and it could illuminate, so he handed it over: "Here."

Jian Chu took it and immediately got up, Yu Zibo looked at him: "Where are you going?"

Jian Chu said: "Give me the bag. There are several stalls in front of me. I'll go and see if I can find anything." Among other things, let the clothes stall and Zihaiguo stall be He is very concerned.

At this moment, many people have not recovered from the earthquake. The first time they can move a little, they want to go home and check the situation. If they can’t move, they wait for rescue. Like Jian Chu, the first reaction is to search for things immediately. , Mu Nan was shocked. Thinking about what he was doing in his last life at this moment, he should have just ran down from the seventeenth floor, and he followed the crowd waiting for arrangements with lingering fear and anxiety. How could he think of searching for things? After running upstairs and downstairs, my already collapsed legs were weak.

Seeing Jian Chu who immediately regained his energy after recovering, Mu Nan really admired him. Such a person should be able to live a good life in the last life.

Yu Zibai also got up: "I'll go with you."

Jian Chu didn't give way, but threw the two self-heating pots in the bag on Yu Zibai's body: "You look at things, and I just go to see, and there may not be any gains. There are too many people, but it's eye-catching. Now I Quietly go and see, others may not be able to realize what I am doing, there are too many people, and other people will react, maybe there will be some disputes, after all, the stall owner may be right next to him."

How can Yu Zibai rest assured that Jianchu will go alone, the earthquake has just passed, what if there is another aftershock, what should I do? I don't agree with anything, Qin Huai said at this time: "We will watch things, it is better for the two of you to act together .” As he spoke, he also cleared out one of their backpacks, and handed it to Jian Chu: “One bag per person, if you have a chance, you can pack more.”

Jian Chu nodded: "Alright then, you wait here."

The two walked forward for a few steps, and their backs disappeared in the thick dust. They could only vaguely see the light spot of a small flashlight, and soon that light spot also disappeared in the soil mist.

Mu Nan sighed, "He's really amazing."

Qin Huai said: "I hope you can also be like him. When encountering a crisis, you can make the most beneficial choice and decision immediately, adapt to the current worst environment as soon as possible, and live well, which is more important than anything else. "

Mu Nan muttered: "That depends on whether one survives alone or two survive."

Qin Huai touched his dirty face and didn't speak. Mu Nan was quiet for a while, and couldn't help asking: "Are we going to help? I think I heard someone calling for help."

Qin Huai looked at him: "Aren't you dizzy?"

Mu Nan didn't hold back: "Dizzy, dizzy and hot." At this moment, his head was swollen and he wanted to vomit, how could he recover so quickly.

Qin Huai asked Mu Nan to lean on him: "Then take a rest, there are not many buildings in the small square, even if you were injured, you probably got hit by flying stones, the people who really need rescue should be residential areas, we slow down Slow down, wait and see."

Seeing that Xu Ming was silent, Mu Nan asked, "Do you have any family members to contact?"

Xu Ming smiled silently, shook his head, but did not speak, leaning against the flower bed, as if he hadn't recovered from the earthquake.

Seeing this, Mu Nan didn't speak anymore. Although it was very hot, she still clung to Qin Huai's side.

Qin Huai stretched out his hand to hold Mu Nan's hand, and wiped the ashes on his face with the other hand, but his own hand was dirtier than his face, and it got dirtier with rubbing, Qin Huai looked at it and smiled: "Rely on I'll sleep for a while, and the following days may not be so peaceful."

Mu Nan was so anxious that the earthquake was approaching and didn't sleep well. After such an exhausting toss, the dust settled after the earthquake, so she relaxed a little, leaned against Qin Huai's body, and soon fell asleep up. After sleeping for about an hour, he was woken up by the sound of talking. It turned out that Jian Chu and the others had returned.

Just as Jian Chu thought, when the earthquake shook, those stall owners could not manage their stalls, and they all fled in a hurry. They didn't know where to lie down and hadn't recovered yet, so some stalls were crushed Among the splashed gravel, some were randomly scattered on the ground. When they passed by, they didn’t see anyone. Those who could move struggled and ran home, while those who couldn’t move lay on the ground humming. Jian Chu was careful I lit it with a small flashlight, and rummaged through stall after stall. I didn’t even look at the clothes, and stuffed them into the bag with a pile of stones that didn’t have time to shake them off.

And luckily, I found two boxes of self-healing pots scattered on the ground. I wanted to find more others, but I was worried that their actions would be seen by others. Although it is pitch black everywhere now, There is still a thick dust cover, but in case you hear any movement, so hurry up and take the things you found, put them next to them and hide them, and plan to find another wave after emptying the backpack. This kind of spot picking There are not many opportunities to equip, and a little bit is a little bit.

After going back and forth like this twice, some people have already begun to react, and they also have the same mentality as Jian Chu and the others, intending to see if they can take the opportunity to pick up something good. After more people searched, Jian Chu and the others stopped. Then he squatted back to Qin Huai and the others.

Mu Nan had already shaken off and folded each piece of clothes during their last trip. They were all summer clothes, relatively light and thin, so they didn’t take up too much space when they were folded together. They were the other clothes that Jian Chu picked up. Things, like Zihai Pot, one box is quite big. They picked up two boxes, eight boxes in one box, and a few boxes couldn't fit in one bag.

In the end, it was Yu Zibai who had the foresight, turned over a piece of cloth from the previous stall, and wrapped the things that couldn't fit like a bundle, so that it was easy to carry and could prevent people from seeing what was inside.

It was almost three o'clock after tossing around, the sky was slightly brighter, and someone could be seen at least ten steps away, and they were carrying their things and preparing to go back to the community to see the situation.

Qin Huai and Mu Nan had towels, but they didn't put them in again after they were taken out, so they just covered their mouths and noses to avoid inhaling too much dust, while Xu Ming and the others took off their clothes, shook them off and went straight Tear it apart, anyway, I wear it myself, and I don’t dislike my own taste anymore, so I just use it as a temporary mask to cover it, and I can change into the clothes I just found from those ruined stalls.

The situation on the side of the small square is really much better in comparison. When they got to the road, they saw that the whole road was cracked in the middle. I don't know how deep the cracked pit is. Those people who were relieved to rush home in the small square later returned home safely, or fell into it by accident. Anyway, when they were holding a small flashlight, Did not see the end.

The closer they got to the residential area, the louder the tragic cries. The few people who were a little relieved because they found some food couldn't help but feel heavy again. The seven buildings in their community directly knocked down three, One building happened to be behind the three fallen buildings, so it was crushed and collapsed. Another building was split in half, and it looked like it was about to collapse. Only two buildings were left standing there. The building where Nan and the others lived.

It is said that Mu Nan's building is the first batch to be built after the construction. At that time, it was heard that because it was the first batch, it had to pass the review of the above, so the materials used were very solid, but many people only took this as a joke. It's just a rumor. After all, as long as the house is handed over, no matter which batch it is, it will be reviewed. But now seeing the first batch of buildings that have not yet collapsed, it seems that the rumors of the year have been confirmed.

Of course, these two buildings are not the only ones left on their side. There are also uncollapsed houses in several nearby communities, but most of them collapsed. They don't know the situation outside now, except for the people in the community who built rescue Team, these hours have passed, and no one is in charge of them.

The first thing to be called to clean up was the community neighborhood committee. The neighborhood committee has only two floors, so it can be cleaned up even if it collapses. The point is that many materials are stored in the neighborhood committee, such as generators and gasoline. , Even the rescue has a lot of obstacles, so the materials in the neighborhood committee should be cleared out as soon as possible, the generator will generate electricity, and the lighting in the community will be turned on first.

It's just that the community is no longer a community. If the building they are familiar with is still there, they can't even recognize where they are stepping on. Mountain-like ruins block their way, and under these ruins, I don't know how many lives are still waiting to be rescued, or the corpses that have been frozen and mutilated.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chu, who had always been calm and composed, turned his head and vomited. Rao had prepared himself mentally along the way, but he still couldn't bear the sight of this purgatory-like scene on earth. I was almost trapped below here, and only then did I feel chills belatedly.

Xu Ming is a little stronger, probably a doctor, and his psychological quality is always better than ordinary people. Yu Zibai's face was also pale and blue, as if he was trying to bear it, and looked at the piles of ruins in front of him with red eyes.

Qin Huai subconsciously hugged Mu Nan and stroked his back, worried that he would not be able to bear such a scene like Jian Chu. But I didn't want Mu Nan to just blushed and said in a low voice, "Brother, I'm fine, I've seen these scenes in my dreams."

Qin Huai hugged Mu Nan tightly in distress, and didn't even dare to ask if he was with him in those nightmares.

Everyone slowed down at the intersection for a while, seeing that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, and the sun was about to come out if they didn't go in, so they dragged their heavy feet and walked into the community. Some people were sitting or lying on the ground along the road. It was so dark that it was impossible to tell whether it was the blood of the wound or the dust mixed with sweat. Some of them were obviously cuddling together like a family after a catastrophe, some looked stunned and obviously hadn't recovered from the earthquake, and some obviously couldn't bear such a blow, their minds were a little confused, and they shrank into a ball trembling.

Going further inside, an open space has even been cleared, and corpses are placed on the ground. The corpses are covered with those curtains that were randomly pulled out from the ruins to block the sun, and someone's dead white arms are exposed outside. , someone's mutilated legs were not covered, and the skin and flesh tissue that had lost the soles of the feet rested on the white bones of the lower legs like shredded meat. One can imagine how this corpse was forcibly pulled out of the ruins.

Seeing this scene, Jian Chu, who had already vomited until there was nothing to vomit, couldn't help retching again. Mu Nan turned his head and didn't dare to look, his face turned pale as he clutched his twitching stomach. In his last life, he just got used to this kind of scene again and again, a little bit numb. Now it's all over again, even though I have been mentally prepared, I still can't resist the physical reaction.

Qin Huai quickly patted him on the back: "Don't hold back if you want to vomit, it's fine."

Mu Nan shook his head, and followed Qin Huai to quickly leave the dead people's storage area. He saw someone who seemed to have come back from the outside, and a community worker in a protective suit asked them to come over and register their house number. Not all of them are there. After they finish registering, they will guide them: "Go to the Yunshang Supermarket. There is a temporary resettlement site there. You go there first, and we will follow the arrangements for the rest of the situation."

Qin Huai asked, "Where is the cooling point?"

The man shook his head: "It's collapsed, all right, go over quickly, it's almost dawn."

It seems that the house has not collapsed, and the upstairs is also impossible to go back. The lower part of their building has been surrounded directly. It is estimated that they are still worried that the aftershocks will collapse the house again. The few people can only go to the Yunshang Supermarket from the road marked along the road. Otherwise, with the current level of collapse, they really can't find which direction the Yunshang Supermarket is.

The Yunshang Supermarket also collapsed, not to a lesser extent, but because a hotel not far from the supermarket used to be a military guest house, and later it became a temporary military dormitory. The army responsible for the distribution of supplies in their area is Living in it, after the earthquake, the military directly surrounded the supermarket first, and there were still a lot of goods in it, and it would be a resource to survive when it was cleaned up and rectified. Later, seeing that the house in front of them had collapsed very seriously, they arranged for a group of people to quickly set up rescue tents and put up sunshade roofs, directly occupying all available open spaces and roads.

It was also because this area was in the process of demolition at that time, and the residents of the densely populated old communities basically moved out, so the houses here collapsed and there was no one and nothing inside, and the victims were temporarily resettled here There is no need to worry about the dead people in the collapsed buildings not being cleaned up in time, and the plague will be caused by the high temperature exposure, so this is the first resettlement point.

When Qin Huai and his group came over, someone in military uniform registered them. Seeing that they were all men and they didn't look injured, they were given a tent outside. The use of tents is planned. Although men and women are not important at this time, they will be planned according to families and wounded. If there are wounded, they will be arranged in a tent with military doctors on duty. It seems that they can go to the rescue later, so they are placed in the tent outside, which also facilitates their entry and exit.

A few people held the handwritten bed numbers and sighed in their hearts. The military was so fast, and the system was planned so quickly, but they didn't know until they entered the tent. A tent can accommodate at least thirty or forty people. Tent, the so-called bed number is not really a bed, but an area divided on the ground. As for whether you lie here directly or find something to cushion it, it depends on what you have in hand.

In the previous life, Mu Nan was arranged like this from the beginning, so it wasn't surprising at all. When he found the corresponding number in his hand, he sat down directly. He was tired, dizzy, stuffy and hot, and he didn't want to move when he sat down. I was probably worried that there would be no air-conditioning during the day, and so many people staying in a tent would be too hot to death, so electricity was generated over there, and wires were brought in. Three large fans were placed in a tent, which made the air blow. The breath is flowing, the heat is hot, but at least it is not suffocating.

They didn't have anything to settle down, let alone lay down on the ground. After experiencing such a terrible earthquake, they almost vomited all the way. I don't know if I fell asleep or passed out.

Qin Huai is still quite sober, although Mu Nan's face is dirty, covered with ashes, washed into black marks by the sweat, and can't see the original expression clearly, but the slightly gathered brows are obviously uncomfortable So, he rubbed his brow with his fingertips, and whispered: "We'll go home tonight, hold on."

Mu Nan opened his eyes, moved towards Qin Huai, and said in a low voice, "I'm fine, I can do it." He has persisted in his last life, so he will naturally be fine in this life.

Qin Huai wiped the sweat from his brow: "No need, we'll go home tonight and listen to me."

Since there were no aftershocks and the house did not collapse later, there was no need for them to stay outside and suffer this crime. Although it is better to follow the crowd, there must be some people who would rather stay at home without electricity or water. After all, staying outside now is no better than staying at home with no electricity or water.

They can hide in the house during the day, whether it is rescue or search at night, we will have to wait and see. After returning, Mu Nan will not be allowed to go downstairs. Judging from their arrangement, it seems that they intend to exchange labor for food. He didn't want Mu Nan to go to the ruins to search for things. Under the premise that most of the shops had been emptied and closed long ago, the things buried in the residential buildings were not important to them. To do this, he had to touch some corpses. Would rather not.

Seeing that Qin Huai had made a decision, Mu Nan no longer objected. Compared to going outside, he really wanted to live at home, not because he couldn't bear it, but because he didn't want Qin Huai to suffer outside. At least they could brag when they returned home. Air-conditioning fan, using ice cubes to cool down, sneaking behind someone's back without drinking saliva: "Okay then, let's go back secretly at night."

Qin Huai smiled: "Close your eyes and go to sleep, it will be dark after you sleep."

Mu Nan obediently closed his eyes, and after a while, he slowly loosened his grip on Qin Huai's hand, and then gradually fell asleep. Although it was very hot, compared to the exhaustion of his body, the heat was still unstoppable. Sleepy and tired all over the body.